Outgrowing the Arcology Ch. 02


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"Oh wow..." Maaya said softly. She sat up as Rose sat down on the bed again, and reached out to touch the Brazilian's breasts. Her hand looked so tiny compared to that perfect pair; they were a perfect complement to Rose's narrow waist, flat stomach and wide hips. In Maaya's eyes, she was a veritable dark-skinned goddess, unattainable, untouchable... until now. Maaya had never realized before how much she wanted this.

She moved her small hand over the slope of Rose's vast breasts, lightly brushing the nipples, so this time it was Rose's turn to shiver with pleasure. Then she put her hand under one of them and lifted it up, marvelling at the weight. She nearly regretted not picking a larger final size for the formula. She'd only gone for a C cup; no matter what Kimiko said, Maaya just didn't think she could pull off a larger size on her small body. She vehemently wished she were taller so she could have a chest like Rose's.

"Tell me, Maaya," Rose said with a playful look in her eyes. "Have you ever been with a girl before?"

"Twice," Maaya said, not meeting Rose's eyes. "But that was a few years ago. And neither of them was nearly as beautiful as you."

"Then it's time you got a refresher," Rose said simply as she pushed Maaya back on the bed.

Suddenly, Maaya's world was obscured by dark curls as Rose leaned over her. Soft, full lips pressed against hers, and Maaya instinctively reacted, parting her lips to admit Rose's tongue. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss, which lasted a long time.

When their mouths finally parted again, Rose repositioned herself so now her breasts were directly above Maaya's head. Maaya watched breathlessly as they swung pendulously above her, and she couldn't suppress an excited squeal when Rose lowered herself, burying Maaya's head in soft breast-flesh.

Maaya felt like she was in heaven. She greedily devoured those amazing tits which were almost as big as her head. She mashed them against her face with her hands, and sucked on those large, perfect nipples. Rose moaned in response, and put one hand to work fondling Maaya's breasts through her shirt, keeping herself propped up with the other.

Maaya, lost inside Rose's cleavage, barely even noticed how the tingling feeling intensified over her whole body and her chest in particular. Rose on the other hand was a bit more observant and realised something was happening.

She lifted herself off Maaya -- causing some protests -- and quickly spotted what was wrong. "Maaya, your breasts are bigger," she said, her voice a mixture of excitement and concern.

Maaya propped herself up on her elbows, and looked down. "They are? But how..."

She didn't finish the sentence as a huge wave of pleasure surged through her body. As it did, her chest swelled in front of the eyes of a disbelieving Rose. They were rapidly filling up the space in her blouse, pulling the fabric tight and causing gaps to show between the buttons. When they stopped, they had reached the size of large oranges.

Maaya looked at Rose, her face flushed. "That was amazing," she said, panting. She examined her new chest. "Looks like I may have overshot the C mark," she added sheepishly.

"Yeah," Rose said breathlessly. "It looks great, though. Do you think this was the same thing that happened to Michelle?"

"Could be... damn, I'm still feeling all tingly. You still have me beat, though." She eyed Rose hungrily. "And I don't recall saying you should stop."

Rose stood up from the bed, and brushed a hand through her hair. "But don't you think we should get a doctor? This can't be normal," she said, though her face betrayed the internal conflict; she didn't really want to stop either.

"Later," Maaya said simply, also standing up. "Right now there are more important things."

She walked up to Rose and pressed her against the wall, grabbing Rose's large bare breasts. Standing on tip-toe and pulling Rose down, she proceeded to kiss the tall girl again. Rose capitulated easily, and returned the kiss even more passionately than before.

The kiss and their mutual caresses almost turned frantic as their excitement rose. Maaya just couldn't get over how turned on she was; Rose's smell, her big breasts, her soft body, her full lips against Maaya's, it was driving her wild in a way that she'd never thought possible.

It didn't take long for the tingling feeling to intensify again, and this time Maaya was aware of it. However, she didn't stop kissing, or said anything. Instead, she welcomed it, mentally urging her breasts to grow again. At that moment she didn't care how impractical it would be, she just wanted to be bigger.

She pressed her body against Rose as she felt her blouse tighten again. The sound of tearing was audible -- the seams around her armpits were giving up! A button snapped open, and Maaya's excitement grew; she wanted to burst out of her shirt if she could.

But something was strange; the tingling wasn't limited to her breasts. Still locked in the kiss, Maaya's pants got tighter, and her sleeves rose up her arms. Her mind was getting overloaded with pleasure from the sensations, almost to the exclusion of everything else.

Maintaining the kiss became easier and easier, as she didn't have to reach quite as high anymore. She was no longer standing on tip-toe, her feet now flat on the ground. It couldn't be happening, but clearly it was: she was gaining height, getting taller like she'd always wanted!

