Pan's Gift


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They fell on each other like the feral elements. His mouth engulfed around hers. Her tongue constricted around his. Strong fingers grasped Lilith's ass. Sharp nails raked Pan's back. Engorged flesh pierced into Lilith's cunt with the crushing force of a meteor. Ribbed walls grasped at Pan's prick with the pulling force of an ocean. They moaned, the gasped, they writhed, they scratched, they bit, they cried out mutual pleasures beyond the imagination. Lilith's climax was beyond the edge, beyond what is imaginable, but still without an end in sight.

Rippling muscles and sweat caressed Lilith as Pan's cock sank in and out of her. There was no mercy. No matter how much Lilith thought she was at her highest point of ecstasy, Pan pushed her even farther, ever further to the brink of sanity. His fiery body dripped his sweat like tingling lava over Lilith's gasping chest and tightening midsection. Pan pressed her down harder, and Lilith was overwhelmed with the feeling of him touching every inch of her body. The chorus of his animalistic growling, her frantic outcries, his pounding rhythm, her grating scratching, the bed's creaking, the crackle of fire in the air, filled the night with the symphony of pure rapture.

A change suddenly swept through Pan. Lilith felt his temperature rise incredibly as he pressed himself against her, making his already burning flesh transform into a raging inferno. Lilith could only relish the feeling. Pan's member drove into Lilith with unmatched intensity, causing her to shiver and spasm without end. Her belly fluttered, and electric charges racked her entire euphoric body. Lilith felt Pan's muscles tighten, and heard his breath quicken, and sensed his ultimate release was near.

But, for the first time since Pan's lips had touched hers, Lilith felt the flicker of rational thought. Such a small, trifle revelation she thought. Her exhilarated form tried to rub out such a disturbance, but her inner mind would not be silenced. It swam to the explosive surface of her mind; a twisting, consumed mind in a red burning haze, just like her eyes, her body, and her entire existence. But the thought grew stronger, while Pan's motions and breathing quickened and intensified just the same.

'Lily!!!'Her rational mind shouted out,'Stop him! He's going to cum!!'

"Mmmm, yes..." Lilith whispered.

'Inside of you! You're a virgin! And he doesn't have a condom on!

"So hot... So big... So good!" Lilith moaned louder than before.

'He will get you pregnant! Snap out of it! He is going to fucking knock you up!!! DON'T LET HIM CUM IN YOU!!!!'

"GOD DAMN IT!" Lilith screamed, "FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!!!" Lilith raved in her mindless ecstasy, "FUCK ME! CUM IN ME! KNOCK ME UP!!!" It was then that her unending climb towards her unthinkable climax ended, and she felt herself let go, completely.

At the same moment, Pan slammed into Lilith for the final time. Time ceased to exist at that moment and Lilith's mind froze. The moment separating between Lilith's unfulfilled pleasures. The instant before Lilith received release. The seconds before Lilith's body would be filled with liquid fire.

Then, the release rushed upon them both. Pan's inhuman roar erupted, filling the room with its din and muffling out Lilith's own mortal scream. Pan's seed erupted into her body like a volcano, sending his pale magma deep into Lilith's torrential body, and covered her sucking inner walls in thick, boiling cum.

Lilith's entire body shook and quaked with her orgasm. Eyes wide open, the red haze exploded with a nova of every color imaginable. Ears still hearing, the sound of Pan's powerful howl echoed within her mind. Body still feeling, the sensational effect gripped every ounce of her form. She was flying higher and higher, while falling faster and faster. She was screaming, but no sound came out. She was ice cold, yet on fire. If this was insanity, she never wanted to be sane again.

Lilith's pussy gorged itself upon Pan's cum, and sucked in his white-hot seed deep into her virgin body. Pan just kept coming and coming for what seemed like an eternity, soon completely filling Lilith with his thick vicarious cum. Lilith writhed in perpetual blinding bliss as the very cum seemed to move within her, the tendrils oozing deep into her womb.

Lilith was still racked with her innumerable pleasures, writhing and twisting upon her soaking bed. She moaned and cried continually as if consumed by heaven's fire, and her lusty howls were just a single unending flare. The last moments of her consciousness were filled with the feelings of Pan's amazing cum seeping deeper and deeper into her, the smell of their sexual musk permeating the air, the sounds of Pan's deep calm breaths, the lingering taste of Pan on her lips, and the sight of Pan's face above hers, eyes blazing and mouth curled in a devilish grin. Then everything was dark.


