Personal Trainer - Lydia Trains Zach Ch. 01-04

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Discovering a mutually enjoyable kink: Lust? Love? Trouble?
40.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/14/2022
Created 02/11/2020
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Chapter 1

"Come on, come on!" Lydia yelled impatiently back through the door of the townhouse. "Stephanie! Simone! Let's get on the road!"

The twins appeared simultaneously, bags slung over their shoulders and both of them wolfing down the last part of their chicken salad sandwiches. "Coming, Mom," Stephanie said, stepping off the stoop and down the sidewalk as Simone balanced things precariously when she bent to lock the door.

"It's not like they'll keep us from starting our sophomore year, Mom," Stephanie said, heaving her bag into the back of the dependable 8-year-old SUV. "There's not really a deadline to check into the dorm, you know."

Lydia acknowledged her daughter's line of reasoning. "I know. It's just that I want to get on the road early for this 8-hour drive."

Simone slammed the back of the SUV shut after somehow finding just enough space to squeeze her own bag inside among the crammed-in boxes and bags that constituted two college girls' clothes and the long list of necessities to convert an empty dorm room into acceptable living quarters. Opening the passenger door behind the driver's seat, she slid in, saying, "Yeah, let's get going. I'm ready to be back on campus."

Lydia climbed in. Stephanie was already buckling in on the passenger side up front.

Pausing before she turned the key in the ignition, Lydia looked at her two daughters and said, "To think it's already a whole year since we did this last August. My two daughters as sophomores!"

"Don't get all mushy, Mom," Simone said, already pulling out her earphones. "It's great to be going to college, to be learning new stuff. It's just the way it is, you know?"

"And the college men," Stephanie said, laughing. "Yeah, I'm ready to get back to campus to meet more college men."

Lydia sighed, shook her head.

But she was grinning as much as her daughters.


The campus had accommodations for parents who had long drives when bringing kids or picking them up, and Lydia enjoyed being in a dorm room. Never having had the chance to be a university student living in a dorm, it was nice to spend a few hours in the spartan room, looking out on the campus through the single window. She had gotten her undergrad degree in kinesiology as a commuter student at the local state university after the divorce, and she had pretty much only been at the campus when she was in class. It was bittersweet to daydream about the college life her daughters were experiencing.

As a single mom, Lydia was so thankful her smart daughters had landed some scholarships to help pay for college. Without that extra funding, no way could Lydia afford to put them through college on her own, which is pretty much what would have been necessary — her ex-husband was barely able to pay the pitifully small amount of alimony and child support her attorney had been able to wring from the divorce settlement.

While thankful her twins were attending university, Lydia had the inevitable mom-worries about what they did as co-eds on a campus hundreds of miles away. She trusted her girls, though.

But would Lydia herself have been a wild college girl?

Probably not, she thought, smiling to herself. She'd married her high school sweetheart the year after high school, and she'd been "promised" to him during that year she went to the local community college while he went to work straight out of high school in his dad's business.

So — as quaint as the good-girl stereotype was — Lydia Tanner (she'd returned to her maiden name) had married the only man she had ever slept with.

What would I do if I could date a bunch of different guys at the same time? she wondered.

It was morning, and the twins were surely still asleep in their own dorm room a short walk away in one of the recently constructed dorms. Lydia would grab a shower and prepare to get back on the road, waking them by 9 a.m. if they weren't up by then to get good-bye hugs. Lingering at the window, she watched as early-rising students strolled by.

It was August and already in the mid 70s outside. The male college students who were out and about were in shorts, flip-flops, and t-shirts, which seemed to be the generally accepted dress code. Many of the guys were just sloppy, but a few raised the bar to casual in their attire.

One guy in a polo shirt and shorts was definitely cute.

At 39, Lydia didn't complain much about the cards she'd been dealt. A decade earlier, the divorce came unexpectedly, and her stay-at-home-mom days ended abruptly. She scrambled to find work that would at least pay something to a woman with no college degree and no connections and who had to support a pair of ten-year-old daughters.

The job turned out to be at a local gym where she did pretty much everything: sales person, bookkeeper (teaching herself some accounting software in the process), babysitter when a mom would bring a toddler in because grandma was sick and mom didn't want to miss her workout — every day was different.

And she did the things the gym owner just didn't want to do, like tidying up, arranging equipment repairs when something broke down, and so on.

Lydia pretty much kept the place together.

