One Stupid Mistake


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"Now, take my cum."

"Yes. Yes. Cum in your dirty whore. Fill her nasty pussy with your cum. Yes. Yes."

The head of my cock blew off and I started pumping cum in her. She held her pussy up tight against my bone, rubbing her clit and took every drop. She screamed as wave after wave of pleasure hit her. With the last squirt I dropped on her, gasping for breath. I tried to hold myself up so I didn't squash her, but she was holding me in place with her legs and arms. Finally she groaned and rolled me off. She hung on to me like I was a life preserver and she was drowning. Her ass was still twitching minutes later.

"Oh my fucking god. What did you do to me. I've never been fucked like that. I must have cum twenty times."

"Damn, girl. I think my cock exploded. That's one amazing pussy you have there."

She started kissing and licking my neck, making little funny noises.

"As soon as I get my strength back I gotta clean up that beautiful cock. Gotta get it ready for the next one."

'You might have killed it. Your pussy was working pretty hard on it."

"Don't you worry. I'll bring it back to life."

With that she moved down and started trying to resurrect it. It didn't take her long to bring it back to life. It must have her sucking, licking and her fingernail scratching over my asshole.

"I hope you have your life insurance paid up. I'm gonna fuck you to death now. One thing for sure, one of us won't be walking very well in the morning."

"If we do a good job that will be both of us. Now, get up there and show me how much you like my cock."

She got up over me with her hands on my chest. With no hands she moved around and lined it up. She watched me as she slid down on it. Using her muscles and a slow up and down motion she took control of my cock. She kept watching me while she stroked and squeezed. I could feel the wonderful feeling coming on. She knew I was getting close and slowed down. She got me right on the edge and slowed down, controlling me. She waited till I backed off and started again. She did his to me four times. It was too much to bear, so I took control. I pushed up in her and pinched both nipples. With a flex of my cock she screamed and clamped down on me. I went over the edge with her and blasted my cum all over her cervix.

She ended up on my chest with both of us trying to catch our breath. I rolled her off and spooned her back to me and we fell asleep.

The next morning we racked one more on the score card with her hanging on to the grab rail in the shower and me slamming into her from behind. We found our clothes, got dressed and checked out.


It was around ten am when I finally made it home. Of course, Amy was out by the pool soaking up some sunshine. I went into my bedroom and changed into my swim suit. I made a beeline for the hot tub. Amy watched me walk out.

"Hi, Dad. Looks like you had fun last night. Did you ever get some dinner."

"Yep, Janet and I had dinner at the Hilton."

Who is Janet?"

"She the sales rep from Acme Metals. She handles our account with them."

"Aha, you got you account handled last night."

"I guess you could put it that way. We had a nice time."

"Way to go, Dad. It's about time."

'How are you and Emily getting on?"

"She's great. I think she has her fingers in everything."

"She does. That's why she's so valuable to me. I never worry if I have to leave for a day or two."

"Did she give you a report on me?"

"Yep. She says you're soaking it up like a sponge. She's impressed, considering you're a third year business major."

"I think I'm gonna like working there. I've met so many nice people."

"Have they caught on that you're my daughter yet?"

"I don't think so. No one has mentioned it."

"Try to keep it that way. They might treat you differently if they know."

"I will. By the way, Dad. How long since you had a vacation? You know, a real one, not just a weekend off."

"Must be a couple of years, why do you ask?"

"I think you should take one. Maybe for like two weeks. Go lay in the sun and drink a Pina Colado."

"You think so, huh? Where would I go for that?"

"Ummm, maybe the Bahamas or Cancun, Aruba, or maybe Hawaii."

"Sounds like fun. I'll think about it. Are you planning on going with me?"

"Nope. I just started a new job and I don't have any vacation time yet."

"You poor thing. Working and slaving."

"Yeah, poor little me."

"I'm gonna go take a nap. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you probably need your rest after last night."

I just looked at her and went in my bedroom.

Monday morning I finished my morning routine with Emily and my department heads. I got to thinking about what Amy and mentioned. It had been a long while since I took a real vacation. The last one with with Tina two years ago. We spent two weeks lounging around in Hawaii. I decided to go for it.

"Emily. Come in my office, please."

