Personal Trainer - Lydia Trains Zach Ch. 06

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Discovering a mutually enjoyable kink. Lust? Love? Trouble?
7.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/14/2022
Created 02/11/2020
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Amazingly, the workout proceeded as all the others had after Zach's nude weigh-ins. Lydia worked him through all the sets and reps of exercises as listed in her notebook for that day, coaching him on proper form for new exercises, noting down his maximum number of reps before reaching failure, and so on.

But for all the sense of normalcy they both play-acted their way through, neither of them could hold at bay the thoughts that forced themselves into their consciousness.

Zach: Oh, fuck! She touched my cock!

Lydia: He tasted delicious! I want more of that! Next week, can I tease the pre-cum out of him again?

Zach: Damn! Those sexy nipples pushing into her top — she must have been turned on, right?

Lydia: His fine ass! I want to grab it and fondle it . . .

Zach: Thank god this intense workout is pumping blood to my muscles and away from my cock — otherwise, I'd still have a hard-on for her.

Lydia: How can I figure a way to really feel his cock next week, to wrap my fist around it, to feel it throb in my grasp?

Zach: How much longer until I get to see her naked?

Lydia: What kind of reason could I invent to use my cellphone to take pictures of him nude with a hard-on . . . and would he go along with it? — Shit! Where did that idea just come from? — But, damn! Those would be the sexiest pictures ever, and I'd have my own private images to study every inch of Zach and his beautiful cock. Pictures to masturbate to . . .

Zach: I told her I wanted to go out with her, but I haven't gotten her answer yet. I have to bring that up again before she leaves. I have to know!

Lydia: He wants to go out with me! He wants to get to know me. He said I'm an 'incredible woman'!

Zach: She'd be gorgeous in some nice outfit, talking and laughing with me on a date — I haven't ever seen her in anything but what she wears for workouts, and she's damned sexy in that!

Lydia: Now that I know what he wants, I can't wait to give him my confession, to tell him what I want to happen between the two of us.

Zach: God! She is sexy! What she did! I'll never forget it. She has me so fuckin' horny! I'll stroke my dick and come the instant she leaves.

Lydia: How the hell am I going to make it through the drive home today without masturbating to a climax?

It was an intense workout for both of them. The mental and emotional effort of staying focused on this session as client and trainer, of tamping down lustful urges, was as draining as the actual physical work Zach was doing as he grunted through the last few reps in each set.

But this workout session's tease was in play. Zach had started it with his confession and then quickly stripping for 'Ms. Tanner', which prompted Lydia to eagerly take up the tease and intensify it. First, she had kept him naked for a deliciously long time. Then she had caused his erection. Then — incredibly — she had touched his throbbing cock.

She had tasted his pre-cum!

And after prolonging the time Zach was naked for her, after thoroughly enjoying the sight of his beautiful cock displaying his extreme arousal, after lustfully thrilling to the intoxication of seeing this handsome, nude male remaining that way at her direction, she had teased both of them to the heights of sexual frustration by switching back to Lydia-Tanner-personal-trainer mode to act like nothing had happened except what always had happened in their three previous sessions.

I wish I knew what he's thinking, Lydia thought. Is he as horny as I am right now? Is he fighting to stay focused on this workout session, too?

To cope with the powerful urge to gaze at Zach and recall how sexy he looked naked and erect for her, Lydia was hyper-attentive to every motion he made as he performed each set of exercises. Paying such close attention and coaching him through tiny form corrections helped distract her mind from what she really wanted to think about, what she wanted desperately to do at that moment.

But she knew her masturbatory self-pleasuring would have to wait until the door to his townhome closed behind her. Had it been nighttime and dark outside, she also knew that she would have been compelled to risk a self-induced orgasm as soon as she climbed into the driver's seat of her SUV and pulled the door shut.

But masturbating in the driver's seat of her SUV in broad daylight in the parking lot, with several townhomes' windows allowing potential viewing by the residents inside, was not going to happen.

What the hell can I possibly do to last until I get home! she thought before again forcing another distraction by asking Zach how many more reps of upright rows he could squeeze out with the pair of dumbbells he was wielding. This man is willing to be my personal fantasy. But he also wants to get to know me, the same as I want to get to know him.

