Overlapping Letters

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It does take time for them to arrive.
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I looked at the letter in shock. From watching the news, I guess I expected it, but it was still a shock to my system.

The world seemed to be crazy, we were fighting some people over in a place called Viet Nam.

I had no idea where that was for sure, and I also did not care. That all had nothing to do with me, and as far as I could tell, it had nothing to do with anything.

The news was full of people protesting in the streets, and while I didn't do any of that, I agreed with them.

Now the letter was in my hands, I was drafted into the army. That meant problems, I had a young wife, a job in the local mill, the beginnings of a life.

The news were full of stories about others, they were being sent home, the lucky ones maimed for life, the unlucky ones dead.

I even thought about Canada, but I did not want to be a criminal looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.


My wife Sharon burst into tears at the news, nothing I could do about that. We were into beginnings of learning about sex, and man were we busy at it. Once she found out what it was like, she turned into the hottest, horniest woman I ever met before or since, except for my current wife Debra who I have written about before.

We talked about a lot of possibilities, one of them was that I would go down and join the Navy, less chance of getting shot and I could invest the time getting an education.

I actually did do that, there was some discussion about me being already in the Army but one guy there told the others that I volunteered for four years, and was only drafted for two?

So. I was in the Navy.

The other big issue was sex. I was an every other day man now, Sharon would have been even more frequent if I could manage that, but our typical session was usually a couple of hours and the truth is, even young and virile, I just could not.

She was seriously in heat most of the time, the discovery of sex really set her off. I was getting used to eating cold meals.

"What are we going to do?" Was her tearful question. There were a lot of tears during that period.


"I suppose that if things got too bad, we could agree that another partner would be OK?" I suggested at one point.

We already talked about toys and things like that, while she did like that, it didn't do much more than cool her off for a few hours.

"What? Really? Wouldn't you get mad?" Sharon looked at me in surprise.

"No, not the way things are going to be. I will be gone for weeks in boot camp, then shipped out for months on end. I know how you are, so I know you would be miserable."

"I think I could manage, honey. I don't want to cheat on you." Sharon said.

"It wouldn't be cheating if we both knew about it, and we didn't keep any secrets." I told her.

Sharon's lips pursed as she thought about it.

"You mean, you could let some other guy do that, I mean, actually have sex with me and not get all mad about it?"

"Well. I have needs too so since I will be thousands of miles away....?"

She giggled at that. I had expected her to throw a fit at the suggestion.

"Maybe that could work, I guess. But I would try and not do it, I love you, and only you!" At that she cuddled up and we didn't discuss it any more. Sharon was by this time practicing her oral skills, she did it so slowly that it always just blew my mind.


More tears as we hugged and kissed at the train station, then I was off to God knows what.

I think at the time that I really was not concerned about Sharon ever really being with someone else, at that time I was quite sure that I was the only one, since I took her virginity.

But we had talked some more, and if things did happen, I told her she only needed to tell me everything so we would have no secrets from each other.

Boot camp sucked, it always does. San Diego sucked, high tide had human waste backing up in the sewer system, marching we kept hearing the CPO shouting "Column half left!" then Column half right" as we marched out into the streets and around the puddles.

I was busy, trying to memorize all of the general orders, so I didn't think much about things back home.

One would think that after a few days I would be like a three puckered Billy Goat but oddly, nothing. To this day I suspect they put something in the food.

It took a couple of weeks for the mail to catch up with me, suddenly I had a stack of letters.

I sorted those out in order, began to read them during the breaks where they told us the smoking lamp was lit.

Clearly she was writing me every other day, that was nice.

That "lit smoking lamp" meant we could smoke which would be great if any of us HAD any, because the uniforms we wore had no place we were allowed to keep any and God help you if you got caught with smokes or a lighter in any pocket.

(That is what they made socks for, you Navy guys know exactly what I mean. We all did a lot of sharing, I am sure the Chief knew all about it but he never said anything.)


The first half dozen letters were full of news, like what she cooked for dinner, a Blackberry pie she made that finally actually set up instead of coming out like Blackberry soup.

