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Why did he give his wife permission?
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My name is Rob Taylor and the thing currently taking up most of my thoughts was the state of my wife Helen's mental health. The combination of both of our kids leaving the family home in quick succession and the council closing the housing help line down and Helen losing her job had hit her hard. She had never been an overly confident person and these changes exasperated her anxieties, despite the support I tried to provide.

Everyone liked Helen she was quiet and introverted but had a lovely personality and would do anything to help someone; I was truly blessed to have her in my life. I thought she was gorgeous but most people would see her as just 'ok' looking, in a plain girl next door sort of way. She kept her long brown hair in a simple pony tail and wore minimal makeup. She was shy and always covered up, preferring to wear jeans and a range of baggy tops. Only I got a really good look at her assets, underneath the frumpy exterior she had an outstanding body. Despite my encouragement she was also very conservative in the bedroom and never let herself go completely.

We agreed a new job might help keep her mind from dwelling on the kids flying the nest. I was having a chat with my long standing friend Steve Turner over a beer, when he surprised me with an immediate job offer... he had a receptionist position going in his facilities management business, he knew Helen well and thought her previous experience might work out.

So it was that Helen became the new receptionist for Turners facilities. Helen was worried about fulfilling the post initially, especially greeting clients, she was happier in the back office or answering calls. Despite her concerns, Steve was delighted with her explaining to me over our regular night out for a few pints that she was doing really well and everyone loved her.

Steve went on to say, "She is fantastic, she got me organised in no time at all, I get loads more work done now. If she was just a bit more confident and outgoing with the clients she would be perfect."

"Yeah she has always been shy and had a hard time through school, it took ages to persuade her to go out with me when we first met. I have always tried to reassure and support her; she has no idea how much people naturally like her. The kids gave her focus and purpose, now they are grown she is more uncertain than ever."

"Maybe we can work together to build her confidence."

"How do we do that?"

"I join in with your positive reinforcement, lots of support and encouragement. I get her to try new things at work, stuff I know she will excel at. You know how it is, a wife doesn't believe her husband but does take note of what others guys say and we get on really well. If she can have a positive experience at work it will rub off onto other aspects of her life."

"Yeah that might help, thanks Steve."

It wasn't long before Helen was telling me about good days at work and getting great feedback from Steve and others. I was delighted things eventually seemed to be turning around. I made sure to give Helen lots of positive reinforcement and emphasise how well she was doing.

Steve gave her a pamper day off for doing such a good job. It included a spa day complete with treatments: facials, nails and hair. Helen tried to reject it but Steve was having none of it. When she came home I told her she looked stunning, she blushed and looked awkward but managed a small thank you.

"I mean it Helen, you hair looks gorgeous worn down and the makeup and nails really suit you. It great to see you come out of your shell a bit, the new job is doing you the world of good"

"Thanks Rob, I am starting to feel more positive and better about things."

The words must have sunk in as we had a very pleasurable night; Helen rode me cowgirl which was unusual as she usually wanted to stick with missionary sex.

Steve told me that he had said similar things when she went into work the next day, emphasising that look was perfect for work. He then offered her a more proactive role in dealing with clients, it came with an expenses and clothing allowance.


Steve handed me a card with a boutique name on it, saying I could get what ever work clothes I wanted for my new role.

He waved me away, "Ask for Justine, she's the owner and offers a personal shopper service. It's all on company expenses so don't worry about costs."

The boutique didn't have any of my usual attire, no trousers suits or baggy tops. Justine had me try on pencil skirts and satin tops, saying I had a great figure and should show off my legs. I really wasn't sure about that at all, I had always covered up since my school days, but I didn't want to disappoint Steve who had been so supportive about the job and Justine said the clothes portrayed the right professional high end image. They were certainly expensive enough; I could feel the quality in the material, cut and stitching.