Silence. Dark. Chilly.

Then, a flicker of thought.

Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow. Gradually, her senses ebbed back to her body. In small waves, Lilith could feel every inch of her skin tingling pleasantly, as though she had just climaxed moments ago.

Stretching out her muscles, a feeling of wellness blanketed over her. She yawned, and felt her lungs expand comfortably, then let out a sigh of contentment. Sweat was still covering her from head to toe, and it felt like she had just run through a cool, heavy morning fog without a strip of clothing on.

'No clothes...'

Lilith's memories came back slower than did her senses. As she breathed, she smelled the pleasant musky scent in the air, and breathed more heavily. When she licked her lips, a strange taste met her, and only made her smile. Slowly, she ran her hand down herself, feeling the slickness of her bare flesh. Indulging in the bombardment of feelings, tastes, and smells, her thoughts were sluggish at best.

'I've never been this wet before...'Thought Lilith as she felt how soaked her entire body was. Even her long hair was drenched, as if she was in a thunderstorm. Before her hand could even get to her chest, Lilith felt a gust of hot air. Extremely hot air.

'How is it so hot in here...?'She couldn't think of any reason to explain it, but at the moment her focus was on her intrepid hand running across her smooth breasts. The chill of the air had her nipples perky and hard, and her skin felt like slick ice. Yet, the odd, warm breeze played across her body, making her tingle where it touched.

Her hand sunk lower. Climbing over her breasts, crossing across her sternum, and traveling down her midsection, Lilith's hand moved almost as slowly as her mind. She swayed side to side on the bed, enjoying the feel of the wet silky sheets around her. When her hand reached the top of her tummy, however, her mind caught up with her as she felt something strange. Her stomach was tight, tighter than usual, and was much warmer than the rest of her.

Almost as if it was burning under her cool skin.

In a flood, the memories of the past night rushed back. The library. Meeting that strange man. Inviting him over. Laughing over homework. Having a pleasant dinner. His offer to massage. Her acceptance. Their mutual physical escapade on her very bed. All at once, the memories, the emotions, the feelings, all came back in a flash. Lilith's eyes shot open and she sat up, and looked at what had become of her room.

The ceiling was dark with a thick layer of smoke. Her baby blue walls were plastered with soot.

"What the hell?!?" She exclaimed.

The lamp by Lilith's bed was half burned away, exposing the shattered lightbulb within. Her mirror was shattered and blacked at the edges. Her silky bed sheets were also burned and charred, as if a firestorm had raged through her room while Pan and her...

Lilith shook her head in confusion and tried to sit up, "How could this hap-" But her sentence was cut short. Her breath caught. It was but a faint feeling, but it consumed her entire attention. Daring beyond courage, Lilith led her eyes down her body. Her eyes joined her hand, and they both rested upon a slight bulge on her midsection.

"W-wha? H-h-how..." Struggling for words, she felt the entire obtrusion. It was the size of a tennis ball, and jutting out about an inch from her taut tummy. It was beyond noticeable, because Lilith always kept her midsection flat and firm.'Not so anymore...'

Unable to find an answer, all Lilith could do was stare blankly at herself. She could feel the tremendous heat in her tummy growing, and spreading out in energetic spirals. She swore the bulge was growing too!

'This can't be happening!!'Desperate, confused thoughts rang out, as the lump expanded even more, expanding past the region of her fingers.'This doesn't happen in real life!'Her midsection grew with the quick-slow speed of a rampant weed. It grew slowly, but over a small time, the size of her bump become noticeably larger.'This only happens in fairy tales!!!'

Lilith laid back down, and rubbed her belly with confused and scared fingers. The growth was firm, warm, and gently pulsing against her fingers. It would have been on the verge of erotic for her if it was not her own abdomen that she was feeling. Quickly, she searched for something, anything at all, that could explain this in her mental library.

'The Human Anatomy... Rare Diseases... Pregnancy and You...'The various titles did nothing but remind her of how unearthly fast her body was changing. Nothing could explain it!'What the hell did you do to me Pan!?'She screamed mentally.

