Oilfield Trash


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Shafts of early morning light were sneaking into the hut when Jake woke and immediately spotted Sualala across the hut nursing her child. She smiled at him shyly and for a moment he felt a pang of disappointment that he wouldn't get to enjoy her again. Quietly, he collected his clothes and after dressing, he stepped outside just as the sun appeared over a far ridge.

Kozo and Thombo were already squatting at the fire as they ate some porridge. They offered Jake some and even though he had brought rations for the trip he accepted the invitation while fielding their inquisitive smiles. He knew they were meant as a statement about his night with Sualala and he marveled that Kozo showed no anger or jealousy. Indeed, it appeared quite the opposite and he wondered if they could communicate whether he would ask if his wife performed well.

For the remainder of the day, he helped Kozo perform multiple chores which included fixing the pens, inspecting the cows, and searching for one that had become lost. It took them over an hour but they eventually located it several miles from camp and with some effort managed to herd it back. As evening approached, Jake started to think about Sualala, but that evening, after a simple meal with more beer, the young tribal man disappeared into the hut with his wife after showing Jake where to sleep.

The return to the main village was uneventful which gave Jake lots of time to think about what he had done. Now, away from the situation with his lust gone, he felt intense guilt and knew he would need to do something to make it up to his wife. Of course, it would need to be surreptitious as there was no possible way to explain his failings. Then, there were the other thoughts that he couldn't force away. Regardless of the morality of his actions, he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed it immensely. The new sights, sounds, and smells of their mating had made a huge impression on his sexual psyche and he knew the memory would remain with him for a very long time.

"Oh, there you are, welcome back," Oma said when he found Jake in his tent cleaning up.

"Thanks, what did I miss?" he laughed.

"Nothing. The chief has been quiet, so I think your trip was a good diversion," he replied.

Jake cringed at the words but remained stoic and answered, "So, what now. What's the next step?"

"Perhaps, your return is a good reason to try for a meeting again. Let me consider how to make the approach while you rest," he said.

Receiving a nod of agreement, Oma left and Jake collapsed onto the cot, thankful for its comfort over the hard ground. After a satellite call to Helen which made him feel even more guilty, he called it a day. His sleep carried him to the next morning and he had just finished breakfast and was preparing to wander the village when Oma appeared.

"I think I must ask you something," the advisor said with a serious expression.

"What's that?" Jake responded, trying hard not to show any nervousness.

"I ask this for our purpose, you understand?" he said, and then followed with, "Did you have the...opportunity to experience...the tribal custom?"

The oilman looked at the local man for a long time, thinking about how to respond, before finally admitting, "Yeah...I did. Kozo got me into it and I didn't know how to get out of it. I couldn't communicate...wish you had been there."

"I see," Oma replied and then became deep in thought.

Jake watched in silence for a while before asking, "Did it create a problem?"

Several times, the advisor started to speak before finally answering, "No, definitely not. In fact, I would say it may prove valuable...quite valuable. However, I must warn you that it's now common knowledge in the village."

"What? Why?" Jake asked.

"This is where the cultures...the differences are hard for...outsiders to understand. You have clearly gained respect in Kozo's eyes and in the tribal culture, it's a natural act. There is no shame or concerns," he explained, and before the young American could speak, he added with a grin, "By Kozo's description you proved quite...successful."

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"Let's just say the huts do not provide much privacy," Oma chuckled.

"How will it affect Chief Tiajuwu? Meeting with him?" Jake asked.

"Unclear for the moment but remember Kozo's opinions go far," the advisor stated.

It took until the following day for Oma to talk with the chief and although he declined to meet, his demeanor seemed positive. The company advisor felt strongly that at least part of it was due to feedback from Kozo and thought it highly likely he had learned about the tryst with Sualala.

The chief's response put Jake back in the waiting game and he returned to wandering the village several times a day out of boredom. However, he noted that the people now looked at him differently and although he wouldn't characterize it as bad, it made him feel self-conscious. Adding to his discomfort was the attention from Matuta, who seemed to always be around. Perhaps it was his imagination, but he thought she acted more determined and her normally shy expression had taken on an edge.

