Parent-Teacher Conference Ch. 18


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"I want to feel you, all of you."

It took my orgasmic brain a moment to realize what he had said. "You have all of me, mind, body, heart, and soul."

His smiled like a man who'd been told he'd just won the lottery. He slowly entered me, filling me, until I felt all of him. I moaned and then he began to move. With every thrust, it felt as if he has becoming even larger within me. Then he wrapped his arms around me, we rolled over, and I was on top of him. He sat up and I cried out as he entered even deeper than the first time we made love. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

He held me tight and whispered, "I know it's a lot. If it hurts I'll stop."

"No," I gasped. "It was just a surprise. Don't stop, just be careful please."

"Is there anything you don't like?" he asked. "Sex wise I mean."

I shifted my weight on him and moaned from the sensation. "Never hit me."

"Never, my love," he said stroking my cheek.

"And never, ever, in my... my... ugh," I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"I've seen your nightmares my love, I know what you don't want," he whispered and gently thrust into me again.

I moaned loudly. "I didn't used to mind a little stimulation back there, but since the nightmares-"

He kissed me forcefully and thrust himself into me again. "Fear not, maybe one day, but not now. I will never hurt you my princess, I will only love you. And yes, the condom you remember did prevent me from fully entering you."

I gasped. "Is there more... or are we... at maximum?"

"No more," he said. "You have all of me."

He began to thrust deeper into me and the sensation was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. With each thrust, he kissed me deeply and held me tightly. I felt my body start to tighten up and I knew that I was going to climax again. I moaned into his mouth and my body began to shake.

"Yes Alexis," he whispered.

I was screaming his name and climaxing for a fourth and fifth time. As my climaxes began to pass, Oliver pushed me back down onto the bed and began to move even faster than before. It didn't take long for this to bring on the same sensations as before. My body tightened up and then another orgasm, this one harder and bigger than any I'd ever experienced before, and it brought him to his. I screamed out his name and he called out mine as our bodies exploded with passion and love. When it ended, he was lying on my chest, panting. We were exhausted and spent. I held him in my arms with what little strength I had left, and smiled. I kissed his head and sighed. Oliver slid off my body and lied next to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in so my head rested on his firm chest.

"Oh Alexis, my love, my princess, my life-mate. You make me feel so alive. Oh Alexis, words can't even begin to describe how much I love you."

I nestled into his chest and said, "I love you too."

"Promise me you'll never leave again," he said.

"I promise, I'll never leave," I said. "And for the record, I wasn't given a choice the last time."

"Yes, I know. And you're okay with waiting to do this again?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "I know that good things come to those who wait, and you are, and always have been, well worth the wait."

That night we slept wrapped in each other's arms. It was the safest I've ever felt in my life. We made love again that morning, knowing it would be our last time for a while. It has been hard for me, as I enjoyed making love with him, but I want so much to honor his culture's traditions and rules, I haven't pushed. Besides, he has agreed not to sneak into Lara's room and peek at my dress so I must be fair. I have so much to learn about his world, his culture, and about being a queen. I will be the person in charge, not him. 'It's all so weird,' I thought. I looked at him, as we sat in this conference room and I realized I needed to get my mind back the issue at hand. I felt my cheeks burning and hoped he didn't realize what I had just been thinking about.

"So, I'm sent back to Earth, you recover from your injuries, what happened with your parents?" I resumed the conservation.

"Right," said Oliver, not questioning my moment of remembrance. "As I mentioned before, my recovery was delayed due to the medical treatment I was getting. I was kept in what you would call a medical coma until an error with the medication they were using allowed me to finally awake. I mentioned to you before about asking to see you, how Iman had to sneak into my room to see me. When I demanded Iman and Rashad, things starting to improve rather quickly and my mother realized my father was sabotaging my recovery as they both knew that once I was healed, I was going back to Earth to find you and either bring you back with me, or stay on Earth for the remainder of my life."

I choked on my drink and coughed. "You were willing to give all of this up... for me?"

"In a heartbeat," he said without hesitation. "You are the missing piece that makes me whole. I think my mother feared that if I didn't return to become king, that our people would suffer, so, she forced my hand."

"How so?" I asked.