'Human Reproduction... Alien Abductions... Karma Sutra...'Her thoughts raged through a million pictures within seconds, and every moment she could feel her belly getting tighter and tighter. The bulge was now the size of a grapefruit just below her navel, and still expanding. Then a single thought pierced the rest.

'Myths and Fables: Spirits and Demons'

It took her a second to realize that that book was the closest thing she was going to get to an answer. With the agile grace of her athletic form, Lilith flipped over and looked across her devastated floor. Her carpet was still smoldering in large patches. Reaching under her bed, she pulled out the ember-encrusted remains of her black shoebox of 'visual intrigues'. She hoped beyond hope that the book was safe inside, and she popped off the top without hesitation. Her Playgirl was toasted, but luckily not a single burn had touched the demonology book.

Anxiously, Lilith leafed through the pages, trying her best to ignore the hot, throbbing sensation pulsing in her womb, which now expanded her tight midsection into what looked like an obvious pregnancy.

Finally, she came back to that fateful picture. The red velvet sheets were there, with the dim torch-lit stone room, with that women being brought to sheer pleasure by the demon on top of her. She could see the small details of the picture now more clearly than before. Flames sprouted up in the foreground of the picture in licking tendrils. The woman's body was completely covered in sweat, writhing around on the drenched sheets, with her tummy bulged just as Lilith's. And the demon, surrounded by a red haze with flaming red hair, was grinning...


In pure shock, Lilith read the flowing words next to the erotic portrait:

These particular spirits have been known as succubae, incubi, and commonly as sex demons. In many mythologies, they take on a human form in order to stalk their victims and subsequently engage them in sexual intercourse.

Although she just felt the cold rush of terrible exhilaration, Lilith continued to read:

Victims of these demons usually describe a terrible scene, filled with violence and rape by an unknown person. However, this has not always been the case. A few individuals describe being seduced by the demon, instead of being forcibly raped by them. These individuals describe the person as someone who is charming, witty, and 'perfect in every way'. The victims also mention that the demon seems to know exactly what they want at all times, fact they do not realize until after the demons have left their mark.

Lilith remembered now...

'The right on time for our date... The best food for our dinner... The perfect touch...All for me...'

Lilith could still here Pan's soft, warm voice by her ear...

'That is, if you want...'

"Ahh!" Lilith clutched herself as a single finger of flame shot through her bulging midsection and up her spine. Recovering and panting from the odd sensation, she continued to read on:

After dining their guests, victims report having been seduced by various means. Some even admit to being the instigator of the whole ordeal. Lulling them into a sense of security, the demon then engages the victim. Unfortunate victims report the rape is horrible, and leaves them scarred for life, unable to have any normal sexual life afterward. However, a very rare portion of victims have reported differently. In these reports, the victim encounters such a demon in which the sex is mutually satisfactory. Victims report that it was the best sex of their lives in fact.

Lilith's body was heating up, and not just because of the ball of fire within her. Her nipples tingled, and she subconsciously gripped her breasts as she read on:

The results of such a union have varied consequences. Many of these individuals report that they find their demon lovers missing in the morning, their rooms destroyed by the elements, and even strange effects on themselves. The effects vary from a feelings of elation to depression, from heightened senses to lost emotions, to a body improvement to even pregnancy.

Lilith found herself panting hard now.'Why the hell am I getting turned on by this??'But it was true. Lilith's entire body felt like it was in passionate flames, emanating from her stretching womb. It looks as if she was six months pregnant now, and her skin was so deliciously tight that she mewled at the feeling. Yet she read more:

The encounter of a demon is a bad omen indeed. Most victims require counseling to rid themselves of post-rape mindsets and, in the cases of seductive demons, to cure a sexual addiction which cannot be sated. But, with the cases of positive unions with the spirit, victims sometimes report being revisited by their lovers, and a complete turn in their lives.

Lilith didn't get to read the rest. What she did read, however, was the portrait's title.

Pan's Gift

"Gaahh!" Lilith slumped over as another wave of fire jetted through her. But her yelp of pain quickly turned into something much different.

"Ooooo," She cooed, rolling onto her back as this new feeling embraced her body. The flares of heat deep within her simmered to the surface, coating her flesh in an intensely sexy bubbling sensation. It felt like Pan was with her again, only his tongue was all around her now, licking and stroking every inch of her flesh all at once. Her skin flushed, and her moans grew even louder.