She didn't want Rose to know yet, she wanted to keep this wonderful feeling to herself. She wanted it to be a surprise to her beautiful partner, and she was also a bit afraid that Rose would force her to stop and call a doctor if she noticed. Deep down she did acknowledge that growing like this couldn't be normal, but she couldn't pass this up.

To keep Rose distracted, she moved one of her hands away from Rose's tits and down to the Brazilian's already dripping wet cunt. She pushed a finger inside, then another, and with her thumb began to manipulate her clit. Rose moaned in response, fuelling her fervour. Rose also moved a hand to Maaya's crotch, stroking her pussy through her increasingly tight jeans.

That in combination with the feelings of the growth was too much. The pleasure rose to a crescendo, and Maaya was caught in the throws of an orgasm pretty soon. It nearly overwhelmed her; she had to break the kiss and simply held on to Rose.

As her orgasm continued to build, Maaya's body surged upwards. Hiding it from Rose was impossible now; loud ripping and tearing noises came from her blouse and jeans as Maaya's body became too big for them to hold. Another two buttons of her blouse let go as they were unable to stand up against a torso and breasts that were now much bigger than they were designed for.

And Maaya wasn't the only one. As a result of Maaya's manipulations of her clit, Rose joined her in an orgasm of her own, shrieking loudly and covering Maaya's hand, still buried in her pussy, in her sticky fluids. The tingling feeling overcame her as well, and her breasts slowly grew as the two girls collapsed to the floor together.

Soon -- too soon -- the feelings subsided. Maaya, exhausted, sat down on Rose's bed, and Rose leaned against the wall; both of them glistening with sweat, smelling of sex and with their hair all messy.

"What the hell just happened?" Rose asked, breathing heavily, her now nearly volleyball sized breasts heaving on her chest.

Maaya looked up, excited. "I think I got taller," she said, elated. "I actually got taller! Isn't it wonderful? It felt so good; I didn't want it to stop!" She stared disbelievingly at her clothes, which had partially ripped along the seams. Thanks to the missing buttons, her bra was visible underneath her blouse. Her breasts, now somewhere between oranges and grapefruits in size, were bulging out of the completely ineffectual garment. The remains of her jeans were uncomfortably tight around her hips; she'd probably need scissors to get them off.

Rose looked concerned. "But, are you alright? This can't be normal; no one grows that fast."

"Oh, Rose," Maaya exclaimed, and she got up from the bed and walked towards Rose, noticing happily that the top of her head was now above Rose's breasts. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine, really. This is my dream; let's not spoil it by worrying. We can find out what's going on tomorrow; for now I just want to let it happen, and enjoy it with you."


After Mike and Kimiko had gotten dressed -- which posed some problems for the latter as her clothing wasn't exactly suited for her new physique -- the two of them discussed what to do. They were both very distressed about what they'd done, and neither really understood how they could've been so stupid as to let it happen; they weren't teenagers anymore, so they thought they should've been able to exercise better judgement regardless of how horny they felt.

One thing was clear to both of them: they couldn't keep this a secret. They'd have to tell Michelle. Kimiko had pleaded to come with him, desperate to tell her side of the story to Michelle, but Mike thought it would be better if he broke the news alone.

So it was that despite his intentions not to visit her today, he now stood in front of her door ringing the bell, deeply nervous about how she would react, hoping against hope that he could salvage the situation.

When Michelle opened the door, already wearing her nightshirt, she looked understandably surprised. "Mike? I thought you weren't going to..." She stopped as she noticed his expression. "What's the matter?"

An ashen-faced Mike walked into her room, and sat down on the couch. Staring into deep space, not meeting her eyes, he told his story. "Michelle, I... I don't know how to tell you this. My god, I'm so sorry." He was on the verge of tears.

She sat down next to him and put a hand on his knee, frowning. "What is it, Mike? You're scaring me."

"I was in the gym, and I wanted to tell Kimiko I was leaving," he said, talking quickly, almost rambling. "But she threw me in the pool, and my shirt was wet so I took it off, and then she was on top of me, and she was touching me, and I just couldn't think straight! I wanted to resist, but I couldn't, and we... we..."

"You had sex with Kimiko!?" Michelle said, aghast, and she withdrew her hand.

Mike just nodded, still not looking at her. "We didn't mean for it to happen. But we were both so horny, and then her breasts were growing, and..."

Michelle cut him off. "Wait, her breasts were growing? Like mine?"

Mike looked at Michelle, and noticed for the first time since he came in that her chest looked bigger than it had that afternoon. Underneath her nightshirt, they appeared to be the size of cantaloupes. "It happened again? And I swear my dick's larger too... What's going on here, Michelle?"

