Peals Of Midnight


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"Told you," Stuart shrugged as Shelton put his cell phone back into his locker.

Molly spent the weekend in her room, sobbing helplessly over Shelton McIntire. She had given Allison and Angela her cell phone number. Well, obviously, Molly's entreaties to keep her number just between them meant nothing to Angela and Allison. Molly was bombarded with phone calls and by texts from every popular student in J.M. Finney High School and even a few former students of J.M. Finney High School, college students. She'd blocked Shelton, playing hard to get but now vacillated between reaching out to him and praying he'd get in his stupid truck and drive over to her house and refuse to leave until Molly gave him a chance...

"A chance to do what?" Molly asked herself and felt new tears begin.

Monday, Molly pointedly ignored Shelton. During their study period, Molly sat on the other side of the school library and every time Shelton approached, she ducked behind bookshelves, avoiding him.

"Man, told you," Stuart shrugged when news travelled like wildfire that Molly Dillinger had a new beau, a sophomore attending Whittle College.

"This, uh, Nash guy, you know him?" Shelton asked, his heart in his stomach.

"Nash Myers? My older brother?" Stuart asked. "Yeah, I know him."


The Halloween party at the Gamma Epsilon Phi fraternity party was loud and energetic. They'd hired Ambiguously Certain and the keyboard player was letting Molly play along with the band. The handsome young man was hoping the cute red head in her Kitty Kat costume would be in his bed by the end of the evening. The way she was rubbing her cute little backside against him as they played was sending him all the right signals.

The costume was just a long sleeved leotard stretched taut over her braless breasts. The tail was attached to the rear by Velcro so it could be removed if so desired. Her hands had black gloves with white 'claws' at the tip of each finger, causing Molly to hit an erroneous key every now and then, but no one noticed. Her sleek legs were encased in black micro fishnet stockings.

While the band was taking a break, Molly helped herself to some of the heavily doctored punch. As usual, Nash, her boyfriend was in a corner with the other football players. He and the other boys were loudly arguing about the upcoming game between the Whittle College Wolves and the University of Central Kansas V. adjusting her cat ears headband, Molly sighed.

"Eb llahs ti os, ti uoy hsiw sa," a soft, soothing voice said and Molly whirled around.

A beautiful woman in an odd looking witch's costume stood, smiling at Molly. Instead of the normal all black one would expect to see in a witch's costume, though, this costume, including pointed hat was in sparkling white. The beautiful woman's face was pale, even her hair was pure white.

"Eb llahs ti os, ti uoy hsiw sa," the witch repeated.

"That, that has been driving me crazy ever since you said it to me last Halloween," Molly said, stamping her cat paw covered sneaker in irritation.

"You are do see whom I may have been?" the woman asked with a beatific smile.

"Well, yeah," Molly said, gulping her potent drink. "You're that witch we saw last Halloween. But what does 'eb llahs ti...'"

"As you wish it, so it shall be," the witch said.

"Ooooohhh!" Molly said, now looking down at her feminine curves. "When I tried on that dress..."

"I am known as Bridget Bishop," the witch said.

"And then that wig," Molly said, tugging at her shoulder length red hair, dislodging her cat ears headband again.

"So...the name? It conjures no recollection?" Bridget asked, slightly amused as Molly tried to adjust the headband again.

"No. Should it? Bridget Bishop?" Molly said, giving up on the headband.

"I was the first witch hanged at the Salem witch trials," Bridget said, helping Molly with her headband.

"Oooooh," Molly said.

"And Ann Putnam junior? She was one of my accusers," Bridget explained. "She did say much, some words were truth but much was fallacy; the imaginations of a young and fevered mind."

"And Kevin, Kevin was a Putnam," Molly mused, gulping more of her drink.

"Kevin was the last living link to my five accusers," Bridget agreed.

"Hey, Molly, come on, huh? Break's over!" the keyboard player called out, a little high from some magic powder he's scored from one of the frat brothers.

"Be right there," Molly called back, waving him away.

"My words, they were intended as a curse, fashioning you to be a woman," Bridget admitted. "You were to wake up on All Hallows Day and be horrified to be in female form."