"Mmmmmm..." Rubbing her now round belly, she noticed that the shots of fire within her flared closer and closer together, until they were a constant stream of heat radiating inside her. The feeling spread from her engorged navel, down to her toes, up to her eyes, and across to her fingertips. Tingles ran up her spine, the cold sensation lifted on both her sides in the heat. The flames gripped her shoulders, making them numb with the delightful feeling. Her nipples hardened instantly as the hot electric jolts ran through them. Her pussy burned with it, making her hips press into the air in a desperate attempt to seek release. All the while, she had expanded to the size of a volleyball. Then, it began to get smaller.

Every moment that her belly shrank, the fires within grew hotter, and stronger, and fiercer. Writhed in the flames of a demon, Lilith felt her skin become softer and smoother. Wanting even more, her fingers delved into her begging pussy, in an attempt to satisfy her sudden, blazing need.

Her body changed even more. Lilith felt her pussy becoming stronger than ever before, her inner muscles held her fingers in a death grip. The walls pulsed along her lithe digits, and she could not stifle of cry of pure delight at the feeling. Her tummy melted back into her body, and the changes grew more apparent.

Lilith's slim form become even more lithe and trim, the feeling of her muscles growing in mere seconds made her hips buck. An overwhelming feeling in her shoulders made her want to roll them, to stretch them out. Vision clear, hearing sharp, touch overwhelming, Lilith could feel her senses expand beyond what a normal human should be capable of. And her threshold of pleasure broke, and with a sex-maddened scream, she was wreathed in the familiar feelings of earth-shattering climax.

Panting hard, Lilith continued to shudder in the aftershocks of her insane orgasm. Her eyes had rolled back in her head, and her non-human screams had shattered the glass portraits on her walls. Torn cloth flittered down from the air around her, caused by her violent convulsions and tearing of her sheets with her nails. The fires within her ebbed away, sinking down into a faint smoldering deep within her soul. Lilith stood up shakily from her bed, and drifted towards her now crack-ridden mirror.

Her stomach was back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened to her. Lilith sighed in relief, and rubbed her belly just to make sure it was true. What she felt astonished her. Her fingers felt the skin there, so soft and smooth, it could put the finest silk to shame. Under that velvety cover she could feel her muscles, so strong and firm, that no amount of exercise could have attained it. Running her hands down herself, the flawlessness of her body astounded her.

She made another discovery. Her once long blond hair was now black as midnight, and ran down from her head like a liquid shadow. Her eyes, once light blue, were a brilliant red now, reflecting the passionate fires that burned within her. She rolled her shoulders, and felt something new. Stretching with awe, she witnessed the unfolding of wings. Her wings. Longer than her outstretched arms, the pitch-black wings reflected pools of light as if they were oiled. Unable to speak, she felt a tear run down her cheek.

'This...'She touched her reflection gently,'This is...'

"Your dream?" Came the reply, but it was not from herself.

Lilith turned around and saw Pan sitting on her bed, watching her with great interest.

"What do you think?" Pan asked sincerely. His crimson hair, like a mane of flames, adorned his head. He stroked his chin with his long, claw-tipped fingers as if he was appraising his work. "It took my best imagination to come up with that. And a bit of yours as well," Pan commented, looking up and down Lilith's stunned body with near pitch dark eyes.

"Pan... It's... I..." Lilith wiped back her tears of joy and exclaimed, "Pan! It's so beautiful!"

Pan stood up, smiling, "I thought you would like it, Lily. It is, after all, what you wanted most, right?"

"Oh Pan..." She fell into him, wrapping her arms and wings about him and sobbed, "Thank you... So much..." She felt his strong arms gently hug her to his body. She looked up into his eyes, and saw not a demon's unholy lust staring back at her, but a genuinely warm smile, and kind dark-blue eyes. She knew, right then, that this was her soul mate, forever.

"We found each other, at last..." Pan whispered and kissed her lovingly. Time did not matter now for Lilith. If they would kiss forever, than that would be just enough time to be in heaven then...

But much sooner than she thought, which was about three seconds into the kiss, Lilith drew back, wrapping her arms around her waist and her wings around her front, and eyed Pan.