"Yes, Don. What is it?"

"Amy and I were talking about me taking a vacation. She wants me to go lay in the sun for two weeks. Any ideas on that?"

"I hear Aruba is really nice."

"OK, book me a hotel and a flight out this Saturday."

"Great idea. I think you'll really like Aruba. Betty in HR went there last year. She said it was great."

"Aruba here I come."


I sat watching out the window as Aruba came up. We circled and made a perfect landing. I got lucky and found my luggage. It was actually on the same plane I was on. I caught a shuttle to the hotel where Emily had made reservations. The bellboy unpacked for me and I thanked him and gave him a five. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and laid down for a nap.

Six o' clock found me in the restaurant with a Pina Colado in front of me and a menu in my hand. Great start for a two week vacation. A table for one. I finished dinner and went to the bar. I noticed a dance floor but the dance band hadn't shown up yet. I switched to beer and looked the place over. It was mostly couples but a few pairs of ladies had some of the tables occupied.

On my second beer the band came in and did a brief warm up. I started looking for a dance partner. When the first song started all the ladies without partners we snagged up by the stag line. I made a mental note that I would have to be fast to get a dance.

After the band play about four slow songs, the stag line looked like it had struck out and most of the unescorted ladies were sitting out. I guess first with the most didn't always work out. I spotted a nice looking one that looked like she was in her mid thirties. I wandered over and asked her to dance. She accepted. It was a slow number so we had time to chat. Her name was Betty and she was from San Francisco. She was a secretary for a stock broker. As we danced she made sure she kept her distance so I left her after one dance. It was like dancing with my sister.

I decided to have one more beer and if things didn't look up I was going back to my room. I danced with two more women and it was a repeat of the first one.

As I was going back to my room it dawned on me that I may be the problem. I had been out of the so called dating scene for so long I didn't have a clue how to score. I made up my mind to just relax and let things happen. I would wait and see what I attracted.

The next day, after breakfast I decided to take Emily's advice and get some sun. I went down to the beach and found an umbrella and a couple of chaise lounges. I looked around a saw a little bar set up nearby. I got a Pina Colado and a bottle of sun screen. I was laying there admiring the nubile women frolicking in the surf and noticed a beauty at the umbrella about twenty five yards away. I had my girl watchers on so I gave her a good checking out. She was blonde with very fair skin. A nice rack and legs all the way up to an ass the looked hot enough to boil water. I turned my chair around so I could get a better look. She didn't seem to be aware of me, but I sure was aware of her.

I decided to take a little run. I didn't want to take two weeks off from my exercise regimen. I walked down to the firm sand and set off at a fast jog. When I got to what I thought was two miles, I turned and started back. The last one hundred yards I went into a full sprint. I walked back to my umbrella and took off my shirt and shoes. I jogged down to the water and swam out a ways to cool off. After treading water for a few minutes I swam back and parked under my umbrella. I glanced at the blonde and I thought I could see a little smile. Of course, some dirty old man thoughts ran through my mind. I rubbed on a little sun screen and laid out in the sun. I got hot pretty quickly so I packed up and went back to my room. I didn't want to get fried on my first day in the sun.

I took a nap and went down to eat. With a nice Fillet Mignon, a baker and a salad nestled in my stomach I want back to my room. I didn't bother with the bar again. I watched a couple of movies and dozed off.

The next morning I had breakfast and went down to claim my umbrella. As I walked up I noticed that the blonde was at the next one to mine. As I sat down she looked at me and I saw a little smile. My cock stirred. I kept my eye on her as she went down a played a little in the surf. A couple of guys spoke to her but they walked away after just a few words. While she was swimming I got a cold one. I watched her walk back and I could see that her wet swim suit was almost transparent. I could see her nipples and her camel toe. No pussy hair was showing through and I wondered if it was because she was a natural blonde or she shaved her pussy. She looked at me and smiled just before she sat down. I decided to make a try.

I finished my beer and stood up.

"I'm going to the bar for another drink, can I get one for you?"

She thought for a couple of seconds.

"Yes, please. Get me one of those with a little umbrella in it. I never can remember their name."

"Coming right up."

The bartender smiled at my order. I watched as he made something with rum in it.

