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"Sorry," Frankie said.

Jennifer shrugged and said, "No big deal. I'll find another way to pay for college."

"Sure you will," Frankie said. Then she gave Dina a hug and said, "Hey, little one. God you're cute."

Dina blushed and said, "Thanks."

Liking seeing Dina uncomfortable, Taylor smiled and pointed to the shorter of the two pretty brunettes and said, "This is my girl, Laurie."

Laurie stood up and gave Jennifer a big hug and to Jennifer and Dina's surprise a soft kiss. On the lips! Then she said, "I've seen you around at the pool a lot when you visit your dad. I work part time in the office here. Your dad talks about you constantly. You and your sister."

Flushed from the kiss, Jennifer said, "I know. He won't shut up."

"No," Laurie said. "He's really sweet. And you ARE a total fucking hottie."

She turned to Dina before Jennifer could say anything and gave her a hug and a kiss as well. Perhaps she lingered just a bit longer on Dina's lips than she did Jennifer's. "Hmm," she said. "Frankie's right. You are a cutie. Taylor and Kelli are already hooked up, so me and Frankie will be fighting over which one of you we get."

Jennifer and Dina saw Taylor sitting on the floor with the other brunette who could only be Kelli. Actually, by now, they were not sitting but laying and they kissed slowly as they lay, with neither girl being shy about where she put her hands on the other one. Now, Jennifer and Dina both blushed and Laurie laughed. "God, Frankie," she said. "They're both so shy. Which one do you want?"

As Frankie kneeled back to the floor and picked a gold straw up from the coffee table, she said, "We'll work that out at some point tonight."

Then, for the first time, Jennifer and Dina noticed the several lines of cocaine already laid out on the glass tabletop. Their eyes grew as they watched Frankie snort two of the lines and hand the straw to Laurie. Laurie snorted first one line with her left nostril and then another line with her right. Then she handed the straw to Jennifer. Without even thinking about it, Jennifer took the straw and kneeled in front of the table. She snorted one line quickly into her nose and felt the sudden rush as she absorbed the cocaine into her bloodstream through her nasal cavity. She shook her head and said, "God fucking damn."

Then she switched nostrils like Laurie had done and snorted another line. She felt another rush just as intense as the first one had been and shook her head again and said, "Shit! That's in-fucking-credible."

Then she handed the straw to Dina, and after witnessing that reaction, there was no way Dina was going to pass up finally trying coke. Besides, she and Jennifer had always said they'd never do cocaine unless they were together. Dina took the straw and just as intently used each nostril to suck up two of the lines of coke. Taylor was still kissing the other girl, so Dina offered the straw back to Frankie. Frankie placed the straw down on the table and said, "Huh uh, cutie. I want you."

Then she took Dina's hand and pulled her into her until their lips meet. At the same time, Jennifer felt Laurie's hands reaching around from behind her and cupping her breasts. She shivered, as her nipples grew erect from Laurie's thumb flicking across them. Then Laurie was licking her ear and then whispering into it. "God, girl," she said. "You are so fucking hot, and I can't wait to get Scott's little girl's face between my legs."


Another round of beers came and Scott asked, "So what made you want to be a cop?"

Pam shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not an adrenaline junky or anything like a lot of guys on the job. I was looking for work, and I saw an ad in the Times. It said females encouraged to apply, so I said what the fuck and went down and filled out an application. They called me in for an interview, and I started the academy the next month."

"Cool," Scott said. "How do you like it?"

"It's alright," she said. "Sometimes I wish I had something more regular hours wise. Most of the time it seems like my kid is raising herself."

"You've got a daughter?"

Pam took a sip of her Corona and nodded. "Yeah. She's sixteen. Never got married though."

"Sixteen?" Scott said, not sure he had heard her right.

"Yeah," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Sixteen. My boyfriend and I screwed up listening to what my tenth grade biology teacher was telling us about certain times of the month being safe. That, or I just counted the days wrong."

Scott chuckled, "Sandy and I did pretty much the same thing when she wasn't much older. Only we just got too worked up in the front of my Buick one night and went past the point where either one of us could stop. That's how we ended up with Jennifer."

"You ever think about not having her?"

Scott shook his head violently. "No way."

"Yeah," Pam said. "Me either. It's been hard, but I can't imagine not having Kristi in my life."

"I know what you're saying."

"So, cowboy," she said. "You moving to New York or just checking us out?"

