Once A Wife, Now A Teenager's Slut Ch. 3


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"I had no clue why then, and now if I was to take them off so soon, why did he have me wear them at all. Not that I really cared. Already in heat just sitting beside him, I was wondering quite desperately, 'With my panties off, would he finger fuck my hot pussy?' My God, how I hoped so!"

"Eager to have his hand between my legs, I stripped the pink briefs off my legs, and dropped them into his reaching hand. I kept my skirt up around my waist and spread my knees, but he ignored my invitation. Instead, he fumbled through the soft nylon folds for a moment searching for the evidence of my arousal, and finding it, he raised the sopping wet crotch to his nose."

"The bastard! He knew damned well I had spent the day dreaming about his cock, and how good would feel to have him inside me. The bastard! He was showing off, using my panties to prove that I was a trashy sex obsessed slut addicted to his cock. Yes, I was ashamed of myself, but he was right of course. He had indeed turned me into the slut he said I was."

" 'What a little whore you are Susan,' he said with a sneer as he sniffed my panties. 'These are soaking wet. Why are your panties wet, cunt?'"

"Oh how he did enjoy shaming me, making me crawl, making me admit how badly I wanted him. I told him what I knew he wanted to hear. What else could I do? Anyway, it was all true!"

" '...Because all day I thought about you... about your cock… about how you might fuck me tonight.'"

"All that was true enough, but I hated myself for saying it. I was so ashamed! What kind of a grown woman admits such a thing to a teenaged boy barely out of high school and half her age? Why would a woman of any age let herself be humiliated like this? There is only one answer… because she is a slut! I knew that's what I must be Dr. Kent. The truth was right there, plain to see in the crotch of my panties."

"I sat there beside my boy lover almost ready to cry. My emotions were so torn and desperate. I did want him so, but what awful dirty humiliating things was he about to make me do? I knew this was only the beginning, and sure enough he began to give instructions."

" 'First thing, call your husband on your cell phone and tell him you're going on a little vacation with me for the weekend. Tell him you will be fine, and that you will be back sometime Sunday afternoon. Nothing more, you understand?'"

"I did as I was told. Jack answered quickly, and I gave him little chance to talk."

" 'Hello? Yes Jack, it's me. I'm calling to tell you I am going away with Curt for the weekend. I'm fine and I will be back Sunday after noon. No, I don't know. No, he hasn't told me. Yes, I do want to go with him. Please, Jack, I can't talk now. I love you too. Bye!'"

"What about that 'eh Doc? I told my husband I loved him, and I meant it too. Yet, I also told him I wanted to go away with Curt. I meant that too. How could both be true? How can a woman love her husband, but at the same time be ready and willing, even eager, to go off for a weekend of sex with the neighbor's teenage son?"

"What do your books say about that Doctor Kent? If they don't cover that subject, ask Curtis. He understands me perfectly. As I hung up he tossed my panties back at me, and with a self satisfied smirk, he began to set my priorities straight as he drove my car out of the hospital parking lot."

" 'Here, stuff the crotch of these nasty things in your mouth and suck out your pussy juice. Keep your skirt up and play with your cunt. Don't let me catch you with a finger inside tho… just along the lips and the hood of your clit... that's all. I will decide if and when you are allowed to masturbate. And off the blouse! I want to see your breasts. You have a free hand, use it on those tits...pull and pinch your nipples. Make them long and hard for me, I may want to chew on them later. You woman! You are my slut! Remember that! Act like it!'"

"It was maybe 10 minutes later when we reached the on-ramp to the Interstate and headed out of town. 'O.K. Slut,' he told me. 'Now you can frig yourself, but if you cum without permission, I'll take the skin off your ass with a whip.'"

"As much as I needed my finger, I knew this was not necessarily a blessing. The way I had been teasing my tits and pussy had already started a fire in my belly. Jerking off with my finger, but unable to cum, would pour gasoline on the flames. My inevitable suffering was of no consequence, however. When her master speaks, his female slave must obey even if he is only a mere boy half her age. I drove my index finger deep inside my pussy searching for my G spot."

"We didn't speak again as we traveled. Curtis didn't seem to want to talk and I couldn't with my mouth full of pink nylon. That was just as well. I was too distracted to for small talk. It was all I could do to hold back the orgasm that was threatening to bubble up from my ovaries. Agggh!"