And the most amazing thought, the one she couldn't shake as the workout session continued, no matter how much she tried: He likes being naked for me, showing me everything, with me in control of how long he stays that way, even with an erection! How lucky can a girl be?

Eventually, and thankfully for both of them, the workout ended. Zach was more drained than at any other of their sessions — he had pushed himself harder than ever, trying to distract himself from what had happened a few minutes earlier. After the last rep of the last set, Julia announced, "Done!" and he eased the weights to the floor, then grabbed his towel, exhausted. Wiping his face as he shuffled to the bench and sat down, he sucked in a huge breath, exhaling in relief.

"That's the toughest workout I have ever lived through," he announced.

Now! Lydia thought. Right now, and don't waste a second. Tell him! Tell him!

She dropped her notebook on top of her bag and walked quickly to sit on the bench next to Zach, inches away.

He was still toweling the sweat from his face and arms, but Lydia didn't wait for him to look at her. "Zach, I appreciate what you said before we started today," but then she interrupted herself. "No. It was way more than just 'appreciate.' What you said was amazing, and I loved hearing every word of it."

That got his immediate attention. He turned his face to her, flipping the towel around behind his neck to leave it there, draped across his shoulders. It took only a second, but Lydia didn't want to give him any chance to say anything. She had to get this out!

"You said how surprised you were when I came back into this room at the start of our first session. And you said that you had never thought about being in such a situation . . . I mean, uh, you know, naked in front of a female trainer . . . so you were not only caught completely off guard, but that it was crazy embarrassing."

She searched his face, looking for a hint of corroboration. Seeing his head give the barest of nods, Lydia continued quickly. "So what I did came out of nowhere and embarrassed you — really embarrassed you — but in some fantastic way, after you thought about it, you realized something, right?"

His questioning gaze was his answer to her question, and she saw him start to speak. But as he drew in the breath and fixed his mouth to say whatever words would have come out, Lydia did not allow it. She charged ahead.

"And I want you to know, Zach," she continued, searching his eyes for clues to what might be in his mind as he listened, "it was just the same for me."

Lydia leaned toward him, briefly touching him on the forearm. "I was shocked when I came back up here and looked through the doorway to see you naked on my scale. I had no idea you would be like that. I simply remembered that I'd left my notebook downstairs. Plain and simple." Lifting her hand from his arm, she continued. "But, Zach, oh, my god! That was so sexy! I mean, seeing you like that, not expecting it but then seeing it . . . I guess all I can say is that it made me stupid. I literally couldn't think. I was shocked and frozen in place. But I will not lie to you. It made me instantly aroused. Sexually. And then my stupid-brain somehow caused me to do what I did, say what I did, right after that to make you think that nude weigh-ins with me checking the numbers on the scale is what I expected."

Lydia watched for reactions from Zach, but she didn't stop her monologue. She was finally saying what she'd been planning for days, and she could not risk interrupting herself for any reason.

"That first look at you, nude, standing on my scale . . . it was like a thunderbolt, and I just couldn't tear my eyes away. I can still see you like that in my imagination."

Noticing a slight smile start to form on Zach's lips as he looked down, trying to conceal it, Lydia was emboldened.

"The reason I can still see you like that is because I have called that image to mind these last few weeks." Lydia returned her hand to his forearm, resting it there. She wanted him to feel her touch as she continued. "Oh, yeah, Zach, I have done that a lot. And I will tell you that today has been, well . . . I don't know how I can even describe how arousing today has been for me."

Lydia leaned in even closer, hand still on his forearm. "When you were on the scale, naked, and I said I wanted us to talk for awhile . . . and I knew that you knew what that meant," she continued, her voice becoming quieter, "I thought I might die of excitement knowing what was going to happen."

She saw the slight pink of embarrassment begin at the base of his neck. It was lovely.

And it turned her on, Lydia realized, so she plunged ahead, fearing she would slam quickly into Ms. Tanner mode again. She could not suffer that distraction. Not now. Not when she had to say what she needed desperately to tell him.

