Owned by a Fraternity

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A MILF becomes the judicial slave of a college fraternity.
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This is a story about the near future when prison overcrowding and a few other issues have led to the repeal of several Constitutional Amendments and allowed legal slavery back into the USA. Two forms of slavery have been legalized; Judicial slavery, where non-violent criminals are sentenced to slavery for their sentence, and indentured servitude, where individuals can enter a slavery contract with defined terms and time limits in order to end the service with a defined payment.

Indentured servitude is mainly used by young people that want money to go to college. Typically, the terms are negotiated as to what is and isn't allowed. The typical time frame is 4 to 5 years. After that, the servant gets access to the negotiated money and leaves with enough money to complete their education and fulfil the rest of their lives.

The aspect of this story is of a woman that has been convicted of a financial crime. A criminal can be either given to one of their victims as compensation or sold on the auction block for the money to be used to compensate not only the victims, but the cost for law enforcement. In this case, the woman was sold off the block.

A couple of things to note before continuing: Slaves are not considered as human. They are property with very little rights. As soon as a judicial slave is sentenced, they lose all familial recognition. That means that laws against incest are null and void.

So, I now turn this introduction over to my good friend, Captain Obvious.

Hello there, good readers. Captain Obvious here. Those of you with two or more functioning brain cells to rub together can skip this and go straight to the beginning of the story. Those of you in Loma Linda, California and other similar locations that require you to have someone close at hand to remind you to breathe to keep you from suffocating, this is for you. OK. First of all, this is in the Non-consent/reluctance genre in this website. That should tell any literate and mentally aware individual that at least one main character in this story is, at least at the beginning, not in favor of what is happening. Also, since this is on a website that caters to erotica, you can expect some scenes that include sexual situations. Per my previous sentence, at least some of those scenes deal with one or more unwilling participants.

Now, since we have gotten that out of the way, again looking at the title, it mentions a fraternity. That should clue in anyone that is intelligent enough to have successfully passed Kindergarten that there will most likely be group sex and gang bangs involved. Combining that with the above, it is most likely that at least some of those gang bangs will be performed on someone who is not exactly thrilled to be having that happen.

Please reread the first paragraph above. This story deals with SLAVERY. More specifically, it deals with Judicial Slavery. That is when a person is convicted of a crime, and, instead of being sent to prison, that person is sold into slavery for their sentence. Again, there is sexual slavery involved in this story. Included in this is a significant amounts of BDSM.

Now, I draw your attention back to the 4 th paragraph above. This is slightly more subtle. For those of you in less intelligent locations. Subtle means less than totally obvious. There is a reason that this paragraph was included. Yes, there are scenes in this story where a mother technically has sexual encounters with her ADULT children.

OK. So, that pretty much covers it. There is also some lesbian action as well. If any of the above offends you, you should hit the back bar now. Then again, you can always comment on how offended you were about what you were warned about and feel the satisfaction of having thousands of other people laughing at you for your abject stupidity.

MILF Owned by a Frat:

I couldn't believe it. My lawyer had put up a great defense, and I was actually innocent. Sure, the real criminals had skipped out just before the raid on the company, but I was just the bookkeeper. I had no idea that all the 'investments' were simply dummy corporations. Everything looked completely legitimate. We even showed that to the jurors and explained how it was so easy to be fooled by the manipulations of the con men. In the end, it didn't matter much. They had disappeared, and I was left holding the bag. Someone had to pay, and I was the only one left. "Guilty!"

The sentencing could have gone worse - much worse. We trotted out several people to testify to my character. My pastor, my parents, friends, family, previous employers, and anyone else we could think of. My lawyer even pointed out to the judge that I was not a criminal, but I had simply been hired by con men and was left as the scapegoat while they took all the money and ran. I had never been in trouble in my life. I never even got so much as a speeding ticket. I never even saw a penny of the money that they stole. The judge obviously agreed, but his hands were somewhat tied. I was tried in front of a jury, and they found me guilty. He was sympathetic to my plight. It could have been 15-years, but he sentenced me to the minimum of 5-years.

