On a Scale of 1 to 10

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A businessman answers some questions and falls into a trap
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He couldn't help himself, it was a new office environment for him and she truly was stunning. Even her little sister Claudia was delightful and sexy, but in a more understated way. The fact that she worked for Georgia her sister, set the hierarchy, but even more so, Georgia towered over her younger sister, and then there was Georgia's innate sense of style and sexiness.

At 6 foot without her heels she was an imposing young woman with a strong cheerful persona. She dressed to kill each day, always making Pete's head turn. As hard as he tried he couldn't help but admire her form. Claudia was sexy as far as Pete was concerned but George was just plain hot.

The regular horse riding sessions had the desired effect giving her well developed thighs and butt. She filled her jeans in a way that made Pete's mouth water, her thigh gap was a wonder to behold and behold he did, regularly. He knew she'd caught him looking a little too intently a couple of times, but that was hardly workplace harassment in his eyes.

George paid particular attention to every aspect of her appearance, the perfect nails, hair, false tan and a great wardrobe at all times, complemented by killer heels most days.

Outwardly Pete was a straight vanilla guy, divorced and alone now. A big guy with a business background, but new to the real estate game. But underneath that he had needs, cravings, desires and they were all secret and hidden and full of guilt, no one among his friends or family had any idea whatsoever.

He'd given George a bit of help with a hotel she was in the process of selling, figuring to pay it forward, that if he helped her now, it could only stand him in good stead in the future and so it turned out, but sooner than he'd expected.

He was working, head down and concentrating as he glimpsed out of his peripheral vision, someone walking towards his desk, he turned to see George standing over him, she was so fabulous, strong and powerful and utterly alluring. She almost took his breath away.

She smiled down and melted him with that smile, both of them knew that he'd do whatever he possibly could to help her. "Pete, I've got a B n B business out on the waterfront and normally I'd refer them onto you directly, but I've sold a couple of their houses and so they are keen to use me. I wondered if you'd be interested in working side by side to get this one sold."

He smiled and simply said "That'd be cool George, I'd like that." George smiled back thinking it was more likely to be her pleasure, if her internal radar was working correctly. She always knew when she was in the presence of a true submissive male. She wasn't quite sure what it was, she'd seen him casting furtive glances in her direction and then quickly looking away if he was caught looking. She just knew deep down that he was a sub, well at least she truly hoped that he was, now it was time to find out for real.

More than anything it was the fact that this confident middle aged guy became almost tongue tied in her presence, she was positive that under that exterior this guy was a sub, or at least had the potential to be a submissive. God, she hoped she was right, otherwise it could become pretty embarrassing. But as it was on all such occasions, she'd try and reel him in a little very carefully and get him to show his true colors, so that she would only make her move once she was sure and once he had condemned himself enough so that he would be the embarrassed one, not her.

"Well it'd be good to get out there this afternoon and have a look around so that you get a feel for the place. How does that sound."

"Works for me, how soon do you want to leave?"

"Well I was thinking of heading off to the marina in half an hour or so, I'll just get changed into some casual clothes and then head out?"

"Works for me." She noticed he was already shutting down his computer in his eagerness, surely she was right on this one.

She was enjoying this and looking forward to the boat ride out there. She'd have him cornered and vulnerable. No escape for him now, not if her intuition was right.

He headed home and quickly got in shorts and a t shirt and got his shades. As he pulled up to the Marina he saw she already had the boat in, fuck this girl was seriously in control of her shit. Then he noticed how she was dressed, short, short denim shorts, riding up between her legs and showing off her beautifully toned ass as she bent over the side of the boat, as he walked over to her, almost like she'd planned it. Which of course she had.

As he walked over with just his note book and computer with him his eyes could only take in the stunning view of the sharp v of the denim seam riding high into her impressive thigh gap. He wondered just what the aroma in between her legs would be.

She remained bent over the boat and he simply couldn't help himself, he wasn't so much staring as out and out oggling her perfect ass and legs. As he was looking she suddenly looked over her shoulder and saw him, just as she'd hoped looking directly at her. He was busted completely.

"You just going to keep staring with your mouth open or are you coming to help me?" She said it with quite a tone of sarcasm and he got the message, his face flushed a little with embarrassment as she'd hoped it would.

The journey out there was pretty uneventful, they just chatted and enjoyed the surroundings, he soon realised that she truly knew her way around a boat, almost been born on one it turned out. After all it was her boat, but she was definitely in charge in every way.