It was easy to understand — she told herself — why she had little time to find and nurture a steady relationship, so her post-divorce years were mostly consumed with raising the twins, her job at the gym, and working on a college degree.

Enrolling in college had been a very, very tough decision. It took a lot of time, and it cost money. But Lydia wanted more from life than her life was providing, even as satisfying as being a mom to two great daughters was. The idea of getting a degree and a better job had been inspired when her own time on the ellipticals and with the weights led her to an interest in body mechanics as she worked her figure — and her outlook on life — into better and better shape. With one of the perks of the job being as much time as she wanted on the weights and ellipticals and the track when she wasn't on clock hours as an employee, she had ample opportunity to convince herself to go for a kinesiology degree, do some work as a trainer along the way, and maybe even one day own her own gym.

There had been precious little dating in Lydia's life since the divorce. Throw in the usual mix of jerks among the men she had dated, and it wasn't surprising that for a stretch of years all her orgasms had been self-induced.

And though some of those climaxes had been pretty intense — especially when mixed with mental images of a handsome, naked man who was a good lover — Lydia still, of course, yearned for the real thing.

It had been easier the last year, though, with the twins off at school and her college degree and a couple of trainer certifications under her belt. There had been a couple of relationships lasting a few months each — one longer than the other — but both relationships had continued long enough for Lydia to have been in bed with the men multiple times.

They were competent lovers in some ways, but after her exclusivity of being only with one man most of her life, Lydia was in no rush to settle.

Watching the cute guy disappear from view around the corner of the adjacent building, Lydia sighed and turned to gather up the things she'd take with her to the shower down the hall.

It was a "co-ed dorm" (i.e., the closest thing to an on-campus hotel that could be shoe-horned into one floor of a building on campus converted from a dorm to a multipurpose building) for the parents dropping their sons and daughters off at university for the start of the academic year. Nothing fancy, but a nice thing to offer the few parents who took the university up on the offer of a night in a "dorm" when they brought their kids to campus.

Lydia made sure her terrycloth robe was zipped completely as she shuffled down the hall in her flip-flops.

It must have been the good-looking young man in the polo shirt and cargo shorts she had observed a few minutes earlier that sparked some delightful thoughts as she made her way to the showers.

What if it were possible to look into a big shower room full of naked college men? she wondered. A big shower room in the athletes' locker room where the guys were cleaning up after their practice, she thought, allowing a smile as delightful images began forming in her mind.

Maybe a nice, buffed track athlete? she thought, still grinning as she lingered briefly to decide on which stall to choose for her shower. He'd definitely have a great butt with all that running and working out.

Maybe a handsome guy turning around in the spray of the shower head to reveal a nice six-pack and that lovely, sexy V-taper drawing any lady's gaze down to his equally nice cock and balls?

Lydia enjoyed her "walking meditation" as she ambled to the stall at the end and stepped inside, placing her basket of soap, shampoo, and washcloth on the small shelf bolted to the shower wall.

Maybe a cute black guy with a high, firm, muscled ass soaping up his legs and leaning over to wash down to his ankles?

She tossed her bath towel and robe over the edge of the shower divider for easy retrieval.

Knowing she shouldn't but loving the opportunity to do it, Lydia spent extra time soaping her breasts and sliding her nipples between her fingers.

Masturbating in the dorm shower! she thought, grinning to herself. I've never done this before!

She dropped a hand between her legs and indulged the fantasy of naked college guys showering as she ogled them, blatant in her enjoyment of their nudity. Lydia slid soapy fingers around her clit, which quickly peeked out from under its hood in response. With her other hand squeezing one breast and pinching the nipple in slippery, soapy repetitions of tug and roll, Lydia leaned back against the tile wall just out of the spray from the showerhead and released herself to the yummy idea of multiple naked men displayed for her viewing pleasure.

Seeing nude men in her mental movie was arousing and sexy. But fantasizing about mere voyeurism, about simply looking at handsome, naked, buffed guys with great bodies and lovely cocks, wasn't going to be enough for Lydia's naughty masturbatory indulgence as she pretended she was in a co-ed dorm in college.

What if the guy in the polo shirt stayed in this dorm? What if he came in here wearing just a towel around his waist? What if I saw him step into the shower, and after I heard the water start running, I stepped in after him?

What if his cock was pretty to look at and exciting to touch?

What if it grew to a lovely handful?

A lovely mouthful?

A lovely, exciting fullness sliding in and out of my wet vagina?

