Owning Elaine Pt. 04


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"You are my slave. Do not expect it to be easy. You exist for my pleasure. I will use you hard and frequently. I will let others use you. I told you before that I like the idea of you being the bottom bottom. Expect to be fucked hard and often by anyone I choose."

He paused and looked into her eyes.

"Are you still happy to be my slave?"

Elaine leaned forward and kissed his hard cock.

"Please fuck your slave, Master."


Elaine was awoken in the morning by Dale and the aroma of coffee.

"Good morning, Master," she said.

"Good morning, slave," Dale said. "Get up and meet me in the other bedroom in a couple of minutes. There's something I need to do before I go this morning."

She sat up and he handed her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Master," she said as he left.

Elaine sipped the coffee then rose slowly from bed. She was definitely sore this morning. But it was worth it, she thought as she used the bathroom. She had a new owner. An owner who really wanted her. She was going to miss Melissa and Billie, but not enough to regret the change.

She made her way down to the other bedroom. When she came into the room, she remembered that he needed to make her his.

"Go ahead and have some more coffee, then we'll get started," Dale said cheerfully.

Elaine stared at the rack in front of her. It would securely hold her legs and torso perfectly immobile. Which was good since Dale had a propane torch and branding kit on the table next to it. She was getting branded again this morning.

Elaine sat down on the bed and sipped her coffee. She was waking up to the knowledge she was going to start her day with pain.

"The courier came by already with your papers," Dale said conversationally. "I am now officially your owner."

Elaine nodded and continued staring at the rack.

"I've got a busy day today. After I'm done with you, I'll need to get dressed and be off to sign that deal with Barry. I'll send you to Phoenix and meet you there tomorrow."

"Yes, Master," Elaine said. She hoped he wrote all this down for her, because she doubted she would remember it.

Elaine drank more coffee. She wasn't too surprised by this. She did not think her new owner would want to have her carrying the mark of her old owner. The pain would be intense, but it also bonded her more closely to her Master. The pain was from him, for him to mark her as his own.

She took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm ready, Master," she said and walked to the rack.

Dale began strapping her in, securing her to the wood and leather piece of furniture. She thought back on the night Roy had branded her. She was more ready now, she knew this was just part of being owned.

Once she was secure he began a close inspection of the Roy had burned into her flesh. Without saying anything, he went to his kit and found several wires of different curves and thickness. Next he took some gauze and alcohol and sanitized her brand. The spot felt briefly cool. When Elaine heard him fire up the propane torch, her whole body tensed.

Dale touched her with the hot metal, searing into her soft skin. She yelled and smelled her own burning flesh. But it was over, she thought. Then she heard the torch ignite again. She looked back and saw Dale heating a different bit of wire. The dread was cut short when he marked her a second time and third time with the same piece. These did not hurt as much as the one big iron did, but there was more of them.

Elaine lost count of how many times he marked her. She hoped her ass wasn't covered in burns, but it felt like he had kept it around her old brand. It burned and stung, tears wet her cheeks and her body was afire with endorphins.

"All done," Dale said and set the kit aside. He made no effort to untie Elaine, but instead stepped in behind her and guided his cock to her wet slit.

Elaine moaned as he penetrated her depths. She wanted him to use her, to hurt her. She was his slave now. Dale took his time, sometimes he was agonizingly slow as he slid in and out of her, others he picked up the pace, but always long deep thrusts. Elaine let go and came, happy to be pleasing her Master. He finished and slipped out of her.

"Thank you, Master," Elaine panted. "Thank you for marking me and owning me."

"My pleasure," he said with a smile and began unstrapping her.

Elaine turned and kissed her new owner.

"I have a big day," Dale said, but reached down to hold her unbranded butt cheek. "And need to get ready. You have a flight later, too."

Dale went to the master bedroom to dress. Elaine went to the other bathroom to check out her new brand. She turned and looked at it in the mirror. As a slave, she was relieved it was still not much bigger than the one inch tall 'R' that Roy had branded into her. As a graphic artist, she was impressed with the simplicity and strength of it. Dale had managed to turn the R into a stylized eagle head. It was red and puffy at the moment, but she knew it would heal nicely.

Elaine smiled thinking of her brand and what it meant.

Dale emerged from the bedroom dressed and ready. Elaine just stared, he was absolutely striking in the custom tailored dark suit.

Dale smiled and gave her nipple a quick pinch.