The days seemed to drag by and when a week had passed with no signs of meeting, Jake thought he might go insane. Along the way, Oma confirmed his suspicions that every adult in the village knew of his night with Sualala but he counseled the young man not to be concerned as it had raised his value in their eyes. Deciding he needed to do something besides reading novels and shuffling around, he started to learn the language, initially using Oma as a teacher before adding one of the elderly men. After a few days, he started showing off to various villagers he encountered which usually brought forth peals of laughter.

Two weeks after his trip with Kozo, while watching several women making clothing, he spotted Oma walking towards him with purpose. Sensing something was afoot, he stepped away to meet the man.

"I have good news. Chief Tiajuwu has consented to a meeting," he said excitedly.

"Finally!" Jake declared, and then quickly asked, "When?"

"Tomorrow morning," the advisor answered.

With that, they returned to their camp and discussed the best way to handle the audience. Since they had no agenda, they felt it best to begin with a recap of the project and then follow that up with what they needed from the tribe. Back and forth they went until sundown, and after a brief pause to eat, they resumed the discussion. Later, as Jake lay on his cot, he realized that in the next twenty-four hours he would have a good idea about their eventual success. Then, his thoughts turned to his wife. He knew that if the chief gave a negative answer there would be no reason to stay, depriving her of her visit. However, given his indiscretion, he thought it might be for the best.

Chief Tiajuwu summoned them an hour after sunrise and they immediately joined him in his hut, finding that this time, only Uvusera was present. With Oma translating, Jake went through the details of the overall project and then spent considerable time explaining the part that impacted the tribal area. Although the chief maintained his attention, he didn't speak during the presentation, which made things awkward. However, all that changed when they finished as he suddenly began firing off questions. As expected, they had to do with timing, disruption, and long-term interactions, which Jake felt they fielded well. Almost two hours had elapsed when the tribal leader took a deep breath and fixed his eyes on the small fire. After a short period of silence, Oma started speaking with him and the conversation lasted for several minutes.

"He is thinking it might be possible," he said when they finished.

"Really? Any concerns we need to address?" Jake asked.

"Many, but I don't think now is the time. Let him think about it some more," he advised.

"Did he say what he wanted in return?" the young engineer probed.

"I asked the question but he is not yet ready to discuss," he explained.

Jake nodded his acceptance of Oma's messages and then together they left the pair with Chief Tiajuwu deep in thought. They discussed phoning headquarters to relay the news but decided it would be best to let things develop a bit further first.

"Uvusera didn't say anything," Jake said.

Like before, it was easy to discern the intensity of her focus, but she never asked a question nor commented.

"I think it likely that she is speaking now," Oma responded.

"I think you're right," the American man agreed.

Although thrilled by developments, Jake felt nervous he was about to enter another long period of boredom, so he asked Oma, "What's next? I mean how do we get this moving faster?"

His anxiousness made the older man chuckle before he replied, "It's a fair question. In a while, I'll visit the chief and try to arrange the next meeting."

Mid-afternoon, Oma poked his head in Jake's tent and advised him he was on his way to see if he could discuss next steps with the chief, and when he returned just a few minutes later, the young engineer thought it meant he had been unsuccessful.

"A no go?" he asked.

"To the contrary. We've been invited to dine with the man," he responded excitedly.

"Damn! That's got to be a good sign," Jake declared.

"Without question," Oma confirmed.

The oil men discussed the situation for a while and then stopped to rest before the dinner. On their walk to the chief's hut, they noticed the other villagers watching them as if they too knew something interesting must be occurring. Upon arrival, they found that the chief had reverted to the larger group and that besides Uvusera, Kozo and Matuta were present. The men settled into their designated place with Uvusera on one side Kozo on the other. The significance of the positioning wasn't lost on either of them and their quick eye contact informed the other that each understood.