"Madam," He spoke. "I understand your situation; however, my hands are tied. You have been found guilty by a jury of your peers. I am bound by the sentencing guidelines. I have no choice but to sentence you to Judicial Slavery. Given the circumstances, I am sentencing you to the minimum allowed by law. I hereby sentence you to 5 years of judicial slavery. Since none of the victims have shown any interest in receiving you as their slave in restitution, you will be taken to the auction block and sold to the highest bidder. The proceeds from your sale will go to reimbursing the court for your incarceration and trial. Whatever is left after that will be distributed among the victims for their restitution. You are hereby ordered to strip naked and be taken to the local Slave Induction Center for processing and be auctioned off on Saturday." He banged his gavel to end the proceedings. Yes, right there in the courtroom, I was forced to strip naked and hand my clothes to the bailiff. I had never been so humiliated in my life.

Perhaps a little background on the situation and my life is required.

Approximately 15 years ago, prison overcrowding was reaching epidemic proportions. They tried early release, alternative therapies, and several other methods. It was after several high-profile failures that the US Government held a Constitutional Convention and overturned the 13th, 14th, and 5th Amendments to make slavery legal again. When this was done, language in the new amendment specifically allowed slavery only by Judicial appointment. There was another clause that allowed for indentured servitude between consenting adults, but a lot of safeguards were added to ensure that everything was consensual. So, this new reality ultimately meant that any person convicted of a non-violent crime could (and usually would) be sentenced to slavery for the duration of their sentence.

After that, several rulings were quickly enacted to enforce and protect all parties involved from cruel and unusual punishment according to the Constitution. Slave Owners were required to attend classes and get certified as a save Owner. Slaves were to be inducted into slavery and given information about their rights and how to appeal if they were being severely abused. An appeal for abuse that was not substantiated would add to their sentences in order to reduce fraudulent and unnecessary complaints. Basically speaking, an owner could do pretty much what he wanted to his slave as long as it didn't result in permanent injuries or markings to the slave. Also, any markings that lasted more than a week were considered abuse of the slave. The theory here was that once a judicial slave completed their sentence, they would become a full member of society again, having served their sentence.

OK. So, there are probably more than a few of you out there that are thinking something along the lines of doing something violent in order to be in prison rather than go into judicial slavery. There are a few problems with that. First off, violence will add significant time to your sentence. For example, I was sentenced to 5-years of slavery. Had I become violent just to avoid slavery, my sentence would have been 20-years in prison. That's five years more than the maximum I could have gotten. Also, consider the sexual side. OK, so I would be a judicial slave and have to have sex with my Owner and anyone else that they chose. In prison as a violent offender, I most likely would end up as the bitch of one of the alfa women and still forced into having sex with her and anyone she chose. Either way, it is forced sexual servitude. The big difference is that being a judicial slave, my time is shortened. Another thing is that generally, being a judicial slave is a much better environment. The food is better, since you usually eat the same food as your owners. You are usually housed in better accommodations, since really only wealthy people can afford to purchase a slave. In prison, you sleep in a small cot with a thin mattress and a thin blanket. As a judicial slave, you typically get a decent bed with sheets and blankets. In most cases, it simply is not worth getting violent in order to go to prison instead of facing judicial slavery. Besides, with prison or slavery, you are pretty much guaranteed to have sexual intercourse without your consent. At least with slavery, you are guaranteed not to be injured or abused. Bubba, or his female equal, don't give you that assurance.

So, a bit about me. I grew up in a very religious household. No, I was not indoctrinated into the belief that sex between a husband and wife was solely for the benefit of conceiving children. Yes, that was a big part of it, but there was also the part where the husband and wife confirmed their love and devotion to each other through sexual congress. If you don't believe that sex for pleasure between a husband and wife is biblical, you have never studied the 'Song of Solomon' in the Bible. God made sex pleasurable for both men and women. Sex between spouses if approved of and encouraged in the Bible.