I decided to take just the one outfit, a simple knee length black skirt and white cotton blouse. I needed nylons and chose some 3 inch sling back heels to go with them. It was a fraction on the allowance and I rejected Justine's offers to try more.

For the first time I had to tuck my top in, it just looked wrong hanging lose over a fairly tight skirt; looking in the mirror I quietly admitted that my figure looked ok, at least for someone in her mid 40s who had given birth twice. I put them on for work next day somewhat nervously. Rob actually wolf whistled when he saw them at breakfast.

"Wow do what do we own the honour, you hardly ever gets your legs out, not that I am complaining."

"Ha thanks but you like me in anything that shows me off."

"Too right, you have great legs and keep them hidden for some reason, you look fabulous."

"It's just an office outfit, Steve gave me an allowance and asked me to try a personal shopper service; they suggested a more professional look for dealing with clients."

"Lucky clients, well the shopper knows what they are doing, you do look very professional and quite sexy."

When I got to work still self-consciously checking myself out Steve's reaction surprised me.

"Wow what a transformation, that look is perfect, that's exactly the image I was hoping for, you look professional and it portrays competence."

I felt myself blushing but had to admit it deal feel good, the fact a slightly younger handsome man was complimenting me on my looks was something I couldn't ever remembering experiencing.

In the washroom and had a good appraisal, I did have a decent figure and seemed to go in and out in the right places. That brought back some horrible school memories, I was never pretty and a very late developer, girls that age can be so cruel, actually far crueller than the boys. When I did develop, it happened quickly and I got into the habit of hiding my assets in lose fitting clothing.

I went back to see Justine and got more skirts and blouses seeing as I felt good in them, far better than I expected and both Rob and Steve seemed to like them. When I was leaving the shop, I noticed a guy looking at me and was wondering what was wrong, it took me a while to realise he was checking me out, that was something new, I couldn't ever remember that happening. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, a little perturbed but also flattered.

Work was busy and we usually worked straight through grabbing a sandwich at our desks. After a particularly hectic day dealing with a client complaint, Steve suggested it wasn't healthy and we should have decent break. Despite my increasing workload he insisted we go out for lunch at a local café. That became a regular thing, they were mostly a working lunch but we got to know each other more. I really liked Steve; he was the only guy I had ever gotten to know well other than Rob.


I was talking to Steve again over a couple of beers, discussing the improvement in Helen since she began back at work, something I was extremely grateful about, when he caught me completely off guard.

"I would like your permission to seduce Helen."

I almost choked on my beer, "What the fuck?"

Steve just laughed, "Just hear me out, I like her, like her a lot actually. I think she is the nicest person I have ever met and I think I can help her out some more."

"Oh and how do you reckon that?"

"Well her confidence is still really low, she seems uncertain and deflects everything to others. I could flirt with her, make her feel really good about herself, you know provide even more positive reinforcement.

"No chance, flirting and seducing is a step too far and it's my job as her husband."

"And yet years later she is still meek and mild, she knows you love her, she thinks everything you say is because of that not because it's true. Rightly or wrongly she accepts my comments as truthful because we're not in love or anything like that. We can work together to keep bringing her out of her shell. I don't mean sex or anything inappropriate, just flirting and spending time together, she is great company."

"Why would I agree to that, I gain nothing and could well be putting my marriage in jeopardy?"

"Really, are you telling me you haven't noticed a difference, isn't she happier and more confident. I can see it at work; you must have seen it at home."

"Maybe," I muttered to myself. I knew it was true, Helen seemed more alive and content and our sex life had picked up significantly."

Steve continued, "You have already gained and that's just from paying her some time and attention, where is the harm in more of that, it could be good for both of you."

I thought Steve saw it as trying to do us a favour and helping but I came to my senses.

"No, absolutely not, it is dangerous and could break us up, I know she already likes you and she always sees the best in people."

"Fine, fine it was just an idea; its not like I am a threat she is clearly in love with you."

