One Whore's Town Ch. 04


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Moans, giggles, and squeals continued to drift down the hall from Lana's room, prompting the soldier to frequently glance that way. Though she did a better job of hiding it, Betty was listening closely and surprised by what she heard. It sounded like genuine pleasure.

The soldier snorted and said, "Think she may be laying it on a bit thick."

"Oh, I'm sure he's enjoying it," Betty responded, and then winked. "He can probably use the confidence boost."

The front door opened and Janus entered. "I think I have the idea for the drain sussed, but I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead, honey."

"Well, I was thinking I could add a couple of rooms at the back door, there. They might be a little close to the outhouses, but it's probably time to fill those holes in and move them anyway. I've got more than enough brick, but I'd need some help laying courses if it's going to be done any time soon."

"I don't think any of the boys know anything about that," Betty said.

"They don't really need to. I can give them the basics and keep an eye on them, if you don't mind giving them up in shifts, I can probably have two more rooms up in a week. Getting them roofed will depend on buying some beams."

Betty said, "I don't want you to put yourself out."

"I'm honestly idle right now," Janus said, and shrugged. "It's been a while since I used any of the bricks I make."

"We can certainly use the space. At least let me pay you for them and supervising? Maybe to hire some other hands, if you know of anybody?"

"Won't argue with that."

"See what you can do with the boys, then."

Janus nodded. "I'm going to get back to the shop and work on the molds for the drainage bricks."

"Please. I keep daydreaming about that tub."

He chuckled. "Will do."

A second later, the sound of Lana's voice rising in a crescendo filled the house. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Ahhhh!" she cried, followed by a scream of release. She yelped and whimpered a few times afterward, the sounds carrying hints of mirth as they trailed off.

The soldier sitting next to her stared incredulously down the hallway.

"Can I see that list again?" Betty asked. "Seems I need to add roofing beams to it."

The soldier turned away from the hall, shook his head as if to clear it, and then nodded. "Sure."

Betty made her notation, handed the list back, and then went to check on the two new girls. Ginny was drying off from her bath and a heavenly smell of cooking pork was drifting from the stove.

"How is that making me hungry when I'm already overstuffed?" Betty asked.

Jan said, "She does know her way around a kitchen, and I could use the break."

"And maybe we won't have to wait until someone's done humping you to get some grub," Betty remarked, prompting all four women to laugh — though Keri's laughter was subdued and she turned bright red.

Betty said, "Once you eat, have a bath. There's some clothes laid out for you to wear until you can wash your things. You're doing just fine, Keri."

"Thank you," the younger redhead said as she cooked.

A much more recognizable performance emerged from Lana's room as Betty returned to the front room, culminating in a comical, almost gurgling grunt from the green soldier as he spent his seed.

"Be a dear and don't tease him right off?" Betty asked. "It's his first time. Let him bask in it for a while, honey."

The other soldier nodded. "I'll lay off. Can't promise he won't get it when he gets back to base, though."

"You can only do what you can do," Betty responded.

A few minutes later, Lana led the wobbly-kneed and awestruck soldier into the front room. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading out the back door. The other soldier had to take over leading his companion, who seemed barely in possession of his faculties.

Betty turned and lifted an eyebrow when Lana returned to the house. The whore giggled and actually blushed. Betty lifted a hand, waved the younger woman over, and then made a circling gesture.

Lana shook her head, chuckled, and sat down. "Okay. Well, I barely got my lips wrapped around it before he went off. Damn to near drowned me. He needed to let that load off something fierce."


"Of course he was ashamed, so I cuddled him and told him there were other ways to make a woman feel good. Got his head between my legs and... Well... I don't know. There was just something about him. He's a cute thing, and he was listening to what I was trying to teach him like his life depended on it, and doing a good job of it. For some reason, it got me all hot and bothered, and he got me off."

"Well, good for you."

"The rest of us don't have Ghent to plow us with that tree trunk of his, so we have to get it where we can. Had to drag him out by the ears." Lana said, and then laughed. "I think he would have stayed down there all day if I'd let him. Didn't last much longer once he got his prick wet again, but if he remembers anything he was doing with his tongue, he'll do good the next time he gets down there."

