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She didn't want to start college as a virgin.
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There are places in this story that describe a younger girl growing up, but there is no relationship beyond platonic until she's 18.


I followed the lady out of the restaurant waving the flyer she'd just posted on the bulletin board, reaching the pickup about the same time she was closing the door. She looked annoyed as she rolled the window down. I remember thinking, "who has a vehicle so old they have to roll down the window unless it's a classic" and that old beater was no classic.

"What?" she blurted, then she saw the flyer in my hand. "Hey, I just put that up, what gives you the right to take it down? Dammit, now I'll have to print another one." Rolling up the window she muttered, "Nice going buddy."

I knocked at the window, at that moment I suddenly knew what my mom meant when she said, "if looks could kill" about the lady at the grocery store years ago. She was spewing her venom as she lowered the window.

"WHAT in the hell is wrong with you mister? Don't you think you've done enough damage?"

I held up a hand in a gesture to stop, saying softly, "please, I only want to ask one question."

She turned the engine off, slammed it in gear, turned sideways and said, "You've got thirty seconds, make the most of it."

"Thank you."

She interjected, "You're wasting my time, get to it."

I stepped back, "Is the apartment still for rent?"

She scoffed, "Of course it's still for rent, I just hung the darned flyer, that is until you tore it down."

"Will you rent it to me? I'm a freshman at the university."

She gave me the once over from head to toe, "You look a little old to be a freshman. You a late starter or something?"

I gazed beyond her at the young lady in the passenger seat who gave me a timid smile. I proceeded to address the driver.

"How about this. Let me follow you to see the apartment, if it's as nice as the flyer I'd like to rent it immediately, if not I'll bring the flyer back and hang it on the board. I'll answer all your questions there."

She gave me the evil eye again, "How do I know you aren't some kind of serial killer or pervert?"

I'd had enough, "You know lady, if I wanted to kill you it would have happened already. As for a pervert, do I look and act like a pervert? Maybe you should have someone else rent the room."

As I began walking back to the diner I heard the truck start and was then conscious of it being within a foot of my body as she stopped next to me.

"Maybe we got off to a bad start, my day has been crummy and when I saw you with the flyer I thought you tore it down. Why don't you follow me and let's see if we can salvage something of my less than cordial greeting?"

As I exited my truck at the house I took notice of the girl more than the lady. I'd watched the lady in the diner and parking lot, pretty face, slender, shapely, a typical thirty-something mom with a cute ponytail pulled through the back of her ball cap. The girl, who I assumed was her daughter looked much different, a pretty face is where the similarities ended. She was easily 40 to 50 pounds overweight, wearing a baggy non-descript shirt that did not hide the fact that she had very large breasts for a girl her age. Her shorts weren't too short, but they were too tight and exposed more of her large chubby thighs than I'm sure she might have preferred.

Her demeanor was one of defeat, she clearly was not pleased with life or her appearance. Watching her walk behind her mother with her head hung I guessed her to be mid-teens, sixteen, maybe 17. Opening the door her mother turned and addressed her indirectly.

"There ya go sweetheart. Why don't you start supper and I'll be right there?"

The girl muttered quietly, "Okay mom" as she ambled away. In the entrance was a stairway that led to an upstairs apartment. I found it interesting, a doorway existed beyond those stairs which led into the main portion of the house. It was obvious that someone had given great thought to privacy when the upper section was turned into an apartment.

I was led to the second level and shown around. The apartment had a small kitchenette with a table and two chairs, a bedroom with a full-size bed, a dresser and attached bath. Across the hall was an extra room with a smaller walk-in closet and no furniture, I surmised it could be turned into whatever one desired. The living area had a couch, an easy chair and a stand for a flat screen TV. Considering I'd spent six years in a barracks while in the Marines and the last year living in a cabin off the grid in Alaska this place was a palace. I walked the rooms a second time while she stood in the doorway.

"I like it. How much is the rent?" I asked.

She frowned, "I don't usually rent to college students because they spend all their money on beer and pot, then can't pay the rent. You're a little older though, are you sure you can pay?"