Normal day to day boring stuff.

Then I opened letter number seven!



"I found someone, honey! Like we talked about? You know him, that Doug guy that has the band that plays at the lounge we go to sometimes? He is real nice, I ran into him at the club and he asked me to dance. Later, he asked me if he could go home with me, so after what we talked about and what you said, I told him sure.

It was pretty good, you are WAY better though. It did hurt just a little bit at first because he has kind of a big one but after a couple of minutes I got used to it and it didn't hurt any more. He also stayed the night and he wanted to do it again after breakfast, that was nice. You were right, it takes the edge off and I feel fine now, so thank you for letting me do that.

I love you so much and wish you were here.

Love and kisses,


I sat there for several long minutes and reread the whole thing. I tried my best to not feel pissed off, with little success. I even thought of taking off, going home and beating someone up, but I was afraid to after what I saw happen to a couple of guys that tried that.

They ended up wearing red sailor caps and carrying around 5 gallon buckets of wet sand.

So, I took a deep breath, opened the next letter.



"Hi, honey! I hope this finds you doing good, I know you are. I got your first two letters, that marching stuff doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

Everything here is fine, I found out how much money they are sending me, it sure isn't very much. Thank you for sending your pay also, I know you don't need any money where you are.

A bunch of us went up to the lake, we had a picnic. Doug was up there, I found out he talks too much so I am mad at him. You remember Darrel, the one that plays the drums in the band? He was sure being nice to me, we took a walk down the trail that goes way up the other side. He is the one that told me that Doug was talking about being at the house a few days ago. When I get Doug by himself I am going to let him have a piece of my mind.

Anyway, Darrel wanted to know if we could do it, and I was feeling a little in the mood so we did right out there in the woods. That was sure different and fun. Darrel likes to lick just like you do, that was the best part. He also liked to suck on my titties, he must have done that for half an hour, in fact, they are kind of sore.

He is way smaller than either you or Doug, I could barely feel it. I might not let him do it any more because of that. Plus I still have to talk to Doug, he is coming over tonight.

I am telling you all about this so you won't be jealous, if you want to know any details just ask, honey.

Well, not much other news here, love you!




"This is Sunday, the guys just left. I could not believe it, Doug is sure nervy! He came over, but he had both Darrel and that Stan guy that tends bar during the week at the Elk's lodge.

They had some beer and some Peppermint flavored stuff, that was pretty good. I am afraid I got kind of tipsy, you know how easy it is for me since I am so little.

Doug was sitting next to me on the couch and he pulled my titties out right in front of the other guys! I didn't mind that much with Darrel since he had already seen them but I barely know Stan. He sure was looking though, and he got all red faced.

Then Doug put on some music and asked me to dance for them, I didn't want to at first but the guys were encouraging me and complimenting me so since they already saw my titties, why not?

That got pretty naughty, I took off everything and spread my legs, I couldn't help it because I was so turned on. The guys all took their things out, Stan's is like yours in that he isn't circumcised. His is about the same size as yours, too, except the end is big like a Plum.

We were all laughing and teasing, Doug kept trying to get me to suck on his so I finally did. Then Darrel of course and while I was doing that Stan got behind me and did it.

I am really sore this afternoon, that was something else. I sure wish you were here because with you is the best of all.





"I guess I don't understand, why are you saying you are mad about Doug and I doing it? We talked and you said I could as long as I told you about it and didn't cheat.

Plus what difference does it make that you know Doug? It's better than with some stranger, that wouldn't be right.

I can hardly wait until you get home, I love you so much. I will make it all up to you, OK?

I really do love you, honey. If I knew you didn't like Doug I would never have let him do it. I won't do that again with him now that I know how you feel.

I'm sorry, I do love you!




"Hi, sweetie! Nothing much to write about, except that I took a job over at the jewelry store. You know the one, that older guy named Walt runs it, the one you bought my rings at?

He is really nice to me, he wants all of the girl salespeople to look attractive, he says it is good for business. I don't really have very many sexy clothes, since money is so short, so Walt offered to help me pick out some and pay for them!