"Curse? Horrified?" Molly asked, again looking down at her beautiful figure in her tight, naughty costume.

"Then, upon taking your own life, your soul tormented and unable to accept the curse, my soul would finally be freed of the decades, these centuries of my own torment," Bridget went on then winced as the band began to play a Black Sabbath song, very loudly.

With a wave of her arm, the room was silenced. Molly looked around; everyone was frozen in place. Molly wondered for a brief moment what would happen if she ran over and slapped Nash for ignoring her, his girl. He claimed to love her, to be in love with her, but he took her for granted most of the time. She'd been flirting outrageously with Daniel, Dennis, Duane, whatever the keyboard player's name was and Nash had not even noticed.

"Instead, you may guess my shock as I began to slowly transition from ugly, withered hag to a comely young lass," Bridget continued. "My flesh did become supple, my hair became lustrous, soft to the touch. And upon sighting myself in my old, faded and cracked looking glass, I saw, I realized my error."

"And that was..." Molly prompted after a long moment.

"On All Hallows Eve, it is better that one should forgive than to curse," Bridget smiled.

"So, if I wish it..." Molly begged, clutching Bridget's hand as the smiling woman began to fade away.

"So it shall be," Bridget smiled.

With a giggle, Bridget pointed toward the door. Molly stumbled as Bridget's hand was no longer clutched in her own. She looked toward the door and her pretty mouth dropped in shock. Her hazel eyes opened wide.

Still tall, still clumsy, Shelton McIntire looked ill at ease in his Cowardly Lion costume. And his eyes were firmly fixed on Molly.

The sudden blast of sound, the sudden movement caused Molly to stagger. The music suddenly seemed too loud and the room seemed too crowded. And there he was, Shelton McIntire, the boy, the young man Molly fantasized about as Nash clumsily, drunkenly thrust into her. Putting her empty cup down, Molly sprinted the few steps to where Shelton stood, looking at her.

"Molly I, uh, I'm so sor...mmph!" Shelton started to apologize then grunted as Molly plastered herself against him, her lips firmly kissing him.

"Bye!" Molly happily called out, waving to a confused Nash, waving to the disappointed Keyboard player.

"Come on," Molly giggled, pulling Shelton from the fraternity house. "My apartment's right up the street here."

Molly's apartment was a small efficiency or studio apartment up two flights of stairs. Shelton stumbled and staggered, trying to keep up with the excited girl.

The apartment was a twelve by fourteen foot room. Along the back wall was a small kitchenette in the left corner, a small door directly in the center of the room, right across from the front door. In the right corner was a second door.

"Hi!" Molly gushed happily, slamming the door of the apartment shut.

"Hi," Shelton agreed just before Molly kissed him hotly.

Molly pulled Shelton to a futon against the right hand wall. They flopped down on the furniture and Molly kissed him again.

"I, oh God! I am, I am just so happy you're here," Molly giggled, elated.

Shelton felt her fingers fumbling briefly with his zipper. Frustrated, she flung her cat paw gloves from her hand. Then she managed to tug the sticky zipper down. Her other hand gently removed his mane of dark brown yard.

"I love you, love you so much," Molly whispered as she pulled the top of the costume down, exposing Shelton's pale white torso.

"New thing out there," Molly teased, raking her black and white polished fingernails along his scrawny chest. "Called sunlight? Ought to try it sometimes."

"It's almost November," Shelton protested, shivering at the thought of being outside, trying to get a summer tan.

"Uh huh," Molly said, wiggling off of the futon to kneel at his feet.

Shelton looked at the three bookcases against the left wall, the small table with two chairs near the kitchenette and smiled. He could see Missy, Kevin's, Molly's skittish cat peering out from between two of the bookcases. Then Shelton looked down at the beautiful red head that was hurriedly untying his tennis shoes. She looked up at him and Shelton could see the absolute adoration in her hazel eyes. Her breasts stretched the leotard material of her costume and Shelton could see her nipples were hard points threatening to rip through the stretchy material.