As planned, Oma gave a short speech thanking the chief for his graciousness, and then with no further formalities, they began to eat. Matuta served the food from an array of earthen vessels arranged along one side of the hut and then followed it up by pouring small cups of beer for each of the men. Occasionally, the chief would make a remark that Oma would dutifully translate but they were all about the tribe, the lands, cattle, or wildlife, which indicated to them that he wanted to avoid a conversation about the project. The beer continued to flow after the meal ended, and Jake was feeling its effects when the chief suddenly turned towards Kozo and began to speak rapidly. In deference, up to that point, his young lieutenant had remained silent but now he held an animated exchange with his leader. Jake, sensing something was up, turned towards his advisor, and when he saw the man's strange expression, he became worried.

"What's happening?" he asked, no longer able to keep quiet.

"It seems...they are discussing the situation with Kozo's wife," he explained, and before Jake could respond, he added, "Prepare yourself."

The tribal men's interaction continued a bit longer and then suddenly stopped which created an awkward silence in the hut. Jake's eyes went from man to man but he was unable to determine the meaning so he finally turned to Oma.

"What's happening?" he asked, again.

"It appears Chief Tiajuwu would like to offer you one of his wives for the night," he explained.

"What? Oh, shit... I can't do that...I mean..." the young white man stammered.

"I understand your concern but the chief has concluded that you...embrace the custom based on your time with Kozo's wife," he replied.

"I mean...I can't. Helen...I already feel so guilty," he said with clear distress in his voice.

"I understand and of course, you may so no, but...understand that he wants to honor you...honor how you have adapted to the village," Oma countered.

"So, it will be a big deal...make him embarrassed," he stated rather than asked.

"Yes...some... Not completely, but some, certainly," the advisor confirmed.

Jake kicked himself for his weakness with Sualala as it was that failure that paved the way for the current mess. First and foremost, he thought about Helen, his new wife, who waited patiently for him at home while he did his corporate duties far away. His actions were indefensible, totally unfair to her, and the guilt weighed on him. Unsure how to proceed, his eyes scanned the room and he could tell that only Oma and he showed any nervousness. Indeed, the other seemed quite happy, almost giddy, especially Matuta, who watched him excitedly.

"Shit, Oma," he said, hoping the black man would offer a way out.

The oilman's thoughts turned to the project and how much progress they had made despite the challenges. He felt quite proud about the accomplishments so far and knew the company's senior leadership had noticed. He realized his decision might alter the balance of things and he felt a wave of frustration wash over him. As he brooded, the chief began to speak to Oma, and watching the man fidget, he knew the time had arrived.

"I think...you must decide," he whispered when the tribal leader quit speaking.

"Shit..." he said once more, and then with a heavy sigh, he answered, "If I'm going to do this...I mean...maybe it would be best with Uvusera."

He rationalized that as the unattractive choice his cheating would be less profound. Also, he hoped that she might view it as a sign of respect which could prove beneficial.

"Wise..." Oma said in a low voice.

With that, the advisor started explaining the decision to the chief, and seconds later, a look of surprise appeared on each villager's face. The most noticeable ones came from the two women, with Matuta showing clear disappointment while Uvusera looked shocked.

A small smile began to form on the chief's face and it slowly broadened until it filled his face. At that moment, Jake guessed that the chief had realized his intentions. However, rather than taking offense, he apparently found it amusing.

From there, things started to move rapidly. Uvusera and Kozo stood while motioning for their guests to do the same and together everyone departed, leaving the chief alone with Matuta. Once outside, Uvusera took Jake by the arm and directed him to a nearby hut. Quickly, they were inside, and then the young American watched as the tribal women rekindled the small fire. When she had a flame, Jake was able to see that the hut, from a tribal perspective, was well apportioned.

With no fanfare, Uvusera began to remove her skirt and Jake cringed as he thought about the likely condition of her body. Already familiar with her saggy breasts, he prepared himself for the worst. Luckily, he had set his expectations so low that when she finally let the skirt fall, her condition wasn't as bad as he feared. She had a belly that showed that she had borne many children but her skin looked smooth and unblemished. She gave him a small smile and then moved to a blanker and sat.