I walked back and set her drink down.

"There you go. One umbrella drink. Be careful. I saw him put some rum in it. It might be some of that 150 proof stuff."

"Thank you. You're so kind to get me a drink, why don't you join me."

"My pleasure. Thanks."

I saw a wedding ring and almost left. With my history, the last thing I wanted was to get mixed up with a married woman. I thought about leaving for a few seconds, but I figured a little harmless chat wouldn't hurt so I stayed.

"My name is Ingrid, what's yours."

"You can call me Don. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"What brings you to Aruba?"

"To make a long story short, I'm celebrating my divorce. My daughter said I should go lay in the sun and drink Pina Colados. So here I am."

"What kind of business are you in?"

"I own a robotics company. We make high speed robots, milling machines, CNC machines and 3D printers."

"Robots like R2D2?"

I chuckled.

"No, they're used in manufacturing."

"That sounds interesting."

"Tell me, what brings you here. I see a wedding ring but I don't see a husband."

"We take separate vacations. He's in Italy for two weeks. We live in Minnesota and I like to come here for the warm climate."

My cock stirred again. Separate vacations meant she was her to play. I got interested in a hurry.

"Separate vacations. That sounds interesting. Do you do that often?"

"Usually once a year. Sven goes to Italy. He likes those chubby women with hairy legs."

'I don't know if I could handle that. My divorce was because of an unfaithful wife. I guess I'm a plain old fashioned guy. One woman at a time."

'It's not for everyone, I'm sure."

"And you, what kind of men do you like?"

"I don't know you well enough to tell you that. Maybe later I will. You mentioned you daughter?"

Yeah, that was a subject change for sure. We weren't going there yet.

"My daughter, Amy. She's in college now. She just finished her junior year. One more year to go."

"What's she studying?"

"She's a business major. She says she wants to take over my company when she graduates."

"Keep in the family, huh?"

"That's her plan. What do you and your husband do?"

"He's an investment broker. He likes to play with other peoples money."

"What about you? Do you work?"

"No, I just spend his money."

I had to laugh.

"I was thinking. Maybe we could meet for dinner and a little dancing this evening. They tell me I'm a pretty good dancer."

"I like that idea."

"How does seven sound?"

"That's fine."

"OK, I'll see you then. I feel a nap coming on. This tropical sun takes all the fire out of me."

"Thank you for the drink. I'll see you at seven."

I showed up in the restaurant about fifteen minutes early. I slipped the host a twenty and told him I would be meeting the most beautiful blonde on the planet and we would want a table near the dance floor after we ate. He smiled and my twenty disappeared.

When she walked in, a lot of conversations stopped and eyes were following her. A few guys got hard elbows in the ribs from their wives. Her hair was done up with curls falling down in back Her dress was Burgundy with spaghetti straps holding it up. It came down to mid thigh and black stockings encased her legs. Her five inch heels made her calf muscles look perfect. As she walked toward me I saw the gentle sway of her breasts obviously free from a bra. She walked with the grace of a jungle animal. My little head took notice too.

I stood and she put her hand behind my neck and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. The host pulled her chair out and seated her. I slipped him my credit card and managed to get to my chair without falling down.

I looked at her and all I could think of to say was, "WOW!".

She chuckled.

"You look ravishing tonight."

"Thank you, Don. That's always nice to hear."

The wine steward came and I ordered a bottle of Dom.

"Oh my, Champagne. Good choice."

We discussed the menu and decided on prime rib for both of us. I wasn't sure but I thought champagne was good with any food. We sipped and chatted till the food came. The conversation lagged while we were eating.

We finished and I signaled the host. He took us to a table and removed the reserved sign. I ordered another bottle of Dom. While we waited for the champagne I asked Ingrid if she liked to tango. She just smiled. When the wine steward brought our bottle I handed him a twenty and asked him to give it to the band leader and request a tango. We each took a sip of our drink and I pulled her to the floor.

I had always considered myself a pretty good dancer. I wondered how good Ingrid was. I soon found out. The first one was a slow one and she moved into my arms. With her body pressed against mine, she laid her head on my chest.

"Are you going to answer my question now?"

"Which one is that?"

"I asked what kind of man you liked for a change."