"I guess I'll be moving," he said. "I've been out of work for a year now. I just can't find anything in Texas. Not that pays what I used to make anyway."

"You gonna bring the wife and kids up here?"

Scott shook his head. "No. They'll stay in Texas. I'm going to be back and forth between here and Iraq, and I'd hardly ever see them even if they did move up here with me."

Pam whistled. "Iraq huh?"

"Yeah. This company has one of the rebuilding contracts over there."


"I know," he said. "But my girls got college coming up. I've got to pay for it someway."

"Still. Iraq?"

He shrugged. "I have been there before."

"Oh yeah," she said. "Desert Storm?"

"Yes. I went in the Marine Corp after high school. Did that for four years and got out to go to college. I stayed in the reserves to help pay for college. Then after I graduated, we had the baby coming so I stayed in the reserves for that extra paycheck, so when we went to war I got called up."

"Marines, huh? What was your MOS? Isn't that what they call it?"

"Yeah," he said. "I was in Force Recon."

"Ahh," she said, impressed. "I've read about them. Those are the badasses."

Scott shrugged.

"Don't be modest."

"I'm not modest. I just don't want to talk about that."

"I understand," she said. "I hate when people start asking me stupid questions about the job."

He smiled and said, "I bet guys want to see you with your gun on."

She laughed. "I had one guy I went out with that wanted me to belt it on so he could fuck me while I wore it."

"How long did that relationship last?"

She laughed harder. "Not very."

Scott was about to comment when they heard a beeper going off in her purse. After pulling it out and looking at it, she put it back in her purse without revealing any emotion. Scott watched and after a pause said, "You need to answer that?"

She shook her head and took another sip of her beer. Curiosity took over and he said, "You sure? If it's work or something, I don't want to see you get in trouble."

She took a bigger sip and said, "It wasn't work. It was just my daughter."

Scott raised his eyebrows. "You aren't going to call her."

Pam smiled. "She doesn't want me to call her. She beeped me 2222. That's our code for she doesn't want me to come home yet."

"Why doesn't she want you to go home?"

"She has company."

"A boyfriend?"

Pam shrugged. "A friend that happens to be a boy."

"And you're okay with that?"

She shrugged again. "They want some time to talk."

"To talk?"

She smiled. "As far as I know, they're talking. And as long as I follow our code, I'll be happily in the dark."

"Yeah, but there's talking, and then there is TALKING," Scott said.

She shrugged and said, "Hey, if they want to TALK, they're going to TALK. I'd just as soon they TALK on the sofa in my apartment as TALK behind the bushes in the park."

Scott shivered and said, "I'd just as soon mine not TALK at all."

Pam laughed aloud.

"That's funny to you?"

She continued laughing and said, "You don't honestly think your girls don't TALK, do you?"

He finished his beer and said, "I try to think about it as little as possible."

"That's probably wise," she said, still laughing.

"You want another beer," he said?

"Naa. I'm tired of this place."

He looked around for the guys that had brought him, and not seeing them, said, "Wanna get a drink somewhere else?"

"Well," she said. "For obvious reasons, my apartment is out of the question."

"Uh," he said. "Yeah."


He raised his eyebrows again. "But?"

"I bet they have a mini bar in that hotel you're staying at."

"As a matter of fact," he said. "They do."

She picked up her purse and said. "Let's go."

He didn't argue.


"Sure you don't want to go for a swim," Jake asked?

Sandy shook her head as she re-racked the balls on the pool table, and said, "Not right now. Your break."

He chalked his cue stick and said, "Just about everyone else is out at the lake."

She smiled and as she untied the knot in her shirt said, "If you're that anxious to see me in my bikini, I'll show you here."

Jake continued to chalk his stick but didn't let his eyes leave Sandy's orange, bikini top as she removed and dropped her shirt to the floor.

"You like," she asked?

He nodded. "Orange suits your complexion."

"Thank you," she said as she lowered her white shorts to her ankles and stepped out of them, showing him her orange thong that matched the bikini top. She turned a slow circle for him so he could get a look at how much of her ass the thong failed to cover.

Jake whistled slowly as he placed the cue stick down on the table and advanced on Sandy's position. "First I find out you're into nose candy, and now I see you like thongs. Anything else I want to know?"

"I told you," Sandy said with exasperation. "I'm NOT into nose candy. I was just so surprised that SHE was into it that when she offered it to me, I took it without even realizing I was doing it."

"Uh huh," Jake said as he was only a step away from her. "Next you'll be telling that you didn't even like it."

