Oil's Well That Ends Well

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Bickering in-laws find a way to bond.
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I trailed behind my wife with the trolley becoming increasingly loaded with food and household goods. We'd only really come to the Bulk Supply store for the inflatable kiddies pool advertised in a flyer (the perfect gift for our five year olds birthday) but had been sidetracked by all the discounts and I admit I was sharing my wife's enthusiasm.

"Check it out!" I called back to her as I discovered the bulk olive oil. "Five litres for $25. That's ridiculously cheap."

Toni screwed her face up looking at the large aluminium container. "It's a bit big isn't it?"

"I can decant into smaller bottles," I reasoned, already reaching for the can.

"Alright chuck it in," she conceded and I loaded it in snugly beside the years supply of instant coffee and what looked like a lifetimes supply of cookies.

"We need alcohol for Saturday," I pointed out, steering the trolley in the direction of.

"It's a kids party Leo," my wife quickly rebutted.

"Yes, but remember our mother's are going to be there, Honey," I explained. "I'll need a stiff drink just to get through."

Toni laughed and rested a hand on the trolley. "God you're right. Good thing they sell in bulk."

It was a comical situation. Our respective parents had never really got along; well, more so our mothers. And since the loss of both fathers, one to heart disease, the other to his twenty two year old secretary, the antagonism had only worsened.

Toni had jokingly hinted at sexual frustration which when it came to my mother didn't bare thinking about but when posited on my mother-in-law had me awake at nights in all manner of fantasy. In her late fifties, my wife's mother had since day one held a soft spot in my heart (or more to the point a hard spot in my pants.) Simply an older, chubbier version of my wife, Gina had an intangible sex appeal that always caught my eye and in full knowledge of such it seemed, wore clothing to match.

"It's alright for you," I added. "I'm the one that'll be spending most of the day with them."

Both had offered to come early and help set up the party. Loathe to have them together for any length of time but knowing if one of them found out the other was participating more, the fireworks would be greater, we'd accepted their proposals.

"Well you're welcome to chaperone ten toddlers at a trampoline park if you'd like," Toni scoffed, reminding me of how she'd be spending the day and I quickly dropped my misguided complaining.

"One or two?" Toni asked, holding up the bottles of champagne.

I left the trolley and took down two bottles myself. "Get them all, where gonna need it!"

* * * * *

The day was hotter than predicted but perfect weather for our daughter Maisy's birthday. When asked what kind of party she had wanted her response was surprising but not out of the blue. 'Beach party' she had declared, her current fascination with the Little Mermaid having a lot to do with her decision.

My mother-in-law had arrived first and I set her to decorating the walls with detachable fish decals and placing seaweed-like tinsel over the furniture and shelves. I was delighted to see she'd dressed appropriately for the theme and admit I took every opportunity to ogle her body as she worked. Wearing a dark green bikini top, her breasts bulged out of the thin material, the hint of nipple becoming more pronounced as the air conditioning began to kick in. A black sarong around her waist hid her large rear but now and then the flash of upper thigh gave me weeks worth of 'wank bank' deposits.

"I thought Imogen would be here by now," Gina commented before peering over her champagne flute towards me as she sipped.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and I raised my eyebrows at Gina. "That'd be her!" I began to head to the door and stopped, looking back at my mother-in-law.

"I know, I know," she giggled. "Best behaviour."

I couldn't help smiling and admittedly felt more than my usual attraction towards her. Did she know, I wondered? Did she feel it too?

Mom stood at the door with a birthday present under one arm and a bottle of gin under the other. I invited her in with pleasantries and a kiss and as I followed her back down the hall I commented on the alcohol. "We have booze here Mom, you didn't need to bring anything."

She laughed and looked over her shoulder. "Just being prepared Darling. If I have to spend any time with that dreadful woman I'm making sure I'm...Gina!" My mother quickly changed her tack when her eyes met the other woman's. "How nice to see you again Dear," she lied.

"Imogen, you look lovely," Gina managed. I watched my mother lean into her rival to exchange a kiss, the long white beach shirt she wore pressing her back and rear. The lines of a bikini were clearly visible and it took me by somewhat of a surprise as I couldn't recall my mother ever donning the style of swimsuit, even in my youth.