Involuntarily, Michelle briefly glanced at Mike's crotch when he said that. "Something's definitely wrong with these damn formulas," she said angrily. "I wish we never agreed to Tamura's proposal! We should've known better than to take two formulas at once. Our bodies shouldn't react like this, and who knows where this'll lead? What if we get cancer or die as a result or something? And now you're sleeping with Kimiko... everything's just going wrong now!"

"No!" Mike nearly shouted. "I didn't sleep with her! I just... I wouldn't cheat on you, you know that. I love you, Michelle, I swear! I feel horrible, and wish I could just go back and undo it, but I can't, and... and now all I can think about is how I'm going to lose you because I'm such an idiot. I don't want to lose you! Kimiko was in tears too because she thinks she's ruined her friendship with you. We were stupid, it was wrong, but please, believe me, we didn't mean to..."

Michelle sighed. "It's that stupid formula's fault as well, isn't it? I've been feeling so horny all evening, and then when my breasts grew again it got even worse... I've been masturbating the whole time, wishing you were here, rather than working on that paper like I should've. If Kimiko and you felt like I did, then I suppose it's not so strange that when the opportunity arose..."

"Look, Michelle," Mike said. "I'm not looking for excuses. Maybe we were affected by the formula, but we still shouldn't have... I should've been strong enough to stop her, stop myself, dammit!"

"I know, Mike," she said softly, still sounding hurt. "I just need time to think. I appreciate that you told me, and I know you didn't mean to hurt me, but this isn't something I can just shrug off. There's a part of me that just wants to rip your pants off and make you make it up to me that way -- maybe that's the formula's work too -- but I just can't."

"Just say the word," Mike said, pleading. "I'll do anything; just give me another chance, please. I'd never forgive myself if I ruined this."

"I don't want to lose you either," Michelle said. "But I need some time to process this, okay? Just go home, Mike, and tomorrow we'll talk to Tamura and put a stop to this. Then, we'll see where we stand."

Feeling quite dejected but also cautiously hopeful and glad that she hadn't just told him it was over -- which she had every right to in his opinion -- he left her apartment. All he could think about when she showed him out was how he could make it up to her. He was too distracted even to notice that Michelle, who was normally slightly shorter than him, was ever so slightly taller than usual.


Sometime after midnight, Maaya and Rose lay naked in bed together, exhausted but content. They had continued for longer than Maaya thought she could've lasted, and both of them had reached extremes of pleasure that they had previously not known existed.

Maaya lay awake, snuggled up against a sleeping Rose. She could feel the other girl's rhythmic breaths as those magnificent breasts pushed against her. Both Rose and Maaya had experienced the tingling feeling again, and Maaya's breasts now looked proportionally like grapefruits, while Rose had surpassed volleyball proportions.

How big they actually were depended on how big the rest of her was, and that was a bit hard to say; Maaya had kind of lost track of how tall she'd grown exactly. It was hard to pay attention to anything when you're engaged in a sex marathon with -- in Maaya's eyes -- the most beautiful girl who ever lived.

Although she was tired, Maaya didn't want to fall asleep. It still seemed incredible that her fantasy of growing bigger had finally come true, and she was afraid that if she fell asleep she'd wake up the next morning to find it was just a dream.

But even if that didn't happen, the next morning would mean having to face the question of how it happened. As much as she had loved the experience, a small part of her had to admit it wasn't exactly normal. They would have to seek medical help and figure out what happened. But for now, she didn't care; no matter what happened next she would never regret this wonderful night with Rose, and the fulfilment of one of her greatest wishes.

Curious to see how she compared to Rose now, she stretched herself out in bed. Rose was definitely still the taller of the two, but Maaya thought that Rose herself had also grown a bit, though it was hard to be sure how much. However, Maaya estimated that she was around two metres tall now, which meant she was taller than Michelle, she thought excitedly.

But then she noticed something that didn't make sense. When she stretched out like this, her feet escaped from under the covers, and she could see that Rose's legs also clearly extended beyond the foot of the bed. Rose had said the bed was two metres thirty, and Maaya's head wasn't far from the headboard.

Maaya's heart skipped a beat; both she and Rose had to be even taller than she'd thought. It was hard to get a clear look, and she didn't want to get up to confirm it since she didn't want to disturb Rose, but she was definitely longer than the bed. At a rough guess, the amount of distance she could extend her feet over the edge meant she had to be over two fifty, and Rose was even taller!

Contentedly, she finally fell asleep. In her dreams, she and Rose continued making love and continued growing taller, until they put even the woman from that movie poster to shame.

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FallenAlfarFallenAlfaralmost 12 years ago

When is Dilandau gonna finish the story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Love the breast expansion aspect of the story

keep going with the story.

druguladrugulaover 12 years ago

great story, can't wait for more

rayxcskierrayxcskierover 12 years ago
great story

keep it up! this is great!

MoonreaderMoonreaderover 12 years ago
Great story!

Great story and so much potential for more, please continue writing this!

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