Sandy shrugged. "No. I won't tell you that." But, I did like the kiss she gave me a lot better, she thought.

He took the last step to her and leaned down so that their lips could meet. When hers parted, he slowly slipped his tongue into her mouth and wrapped it in hers. As their kiss lingered, his fingers found their way to the string for her bikini top, and they met no resistance as he slowly pulled the bowknot undone. When the orange top landed on the floor with her shirt and shorts, she broke the kiss and said, "Someone might come in."

"Uh huh," he said just before he placed his lips on the side of her neck. He softly and slowly kissed each side of her neck before breaking away and saying, "They certainly might."

Their lips meshed together again as he cupped her breasts in his hands and he glorified at their heft. Her nipples grew hard with his touch, and she broke the kiss and slowly sank to her knees. As she cautiously undid his buckle, opened his shorts and lowered them to his hips, she smiled as his cock sprang out of his briefs and nearly poked her in the eye. At that point, it was hard enough to drive nails with, and the head glistened with his pre-cum.

She took the head into her mouth and let the pre-cum mix with her saliva. As she slowly sucked his cock further into her mouth, his hands found her hair and gripped strands of it in each hand. The deeper on his cock, she went, the tighter he gripped until she was completely swallowing him and his knuckles were then turning white. He used her hair like reins to guide her mouth up and down on his cock. Knowing that he was about to explode, he still couldn't stop.

Sensing he was near, she began to suck more vigorously, giving full effort at drawing his cum out of his penis. Unable to hold back any longer, Jake released his grip and groaned as he began to cum, shooting spurt after spurt after spurt of his semen into her mouth. Sandy continued to suck until she'd drawn every last drop of his cum out of his cock and drained his balls empty.

Jake sagged back and leaned against the pool table saying, "My God, Sandy. You could make a living with those lips."

She smiled and then frowned as she thought, I do, baby. I do.


Jennifer lay back, gasping, head spinning, fighting for breath, as Laurie slowly worked two fingers in and out of Jennifer's pussy. As Laurie worked her fingers inward, she would twist them counterclockwise; and as she worked them outward, she would twist them back clockwise.

Jennifer's back arched and Laurie lowered her lips to Jennifer's right nipple and sucked it just like she would a gumdrop. Laurie smiled. Two big, pink gumdrops were exactly what Jennifer's nipples reminded her of. As she softly sucked the nipple she had her lips around, Laurie began to rub Jennifer's clit with her thumb as she slowly worked the index finger of the same hand deep into the girl's pussy.

Jennifer arched harder and thrust her pubic bone at Laurie's hand as Laurie crooked her finger upward and cautiously used the tip of it to massage the roof of Jennifer's vaginal tunnel. At that point, the entire room began to spin for Jennifer and she began to drench Laurie's hand with fluid pouring from her pussy. "Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit," she began to mutter.

Laurie's lips released the nipple she was sucking and meshed with Jennifer's as she more furiously began to rub the top inner wall of Jennifer's pussy. As they heatedly kissed, Jennifer squeezed her legs tightly together and clamped Laurie's hand in place like she had it in a vice. Then she just seemed to go limp and collapse.

Laurie eased off of the kiss and meticulously withdrew her finger from Jennifer's pussy. She offered the finger to Jennifer for her to lick clean and after Jennifer had graciously done so, Laurie said, "You like the taste of your own pussy, don't you?"

Jenny nodded and said, "I love pussy."

Laurie laughed and said; "I could tell by the way you went down on me with such enthusiasm earlier that you were pretty found of it."

Still in a slight haze, Jenny shut her eyes and said, "Cigarette?"

Laurie laughed again, as she reached for her pack and after shaking one loose and lighting it, placed the cigarette between Jennifer's lips. Jennifer sucked the smoke deep into her lungs and held it before blowing a stream to the ceiling. As Laurie took the cigarette away from Jennifer's lips and held it to her own, Jennifer said, "Dina?"

Laurie giggled. "Frankie's taking good care of her."

Jennifer suppressed a giggle of her own and said, "As good a care as you took of me, I hope."

"Count on it," Laurie said. "Not jealous, are you?"

Jennifer shook her head.

Doubtful, Laurie asked, "Are the two of you girlfriends?"

Jennifer shook her head again.

"But you do fuck?"

Jennifer smiled and said, "Yeah, we fuck."

"Too fucking cool," Laurie said. "If Scott only knew."