"A little something for everyone."

"Got to come up and got paid for it. Not a bad deal."

"Can't beat that."


A fairly steady stream of soldiers in twos arrived throughout the day. Word must have gotten around, because as evening approached, some of the locals were also cautiously approaching the house. The girls were making out well, but it never got so busy that Betty had to lie down for any of them.

Betty was beginning to worry about Hoss when he finally returned. She patted Ghent on the butt and said, "Go send him in, bring in whatever he managed to buy, and get it put away." She'd made a list of things they needed that wouldn't be suspicious for a lone male traveler to buy. It wasn't ideal, but it would fill a few gaps in their supplies.

Betty put her hands on her hips when Hoss entered wearing a broad smile. "Well, someone's in a good mood."

The big man shrugged and laughed. "What can I say? She's almost worth what she's charging. Not a blemish on her. Big nipples. Firm tits. And damn, that pussy is tight and wet. Puts on a good show once she decides you've waited around long enough, too."

"Did you manage to take your eyes off her long enough to notice anything else?"

"Waited around for a while in a room off the front room. Not much to see there, but then she made me take a bath, and damn!"

Betty's brow furrowed. "Hmm?"

"Yeah, there's this big pool at the back of the house. Heated somehow. Between that and the pussy, it was almost worth what you paid. Most of the rooms downstairs seemed to be closed up, and any that had the doors open looked a bit dusty. Sat down by the pool showing her tits and legs off, but made sure I got a good wash. Only let me dry off once she decided I was clean enough, and told me to carry my clothes upstairs. Made me leave them on a table in the hall when she took me into the bedroom."

"Prissy bitch," Betty muttered under her breath.

"It was a big room, but I don't think it was the master. One at the end of the hall with double doors is where I'd guess that is. Guess she don't like sleeping in the wet spot."

"Anyone else there?"

"Some other fella waiting in a different room. He was there when I got there, but she got me first. He didn't look too happy about that. That's it, though."

"Remember enough to draw up a map for Raven?" Betty asked.

"Won't be perfect, but yep."

"I'll fetch you something to draw on."

The door to Ginny's room opened as Betty was moving toward the hall, and the local who had just finished humping her emerged. He looked quite satisfied.

"Have a good trip home, honey," she said.

He offered a silly smile and a nod as he walked into the front room.

Ginny was working out perfectly. Her sister had already proven her value in the kitchen, over a wash tub, and with a needle and thread. Betty guessed that soon Keri and Ginny would have the prettiest dresses of any of them if what the younger redhead was stitching together from the cloth Betty had purchased that day was any indication.

It was an absolutely ideal outcome — except they were crammed in practically shoulder to shoulder.

Betty opened the door just wide enough to slip through, in an effort to avoid awakening Mack. He'd used the simple expedient of a hump with Lilly to make him drowsy despite having slept the previous night. She fetched her writing case and slipped back out to set Hoss to work on his map.

Hoss nodded toward the window and Ghent elaborated, "Raven coming in with the little one."

Betty handed over her case and met the pair outside. Lilly and Jan were still entertaining the latest of Corra's soldiers, and no matter how grown beyond his years the boy might be, she didn't think he needed an education in certain things just yet. The young man — Abel, she remembered from Raven's interrogation — had a saddlebag hanging over his shoulder that threatened to pull him off balance.

Raven shook her head as she approached and said, "Saw you picked up a couple more strays."

Betty shrugged. "It's getting to be close quarters, but Janus is planning to build a couple of new rooms."

Raven said, "Finished filing the pins for the one back door. I'll get those put in and get to work on another set. By the time I'm done it's going to take someone with a lot more skill than Shad to pick their way in here." She nodded toward the boy at her side. "This one wants to talk to your stableboy."

"Hoss is working on a map from what he saw inside," Betty said.

"Good. I've marked all the windows. This one and his brothers have been inside too. Should have a decent floor plan by the time we're all done tweaking it. You know, there's a simple way to solve all your problems."

Knowing that Raven meant a knife to the heart or a cord around the local whore's throat, Betty said, "I'd rather it didn't come to that."