"Anyway, why ask where we were going, or why? I was speeding topless down the Interstate with my skirt up, chewing on the wet crotch of my panties, one hand playing with my bare tits, and the other masturbating my cunt. Doesn't that picture say it all? I was in heat, eager to be laid on my back and bred with a hard prick. Beyond that, I didn't care about where, why, or what, the young owner of my overheated pussy had in mind for me"

"See what a hopeless patient I am Dr. Kent?"

"Curtis was enjoying himself. He had me playing the slut, and that is always his very favorite thing. Then out on the open highway, he stumbled upon still another opportunity to humiliate his whore-from-next-door. Every time we passed a big semi-trailer truck, Curt would slow our car down alongside the cab to give the driver good look at the shameful show I was putting on. Each time, the truckers showed their appreciation by tooting their air horns."

"Truthfully Dr Kent, I could have died from embarrassment. I still blush every time I hear an air horn. At the time, however, I was teetering on the verge of orgasm, my pussy was running a river, and my shame was a poor second to my desperate need to be fucked. 'Let them watch!' I told myself. 'I have other things to think about.' Whenever an air horn would sound, I would close my eyes and imagine myself mounted on Curt's hard pole riding him to the delightful orgasm forbidden to me in the car."

"A little over an hour down the Interstate, we took an off ramp into the college town where State University is located, and where Curtis had briefly gone to school. I really didn't care where we were. I was exhausted from fighting back the orgasm that had been screaming out for relief for so many miles. To be fucked, and soon, that was a single idea frozen in my mind."

"Across from the campus we turned into the street that runs down fraternity row. Halfway down the block we pulled into a parking lot surrounded by five big "frat' houses. The three story house in the middle at the end of the parking lot was classic Old South plantation 'Greek Revival' with four huge two-story columns framing the front porch. This was the home of Zeta Alpha Omega where Curtis had once been a pledge."

"Curtis got out and walked around to my side of the car to open my door. 'Out bitch,' he ordered. My leash was in his hand, and as I stood he clipped it onto the ring in the front of my collar, then removed the panties from my mouth."

" 'Please no, Curtis,' I pleaded. 'I am half naked! Don't do this to me. Let me put on my blouse.'"

"My protest was to no avail. 'You bitch! Shut up!' Curt snapped back, and in his anger he stuffed my panties back in my mouth. 'You will do as you're told! If I wanted your blouse on I would have said so.'"

"With a yank on my leash he paraded his panty gagged and bare breasted female captive the length of the parking lot, up the front steps, and into the living room of the ZAO house. There in scattered groups seated on the overstuffed leather sofas and chairs were the fraternity brothers and their dates who had drifted upstairs from the cellar dining room after an early dinner."

"Needless to say, a bare breasted 38 year old woman, wearing a dog collar, her mouth gagged with her panties, and led in on the end of leash, quickly captured the unanimous attention of the room. Although I could not make out much of the individual words, a questioning murmur ran quickly through my audience. I did hear one snippy little black headed coed distinctly say with a sneer, 'look at the old lady whore. I'll bet that's a well-worn cunt. I wonder where Curt found her?'"

" 'Yo, Curt?' one of the brothers finally spoke up loud and clear. 'Who's the momma?' he asked before adding in admiration, 'Great tits man!'"

" 'How y'all,' my young lover answered amicably, emphasizing his Southern drawl. 'Come over here and meet my new slut. She's my neighbor lady. She has a few miles on her, but she's a pretty thing, well preserved, and she fucks good. That's right isn't it Susan. You are my slut, and you do fuck me good, isn't that so?' Expecting a reply, he pulled my panties from between my teeth and dropped them on the floor "

" 'Yes, Curtis,' I answered as simply and as coolly as I could."

"The coeds in their frilly cutesy-pie dresses let out a unanimous tittering giggle. No doubt these snotty college baby bitches were speechless at the spectacle of a woman old enough to have been one of their mothers paraded bare breasted into a fraternity house, and then made to admit she was a slut."

"Curt, however, certainly didn't think my answer was either funny or satisfactory. His eyes flashed with anger, 'Come on now bitch. Say it! All of it! And then say hello to these nice people.'"

"I could see he was determined to make me humble myself before his college friends. On a leash, my breasts on display, what else could I do but crawl? This time I gave him the full degrading little speech he was demanding."