"And then watching you . . . seeing what happened . . . god, Zach, that was incredible. I loved being 'Ms. Tanner' right then, being in control of what was going to happen, knowing that I would look at you and enjoy myself, arouse myself incredibly as you got hard for me . . . well, that's something I want to happen again."

The flush of embarrassment at the base of his neck deepened at her words, "you got hard for me." It was powerfully distracting, and Lydia detoured a bit from her prepared speech. Lifting her hand from his forearm to lightly trace a fingertip across his collarbone, she could feel the sexual heat from his skin. Lifting the finger to his chin, she pressed it lightly against his lips. "This is so sexy and exciting for me, Zach. You are sexy and exciting." Searching his eyes, Lydia said, "I like being 'Ms. Tanner' for you, and-"

She paused, interrupting herself as a smile came to her lips.

"Well, that's not exactly correct, Zach," she said, leaning back from him momentarily. "I don't just like it. I LOVE it. And now, knowing that it's going to happen again next week, I promise, Zach, that this will be a very difficult week for me to get through until I'm here again for our next training session."

Then, easily, the thrilling words came to her lips: "But next week, I will see you naked for inspection again. You'll get an erection for me. Again. I expect that in our next session."

The last few words out of her mouth were measured, full of portent, as she intended. Though that part of her speech was nothing Lydia had practiced, the 'Ms. Tanner' tone came naturally. Then, just as quickly, she was back to speaking the words that were closer to what she had rehearsed.

"So what I'm saying is that what happened the first week caught both of us by surprise. Neither one of us had ulterior motives, but things just happened, and we both found we liked it." She moved her upper body back closer to him and lowered her hand to fold her hand around one of his. "Some people might say we discovered that we have mutually compatible kinks, and they may be right. But I don't care, Zach. What I care about is exactly what you said before we started today."

His gaze was locked on hers, and he was barely breathing.

"I want to go out with you, too, Zach. I want to get to know you, away from these training sessions. I want you to ask me out, and I'll say yes. I want to dress up for you and go to a nice restaurant and talk and laugh like people who like each other do."

In spite of all the trepidation, all the worries of the past week as she practiced what she would say right now, Lydia found herself eager to continue, remembering what Zach had said after tying his shoes to start the session. "So here's what I suggest. Ask me out, Zach, in whatever way you do that with a woman. I'll say yes, and we'll go out on a date. And after the date, we'll be back here in this room, me training you, and 'Ms. Tanner' will be part of the equation."

Abandoning herself and reveling in what had developed between them, Lydia leaned her lips close to Zach's ear and whispered, "And Ms. Tanner will again enjoy seeing your pretty cock get hard."

Saying those words thrilled her!

Leaning back, Lydia continued with a small grin. "And as we continue to date, Zach — if we both find we like that — then I'll continue as your personal trainer, but I cannot be paid for it."

He shifted on the bench, gripping the edge and lifting himself slightly. It was not difficult for Lydia to understand why. She saw the bulge at his crotch, knew he was adjusting himself because what she had said a few moments ago triggered what Zach was incapable of preventing.

It caused her own reaction, and she squeezed her thighs together, trying to clamp down on her Zach-induced arousal.

"Umm, uh," he stammered, "I don't understand. Are you saying-"

"What I'm saying," she interrupted, "is that I can't possibly take any money under these conditions. From now on, I want us to be a man and woman who are getting to know each other, maybe becoming friends and — who knows? — maybe more. And it just so happens that the woman is a personal trainer who can help the man get into the shape he wants."

Lydia paused for several seconds, trying to read Zach's mind but quickly becoming lost in the inscrutable blue discs of his beautiful eyes. Rousing herself before he could speak, she continued.

"So we start a relationship, Zach, with our first date, and we'll continue if we like going out. We'll see where it takes us. And I'll continue helping you reach your workout goals, coming over here every week."

Then she slid completely against him on the bench and reached for the bulge in his workout shorts, closing her fist around his rapidly hardening shaft. "I am really looking forward to our first date, Zach, but I do have some ground rules, because this unique situation between us has had me agonizing over how I can possibly juggle all the emotions and reactions you cause in me."