So far so good, I figured. The fact they'd not verbally or God forbid, physically attacked each other as yet was a welcoming sign. Gina even offered to pour my mother a glass of champagne which she pleasantly accepted. Maybe things would be different between them for once? I should have known that would be too much to ask for.

"Who put up the fish stickers?" My mother asked. "They're way too high. It's a five year olds birthday party, the kids won't even see them up there!"

"I did Imogen and if you'd been here on time maybe you could have supervised." Gina defended herself.

"I was in traffic!" Mom explained.

"Grid lock at the drive-thru liquor store?" Gina accused, throwing fuel on the fire.

"Um, I seem to recall it was you who was well into the alcohol when I arrived Gina," Mom challenged.

"I opened the champagne!" I quickly stated, hoping to quell the growing argument. "Mom, the fish are fine where they are and Gina, what did we just talk about?"

Gina pouted her bottom lip before slumping her shoulders. "Being on my best behaviour," she eventually responded, acting I noticed like a disobedient schoolgirl.

I turned back to Mom. "That goes for both of you."

Mom had been grinning but her demeanour changed when I focussed on her. "Oh yes sir!" She mocked then jokingly added. "What, are you going to spank us if we don't?"

There was a moment of silence in the room as her words I think registered in all our brains. Gina's eyes noticeably widened and I could see my mother begin to blush around the collar. "If needs be!" I half joked and felt my own face redden at the thought. "Now, I have to blow up Maisy's pool. I was going to do it outside but I'm fearful to leave you two together. Can you at least be trusted to not kill each other while I go and get it?"

"Yes sir," my mother and mother-in-law answered in unison before looking to each other and sharing a chuckle; a moments truce in their ongoing war.

"Good. Now, if you guys could make a salad and open the snacks while I take care of this, that would be great," I advised and it seemed civility remained as I went to the garage to get the pool.

* * * * *

"No, everything's fine here!" I lied to Toni on the other end of the line. I could hear the excited screaming of an army of five year olds in the background and wondered which of us had the worst job.

"Well we've got another hour booked here," Toni explained. "We should be home around four. Do we need anything else? Have you pumped up the pool?"

"No and I'm just doing that now. Relax and we'll see you when you get back." The sound of raised voices from inside the house diverted my attention. "I love you Babe, gotta go."

"...was a stupid thing to do!"

"Why?" Gina fired back.

"Ah, you've never heard of nut allergies? Stupid woman," Mom spat.

"Hey, Mom!" I broke in. "Enough. What's going on?"

"She put nuts right next to the chips on the platter," my mother explained.

Placing down the inflatable pool I approached the bench-top to survey the scene.

"Yeah sorry Gina, I have to agree with Mom," I stated. "Just a precautionary matter. I don't know if any of the kids have allergies but to be on the safe side maybe don't put the nuts out."

I looked back at my mother. "But you need to apologize."

Her smug look of satisfaction turned to surprise. "What for?"

"Ah your language. What's going on? I said best behaviour."

Biting her bottom lip, my mother looked across to Gina. "I apologize if I was abrupt."

"Apology accepted," Gina smiled before looking at me and winking. It was such a sexy little gesture and thankfully went unnoticed by my mother.

"Ok. Now I'm going to blow up this pool," I declared. "No more fighting. Please."

The accompanying foot pump was about as effective as blowing with my lungs and ever so slowly the small pink and yellow pool began to inflate. The air conditioner had gone into rest mode and the room had begun to heat up causing me to begin sweating. Not wanting to stop now that I'd started, I quickly removed my t-shirt leaving me in only board shorts.

Without much to do but stand and pump with my foot, I watched the goings on in the kitchen, my mom and Gina working well together creating a salad. They discussed a television show they both had been watching and I was glad they'd finally found some common ground. My eyes quickly turned from their doings to their beings. Gina's smooth tanned back, her laden bikini top. I could see the silhouette of the bottoms through the black sarong, hugging her large ass cheeks and down my eyes drifted. To her feet in flip flops, red nail polish on her toes.

Without much thought, I examined my mother. With her long brown hair in a pony tail, her makeup as always impeccable. As I'd noted earlier, her bikini was visible through the shirt which dropped down mid thigh. It was definitely black, the tie visible above her collar. She was barefoot which I'd not noticed until then and like Gina had red nail polish. A random image of my mother-in-law at my mom's feet applying the polish came to mind and although an attractive sight, I allowed it to slowly drift from my psyche.