"Yes Ma'am. I have plenty of money to cover school and lodging. Because I'm

28 I don't have to stay on campus my first year. So, back to the rent?"

"It's $500 a month which includes one load of laundry a week, there's a laundry chute in the hall, put what needs to be washed in there by Sunday night, clean laundry will be left in a basket at the bottom of the stairs. I supply two sets of bed linen, one's expected to be in the laundry each week. You hafta buy your own bath towels, etc, and make the bed yourself. Breakfast and supper are available Monday through Friday as long as you eat when we do, if not, you're on your own. Weekends you're free to eat with us if you want to. There's no extra charge as long as you're willing to eat whatever we do, which at times isn't much."

Wow, I wasn't expecting anything so elaborate and wanted to accept immediately. Another person might not see this arrangement as elaborate, but I sure did.

"I'll take it Mrs????."

"Oh, it's June. I haven't been a missus in years. My daughter's name is Penny. Let me get the paperwork started, meet me in the den just inside the door on the right. Knock before you come in, it's two months' rent up front and a five-hundred-dollar deposit. Do you have a name?"

I think I startled her when I asked, "Yes, I do, it's Lester, would you like cash or a check?"

She smiled, "I don't see checks much anymore, cash will do, and thanks. Bring your bags upstairs and then come to the den. If you don't have plans for supper we're having grilled pork tenderloin with seasoned rice and apple pie for dessert. Are you a milk drinker?"

I nodded, "Mainly for meals. Supper sounds great, I'll be right in."

Ten minutes later I knocked on the door, opened it and announced myself. "In the den" she shouted.

Putting $1500 in her hand she slid a six-month lease form to me, I signed and gave it back. As I turned her daughter was standing in the doorway, I reached my hand to shake hers, she acted as though she wasn't sure what to do. June's gentle voice said, "It's okay honey Les will be staying with us from now on."

She didn't smile, in fact her face was without expression. As my hand touched hers I smiled and said softly, "Hello Penny, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Are you a sophomore or junior?"

She blinked a few times before a partial smile appeared, "Junior."

I excused myself, when I was a few feet from the doorway June yelled out, "Suppers at 5:30 sharp."

I turned and walked back, "Why did you ask me earlier if I was a milk drinker?"

She smirked, "Because I'll hafta remember to keep more on hand goofball."

I found myself in a place I hadn't been for years, a place that felt safe along with feeling welcome. I smiled to myself, she changed my name to Les and called me a goofball all in less than a span of ten minutes. Yup, I could get used to living here. Supper was delicious, June could cook, of that there was no question. What I didn't know was that Penny was as involved with the meal as her mother had been. With the meal over I offered to help clean, June wouldn't let me.

"We appreciate the offer, but this is Penny's domain after the meals. It's what she likes to do before she settles in for the evening, which is usually in her room."

I followed June into a sitting area off the kitchen where we talked about mostly nothing until Penny came in, "Mom, I'm going to my room. Ok?"

With Penny no longer within earshot June turned to me, "Back to my question several hours ago at the diner. How is it you're just entering college?"

I raised my eyebrows, "Got a beer? It'll make things easier. What would you like, the long or short version?"

She grinned, "Beer's in the fridge. How about something between long and short."

After taking a long draw on the beer I sighed and began. "I spent six years in the Marines, I'm going to school on the GI bill. But I have enough saved without having to rely on the monthly stipend for a few years. I did two tours in Afghanistan, got out two years ago and here I am."

She sat back with an uneasy look, "You got PTSD issues I need to know about? If you do, I'll give your money back and you can spend the night before you leave in the morning."

While in country I had seen more than a human should have to see and did have some issues, but I needed to convince this lady I was not batshit crazy.

"A year in the Alaska wilderness off the grid affords you an awful lot of time to weigh your life and get your shit in order. Oop, sorry June."

She chuckled, "I've heard worse, as has Penny, just try not to cuss around her very much. How did you end up in Alaska for a year?"