"It was a few days before my departure; I was gathering a crew I knew I could trust to return to Earth with me as I wasn't going to have any more incidents like last time. Meanwhile, my mother acquired some poison, and one night, over a quiet diner, she put the poison in his food and drink. With every bite, every sip, he consumed the toxic substance. That night, as he lay dying, she told him what she had done, and that this was his punishment for doing what he did to me, and you. It took my father three Earth days to die. My mother wouldn't let anyone see him until she was sure he was dead, not even me. When the announcement came, I instantly postponed my departure.

"After my father's body was taken care of, my mother revealed to me what she had done, and why. I now had to make a decision, do I stay and give up the love of my life, or do I take a chance, go back to Earth, and see if you'll come back with me. My mother told me I had to find out how much you really loved me, and she said 'if she truly loves you as much as I think she does, she won't hesitate to come back and be your princess, your queen, your mate.'"

"She was right," I said.

"I'm so glad I listened to her."

"As am I," I said smiling, kissing him softly.

After we finish eating, he brought me what looked like a tablet computer and explained how to turn the video on. He asked me one last time not to watch it, and I assured him that I would be fine. I knew he could tell I was totally lying, but he just kissed me and said when it was finished, to push a button and he'd come back and we'd talk more. He hesitated before he left; it seemed he was torn between trusting me to watch the video, and taking the tablet back. He smiled weakly and left the room. I waited until the door had closed, made myself as comfortable as I could, then I turn it on.

The screen flashed for a moment then Fleck appeared on the screen. "Greetings Stone," said Fleck. "I'm sure by now you've noticed that you've lost a passenger from your ship. Oh don't worry, we're keeping her quite entertained."

The scene changed and there was my unconscious body, lying naked on a table, my legs wide open, and assorted lizard-like hands were fondling me. I gasped as I watch. My breasts were squeezed, my nipples pulled, and occasionally I saw a creature lick a part of my naked body. I wanted to turn away but I didn't, I forced myself to finish watching. Then I saw more hands begin to touch my sex, pulling on the outer lips, then, 'OH GOD!' I saw fingers enter me. At first it's just one, but soon it's two. Then the camera angle changed and I saw my sex, and my anus. Now another hand is coming up my ass, and, 'OH GOD!' My anus was penetrated with another finger. I was used and assaulted by these animals even though my body did not react. How long this assault continued I have no idea, or if it was even real. Finally, the scene changed again, and I was dressed, chained up, and limp. It must be before I woke up. 'How long was I there? How long was I unconscious?'

Fleck came back on the screen. "I hope you liked my little preview show, Stone. I know I did."

Then Fleck's position changed as does the background. "Hello Stone. I have someone here who'd like to say something to you."

I recognized this part as I appeared on the screen with my shirt just torn by Wyman. "Greetings Oliver Stone. Agent Fleck and Agent Wyman... one Earth hour to comply with these communications."

Fleck steps back in front of the camera, slapped me hard causing me to cry out in pain again, and said, "As you can see Stone, I have no problem hurting her. You have one hour."

The screen went black. Tears flowed from my eyes. I set the tablet down. I want to throw it, but it won't change what I'd just seen. I searched my memory, but nothing. I didn't remember my breasts, my sex, or my anus hurting, but that doesn't mean much. How many Earth women had been raped thanks to drugs and they remembered little to nothing. My question about Valente had not been answered. Now, new questions surface. Was I raped? Did Fleck get his revenge after all? Yet, something about the footage of my body didn't quite sit right with me. As I replayed the scene in my mind, something just didn't seem to fit, but I wasn't sure what. I decided I needed to look one more time. I dried my tears, grabbed the tablet, and replayed the video.

This time, when I see the image of my naked body, I take a closer look. Something didn't look right. I began fooling with the tablet and I discovered I could zoom in on the images by just touching the screen. I advanced the scene as slowly as I possibly could. This made the images a bit more graphic and harder to take, at first, but then I saw it. My nipples were the wrong color. To be sure, I took a quick peak at mine, which are a rosy pink that darkens at the nipple. This person's nipples were... darker? I advanced the seen a bit further and where the creature had been pulling on them, revealed they were not pink... but green? VALENTE! I advanced the video a bit further, to where I saw the sex of the person who I no longer think was me anymore and with the screen zoomed in, I saw it. The inside layers of the sex, were not pink like mine should be, but were shades of green.