As they arrived in the bay at the property he gasped audibly, it truly was a stunning property. "Well what do you think?" She asked smiling at him. "It's stunning, thanks so much for bringing me in on this one."

She smiled at him as he talked, "'Ohh I should have said the photo's will be twilight ones so we'll have to stay on until then, but if we can do the inspection and then we can just chill and have a drink, the owner said he couldn't be bothered to cart away the booze and food that is here so he appreciates us using some of it up. Just hope you don't need to be back to early."

"Well that works for me, I've not got the kids tonight so no problem getting back late today."

She tied the boat up and then moved up to the isolated property, no other property overlooking them at all, it was an idylic situation. As they walked up the steps to the property his eyeline was at exactly the right height for her ass and he looked and looked, longingly, he could almost smell her arousal, well at least he thought he could. They worked their way through the property, room by room, him noting everything down, her taking as many photo's as she could. The open layout made it truly stunning with vistas over the water on 3 sides. a Perfect place to have a few couples staying and enjoying both their well fitted out rooms and the communal spaces "Lets leave the basement until later, not much to see there to be honest."

As they went to the owners bedroom she decided to start the process and to see if she was right.

"You carry on here and I'll get us a drink, it's about that time I think."

He simply nodded and continued making notes oblivious to her game plan.

She came back with two large elegant glasses of wine handing one to him. "So no half measures around here then."

"No point really, neither of us will be driving for a few hours, I thought we can get the marketing proposal agreed and then relax until the photographer comes later."

"Sounds good to me." He was going to just relish the chance to spend more time with her, he fancied her and boy did she look good today. The thought of looking out at the view and chatting and getting the odd chance to admire her curves turned him on no end.

They chatted through the marketing, noted the plans down, checked the profitability and then both relaxed into a chair on the deck overlooking the sea.

The conversation meandered on until they'd both had 3 glasses of wine and Georgia considered that Pete was getting more and more relaxed and more likely to give her the answers she was after. Georgia told Pete she was going to just head down to the boat and get a couple of things for when the photographer arrived and left him to it, for ten minutes.

He was so turned on he couldn't help himself, he knew he shouldn't but fuck she was so sexy, he needed to be turned on a little more, he went straight to his favorite site literotica to quickly read a Fem Domme Story, he was already thinking of Georgia as the perfect dominant. He thought he had time to just read one story and to enjoy it before she returned.

He was loving the story of a Boss who got caught saying a few things he shouldn't by a previous employee, who then turned him into a bitch for her pleasure. He was so focused on the story he lost track of time completely. Just as he reached the part where the girl in the story was feminising the male sub and putting him into bondage, then suddenly he felt a presence next to him.

But it was only when he felt her breath on his cheek that he realised she was back and standing directly behind him, looking over his shoulder. He froze, should he close the screen down, turn it over, what the fuck should he do.

She dealt with the question, "Now that looks like a delicious story, I absolutely love literotica. And you really look like you're enjoying it." She looked towards the small bulge in his shorts.

He looked up into her eyes and decided attack was the best form of defence, "Really I'd never have guessed you were into this sort of stuff." He ignored her comment about him looking like he was enjoying it.

"Well I think often the people you least expect it, are a little wilder than one might expect, or in my case a lot wilder."

"I guess so." he was nervous and had no idea what to say, which had been Georgia's intention all along. But the fact she'd just admitted that she was into the stories on literotica and also wild was music to his ears.

"So let me ask you on a scale of 1 to 10, how kinky would you say you are?" she left the comment hanging for a second or two.

When he didn't respond she spoke again, "OK let me start then." Georgia had planned this all along.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm probably a 7 or an 8." she smiled at him, hoping he'd take his first step into the trap she was setting for him.

"Shit, really you're a 7?"

Again the reassuring smile, "Well no probably a firm 8 if I'm being completely honest."

"Well I suppose I'm a 7 maybe an 8 too." He was plainly nervous just admitting it.

"I thought as much, especially reading that story over your shoulder, so that's your thing, you're a full on sub?"

"Ummm." he stammered slightly and paused.

"It's OK to admit, I've just told you I'm an 8, whatever we say today won't go any further, this is just between you and I, our little secret. Just a way to get to know each other better."