After removing Shelton's tennis shoes, Molly stood. With a practiced ease, she unsnapped the crotch of the cat costume, pulled it up and off, leaving her dressed in only her micro fishnet stockings and her tennis shoes with cat paw covers. Her cat ears headband clattered to the faux wooden floor. Molly then posed, allowing Shelton to see her perfect round breasts with light pink areolae and hard nipples, her nipped in waist, and the neat triangle of red fur between her shapely thighs.

"Get the bed, okay?" Molly ordered as she bent to remove her tennis shoes.

Shelton struggled to make heads or tails out of the futon. Molly stopped him with a gentle hand.

"Better yet, get those pants off," Molly ordered as she pulled the top of the futon forward, then pushed it down, creating the bed.

"Oh," Shelton said, feeling stupid for failing to figure out the simple furniture.

"Yyeess!" Molly hissed as Shelton stood before her, fully unclothed.

She stretched out on the futon on her left side. Shelton took a moment to look at her nude body, feeling his cock twitch and jerk. He then stretched out next to her, lying on his right side.

"I love you," Molly whispered, kissing him again.

"Mmph!" Shelton agreed as she thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Gently, she worked him onto his back. Then, pulling her lips from his, she reached down and gripped his hard cock in her small hand. With one more kiss to his lips, Molly rose up onto her haunches. Swinging her right leg up and over, Molly hovered, her crotch just above his throbbing member.

"Erk!" Shelton grunted, eyes wide as he experienced his very first time entering a woman's pussy.

"Oh dear God yes," Molly cried out as the fat knob of Shelton's cock spread her inner lips apart.

Molly allowed her weight to propel Shelton's cock up into her. Her boyfriend Nash, her former boyfriend never allowed Molly to be on top; he did not like relinquishing any form of control to a woman.

"Oh, oh yyeess, oh my God yes!" Molly squealed as her pussy was filled completely by Shelton's thick member.

Faintly, Molly could hear the chime of a clock. The tone was faint, so faint she was not sure she'd actually heard it. With a shudder, she concentrated on the delicious feelings inside of this room, rather than the imaginations or machinations beyond the door of Apartment 3A.

"Oh, oh Baby, you, you're so big, you are so big, you are so big," Molly panted, small hands resting on Shelton's chest.

After a long moment, Molly rose up. Her face screwed up tightly in concentration. Just as the head of Shelton's cock threatened to slip out of her wet lips, Molly heard a faint chime. With a 'whoosh' she dropped down again.

"I, I got titties," Molly grunted, eyes still tightly shut.

"Huh?" Shelton grunted, relishing the feeling of his cock being engulfed in her wet furnace.

"Play with, grab my boobs, Shelton," Molly ordered, even wiggling them slightly.

Molly gasped and grunted as Shelton fumbled with her heavy breasts. She ground her teeth as he gripped her firm breasts then pinched her nipples. Briefly, she wondered if these might be the very first breasts he'd ever held.

"I oh, I love you," Molly groaned, feeling her climax approaching quickly.

"Love, love you too," Shelton grunted. "I, I don't know why it took..."

Molly put her finger to his lips. She wiggled her hips from side to side, giving a little twisting movement to her pelvis. Her movements became shaky, erratic as her breathing became labored.

"I, I'm going, I'm going to come, oh, oh Baby, I'm going to come," Molly grunted, hunching herself on Shelton's cock.

"I, condom? Should I use a condom?" Shelton asked, suddenly panicked.

" worry about," Molly panted, her movements frantic.

"Aieegh!" Molly screamed in orgasm.

She screamed a second time when she felt Shelton's sperm shoot deep within her pussy. Both nineteen year olds grunted and bucked in pleasure for some long moments. Finally, Molly slumped forward. The feeling deep within her guts was pleasure, of course. She'd felt pleasure when she and Nash fucked. But this was deeper than just pleasure.

"I feel complete," Molly thought.

"I, I think you pumped a gallon into me," Molly cooed, slowly dismounting.