So, about me. Yes, I enjoyed sex with my husband. Granted, we were both very conservative, having been raised in the Church. Oral sex was forbidden, as was anal sex. We would typically begin in the bed with mutual touching and fondling. The lights would be out. Kink was not even in our vocabulary. Yes, I enjoyed our love making missionary style with the lights out. My husband seemed to as well. We both got off. Neither one of us ever brought up any issues or complaints. As you can tell, I was very conservative in the bedroom. The bedroom was also the only place we ever had sex. I had also been a very conservative dresser. I never showed cleavage, and my skirts and dresses always ended below my knees. I didn't do fancy underwear either. It was plain bras and panties underneath my clothes. The highest heels I ever wore were 2-inch. The only people that ever saw me naked were my doctor and my husband. Even when we went swimming, I always wore conservative one-piece swimsuits.

Now, you are wondering about my looks. I'm a 45-year-old woman. I have 2 kids, a 21-year-old daughter that is in the local college and an 18-year-old son that is about to start his freshman year at the same college. I'm 5'6" tall, have nice 36DD breasts, a slip waist, and nice hips and ass. I go to the gym 3 times a week to maintain my health and fitness. I have copper colored hair that reaches down to my shoulder blades, green eyes, slim nose and nice plump lips. Yes, most people find me rather attractive.

So, here we are. I've just been found guilty of a crime that I was left holding the bag for and sentenced to 5-years of judicial slavery. Since none of the victims were interested in owning me for the next five years, I would be auctioned off. Furthermore, I was now expected to strip naked right there in the courtroom. This was beyond humiliating. I broke down and began sobbing heavily.

Having no choice, I slowly began unbuttoning my suit jacket. I had worn my best skirt suit to court that day in the hopes that I would be found not guilty. Thankfully, my husband was in the court room, and he would take my clothes home with him. Actually, as of two minutes ago, he was now my ex-husband. As soon as my sentence was proclaimed, our marriage was annulled. Slaves cannot be married. The bailiff took my jacket when I slipped it off, folded it, and set it in a box. My shoes were next to go in the box, then my skirt, blouse, pantihose, bra, and finally, my panties. I was standing stark naked in the crowded court room. It was the first time in my life that I had ever been naked where other people could see me. I tried to cover my breasts and vagina with my hands, but the bailiff, after handing the box of clothes to my former husband, pulled my arms behind my back and cuffed them. I was so humiliated as I was marched out of the room with my breasts jiggling with every step and my copper red bush free for everyone to see.

As I was shedding my clothes, I was vaguely aware of a strange feeling inside me. It began as a tingling in my tummy, then grew to a few strange spasms in my vagina. I felt my nipples crinkle and elongate, even though it was still rather warm in the room. I had the sudden realization that I was actually becoming, strangely, sexually aroused.

I was taken down the hall to another room. There I had to endure the added humiliation of getting a full body cavity search. This was also the first time that anything had been inserted into my ass. It was also the first time that anyone except a doctor or my husband had put anything in my vagina. I heard the female bailiff chuckle and comment about some wetness to the other bailiff. Once that was done, I had a metal collar locked around my neck, then I was bent over, and they tattooed a bar code and number on my right ass cheek. That bar code and number was also tattooed inside my bottom lip. The last thing that they did was to insert a chip in my neck that would be used for monitoring my location. Should I ever try and escape, they could simply enter my slave number and find my location.

After that, I was led to another office. The woman there went over all the rules and regulations for my slavery. She informed me of my 'rights', and that I could file a complaint if I thought that I was being abused more than what was allowed. She also informed me that all slave owners were required to complete an owner's course and be certified prior to owning a slave. That helped ensure that the owners knew the rules and regulations, and that they knew how to safely care for and not abuse a slave.