I smiled and said, "Gotcha bitch!"

I went to the door Oliver exited out of and once it opened, I stepped out and asked, "Oliver, may I have a moment please?"

Oliver was sitting in his chair, and quickly got up and came into the room. As the door closed behind us he asked, "What is it my love?"

"I have proof you've been tricked," I said.

Oliver looked at me confused and said, "I don't understand."

"Let me explain," I began. "First off, how many have seen the full video?"

"Just me, oh and Lara of course," he said.

"Good," I said. "Because I can prove that you and Lara were tricked. When I saw that full video the first time, I was horrified. I sat here crying for some time when something in my head started telling me to take a closer look. So, I started to replay the video, not that I really wanted to, but I did. And look at this."

I grabbed the tablet began playing the video. Oliver stood and said, "I can't watch that again Alexis."

"No wait," I begged. "I really need you to see this."

When the scene of my nipples being pulled comes on, I pause it, and zoom it in. "What color is that nipple?" I asked.

Oliver shut his eyes tight and shook his head. "No. I won't look at this again."

"Oliver, please, for me. If I'm right, you'll see what I saw."

He slowly opened his eyes and tilted his head. After a moment he said, "Wait a minute, that doesn't look right."

"That's what I thought, so I went a bit further and look at what I discovered," I said.

I advanced the video to the dreaded scene where the lips of the sex can be clearly seen, and once again I paused and zoomed in the scene. I watched Oliver's face as he began to see what I saw. "Alexis, I've only seen one woman with a... a..."

"We call it a vagina," I said.

"Right," he said, "a vagina that color and it was... Valente."

His response was not exactly what I expected. "I'm sorry, are you saying you've seen Valente naked?"

Suddenly Oliver's face dropped and he hung his head. "Yes," he whispered.

I set the tablet on the table and asked, "Oliver, did you have 'sexual relations' with Valente?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"Was it before or after you met me?" I asked fearing the answer.

Oliver looked up at me and said, "Before. Long before."

Oliver sat in a chair, and I sat next to him. "Tell me, please"

Oliver took a deep breath and said, "It was when I was in school learning how to operate the ship. I was a young, eager prince and I liked having 'sexual relations' with females, and I used my being a prince to my advantage. I'm not proud of what I've done, but it's in my past. When I met you, I didn't tell you I was a prince because I wanted you to like me for me. Plus, I didn't think you'd believe me. I didn't tell you about Valente because; well, because she's not the only one."

"You had told me before you had 'sexual relations' with other females," I said. "Hell, Oliver, I had sex with other men before met you. That night in the restaurant wasn't my first time having sex. But I don't care about your past. I care about our future."

Oliver smiled and said, "I like the sound of that. But more importantly, I'm glad that wasn't you in the video."

"Oh it is," I said, "just not the part you were upset about. I really did give the coded message. Which reminds me, when I was in that arena, or whatever it was, when I was chained to the table, who was in the cage? I knew it wasn't you before you ran in with Lara."

"Once again, you demonstrate just how smart you are," said Oliver. "I guess you would call it a robot. I had it programed with basic actions, as I wanted it to fool the trackers. How did you figure it out?"

"At first it was the way it didn't smile or react to the situation I was in. Then when it nodded at Fleck, I realized the movements were wrong. It was all I could do not to say anything. Fleck caught on when it wasn't looking him and he told Wyman to make you look. That's when Wyman touched the bars and all hell broke loose."

"It was designed to electrify the bars so whoever touched them would be rendered unconscious. Unfortunately for me, Wyman came out of it soon than anyone anticipated."

"Yeah, well, I'll bet he didn't anticipate my blowing his head off him either, but you know, life's a bitch when you try to screw with true love," I said.

Oliver gave me a big hug and a deep kiss. Our arms wrapped around each other, bodies pressing, heat rising. We pulled away panting and I said, "I'd better go before we break another rule."

Oliver gave me a wicked smile, took my hand. "I like breaking rules with you my princess."

"As I do, my prince," I said smiling. "As do I."

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bowhunter5670bowhunter5670about 10 years ago
Great Story!

This ch was really hot!

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