Jennifer covered her mouth with her hand and said, "Oh my God. He never in a million years would even suspect. He probably thinks I'm still a virgin, let alone realize I'm into pussy."

Laurie giggled some more and said, "That's a pretty safe assumption."

She rolled away from Jennifer and started picking their clothes off the floor. "Come on," she said as she tossed Jennifer her top and her shorts. "Get dressed and we'll see if the rest of them are ready for the party."

"Why don't we just stay here," Jennifer said. "I could stay in bed with you forever."

Laurie stroked her cheek and said, "I know you could, babygirl. But, you don't want to miss one of Cleo's parties. Besides, like Taylor already told you. Tonight is your chance to fuck a millionaire."


Scott Gordon lay on his back, cupping Pamela Hogan's tiny breasts with his hands as she furiously rode up and down on his cock. He loved the feel of his cock inside her. Just like Laurie was different from Sandy, Pam was different from both of them, and he liked the feel of his cock in all three of them. He loved the power of her movements as she rose and fell on his cock. He loved the intense look on her face and in her eyes as she fucked him. He recognized the dilation of her pupils and even before she began to scream, he knew she was there.

He twisted to his right and rolled her onto her back without drawing his cock out of her. As she fell into position, she raised her knees and dug her heels into the back of his thighs, using the strength of her legs to assist the pumping motion of his hips as he drove his cock into and out of her pussy. She was moaning and gasping now, fighting to maintain control and finally losing that fight, she began to scream.

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Fuck yeah. That is it. That is it. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Fucking fuck fuck yeah. That is fucking it."

All the while, she was digging her heels more strongly into his thighs and was clawing her nails into his back. Until finally, she gave one last ear piercing scream and collapsed beneath Scott. He gradually slowed his pumping hips and eased his cock out of her pussy. When he rolled off of her and fell onto his back, his cock glistened with her juices and, remaining just as hard as it had been before he first penetrated her, pointed straight to the ceiling as he gasped for breath.

Noticing the state of his erection, Pam grasped it playfully and stroked slowly as she asked, "Didn't you cum?"

Debating in his mind the wisdom of mentioning to her that, between fucking his wife early in the morning and his girlfriend before catching his plane, he'd already came four times that day; he chose instead to merely say, "Not yet."

"Well, well, well," Pamela replied. "We'll have to fix that."

At which point, without releasing her grip on his cock, she lowered her lips to the tip and slowly sucked the head of his penis into her mouth while her hand continued its stroking action. Enjoying the feel of her lips and tongue on the sensitive area of his dick, Scott rested the back of his head in his hands and sighed with pleasure as she sucked him.

At some point, she released his cock with her hand so that she could suck him deeper into her mouth. When she did so, she eased that hand down to her pussy so that she could slip her index finger into her dripping cunt. Once the finger was thoroughly wet from her own natural lubricant, she withdrew it and began to slowly rub and massage Scott's anus with the tip of her finger.

As soon as she began to penetrate his asshole with her finger, Scott gasped and sat up. Neither action deterred her from sliding her index finger even further up his anal cavity. As soon as she reached sufficient penetration and found his prostate gland, he began to spurt his load into her mouth, as she calmly swallowed all of the semen she was milking out of him.

She did not lift her face from his cock until she had swallowed every drop and licked him completely clean. When she had done so, it took all of Scott's strength to mutter, "Oh my God. That was unbelievable. Where did you learn that?"

She laughed and said, "A gay friend of mine taught it to me."

Still fighting to return his breathing to normal, Scott said, "Huh?"

She touched a finger to his lips and said, "Shhh. Just enjoy the feel and don't worry about it."


Jake guided Sandy back to her feet and slowly turned her to face the pool table. As she bent over the table, Jake kissed his way down her back until he was kneeling behind her ass. He slowly sucked light hickeys onto each ass cheek before moving her orange thong to the side, and she groaned as he cautiously rimmed her asshole with his tongue while inserting two fingers into her pussy.

She groaned louder as he worked the fingers in and out of her pussy and dipped his tongue deeper into the inner ring of her asshole, every nerve of her anus reacting as if they were on fire. A moan of pleasure emitted from deep down in her throat that more closely resembled a large cat's purr than it did anything human. As he withdrew his fingers from her cunt and meticulously pressed his index finger, which was now covered with her cunt juice, against the brown bud of her asshole. She gasped loudly as that finger entered her and gasped even louder as he worked it in and out.