"She may not give you a choice," Raven said as she headed inside.

"So, what do you want to see Pallah about?" Betty asked.

Abel patted the saddlebag. "I pinched this out of the barn of one of those fellas that was bothering people on the road. Oats and apples."

Betty smiled. "I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture. Hoping it will make him a little less angry at your brother?"

"Do you think it will?"

"It can't hurt to try. Come along. He's out in the stable."

The smell of the stables caused Betty to scrunch up her nose as she opened the creaking door.

Pallah looked up from the piece of wood he was whittling and scowled when he saw who accompanied Betty. The young man at her side took a deep breath, stood up as straight as he could with the saddlebag slung over his shoulder, and approached.

"I wanted to say sorry for Shad whacking you over the head," Abel said, and then pulled open the flap of the saddlebag. "I got you this for the horses."

Betty had to press her lips tightly together to avoid smiling when she saw Pallah's harsh expression soften upon seeing the contents of the saddlebag.

With some effort, Abel lifted the strap off his shoulder. "I know it don't make up for it, but..."

Pallah accepted the saddlebag, sighed, and said, "The horses will appreciate it."

Betty suggested, "So, maybe you could be the bigger man and not stare daggers at him and his brothers every time you see them? He is trying to make amends."

"Shad's sorry he did it. Honest," Abel said.

Pallah looked somewhat dubious of that, but shook it off. He looked at Betty, sighed once more, and said, "Tell your brother I'm sorry I hit him too."

Betty smiled and nodded her approval. "Come along Abel. Let's not push our luck. Small steps." As she led the young man outside, she looked over her shoulder and mouthed thank you to Pallah. He nodded in response.

Since the two soldiers' horses were still in the stable, Betty led Abel over to the workshop. "Raven's kip isn't too uncomfortable, is it?"

"It's okay," Abel said and shrugged. "Shad helped her pinch some stuff to make mattresses for us. Wynn's stuffing and trying to sew them up. Got some blankets too."

"It's just for a while. I'll see that you and your brothers come out better when this is all over."

Abel paused, looked up, and asked, "Why are you being so nice to us?"

"I know what it's like to lead a hard life. Someone helped me have a better life a long time ago, so I think it's my place to do the same, now that I can. None of this is your fault."

Betty opened the door to the shop and asked Janus, "Do you mind showing Abel here what you're doing?"

Janus appeared to understand that she was trying to keep the young man out of the house while the girls were working. "Come on over, Abel. I'm just making some special bricks to drain that new tub over there."

"Pay attention," Betty said. "You never know when a trade is something you might be interested in, and it never hurts to learn a little about everything."

Abel said, "Yes'm," and then made his way toward Janus' workbench.

"Meanwhile, I'm going to go scare up some food for you and Raven to take back."


Once night closed in and the men stopped coming, everyone ate their fill of a marvelous stew prepared by Keri, had a bath, and settled in for the night. Mack arose to take the night watch, while Hoss set up his cot inside of the workshop door, where Janus and Pallah would be sleeping. Pallah was used to sleeping in a stable for most of his life, so the cot was hardly unfamiliar. That freed up a room so Keri wouldn't have to share a bed with her sister.

With everything in order, Betty led Ghent to bed. It took little more than a glance to see he was rock hard in hopeful anticipation. After hearing both Lilly and Lana have real climaxes, she was quite hot and bothered as well.

She kept her desire under wraps as they stripped down, playing as if she planned on going to bed without a hump. As soon as she saw the slight look of resignation cross his face, she giggled, pulled him into a kiss, and caressed the head of his cock poking out of his breeches.

"I'm a terrible tease, aren't I?" she said with her lips still touching his.

"Uh-huh," he agreed while squeezing her ass.

Betty tugged down his breeches, freeing his cock, and while he wriggled out of his last garment, she pushed her panties down her legs. She had barely managed to free her feet when she saw a mischievous glint in Ghent's eyes. In a flash, his hands were beneath her ass, and she squealed when he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. Betty wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close, and the head of his cock pressed against her folds.

An excited growl escaped him when he felt how wet she was against his hardness. He squeezed her ass and twitched his hips, sliding the big head against her folds. A wet crackle further demonstrated just how ready she was.