"I was in Afghan with a guy from there, he told me to come see him when I got out, so I did. Ten days after I arrived, he went into Jail for nine months, he convinced me to stay at his place and keep it safe. There was a generator when I needed power, but no phone other than a sat phone in case of emergency. No TV, nothing but days and days of solitude. I went to town once a month for supplies, in the winter it was by snowmobile with a sled behind for fuel and the bigger items, when the snow melted I walked the three miles pulling one of those wagons with big wheels like you see at garden centers."

She had a distant look in her eyes, she seemed to be looking through me. "I wish Matt would have done something like that, my late husband. He returned from Iraq goofier than a bedbug. We did the counseling and VA crap, all to no avail. The bastard blew his brains when Penny was five, she saw it all. I hated him for a long time after that."

I wasn't sure I'd heard her right, "Wait. You mean he killed himself in front of his little girl?"

She started to cry, "He was in the garage and didn't know she was watching through a spilt in the entry door, it was about a quarter inch wide, wide enough for her little eye to see him clearly. That's part of the reason she's so withdrawn and overweight, food has become her comfort zone. I try to get her to eat healthier, and she usually does until the next crisis in life occurs, then it's back to a bag of chips and who knows what else she can sneak behind my back."

Holy crap, and I thought my life had been rough. I was an adult the first time I saw a life taken and struggled with it, I can't imagine being five and watching my father take his own life. I felt helpless but needed to at least try to help this woman and her daughter.

"Do you think if I befriended her it might help? Maybe I could be like a big brother or something."

She looked me over for several minutes before answering, "In a perfect world that might be okay, but we both know this isn't a perfect world. She's 17, she'll end up falling in love with you, being a man you probably won't say no. Later on when you eventually move on, I'll be left with a heartbroken girl in greater crisis than she already is. Nice thought, but no thanks."

I wanted to get in her face. She had no right to impugn my integrity, then again, she didn't know me from Adam, and she had a daughter to protect.

"I appreciate your concern and commend you, but I wouldn't take advantage of a young girl. I don't need to go looking for tail, especially from one as young as Penny. I meant what I said ... a friend .... nothing more. She can tag along if she wants, maybe we can go for pizza or do something other kids her age do. Maybe it'll help break that barrier surrounding her heart."

It was going on nine o'clock, she cocked her head to the side, "I need to get to bed, got church in the morning. You're welcome to come along, we leave at 8:40. I need time to think about what you said Les. It's a risk for me, I've been all she has for years, I'm not sure if she would be open to you being a part of us."

Over the next week I settled into my new routine, finished getting my classes sorted out, and books purchased. Penny had already been in school a week when I rented so I got to see her every day when the bus dropped her off. The first few days I simply waved, the third day I waited at the stop. When she stepped off the bus she froze, looking at me intensely.

"Hi Penny, I thought I'd wait for you here today. I'm gonna go into town for a few groceries, would you like to come along?"

She stammered and then spoke, "I don't think my mom will let me. But thanks anyway."

I walked with her to the house, she went into the main portion and I went upstairs. I heard June arrive a half hour later and decided to wait until supper to talk with her. My only sister called to see how things were going and before I knew it Penny was calling up the stairs that supper was ready. Walking down the stairs it dawned on me that I had no idea what June did for a living. I'd find a way to weave it into our conversation over supper, and whether it would be alright if Penny went to the grocery store with me.

Most of the supper cross talk was about my studies, was I able to get all the books I needed, yadda, yadda, yadda. As we were finishing I asked.

"What is it you do for a living June?"

"I'm a counselor. I went back to school after watching what Matt went through. I work at the center over on Avon St."

"Got another question for you if you don't mind."

She settled back, "Go for it."

"I was waiting at the bus stop today when Penny got off and asked her if she'd like to go into town with me for some groceries. She told me she didn't think you'd like that. So I'm asking in front of her, would it be okay if Penny went to the store with me?"

She bristled a little but did a good job of hiding it. "What's wrong with the food here?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. I only wanted to contribute, if I'm going to eat with you, I feel like I should buy some of the groceries, I tend to eat a lot at times. Once my classes are settled, I'll start my regular exercise and jogging schedules. So, can she accompany me to town?"

Though Penny was looking down at the table it was obvious she had been listening intently. June touched her hand.