Pete felt both relief and excitement, relieved that she'd told him first and excited just to be allowed to chat about this secret that no one else knew about him. He was relaxing into the idea of being more and more honest.

"Yes OK, then I admit it, I'm turned on massively by being submissive."

"Massively, ummm interesting choice of word and how long have you be turned on by being submissive Pete."

"God, thinking back it's over 20 years now."

"Wow, you really are experienced aren't you? How did you first get into it?" This was going perfectly, she was reeling him in now, if she timed the questions quickly enough after he answered each one, she might get him to reveal more than he should.

"Well I guess I'm pretty experienced yes, I first found a magazine that covered the sub dom scene called Forum and saw some bits of equipment and adverts that had me intrigued."

"What were the adverts for?" She thought this question was a longshot but worth a quick try."

"Well for pro Domme Mistresses, ball gags, and that sort of stuff."

"Ahhhh I see, OK so on a scale of 1 to 10 how kinky were you then compared to now?"

"Well I guess I was just a 3 then compared to now."

"So you've really moved on then, that's exciting. OK so you're an 7/8 in kinkiness, what about the score as a submissive?"

"Nine" this time he answered without really thinking, he was relaxing and enjoying the freedom to speak, the wine was helping too. He said it with conviction, it felt like a massive weight off his shoulders just to be able to admit it to someone in a safe environment and the fact that she was into this sort of kinkiness was a huge turn on for him. Just to find someone into the same as him, even in whatever way was so massive to him a real excitement and relief.

"I thought as much, in fact I wondered if you might even be a 10." she said it almost as a challenge to him.

"Well I suppose in some ways, I might be." Now he was just trying to please her and he was getting more excited.

"OK this is fun, isn't it, let's go a little deeper, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much had you fantasised about me being Domme?"

Again the pause, this time she let it ride a long time, just waiting for him to process the question, this was the true moment of truth, she simply remained quiet waiting for him to take the bait.

He simply couldn't think what to say, he'd admitted to being very kinky and very submissive, she'd admitted to being kinky and dominant, did that mean it was ok to admit his thoughts about her, fuckkkk what should he do.

She whispered, "As I said before Pete this is a totally safe place, you can tell me the truth, you can tell me what you can't tell anyone else, in fact you'll have so much more fun if you do tell the truth, you simply cannot shock me, I've seen and heard it all, believe me." her language was chosen very carefully to reassure and relax him so that he'd truly spill the beans. "I might look innocent, but I'm anything but."

Finally he decided to take the plunge. "A straight 10."

"Well I'm not sure about the straight bit, but finally we're getting somewhere, well done, honesty really is the best policy and should mean a lot more fun for both of us."

He didn't register the "straight bit" comment that much but really did take note of the comment "have a lot more fun", this was a pretty wild ride and his excitement was showing quite noticeably.

Georgia looked down at his crotch, "Well at least I can see you're turned on by the thought, aren't you. "

"Yes George I am."

She shook her head, "I think we're beyond that now, don't you, I prefer Miss George and in time we'll see if you are worthy to call me Mistress." more

"Yes Miss George, sorry Miss George."

"That's better boy, well done, I can see we're going to get along swimmingly. Now here is a questionnaire for you to fill in, so that I know what you have experienced and what are your hard limits." She chose to do it this way, as from previous encounters she knew that if you discussed it directly with subs they rarely told the truth initially, they were simply too scared to admit things from the get go.

Their natural embarrassment kept them from revealing their deepest darkest cravings. But with a questionnaire it seemed to glean much more information as it normalised even the kinkiest of activities when someone simply read it and had to answer not yes or no, but then building on that by getting them to actually estimate the level to which they would wish to engage in an activity, meant they often, in fact almost always gave away much more than they ever would have, if just asked the questions verbally. She left him to it, again from experience she knew he'd be far more likely to give away more than he should. Which was just how she liked it. Just writing the answers down was far less embarassing for a potential sub.

He filled in the questions quickly and without thinking too much, just letting his twitching cock help him make the decisions.

George stood behind him, enjoying the process, seeing him incriminate himself ever more. She could see most of the answers as he wrote them and was already beginning to decide on the session they would have this afternoon and some of the surprises which faced him. Thank goodness she'd worked it out correctly, it could have gone very differently, but she was excellent at reading subs, it really was a skill for a Mistress to be able to see a sub hidden under a normal, straight exterior. To see and recognise what no one else who knew them, would ever realise, was a true gift.