He squirmed in her grasp, catching his breath at the first touch of her hand at his crotch.

"The only way I can do this is to separate being Lydia with you from being Ms. Tanner with you. That means our dating, however it develops and if it develops because we both want it to, has to be normal dating. Normal getting to know each other. 'Normal' as though you've never been nude in front of me and I've never seen this" — and she slid her hand slightly up the shaft of his cock, the motion flowing easily over the slick fabric of his workout shorts. "In other words, we date without mentioning Mr. Brenner and Ms. Tanner, and we see how things develop. No skipping any stops along the dating progression, Zach, because I just can't risk jeopardizing whatever might be in the future for us because we're crazy horny to have sex."

Lydia stopped the motion of her hand and squeezed slightly, her fist still snuggled around Zach's cock. "I assume you want to have sex, right? I mean, Zach, seeing the obvious evidence of how ready you are for sex makes that an easy guess for me."

Where did I learn to tease a guy like this? Lydia wondered, surprised at how easily she had reached for his cock, said what she said.

"So being Lydia during the regular part of your workout, and while we're getting to know each other, and any time we're together anywhere except here in this room, is just the way it has to be for me not to go absolutely crazy with worry about whether my hormones and yours aren't hijacking us for instant sexual gratification at the expense of a potential future."

Looking deeply into his eyes as she held him in her grasp, she concluded: "On dates, I'm Lydia. But when Ms. Tanner is in this room, then this," she squeezed, "is for her personal, private visual enjoyment. Maybe Ms. Tanner will taste you again. Who knows what Ms. Tanner will require of you?"

She straightened a bit, but allowed herself the continued thrill of his stiffened cock trapped in her grasp as it throbbed beneath the fabric of his shorts and briefs. Zach swallowed hard. The silence stretched between them. Lydia knew she must allow her description of what had to happen from this point forward in the relationship to simmer on his brain until he made his decision.

The seconds ticked by tortuously for her.

They were just as tortuous for Zach, as his mind spun nearly out of control. He could barely wrestle any thoughts into his head except those slamming into his consciousness with every pump of blood through his engorged dick.

What are you doing to me Lydia! How can you be so sexy!

Then he tugged his mind back to consider her offer.

Could I even keep my hands off your gorgeous body after hearing what you just said? Could I go out on dates with you and not have a hard-on the entire time? Can I possibly do that?

But as his cock throbbed in her grasp while he looked at Lydia's pretty face, he knew the only possible answer he could give was going to come out of his mouth:

"Yes, Lydia, yes! Yes to everything. But I'm not going to kid you. It will be hard."

Realizing his unintended double entendre, he shook his head apologetically. "That's not a good way to start off." He blew out a sigh. With a small smile, he continued. "Let's start again," Zach said, now reaching both his hands to settle around the hand Lydia had at his crotch. He lifted it away, gently, and held her hand between his. "I realize this situation is something neither of us could ever have imagined. All of it. My kink. Your kink. If they even are kinks."

He searched her eyes, hoping to reassure her. "Point is, I don't care if any of this is what other people might consider weird. What's way more important is just what I said when we started today: I want to get to know you because I think you're an incredible woman."

Lydia let out a sigh of relief, a big grin spreading across her face as Zach continued.

"And however things need to go from here on out for me to continue having the chance to get to know you better and to keep you as a damned good personal trainer helping me reach my goals . . . then I'm good with that."

He paused, now mimicking Lydia's motion of a few moments earlier and drawing his lips close to her ear. "And if Ms. Tanner requires certain things of me for whatever reason when she's here, her professional wisdom is something I'll follow, knowing of her expertise."

Zach extended his tongue the few millimeters necessary to make contact, the tip barely grazing Lydia's earlobe before he finished his breathy whisper. "After all, she is the boss."

Lydia shivered, goosebumps rising instantly on her arms as she considered what she would do if Zach whispered even one more syllable into her ear.


She had been in this situation every time she left Zach's townhome: impossibly horny and desperate to come. Wrangling her libido into submission long enough to get home was now an expected aftermath of her training sessions with him.