"I have to go," he said. "Keep the brand covered, there's dressings in the bathroom. The driver will be here in two hours with everything you need for your flight. I will see you in the desert tomorrow afternoon, slave."

"Yes, Master," Elaine kissed him as he left.

She looked at the clock, it was 9am, she allotted herself an hour for crying and emotional release, then an hour to get cleaned up and ready.

She finally let down her guard and began to think about all she had gone through since she had been stolen from Hunter's. It took a minute for the full impact to hit her, but once it did, Elaine began sobbing. She was done with the slave games, done with the guards and the girls and the basement rooms and all of that. She had a Master who wanted her. She was not communal property to be doled out to whomever had the best games or a slave competing to have a prize of her own.


Elaine sat at the airport bar and ordered a double bourbon on the rocks. She had never been much of a bourbon drinker before becoming a slave, but she had been given quite a bit of it since then. She was nervous about being around this many people again and needed something to calm her.

The driver had dropped her off at O'Hare. She had a first class ticket for the non-stop to Phoenix. She also had a new driver's license. It was a re-issue of her old one, even with her old Prescott address. That was a lifetime ago. He also gave her a credit card and some cash to get her there. Being suddenly dropped into the huge airport had been a shock for the slave, but she had quickly gained her balance and made it through security without a hitch.

"May I sit here?" a familiar voice asked. Without waiting for a reply, Hunter sat down.

"I didn't run away, sir," Elaine assured him.

"I know, or if you did, no one has reported you yet. I'm on my way to get one that has," he explained.

Elaine did not know what to say or think. She had spent the last few months being angry at Hunter and Roy and wanting nothing more than to never see them again. Now Hunter was sitting here across from her. She was still angry, but if he had suddenly bent her over the table...

"Elaine," Hunter said, interrupting that train of thought. He paused for a second then said, "I'm sorry."

Elaine had not been expecting that.

"For what?" she asked, even forgetting to add "sir."

Hunter noticed the omission and smiled.

"I'm sorry. I made a big mistake. You were my responsibility at my house. I screwed up and you had to pay the price for my mistake when Syd stole you. My carelessness almost got you killed and I apologize for that."

"Thank you, Hunter. I'm glad someone finally had the balls and brains to say that."

"I like you, Elaine, and it bothers me that you were stolen on my watch. You were obedient and trusting and I made a huge mistake."

Elaine took a big drink of her bourbon and held back the tears when she asked "Why did you give me to Freddie?"

Hunter looked pained.

"We were out of options," he explained and quickly ordered a beer when the server came by. "Our number one priority was taking out The Studio. We did not know if we could find you, but we knew if we took it out at least you could not wind up there. The problem was, that sort of thing is expensive to pull off and in our line of work you simply cannot go to the bank and ask for a loan. The only person who could pull off what we needed was Freddie and Freddie specifically demanded you as payment."

Elaine said nothing while she tried to digest this.

"I really think he did it mostly to be a dick to Roy. Roy bugged him since Faybio got killed and if he could take the one thing Roy valued most, he could hurt him back. We didn't have much of a choice, so we agreed."

This sort of made sense and made her feel a little better. She was still upset that Roy did not protect her, but she understood a little more behind why he gave her up. Really, she was happier being away from her first Master, but it was good to get some closure.

"What are you going to do about Syd?" Elaine asked, changing the subject.

"He's working for me at the moment. It was either that or kill him and I don't do that when I don't have to. Still, I think someone will wind up putting a bullet in him someday, maybe even me. He's just that kind of guy. I'm not overly fond of him, but he's useful. I guess he's the new Faybio."

"Do you know he raped me at the cabin after you sent him to pick me up?"

Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "We told him not to, but it doesn't surprise me."

"Are you going to do anything about it?"

Hunter shrugged again. Elaine could tell that it did not really matter to Hunter. She should have been angry or hurt, but she knew his view of slaves and her place. The apology was nice, but she just wanted to be away from Hunter and Roy and all of the things that had happened before.

"You were a slave without an owner," Hunter explained. "He was perfectly within his rights. I would have done the same thing."

"Well, I have an owner now and I hope he does a better job of taking care of me than Roy did," Elaine snapped.

"Or me?" Hunter asked.

"You were never my owner," Elaine replied.

"Listen, Elaine. Don't get your hopes up too high for decent treatment from him," Hunter told her. "Whoever he is, he bought you. And he paid a lot of money to do so. He is going to do his utmost to get every penny's worth out of you. Men who buy women want someone who can never say no to them. Your life may be different with him, but it's not going to be easy."