Deciding it was best to just get it over with, Jake stood and started working on his things. As parts of his body appeared, he noticed that the woman was looking him over and when he got to his boxers, he knew he had her full attention. He guessed that like Sualala, she had some curiosity about whether there was a difference other than color, and when he finally stood naked, her eyes locked in on his groin.

Uvusera moved to her hands and knees as soon as he moved her way, and since Kozo's wife had done the same, he thought it must be the standard way that they engaged in sex. Deciding to go with it, he fell behind her and inched forward then gripped his dick and ran it through her lips to gauge her wetness. Surprisingly, he found her well lubricated, but rather than pausing to dwell on the reason, he lined up and pushed completely inside.

The black woman offered no response as they started their mating, and in the silence, Jake could hear the occasional voice from outside the hut. He took her slowly at first but soon increased the pace until he had established a sustainable rhythm. Still, she said nothing, gave no moan or sigh, and her silence made him self-conscious. He thought about pinching a nipple or perhaps offering some groans of his own but suddenly, he felt her pussy grip his dick tightly.

"Uggghhh..." he grunted in surprise.

Now, it took all his effort to move inside her, and then seconds later she released his shaft, which enabled him to slide freely, again. Then, just as he managed to return to the pace, she did the same thing but this time, she started to giggle softly as well.

"Mmmm...damn..." Jake forced out, realizing the woman had some playfulness.

She let him go a second time but Jake, now intrigued, thrust into her several times, and then pulled out. Uvusera turned her head and when they made eye contact, he motioned for her to turn to her back which she did quickly. She looked up at him with a small grin and Jake decided that if she wanted to tease, he would, too. He lowered his head to her flabby tummy, and for a moment he considered exploring her opening, but, deciding not to, he traced his tongue up her torso. Along the way, he inhaled her heavy aroma and tasted the salty remains of sweat. When he arrived at her breasts, he pulled a fat nipple into his mouth and sucked it greedily, which for the first time, brought forth sexual sounds.

"Mmmm...naaaa..." she whimpered, and when he started nibbling gently, she added, "Ahhh...ahhh..."

Pleased that he finally elicited a response, he moved between her legs, pushed them back, and then plunged inside with one easy motion. He started fast, then went faster, and now the tribal woman serenaded him with non-stop moans. Holding himself up over her body, he could see her face, her closed eyes, and her flabby, jiggling breasts. She looked like she was enjoying the experience, lost in her own reverie, but then her eyes opened and seconds later she squeezed him again.

"Uhhhh...ohhh..." she forced from him.

With effort, he continued to move and when he felt her hand on his ass, he thought she intended to guide him, but instead, she started gently rubbing behind his balls. Jake had never felt anything like it. It energized him and when she released his shaft, he started pounding her with all his might. He knew he couldn't last long but he was past the point of caring so he didn't try to hold back when he felt the telltale signs of an impending climax.

"Uhhh...ohhh...shit...oh, shit..." he cried out loud enough for any passing villager to hear.

His cum exploded from his dick and with it went all his stamina. He managed to push into her just a few more times before collapsing onto her body. A minute later, still panting for air, he rolled to her side.

Now, it seemed, Uvusera wanted to interact and she began speaking to him in a fast whisper. Having no clue what she might be saying and too exhausted to care, he ignored her until she grasped his flaccid dick and started to pull on it roughly. He guessed the message she meant to convey was to recover quickly because there was work left undone. Although feeling a little guilty, he tried to fend her off, but she was insistent and started to slap his dick against his leg and stomach. When that didn't work, she returned to the spot behind his balls which quickly got his attention and when she let her finger wander further and tease his anus, she soon had his shaft stiffening.

When she had him mostly hard, she spun to her knees and then goaded him into position. Jake dutifully pushed into her now sodden hole and started to move slowly, still trying to recover. However, when she started to push her ass against his thrusts, he knew she wasn't going to give him a break, so he increased the pace. The lewd smacking of their connecting bodies filled the hut and it seemed to egg Uvusera on, as she began to emit a constant stream of whimpers.