"I even smiled sweetly! 'Hello everyone!' I said obediently, but chewing off the words in my embarrassment. 'That's right! I'm Susan, Curtis' slut. He fucks me! He fucks me good! I'm glad to meet all of you.'"

"That female giggle was even louder this time, but pacified by my surrender, Curtis was smiling again. 'Now that's better, but my friends here want a better look at how pretty you are. Off the skirt! Show them your shaved pussy, and put your hands behind your back.'"

"Just as I feared! Curt was going to put me on naked display before these smirking kids. My God! What other dirty humiliation might he demand of me? Right then I should've pulled away and run, but I didn't. Where could I have gone? Anyway, always in the back of my head was the memory of the delightful way Curtis fucks me. Frozen by that thought, I just couldn't bring myself to even try to escape. Instead I opened the snaps at the waist of my skirt, and it dropped to the floor in a pile at my feet."

"I stepped clear, losing my shoes as I did so, completely naked but for my garter belt and hose. Obediently, I turned my back to Curtis offering him my hands behind me to the handcuffs I knew were waiting. My heart sank when I felt them close around my wrists. With the click of those steel jaws, running away was no longer an option. Now I was a helpless female in bondage, a naked slave woman showing off her mature body and shaved pussy before a circle of gawking college students."

"Curtis reached his arms around me from behind, and squeezed a breast in each hand, pinching the nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he did so. Almost instantly my aureoles crinkled and my nubs became hard as rocks. 'Remember,' he ordered, 'I own you body and soul now, Susan! Offer the tits and pussy that are mine to my friends! Show them how wet I make you. Tell them to use their hands and fingers and feel you for themselves!'"

"I could feel the blush of shame running through me, but I had no choice. I spread my legs a bit wider, and through the fog of my humiliation I could hear myself saying, 'Yes, please! Everyone! Won't you all feel how wet my Curtis keeps my, 'er I mean his, pussy?'"

"To my astonishment, the first to step forward at my invitation was not one of the brothers, but the coed bitch I had heard sneering at me when I first entered. With one hand pinching painfully on a nipple, and the other probing my cunt with her finger, she looked directly into my eyes and said, 'You momma…you are a whore for sure!' Turning to face her friends she showed them her glistening finger and announced for all to hear, 'This horny old momma bitch is sopping wet.'"

"Back in my face, pinching my nipple even harder, she snapped, 'Would you like to eat my pussy, momma bitch?'"

"I didn't of course, but uncertain, I looked quickly at Curt. The frown on his face left no doubt about the answer he wanted of me. Helpless and resigned to my fate, I dropped my eyes in submission, and nodded my head."

" 'Yes ma'am! I would like to eat your pussy.'"

" 'Well Curtis?' my young female tormentor looked at my boy owner expectantly. Does my cunt get to use your slut's tongue?'"

" 'Perhaps that can be arranged, Sandra,' Curt answered, calling her by name 'Does my cock get to use your cunt?'"

" 'Perhaps that can be arranged too, Curtis,' came the sly answer. The two of them looked each other grinning, enjoying their teasing give-and-take bargain. There was no doubt in my mind, however, what my fate would be. My boy master wanted to fuck this little black-headed whore, and my tongue up her slit would pay her price."

" 'Here, clean off your mess,' my tormenting coed ordered a she stuffed her finger soiled with my pussy juice into my mouth. 'You will like the taste of my sex a lot better.'"

"With the ice broken by this little scene, feeling my pussy suddenly became very popular. For the next 10 minutes or so I was repeatedly groped between my legs, and my breasts were squeezed, twisted and slapped. I stood stoic and helpless, handcuffed, collared and leashed, a naked female plaything for my master's friends to abuse. Finally, Curtis again took me by the leash and led me across the room to where Sandra, the little whore who was first with her finger in my pussy, sat waiting in one of those big leather chairs."

"Her skirts and petticoats were up around her waist, and her panties were off. At the center of her spread legs was a cunt nearly lost in a thatch of pubic hair as jet black as that on her head. She was grinning at me evilly as she spread her labia with her fingers showing me her most private pink already moist with anticipation."

" 'Come and get it momma whore', she said, smirking. 'This girl needs her pussy licked.'"

"I did what I had to do, Doctor Kent. There is nothing lesbian about me. I was terribly embarrassed when Curt made me eat his sister Carla's cunt, but at least that was in the privacy of my own home with only Curt, and later my husband, watching. To be forced to suck off a snotty coed I had never even met in front of an audience of strangers not much more than children was something else entirely… an experience degrading beyond belief."