Isn't that great?

So I have a half dozen nice dresses and tops, and a couple of push up bras that I know you will like to see me in. They are really naughty, my nipples poke over the top of the bra and it shoves me up real high.

Plus Walt told us girls that if we let our nipples peek out when we lean over the counter it is really good for business.

Oh, that Doug guy showed up at the house last night, I told him you said he couldn't do it with me any more.

I thought he was a nice guy, I guess not because he called me and you some names, but he finally left.

Anyway, that is all that is going on here, I love you!




Hi, honey.

"I guess now I just don't understand. That thing at the party wasn't anything I planned, and me having sex with Darrel up at the lake wasn't really, either. It wasn't even that good with Darrel.

I guess I don't understand, we did talk about all of this and you never mentioned that you didn't want me to do it with anyone you know?

So that is not my fault, you need to be clear about what is and isn't all right, please? I don't want you upset.

But I won't do it with Darrel any more. Stan should be all right, you don't know him, I don't think? Let me know if you have any problems with him, OK? He has only been here three times now and I can stop that anytime, too.

I hope that is not a problem, I like Stan and he is really good.

Well, I need to go to work, I will write later.





Damn it, Danny! I did not have sex with old Walt, he must be almost fifty. All he did was buy me some clothes and help me pick them out, I didn't see any reason to go into detail on that.

Besides, the nice clothes are just for business, I get commissions on what I sell. Last week I made nearly $130.00! That's a lot!

Besides, so what if he did see me naked? It was just my titties anyway when he helped me get the right bra fit. He is my boss, so it's not any big deal. All of that is just a guess on your part, I didn't even mention it but since I want us to have no secrets, I am telling you now.

It was just my titties, when he helped me with the bra he shoved them in place. That really is no big deal, I can't imagine you being upset about that.



I got your last letter. Walt is NOT an old pervert, I don't know why you would say that. I mean, he is like every other guy, all of you like to look at titties.

Besides, he has only seen mine twice now and that has been it except for the other day when I was changing and he came in.

That wasn't my fault, I was in the back changing from my work clothes. After all, it is his property so he can come back there if he wants to.

He did mention that he thought I would look nice if I shaved down there, but I told him I didn't want to. But that was all that happened.

I did go to the bar last night with Judy and Kim, I met a nice guy named Gary from Portland so I know you don't know him.

That took the edge off, he is coming back over tonight too. I see you get leave to come home before you ship out for six months, I can hardly wait. You are the best, even better than Gary is.

He has one almost as big as Doug's is, and he gets so hard and he has no trouble at all doing it twice, once now he did it three times!!! That is really different. But I will be all ready for you when you get home, honey. I better ease up for a couple of days or you mind find me a little bit loose.

I sure do love you!



What in the HELL is wrong with you? I haven't done anything to deserve this, you said I could!

Now you want a divorce?

I even told Kim and Judy about our deal, and since I know that down there in boot camp you weren't getting any fun, I asked them if they were interested and they both said sure!

That should make us even, I know Judy is a little bit fat but Kim sure isn't. You would like that, wouldn't you, honey? I bet I can set it up so we all can be together at once. We could even have Gary by since three of us might be too much for you.

I have told you everything, all except for that deal with Walt last week but I just haven't had time to mention that. It was no big deal and he only lasted maybe two minutes and his thing is really little. I got a nice raise out of the deal, too.

Please, let's talk about this, I don't want a divorce.


I love you SO much, and only you, honey!





"Honey, I waited and waited, you never arrived. I am so upset, please write me or call or something.

I know you ship out in two days, I have to see you, we have to talk. Where are you?

I got this letter saying they are suspending my benefits, and you haven't sent home any money now for weeks.

What am I going to do?

Please, call me or something.


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mariverzmariverzless than a minute ago

Historia graciosa, era terrible de puta jajajaja

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You say that you make or have made money from writing. Interesting.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

It was his suggestion. Don't talk the talk, if you can't walk the walk.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Actually this was rather retarded as stories go.

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