As if to prove her claim, Molly could feel a copious amount of his silvery white semen dribbling from her raw pussy. The semen dribbled down along the insides of her thighs, staining the elastic cuffs of her thigh high stockings. Molly reached between her legs, scooped up their combined juices and licked her fingers clean, her eyes watching his eyes.

Stepping into the small bathroom, Molly again scooped up more of their combined juices. She again licked her fingers clean, then plopped down onto her commode.

"No, no, Bridget Bishop," Molly thought to herself as she emptied her bladder. "This, this is no curse."

She took a soft washcloth from her small linen closet and twisted the tap for the hot water. Impatiently she waited for hot water, then wet the fluffy scrap of cloth.

"I swear, that hot water heater? Takes forever and it's only a twenty five gallon," Molly complained, coming out of the bathroom.

Crawling onto the futon, she first kissed Shelton. Then, bending her head, she took his semi-erect cock into her mouth. Swallowing him down to the root, she bobbed her head up and down a few times. Then with a loud 'pop' she released him.

"Such a beautiful cock," Molly purred, wiping it clean with a warm washcloth. "And it's all nice and hard...does Baby want to play? Hmm? Does Baby want to put this big bad cock in my wittle pussy?"

Molly lay down on the futon, legs spread wide. Her eyes glowed with happiness as Shelton lay awkwardly between her thighs.

"Oh, oh yyeess, oh God," Molly groaned as Shelton's cock pushed into her.

Even though he'd ejaculated, quite forcefully only a few moments earlier, Shelton was not able to last very long. This was fine with Molly; she had orgasmed the moment Shelton managed to strike bottom in her. She'd experienced a second orgasm as he thrust himself into her in a haphazard manner. She shrieked in a third orgasm when he again flooded her pussy with his seed.

"Eb llahs ti os, ti uoy hsiw sa," Molly murmured, hand on her flat belly.

"Huh?" Shelton asked.

"You, do you, how many kids you want?" Molly asked, hand on her belly.

"I, kids?" Shelton asked, rolling away.

"I want at least two, maybe three," Molly whispered, putting her head on his chest. "Ooh, I can hear your heart beating."

"Two. But if we have three, I won't complain," Shelton agreed, putting his arm around her, holding her close to him.

"Good answer," Molly said, then kissed his chest. "You, you stay the night?"

"I have to," Shelton agreed. "You wore me out too much to go anywhere."

Molly giggled happily and lay her head on his chest again. She drew a heart on his concave belly with the tip of her finger. Then she 'wrote' their initials inside of the heart.

Coming to, Molly felt an arm across her waist. She felt someone's warm breath against the back of her head. She felt a hard cock pressing against her buttocks.

She was safe and warm and content underneath the fluffy blanket. She didn't want to move, but her bladder demanded that she do so.

She wiggled out from underneath the blanket and hurried to her bathroom. Sitting in the semi-dark room, the soft nightlight casting comfortable shadows around the room, Molly felt fulfilled. She placed her hand on her belly, imagining she could already feel life, the life she and Shelton had created last night, on All Hallows Eve.

"Eb llahs ti os, ti uoy hsiw sa," Molly murmured, then giggled happily.

'As you wish it, so it shall be'

"Eb llahs ti os, ti uoy hsiw sa," Molly repeated, feeling a deep euphoria engulf her.

The End.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my enjoyment. I post them here for your pleasure. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I likewise thank those that take the time to 'Favorite' my works, those that rate my words.

Arnie, Kevin's piano teacher is a principal character in 'Open Windows Pt. 02' in Gay Male. In that particular tale, there is no mention of him playing piano, but, then again, there is no mention of him NOT playing piano.

Reverend Mark Vincent, his wife Lisa, Stan McManus and Jill McManus, his young, pregnant wife are all principal characters in 'X-Rated: Dirty Magazines' in the Anal category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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Justice9caJustice9ca7 months ago

I really enjoy your work. Love your writing style. Please don't put to much stock in the haters opinions. For everyone one of them there are many more people that live your stories 🥰

amadthonamadthon8 months ago

Another fun, sexy Halloween story!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fun story topped off with hot sex. Great Halloween story. Five stars. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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