"Honey, look up at me. Do you want to go to the store with Les? It would get you out of the house and I trust him."

She stammered and then took a deep breath. "You won't mind mom? I could help him pick out the regular items we always get."

"No sweetheart I won't mind. I think it's a good idea."

I offered to help with the dishes, from Penny I heard a very quiet voice say, "No, that's what I do to earn my allowance."

I was waiting at the bus stop when Penny got off the next afternoon, to my surprise she gave me a half smile. When I offered to carry her backpack she smiled but declined. I asked about school, she gave me short halting answers, it was apparent she wasn't used to talking with anyone but her mom. As we reached the house she stopped before the porch steps.

"Can I change my clothes? I don't to go to town in my school uniform."

"Sure, I'll wait by the truck."

I hadn't given thought to the fact she went to a parochial school where all the girls were required to dress the same. Each day she would leave in a crisp white blouse, a navy-blue skirt that couldn't be above the knee and a light blue blazer with the school's emblem on the left breast pocket. The girls were to wear white socks or flesh colored pantyhose, shoes were what was considered common sense. I wasn't sure what the boy's uniforms looked like and didn't really care.

As the front door opened I saw an entirely different girl, jeans that fit but not too tight, a pink shirt and a black button sweater hanging open. She'd pulled her hair back and had it in a ponytail, that was about it. No makeup or jewelry of any sort, check that, she was wearing a pair of earrings with small hoops. She had always walked slowly and with little body movement, as she descended the steps I suddenly knew why. Her ample breasts would jiggle and bounce if she moved quickly, I only noticed it because she came down the steps in haste.

I thought, "Poor kid," as I opened the door for her. She stood looking at me not understanding what to do. I motioned for her to get in, when she was seated I asked if she was in, she nodded and I closed the door. The ride to the store wasn't more than fifteen minutes with stop lights and end of day traffic, she began to tell me a little more about her day. The classes she liked and didn't like, how nice some teachers were and how mean others were, all typical teenage stuff that I remembered talking about.

As we roamed the aisles she would point out items her mother normally bought, we'd put them in the cart and go on. When I picked up a bag of pretzels she gave me a funny look.

"Mom doesn't ever buy that stuff, she might be upset."

I laughed, "Well mom isn't buying these groceries, I am. So there."

She stared at me blankly and nodded slightly. When I picked up a package of steaks she stopped in her tracks and stared at me like I'd just killed her puppy.

"Mom will be angry, she says we can't afford things like that."

I grinned, softly touched her hand, which she immediately withdrew, and said, "I'm buying. My treat and a thank you to you and your mother for letting me live upstairs."

The ride home was quiet, to quiet. As we pulled into the driveway I noticed Junes car in the garage which seemed unusual since she normally didn't get home until about five. Penny gasped, her body became rigid and tears began to form.

"Penny, what's wrong? Why are you going to cry?"

Between sniffles she blurted, "Because mom will think I talked you into buying the chips and extra meat. She won't believe it was me who wanted to get all the fruit. I don't like it when mom is angry with me."

As I opened my door I looked at her, "Don't move, a gentleman always opens the door for a lady."

With it open I extended a hand to help, she declined and was still sniffling, I did my best to put her at ease.

"Penny, your mom will not be upset, I'll explain everything to her the moment we're inside. Dry your tears while I take the first bags in, I'll talk with your mom and that will give you time to relax, when you're calm bring in a few more bags."

She half smiled and nodded. Waiting for me in the entryway June had the inside door open, following me into the kitchen she asked where Penny was.

"She's drying her eyes and getting bags, she thinks you'll be upset with her."

"But why? Why would I be upset with her."

"Because I bought meat she didn't think you would approve of and a bag of pretzels. She's afraid you'll think she coerced me into buying those things, she won't tell you it was her who asked for the fruit. Be kind to her June, she so wants to please you."

As I was exiting the front door Penny was coming up the steps with a gallon of milk in each hand, June opened the door and greeted her lovingly. When we had everything in the kitchen June told me to relax, she and Penny would put it away. When she pulled out the steaks and a nice size chuck roast she sighed heavy and looked at me.