So each question had to be ranked 1- 10. 10 being completely agree or strongly into it. The questionnaire started with relatively simple fetishes, nothing too extreme. The score to show the desire or love of an activity and then the next bit was YES or NO to show if the sub had experienced the activity.

Bondage light- 10 Absolutely love it. Yes Bondage Heavy - 8 No Masks wearing - 8 Yes PVC wearing - 10 - yes Age play - 0 No Body worship - 10 - Yes as he answered this he simply imagined being between Miss Georges statuesque thighs and licking away. What he didn't know is she imagined that and much more.

Boot worship - 3 - Yes Breath control - 4 - Yes Butt plugs - small 8 - Yes , he just had to admit this, anal play was simply his favourite turnon Butt plugs - medium- 6 - Yes , he was keen not to say just how experienced he was in terms of size Butt plugs - large - 4 - No, he couldn't admit to this. Butt plugs huge - 2 - No, and certainly not this Corporal Punishment - 3 - Yes, he'd never been a pain slut. Chastity - 7 - Yes Cock worship - 4 - No, again not one to tell the truth on, he thought, even though he had quite a bit of experience. Corner time - 0 - No Corsets wearing - 2 - no, as he saw this question it was the first that mentioned cross dressing and he'd not admitted to that yet, even though it turned him on hugely. Electro - 8 - Yes, he thought about answering differently but the couple of times he'd had an electric butt plug pushed into his asshole had been simply amazing. Enemas - 6 - Yes Exhibitionism - 0 - No Fantasy rape - 5 - No Fisting - 0 and No, he had experience but this was almost the most taboo activity he could admit to, so not for now. Maybe he'd admit this one day. Foot worship - 3 - Yes Forced Bi - 0 - No again this was another fantasy he just couldn't bring himself to admit to Georgia, how could he tell her some of the darkest fantasies he had? Forced cross dressing - 2 - No Another one he couldn't admit to Forced masturbation - 6 - Yes Forced Smoking - 0 - No Gags - 6 - Yes Gags inflatable - 6 - Yes Gags - phallic - 6 - Yes Given to other Dom - 2 - No High heels - Mistress wearing - 10 - Yes High heels sub wearing - 2 - No Hot wax - 4 - Yes Humiliation - 8 - Yes Hypnotism - 8 - Yes, although he'd not been truly hypnotised he had watched a lot of Sissy Hypno videos Kidnapping - 1 - No Lingerie Mistress wearing - 10 - Yes Lingerie sub wearing - 3 - Yes - this time he just answered automatically, without thinking it through. Medical Scenes - 7 - Yes Massage giving - 10 - Yes, just the thought of being able to massage her had him getting ever harder. Nappies - 0 - No Nipple clamps - 5 - Yes Rimming - 2 - No another lie, but how could he admit he was this depraved Orgasm control - 6 - Yes Over the knee spanking - 8 - Yes Pain mild - 6 - Yes Pain extreme - 0 - No Public exposure - 0 - 0 No after all it was a small town the lived in Rubber/latex Mistress - 10 - Yes Rubber/latex sub - 8 - Yes Sensory deprivation - 8 - Yes Serving as furniture - 2 - Yes Serving as a maid - 7 - Yes, this time he simply didn't think it through and answered honestly Serving orally - 9 - Yes Serving other Doms - 5 - Yes, the questions were repeated but he was too excited to notice and think of what he answered before. Shaving - 3 - Yes, he couldn't really deny it too much as he had shaved his cock and balls for some time, just telling his wife it felt better as an excuse, which it did. Speculums - 7 - No Spit Roast - 5 - Yes, again the automatic answer not realising just how much he was giving away and how he was contradicting other answers Strap ons - sucking - 7 - Yes Strap ons - penetrated by - 10 - Yes Suspension - 3 -Yes Tickling - 0 - No Urethral sounds - 5 - Yes Watersports - 6 - Yes he chose a 6 not wanting to seem to into it, even though he loved it with a passion, he was just worried she'd think it was too dirty. She was so, so beautiful she was bound to hate this activity he thought. Video of sub - 0 - No Swallowing own cum - 1 - Yes - fuck had he really just admitted to having had that experience Swallowing anothers cum - 0 No - even though he had done this he just couldn't admit it, the one time he'd done it had been the ultimate in humiliation Toilet training - 0 - No