Following that, it was a medical room where I was physically examined by a doctor. All my vitals were taken, and I had x-rays taken over my entire body. These went into my file and would be used to document my health. I was required to be examined every 6 months. This also helped to cut down on abuse. Typically, this would also be when they implanted the birth control devices, but I had my tubes tied several years ago.

The next few days were filled with anxiety and boredom. Most of the time, I was left in my cell. I was only taken out for two hours a day to exercise. I was kept naked all the time. My thoughts were mostly about who would purchase me and what I would be made to do. Mainly, I figured that I would be purchased by a wealthy couple and used as a housekeeper and maid. After all, who would want a middle-aged woman for sex? Worse case, I could be purchased by one of the legal brothels in Nevada, but that wasn't very realistic. They mainly purchased younger women that were much more attractive, and they could charge higher prices for. I began to notice that whenever someone would walk by and look at my naked body, I would get that strange feeling again. It was very odd and somewhat disconcerting.

Strange thoughts and dreams began invading my personal thoughts. I would be standing naked in front of hundreds of fully dressed men and women. They would be cheering me on as I was up on a stage. A phallic object would be sitting on the sage beside me. It looked remarkably similar to my husband's Penis. Come on, people. It was the only one I ever saw. What do you expect? I couldn't explain any of this, but it bothered me quite a bit. I woke up in the mornings with sweat and other fluid-soaked sheets.

Eventually, the day of the auction came. I was hoping that my husband would be there, so I could see him one last time for the next five years. I also had a fleeting thought that he might be able to purchase me, since I couldn't fathom that anyone would bid much for an older woman like me. Sadly, he just couldn't bring himself to come and watch as I was auctioned off and led away.

Being paraded around naked up on a stage in front of a large crowd as an auctioneer is calling out numbers is not the most pleasant experience in the world. It's damn humiliating. My hands were cuffed behind my back to prevent me from trying to cover myself. I was led around by a leash attached to my collar. I was made to jump, bend over, spread my legs, and any number of other humiliations. I tried to push that strange feeling that I was beginning to have whenever someone looked at my naked body. Finally, I heard the auctioneer call out "SOLD! You can go to the cashier and pay for your purchase. You will need to show your Owner's certificate before your slave is released to you. Next on the block......"

That was it. I was now the property of someone else. I was led off the stage and placed in a holding cell to wait for my new owner to finish the transaction and retrieve me. I was told that if they were purchasing more than one slave, it could take a while. There were several other girls there waiting as well. Surprisingly, it was only half an hour before a guard came to get me. I was led down a hall and into the lobby. There, the guard handed my leash to a young man that looked to be in his early 20s. He was very well dressed in expensive clothes. After taking my leash, he handed me a pair of flip-flops and a plain slip-on dress. It wasn't really my size, but at least it covered me up.

They removed the handcuffs, and he led me out the door. He had me get into the back of a panel van. It was one of those that had no windows on the side. Also, sitting in the passenger seat was a young woman. She also looked to be in her younger 20s.

"OK." The guy said. "First stop is the beauty parlor. We need to get rid of that Forrest she has going on. I'm thinking a nice thin landing strip."

"Yeah. That would look good with her hair color." She agreed.

I really never saw the need to trim down there. I always had a full bush, and I was brought up to believe that only sluts shaved their pubic hair. Of course, they didn't ask my opinion, and one thing that had been drilled into me over the last couple of days was that I was to follow all orders without complaint. I still had no clue who these people were. I was kind of figuring that they were a young couple whose family had money, and they wanted me as a housekeeper.

Shortly, we stopped, and the guy led me out of the van. We were in front of a beauty parlor. Yes, I'm naive. I didn't really know what was about to happen. I sort of thought that I would be shaved, but I wasn't sure.

"Hey Babe. Measure her feet and you can go get some shoes for her."

She took the measurements and off she went. I was led into the building. The guy was in a discussion with the receptionist. They were not talking to me. He handed her a credit card, and another woman appeared and led me to the back. I was told to take off the dress and get into the chair. The chair looked like a gynecology chair with stirrups to hold my legs up and out.