"Oh there's not enough oil!" Gina bemoaned, holding a bottle upside down over a jug. I watched her breasts jiggle as she shook the bottle to encourage the dregs and saw a splatter fly from the spigot.

Mom jumped back in response. "Bitch! You did that on purpose!"

The language drew me completely out of my daydream and I left the nearly completed pool to step in.

Mom looked down at her beach shirt, holding out the front.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Look," Mom pointed to the spots of oil littering the material. "Oil stains. She did it deliberately Leo!"

"Oh I did not Imogen. I was just shaking the bottle to get the last of it out."

"And a fine job you did of it!"

"Mom," I broke in. "It's fine. We've got eucalyptus that'll take the stain out. You can throw it in the wash now, it'll dry in no time."

"But what will I wear?" She asked, already lifting the shirt.

"You have your bikini," Gina helpfully noted as my mother's black swimsuit came into view. I couldn't help noticing how starkly white her skin was in comparison to Gina standing so close. My own bare torso came into play as I became aware how little clothing the three of us now wore.

Mom handed me her warm shirt and followed me to the laundry where she monitored my actions; applying a rub to the affected areas and placing it in the machine.

"You've become quite a homemaker!" My mother noted. "You could barely boil a egg when you left home."

"Well that was nearly ten years ago," I replied, allowing my eyes to drift down her body. With a reason, mind you! "Do you want me to find something of Toni's for you to wear?"

Mom too peered down at her scantily clad form. "Oh no that's not necessary," before looking back into my eyes. "As long as you don't mind."

I shook my head; possibly too enthusiastically and hoped she wasn't reading anything into it.

"So how can I make the dressing then?" Came Gina's voice from back in the kitchen and Mom and I smiled at each other before I gestured for her to lead the way back.

Only a short walk from the laundry to the kitchen, it was enough time for me to check out my mother's ass. Not something I recalled doing before and it took me by surprise that I found it hard to look away. One side of her bikini bottom had ridden across her chubby ass, revealing more cheek than I think she was aware. No tan line, the skin was equally as pale and there was obvious cellulite which I didn't find unappealing. I stopped myself as I thought of it. Leo, she's your mother you sick fuck! I told myself but even as I said it, the idea of touching her became more alluring.

"Oh finally!" Gina stated. "Thought I had to send out a search party. You're out of oil. I wanted to make my patented salad dressing."

"It's ok," I calmed her. "We just bought some."

Opening the pantry I retrieved the bulk can of olive oil and lifted it onto the bench.

"Jesus," Mom remarked. "What are you going to do with all that?"

"What?" I smiled. "We'll go through it!"

Gina joined in the frivolity. "How many olives had to die to fill that I wonder?" She joked and I noticed even my mother smile.

I found an empty jug and carefully poured from the can with Mom and Gina watching on.

"Lucky you've got big muscles Leo," Gina remarked. "I wouldn't even be able to lift that thing."

Mom moved in and unexpectedly placed a hand on my bicep as if signifying ownership. "He takes after his father," she declared, grinning at Gina.

The jug full I placed the can back down, neglecting to replace the cap.

"You can't store it in that," Gina stated, referring to the jug.

"No I'll decant it into the other bottle later."

"Oh ok," she smiled.

"I thought that would've been obvious," my mother mumbled under her breath.

"I'm sorry?" Gina replied. "Did you say something Imogen?"

"I just said.."

"Mom!" I butted in. "Don't worry about it. Gina, please can you just continue on with the dressing. Mom," she turned to me. "Assist."

I turned my back on them and went back to inflating the pool.

"Oh I'd be delighted to," Mom responded to my suggestion. "I'm curious to learn this so called 'patented' salad dressing recipe."

I shook my head in defeat at their inability to get along and concentrated on pumping. Admittedly I left my eyes on the women, now my mother's body the object of my fascination. Shorter than Gina but with similarly shaped bodies, I pictured them embracing, their large breasts pressing together, pelvis' joined. A plastic palm tree began to stand to attention on the edge of the pool and as I imagined my mom and mother-in-law kissing; my cock likewise rose.

"Cow!" Gina shouted, backing away from the bench. "Why would you do that?"

I broke myself out of the daydream and studied the events.