Elaine did not say anything. Hunter made a good point, but she was already on her way to her new owner. She would have to take her chances.

"How is Red doing as a slave?" Elaine asked, thinking about Amanda.

"She has her moments. I still need to remind her of her place now and then. She's a spirited woman and will keep me on my toes. Any message for her?"

Elaine thought for a minute. "No. But the next time you whip her, give her an extra 50 for me."

Hunter laughed. "I will."

Elaine finished her drink and rose. "I need to catch my flight," she said by way of explanation.

Hunter rose, too.

"Elaine, may I have one last kiss for old time's sake?" he asked her.

Elaine thought about everything he had done to her, how many times he had hurt her and filled her. She nodded. She would always think of him fondly, as a real man.

Hunter lifted her chin, looked into her beautiful blue eyes and gave her a long, lingering kiss that left Elaine's knees weak. Without another word, Elaine turned and hurried to her gate.


Elaine spent five happy and intense years with Dale before he was ready to move on. To be honest, she was ready at that point, too. It had progressed as far as it could as Master-Slave and neither wanted to think about taking it beyond that. When Dale told her he was going to sell her, she asked if she could buy her freedom. He'd said he'd look into it. A week later, he brought her some papers to sign and she was free.

Elaine had no idea where the money came from. She supposed it was from the money her parents had left her when they died. She was not sure what she wanted to do with her life at this point, but she knew she was done being a slave. She had been put up in a hotel in Las Vegas until they could get her IDs and the basic sort of things needed to live in the real world. There had even been an Association counselor to assist her in transitioning back to life as a free woman. She still got out about town, too, but always came back to her suite. It was nice to be free, to not have to worry about suddenly being forced to suck a cock or take it in the ass.

Elaine received a visitor at her suite on a Thursday afternoon. It was Greg, the numbers and money man from Roy's operation. He'd had Elaine when she had been a slave and she had rather enjoyed him, but she was free now and he knew it.

"Elaine Galway," he said and opened his briefcase, "you are a very rich woman."

"I don't think my parents left me that much money," Elaine said.

"They didn't. That's still there, but that's peanuts," Greg said with a dismissive wave of his hands. "I'm sure you remember our old enemy Mark. Mark died in a 'hunting accident' and having no surviving immediate family, left everything he owned to Sam Longfellow."

"Really? His name was 'Longfellow'?"

"I am told it was quite appropriate."

"Greg, you have no idea."

"Mark left everything to Sam. Sam Longfellow died in a 'snowmobiling accident' in Canada about five years ago and left everything to you, including some of his less than legal interests. It has been held in trust since then. The total value is, impressive."

Elaine was stunned. Sam had made her rich.

"I can go over everything with you and have the accountants and lawyers do the same. But, tell me, Elaine; given your experience, possession of the necessary infrastructure, and sudden liquidity; would you consider getting into the slaving business?"


Author's note: End of Owning Elaine, but not the end of Elaine. Look for more stories to come in the future!

Thanks to Jim for his input and to Ashleigh_xoxo for being my editor.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

> but she knew she was done being a slave

Always makes you wonder what happens to slaves who decide they want to stop but the masters refuse to let them go. But hey, no explanation is better than a bad explanation so no complaints there.

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 2 years ago

3rd read

Yeah, I'm an Elaine addict. Curious if we will ever see her again in The Slaving World, as the last line seems to hint at.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Ever thought you have to write a (rather long) sequel to this story?

Elaine entering the slaving business should be awesome, since her night with Natalie gave us a glimpse!

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 5 years ago

It's been almost two years since I read this first and it was just as good the second time around! I have been picking up your new Slaving World series, but I guess life gets in the way of making the kind of progress your readers would prefer. You're in the drivers' seat though, take your time to write a wonderful story.

MissedLifeMissedLifealmost 6 years ago
Love the Elaine stories

Excellent, just excellent!

Just finished reading for the second time and loved the series as much this time as the first time. Once again I will go thru Elaine withdrawal. You did an excellent job in creating her and drawing you readers into her thoughts and life. Throughout the series many others commented on how much better the Elaine series is compared to the Fifty Shades of Grey books. I agree 100%! Every character was well developed and the reader gets to see what who they are along with why. Elaine is a story that definitely needs another series to see who she becomes now that she is free. There are so many directions she could take. I really hope you will write one more series with her. And I would love to see the series published for everyone to enjoy.

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