"With as much grace as I could muster with my arms still cuffed behind me, I dropped to my knees, and slid my face between those waiting thighs. Her cunt had the pungent musky odor of a female in heat. Steeling myself for the inevitable, I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and swallowed the female slit of that little coed tramp. It struck me quite quickly, however, that if I could drive this cruel teen bitch into a helpless frenzy of orgasms, in the end she would be forever branded every bit as much the slut as myself."

"That's pretty much the way things went too. It was less than 10 minutes before I had dear Sandra screaming in an orgasmic frenzy. Our audience began to clap and cheer her on as her pussy spasmed in my mouth, and then exploded in a seemingly endless climax. Sandra was quite vocal about it too as she cried out for more. 'That's it momma bitch, eat my cunt! That's it! Right there! That's the spot! Oh, that's sooo good.'"

"Total surrender came quickly after that. Once I had thoroughly tongue fucked her cunt, I ran a finger in her ass, and simultaneously bit down on her clit. She screamed and swore at me at first, 'Goddamn you! Stop it! Do that again and I'll have you whipped,' but within only seconds those threats were withdrawn and forgotten. As I pulled that little nub between my lips and sucked away its pain, dear Sandra came apart showing her slut side for all to see. Squeezing my head tightly between her thighs, she asked… no begged… for me to bite her clit again… and for more of my finger up her ass."

"I don't know who was enjoying themselves more, Sandra or the ZAO brothers and their dates watching her shamelessly beg for still another orgasm. I took comfort in knowing that for years to come the story would be told and retold at every class reunion of the night at the ZAO house when Sandra had her pussy eaten by Curtis Wertzler's momma-slut. Sandra's last orgasm was huge. I'm sure it will become a legend like one of those memorable moments in sports that years later everyone seems to claim to have seen in person."

"Curt used my leash to yank me roughly from the pussy I was serving so well, and then to my feet. I momentarily choked as my collar bit into my windpipe. I must've looked a fright. My hairdo had lost its shape in the grinding grip of Sandra's thighs, and the last of my makeup had washed away in her pussy juices that still covered my face in a damp sticky mess."

"As I was led away I was momentarily overcome by my shame at being publicly used as a common cunt licking whore. Nevertheless, I found myself strangely aroused, and more desperate than ever to have my pussy filled with Curt's demanding prick. Perhaps this was what I was meant to be, Dr. Kent… female property, a slave woman eager for abuse... anything goes, no matter how cruel or degrading… as long as my master will pleasure my shameless pleasure hole."

"My humiliation was so intense as to trigger long forgotten masturbation fantasies and send them flickering across my memory. Just as in those long nights when I laid abed fingering my pussy, I imagined myself as a naked harem concubine of a cruel and demanding Sultan. Like my Curtis, my fantasy Sultan always forced me to wait naked and helpless, stewing in a pre-orgasmic panic, as he decided what outrageously erotic submission would be his price for fucking me."

" 'God,' I thought in passing, 'I wouldn't be in this mess if only on our wedding night Jack had only taken me as his harem slave!'"

"Curtis interrupted my momentary reverie into the past by leading me on my leash to one of those long leather couches. At one end he shoved me belly first against its huge padded arm. His hand between my shoulder blades shoved my upper body forward and down, bending me over at the waist, and forcing my face and bare breasts flat to the seat cushions. Behind me, however, my feet were still on the floor, and tight against my buttocks his hardening penis pressed lengthwise down the crack of my ass."

" 'Spread those legs, bitch,' Curtis commanded, not satisfied with the width between my thighs."

"I pushed my legs as wide apart as they would go and still give my toes a grip on the rug. Now I was truly helpless, stooped over the couch arm, my hands cuffed behind my back, and my hose covered legs spread to the floor behind me. I recognized the position. Often Curt had spread me this way across my hospital office desk and raped me, first in my pussy and then in my ass. He did so enjoy the way my buttocks wiggled against his belly as I struggled keep my toes on the floor."

"His hips retreated for a moment as if to choose which of my equally vulnerable holes would be the first sacrificed. I buried my face into the soft leather of the couch seat in eager anticipation, but what came next was not the blood filled hard-on I expected. Instead, suddenly and painfully, the cold plastic of a vibrating dildo split my pussy open."