"Oh, yes. I remember."

She ran her fingers through my hair and down my sideburns to my chin.

"I like a man with dark hair and just a little gray in his sideburns and a strong jaw. He has to be tall enough that I can wear my five inch heels."

She caressed my cheek and kissed me. Her tongue slid across my lips just before she pulled back. My hand found it's way down to her lower back. I couldn't feel a waist band for panties. I wondered. She pressed against my half hard cock.

"I also like a man who get a little hard when we dance."

I moved her over a little till her mound was against my thigh. I felt her shiver.

She pressed against it. Right at the end of the song I felt her shudder. I caught her as she came on my leg. She looked up at me and grinned.

"Oh my god, that was nice. You are a good dancer."

I kept my mouth shut.

The band started the Tango I requested. We shifted back and forth picking up the beat. I put her through the paces and she never missed a step. I pushed her away and twirled her. Her dress flared out and I head a crash from the direction of the bar. I confirmed that she didn't have panties on. Some guy had dropped his drink. I waited a minute and spun her again. Her head fell back and she laughed. She knew what I was doing and didn't seem to mind.

The song finished and I led her back to the table.

"You are so bad, showing my parts like that. Someone wasted a drink because of you."

"I think it was because of you, not me."

I caught the eye of the band leader and gave him the high sign. He nodded and started another tango. I pulled her to the floor. I put some of my best moves on her and she followed with no problem. I was impressed. When the song ended she whispered.

"I don't want to waste anymore of my vacation. Let's go to my room."

I signed for the tab and we headed for the elevators. The doors closed and we were alone. Her arms went around my neck and we started searching for each others tonsils. She dropped one hand and found my cock. I slid my hands down and lifted the front of her dress. I slid my hand down her mound and felt her open her legs enough to give me access. She gasped as I slid one finger in. The champagne and the dancing had done it's job. She was wet. She squeezed my cock and I almost came in my pants. The doors opened and we ran to her room. She fumbled the key card but finally got the door open. She was having trouble because I was groping her ass. It only took her three tries to get it open.

"You sit on the bed. I want to do something for you."

Of course I did as directed. She stood just out of reach in front of me. I slipped off my suit coat, loosened my tie and settled back. I suspected what she was going to do and she didn't disappoint me.

She smiled and slipped the shoulder straps off. She reached behind her back and I heard a zipper. She let go of it and her dress fell around her feet. The blood ran from my big head and my cock came up to full attention. I'm sure my mouth fell open. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Everything was perfect.

She stepped out of her dress and posed for me, still wearing her heels and stockings. She stopped closer to me, put her hands behind her head and spread her feet apart. I feasted my eyes on her. Her beautiful blonde hair, her beautiful face. Her full D cup breasts, her flat stomach. My eyes stopped on her shaved pussy. Her little pink clit was peeking out, and I could see droplets of moisture clinging to her pussy lips.

"Oh fuck. What a vision. You're lovely."

"Stand up. I want you naked like me."

I stood and she started undressing me. My tie, shirt and t shirt flew away. I slipped my shoes off as she started on my pants. They were soon around my ankles. She knelt in front of me and tugged my boxer briefs down. My rock hard seven and a half inches popped out. I head a little gasp.

"Just perfect. I feel like Goldilocks. Just the right length and nice and thick."

She ran her nails down my thighs and I almost came on her face. One of her hands cupped my balls and she rolled them around. I was straining to keep from cumming. She leaned forward and kissed the head of my cock. I started reciting the multiplication tables. She licked my cock from my hair all the way up. I thought she was going to give me a blow job, but she stopped and stood up. Her arms went around my neck and our lips met. After kissing for what seem like an hour she leaned back and looked into my eyes.

"I want your first load of cum in me. I haven't had a man in a while. I want you to fuck me hard and fast. Once we get that out of the way we can get down to the serious fucking."

With that said she pushed me back on the bed. She laid beside me and pulled me into her saddle. She used both hands to line my cock up with her pussy. She snapped her hips up and my cock head popped in. Her legs went up and around my ass. She locked her ankles and pulled me down. She kept pulling me down pushing her hips up to meet me, till I was balls deep in her. She sighed and held me all the way in.