Gina looked down at her sarong, holding out her leg to highlight the oil splatter.

"Oops, sorry," Mom apologized.

"No you're not," Gina stated, unwrapping the sarong from around her waist. "What so now we're even. Is that it?"

"Ladies!" I attempted.

Ignoring me, Gina dipped her free hand in the jug of oil and flicked it toward my mother, splattering her face and chest. Mom's jaw dropped, her mouth wide open in shock. For a moment I believed she wouldn't react but on past events I should've expected it.

Reaching for the jug, Mom lifted it above Gina's head and tipped. That Gina didn't defend herself against the action wasn't unexpected. Who would think someone would actually do that? For a moment I couldn't believe what I was watching. Two fifty plus women acting no better than children, but as Gina debated her next move, her hair, face, then breasts dripping with oil, her eyes signalling her plan, I called myself into action.

"No!" I yelled as Gina dropped her sarong and lunged for the can of oil. Too late. Her already slippery hands wrapped around the heavy container and attempted to splash the contents toward my mother. She had been right about one thing. She didn't have the strength to lift it. Her attempt only causing oil to pour onto my mother's lower legs and the floor before the can toppled over on the bench-top.

I attempted to run towards the skirmish but stumbling, my foot caught in the pump and managed only to kick the now inflated pool into the kitchen towards the women's feet. Plowing into them and with the floor already slick with oil, both women lost their footing and fell into the luckily cushioned base of the kiddie pool.

My attempt to right the can of olive oil came too late, the contents flowing freely onto the bench where it ran like a waterfall over the edge. The was one saving grace. The inflatable pool being directly below was catching the majority of the flow and as I righted the can I managed to take in the repercussions of the previous moments drama.

My mother and Gina lay in the pool, in the process of attempting to get to their feet or at least their knees. Gina, whose hair had been initially flattened by the contents of the jug was most covered in oil. In fact, with the whole base of the pool full of olive oil, it seemed there was little area still on her body not slick. Mom rose to her knees and observed her nemesis' state and began laughing but regretted her decision when Gina scooped a handful and threw it towards her.

Mom tried to duck and her knees slid out beneath her, causing her to fall back down in the slick. The remainder of Gina's throw coated my lower legs and board shorts in oil.

It was now Gina's turn to laugh as Mom, looking like a drowned rat, made it to her hands and knees, oil running from her body. There was a moment of indecision. For an instant I believed sanity would prevail and they'd help each other out and we'd clean up. Stupid for even thinking it. Mom launched herself at Gina who unprepared, fell backwards against the side of the pool. I think Mom was attempting to get the other woman in a headlock but with their bodies coated in oil she could gain no purchase, her hands and arms slipping over Gina's head.

It was Gina who gained the upper hand. Writhing away from Mom, she slid behind and attempted the same move. The same outcome, only this time Gina (I assume accidentally) caught her hand in Mom's bikini top and it ripped from her body. I staggered back against the bench in shock as I gazed upon my mother's glistening breasts, but being disrobed didn't seem to bother her as much. Seemingly without concern she was half naked before me, Mom wrapped her legs around Gina and attempted to mount her. Her hands went straight for the other woman's top and although Gina feebly attempted to hold on to it, her bikini was wrenched from her to hang around her waist.

Should I have intervened then? Possibly. But with two topless women wrestling in oil below me, you can understand my hesitation in playing peacemaker.

Gina seemed not to take kindly to being stripped and yelled at my mother. "You fucking bitch."

To which Mom gave as good as she got.

"Cunt!" She threw back and I was amazed she even knew the word let alone use it.

Fired up, Gina wriggled beneath my mother to face her and with little else available to defend with Mom's body weight atop her she clawed at her body. Gina's hands ran over my mother's back and sides before finding something she could actually cling to. Her briefs. It wasn't hard to see how this would end, and as I watched, in almost slow motion her fingers tore my mom's bikini bottoms from her ass.

The side ties had just slid apart allowing the bikini to come away in Gina's hand. The action caused my mother to pause and her nudity must finally have registered. I thought she may've acknowledged me then but her sights it seemed were set on revenge. Without thought of her position, Mom backed away slightly off Gina to gain access to the other woman's briefs. The action had her bare ass facing in my direction, her legs spread, and when she lunged forward again I was given an unadulterated view of her hairy oiled up pussy and asshole.