We didn't speak about it again and things returned to normal, I knew Helen and Steve often had lunch together, neither tried to hide it. She seemed to be excelling in her role and settled into a routine.


Several months later and it was my turn to surprise Steve over a beer.

"I have been thinking about what you talked about all those months ago, the flirting thing with Helen."

"I am really sorry about that Rob, I got carried away because I think so highly of her. I certainly didn't want to cause you or us any problems and I did back off completely, keeping everything professional."

"Yeah I accept that, but I think she has gone back into her shell a bit. Listen you have my permission to flirt with her and see how things go, if she seems ok with it and it feels right... well just go with it."

Steve looked confused, "Ok but why the change of heart Rob?"

"I have my reasons and I really want the best for her. I can't say much more than that at the moment; maybe it's just curiosity to see how she reacts."



I really was enjoying my job and in many ways I thought it had helped come out of a pretty dark place. Working with Steve was so easy; it was like working for your best friend. Recently Steve seemed to be flirting more; he was few years younger than us and very handsome so I didn't take it too seriously, it was just how he was.

He often called around the house and shared meals with me and Rob. He was good company and we all got on fantastically well. I usually saw Steve to the door on the way out and said goodbye with a kiss to the cheek. It felt like we were getting closer and we spent a lot of time in each other's company. He made me laugh in a similar way Rob always did.


I was leaning over the meeting table when Steve blurted out, "You know you look absolutely gorgeous these days."

I was taken back and took a while to get my thoughts in order and respond.

"Thanks, I get my hair and makeup done now, it makes a difference."

"Yeah that's part of it, but you've changed as well, you seem comfortable in yourself."

"You might be right, I do feel different and this job has a lot to do with it and that is due to you. I have no idea why you trusted me, but thanks... it means a lot."

A few days later and it was another frantic morning; Steve was leaning over my desk and didn't seem to be paying attention to the spreadsheet we had on screen. I looked down realising a button on my blouse was undone, and that Steve had a clear view of my cleavage and bra. We both stopped talking, I raised my eyes to his which were looking straight down my top, he seemed mesmerised before his eyes looked up to meet mine. I should have been angry and was about to jolt out of my stupor when Steve smiled, it was quite disarming.

"I am sorry for looking but you are so beautiful."

The comment and the smile threw me, instead of anger I laughed and closed my gaping top, "That's enough of that you pervert, I didn't realise I was putting myself on display, it won't happen again!"

"Please don't say that, you can leave a couple of buttons done anytime you like, it would make my day, that is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen."

"Come off it, its just a bra and less than you would see at a pool."

"Trust me its more than that, you and your breasts are beautiful; I could see them swelling over the red lace but most enthralling was the slight jiggle when you moved; it was so utterly enticing."

I was so flummoxed and felt my face blush; no one had ever been that direct and factual with me before, at least not about how I looked and I wasn't sure how to respond.

I got myself together, recovering slightly, "Well I am pleased it made you happy, now don't we have some work to be doing."

The interaction left me confused, flirting was so alien to me but I had to admit I was enjoying it and I had butterflies in my stomach. I had never flirted with anyone before, even before meeting Rob and no guys had ever shown that type of interest in me.

Rob benefitted that night, I had always thought sex was ok, more an expression of love than anything. I never felt vampish or desirable, that was changing, I realised I could tease and flirt with Rob, I could see his desire and played with it, tormenting him as the sexual tension heightened, making our eventually coupling almost desperate.

It was a few days later and Rob surprised me with a gift of some stockings.

"Why did you get me these?"

"Well you wear skirts all the time these days and summer is coming, I thought they might be more comfortable."

"Yeah right pull the other one."

He burst out laughing, "You got me, the truth is I love your legs and I love the idea of you wearing stockings, it turns me on."

"Well I might think about wearing them but no promises and you won't know whether I have them on or not, you deserve the torment for trying to take advantage of me."

I decided to try them on the next day and had to admit they felt good, as soon as I walked into the office Steve caught me.