Betty kissed his chest and broad shoulders while moaning from the sensation of his cock parting her nether lips and gliding over her clit with delightful friction. She fully expected him to lower her to the bed any moment, but he had other ideas.

Ghent's hips twitched faster and he pulled her even tighter against him. Betty moaned and gasped from the hard organ sliding over the center of her pleasure and growing more slippery by the moment. Her hips began to gyrate against him almost of their own accord, kindling chilly sparks in her depths.

The big man grinned, showing absolutely no sign of strain as he held her against him. Betty's fires rose higher by the moment, and her breasts were soon nearly as slick with sweat against his chest as her pussy, but it wasn't quite enough. Before pleasure could turn to frustration, Ghent turned, and lowered her to the bed. Betty spread her legs wide, but then her brow furrowed when he dropped to his knees at the side of the bed.

Ghent buried his face between her legs, sucking and tonguing over the apex of her nether lips. Betty let out a little growl of desperate need — wanting him inside of her — but then he suddenly latched on.

A series of loud yelps burst from her lips as he ravaged her with his mouth. He kept her clit and a good portion of her folds sucked hard between his lips while he tongued her and shook his head like a dog worrying over a toy. Her fires — which had begun to fitfully ebb — surged to an inferno.

Betty squeezed her sweat-slick breasts, twitched, and writhed from the sudden, unexpected spike of pleasure. Her folds slipped away with a wet slurp during one such lurch, and he dug his fingers into her thighs in response. He latched on again a moment later and set her to screaming.

Caught in his powerful grip, Betty couldn't escape when the sharp and intense pleasure caused her to instinctively try to pull away. Her hands left her breasts, slammed into the bed, and curled into claws as she tumbled into sweet oblivion. Her scream of release was drowned out by the sound of her rapid heartbeat pounding in her ears.

Betty's back arched high off the bed and then slammed down as she sucked in a desperate breath. A moment later, she found herself sitting up and screaming again, with her fingers twisted into Ghent's hair. The big man offered no quarter and continued to ravage her pussy. She came and came until she was senseless with ecstasy.

When she finally recovered enough to feel anything other than the mind-numbing power of her orgasm, Ghent was sitting next to her on the bed, wiping away beads of sweat from her forehead. She was still desperately wheezing for breath, and kept going into uncontrollable quakes from the aftershocks.

Ghent lifted her to a sitting position at some point, and she immediately grasped the cup of water he offered in her trembling hands. She choked on the first sip and sprayed them both with water, but then managed to drink to salve her parched and sore throat. Her lover steadied her hands as she regained her breath and her senses.

"More?" he asked when she finished the first cup.

She rapidly nodded her head, causing locks of disheveled hair to fall in front of her eyes. He brushed the errant strands back behind her ears before refilling the cup.

After a few more drinks, Betty had the breath and the presence of mind to ask, "W-where did that c-come f-from?"

Ghent grinned from ear to ear, and there was an evil glint in his eyes when he asked, "Like it?"

She tried to backhand him, but there was little strength behind the slap, and she managed to spill some of the cool water on her still-hot breasts in the process. After recovering from that shock, she narrowed her eyes at her chuckling lover.

His next chuckle caught in his throat, and he cleared it before answering,

"Well, when Raven was here and you were off with the little one, I kind of asked her about how girls do it. Didn't get a chance to put my fingers in like she told me, but I guess I mostly got the rest right."

One final shiver ran through Betty and she laughed as she nodded. "Thank her, won't you?"

"Uh-huh," he said as she leaned against him with a satisfied sigh.

It wasn't long before she finished her water, saw his huge cock bouncing, and felt her passions rising again. He was all too willing and able to help her with that.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You've got such a knack for storytelling, and for catching the moment. The whole chapter was a treat, which is pretty amazing cuz it mostly was about organization and bringing a few more ppl into the fold. I've been having a big smile on my face from the moment Raven joined Shad's interrogation. Be assured that I'll read Lowborn for a third time once I'm done with this entertaining story.

StrokespeareStrokespeare2 months ago

I bet she wants that big house for herself

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