"You look fantastic today,


"No seriously I mean it; there is something different about you."

I felt nervous, I had checked numerous times that the suspenders and clasps weren't visible and had worn a lined skirt to cover them, Steve's words brought me back from the mental checks.

"I don't know what it is, but you have an air of confidence today, it's exuding out of you."

"Would you mind if I took a couple of photographs of you, we could use them in the marketing and company profile sand well I want to capture just how you are now.".

"I guess so."

I stood in front of my desk as Steve used his phone to take a couple of pictures,

"Yeah, these look great; we'll do a few portraits and some longer shots. Take a seat and we'll try a few different poses."

I hesitated slightly before sitting, "Great, cross your legs at the ankles... perfect."

"And maybe a couple with your legs fully crossed."

"You are so perfect, thanks for the snaps, I will get them edited for the profiles."

I thought the interaction was a bit strange and wondered why Steve would want so many photos; maybe he wanted them for personal reasons. Pondering that I realised I didn't mind that, didn't mind that at all in fact.

I had to admit I felt good in the stockings; maybe Steve was right they did give me an air of confidence. I certainly liked the feel of the nylon rubbing on my inner thighs and the shooshing noise they made against my slip when I moved around. I was also acutely aware of the straps biting into my bum when I needed to lean forward.


I received a short video that afternoon from Steve with short covering message.

"Thanks for the tip off on the stockings, see attached."

The attachment was a standard office profile photo of Helen; but the second attachment was a 3 second video clip showing Helen sitting and crossing her legs and flashing the stockings I had bought for her. From the way she moved I didn't think she realised that she had flashed the stocking tops. I was both jealous and excited, whatever the feelings I couldn't wait for her to come home.

The sex that night was outstanding; Helen was more enthusiastic than ever. Dinner was long forgotten as we almost attacked each other as soon as she came in from work. I pushed her skirt up to discover her stockings.

"Christ you look so fucking hot."

"I am pleased you think so, and it's good because I need you hard and in me... now!"

Any concerns about Steve's involvement was forgotten, texting Steve after finding the empty stocking packet in the bin had turned out to be a great idea.

The stockings became standard attire; Steve said the boutique sent him an itemised purchase list each month that included several pairs of stockings and suspenders sets from the 'Secrets in Satin' collection. Catching her putting them on always provided a thrill.

I thought Helen was like a new woman, certainly when it came to sex, the once shy timid housewife was now an absolute fox and far more aware of her sexuality, and the impact she could have on me.


I found myself sitting in front of Steve's desk and crossed my legs without thinking, seeing his eyes glance down before he looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you."

I looked at him quizzically, "What for?"

"Wearing stockings."

"I am not sure what you mean."

"I find that surprising as you like flashing them often enough and I see the clasps at times."

"Ah... busted I guess."

"Yeah, the thought of your wearing them really turns me on and the flashes are really hot."

Annoyingly I blushed again, "I would never knowingly flash anyone, I think it's all in your perverted imagination."

With that I crossed my legs again, more slowly and watched as his eyes lingered.

Afterwards I was thinking things were getting a bit out of hand, I needed to tone down the flirting or risk what I had with Rob. Nothing serious had happened but what I was doing was inappropriate for a married woman.


Myself and Rob attended the small business guild awards at Steve's request as he was an award nominee had a batch of free tickets. It felt a little unnerving but arousing to be with two men who I knew were attracted to me, if I was honest a part of me found it enthralling. Steve won the award and everyone including me fussed around congratulating him. Rob wasn't feeling too well and said he would make his way home and that I should enjoy myself. We all had a great time, mingling with everyone from work. It was really good fun, I spend most of my time dancing and talking to Steve and felt closer to him than ever. He mentioned a works trip to me for the following week, a couple of days at an industry expo to pitch the company products and hopefully drum up some more business which I agreed to attend. I kissed him goodnight, this time it was on the lips and maybe lasted a second longer than it should have done.