Lydia allowed herself a mini-orgasm, luxuriating in the fantasy.

Mmmmmm. Nice!

Straightening after the few minutes spent leaning back against the shower wall while toying with her clitoris, breasts, and nipples as she masturbated, Lydia dropped her head into the shower's cascade of hot water to savor the after-glow sensation of having just given herself a lovely mini-rush of sexual pleasure as she fantasized about sex with a handsome, naked man.

Someday soon . . . someday soon, she mused, eyes closed as the hot water spilled in rivulets across the back of her neck, onto her back, and down her spine.

Ending the shower and shaking her hair out, she pulled the towel into the stall and dried off, then pulled in her robe, donned it, and gathered everything up to head back to her room.

Sliding back the curtain, Lydia heard a shower being started three stalls away.

Some other mom, or maybe a dad, dropping off a son or daughter, she thought, walking past the long counter of sink basins and large mirror than ran the length of the counter.

Walking past the mirror, she turned to check that her robe was completely zipped and to check that her wet hair wasn't in an embarrassing twist or knot, something that could happen with the short-but-sexy cut she found easiest to keep up with for a woman often in the gym and working out but who still wanted an attractive style to frame her facial features.

Glancing into the mirror, Lydia satisfied herself that her damp hair wasn't going to embarrass her on the short walk back to her room on the off-chance she'd encounter someone.

But in the reflection behind her, the shower curtain had not been completely pulled closed. There was a couple of inches' space between the edge of the curtain and the side of the stall.

What could only be a man's nude backside was moving behind the partially closed curtain, streams of soapy water running down his back and across his butt.

Momentarily frozen as she watched in the mirror, Lydia noted he wasn't particularly in shape — at least, that was her opinion based on the brief glimpses of him through the small opening between the edge of the shower stall and where the curtain hung.

But still — he was nude. His butt wasn't particularly bad looking.

She lingered only a moment longer, not daring to risk discovery.

Smiling to herself, she left quietly, easing the shower room door shut so as not to make any noise to alert her unbeknownst flasher that she had spied on his naked backside as he showered.

The short walk back to her room was uneventful.

But Lydia was grinning the entire way.


Getting the girls off to college meant Lydia returned to the relative quiet of what was now the fairly personal space of her townhouse. It was nice to stretch a bit, be a little messier, just enjoy being alone.

The respite was short-lived. The normal pace of things picked up immediately the next day as Lydia's regular duties and activities resumed.

One of those duties was the work with personal training private clients. She trained several women, a couple of whom wanted to run a marathon, and one of whom was ultra-serious about getting a toned, ripped body — Justine wanted to enter a fitness competition.

And there were generally two or three men among her clients. Frequently, she was their initial trainer before they moved on to someone else.

Zach Brenner was a new guy she would begin working with later in the week. He had approached her a few days before she took the twins back to campus, saying one of the other guys who worked out at the gym recommended her.

"Deon?" Lydia asked Zach that day at the gym. "I worked with Deon for maybe three months. He made great progress."

"Yeah," Zach said. "He said you helped him a lot."

So it had been a good start to what Lydia hoped would be another success story about her training, with Zach then giving some good word-of-mouth advertising to keep her business growing.

Their brief conversation when they agreed to her costs and other details didn't fill in a lot for Lydia about her new client. He seemed nice, seemed to be taking his exercising seriously. Beyond that, all she learned was that Zach was 32, well established in his career, but felt he had paid a price to get to that level of vocational success — lots of late nights and rushed meals. He began working out on his own several months earlier, knowing he had to rein things in and get more balance in his life, so he was in decent shape when he hired Lydia. Now, though, he wanted the extra edge he knew he'd get with a trainer, and he prioritized both the time and the money to hire a personal coach to take him to the next level of fitness.

His quest for personal physical fitness also included the conversion of the loft of his three-story townhome into a roomy, fairly well equipped workout space.

"I come to the gym for the ellipticals, the squat rack, and several things besides the basic dumbbells, barbells, and weight bench I have at home," he told Lydia as they arranged for her to start as his personal trainer. "But I'm thinking I'd feel more comfortable taking directions and really focusing if I'm in my own workout space, you know? Would you mind if we did the training sessions there?"

The request didn't phase Lydia. During her career as a trainer she'd quickly learned the ropes about the atmosphere and unwritten rules of being a female trainer working with guys. Many times they were nervous about having a woman train them, fearing it would look unseemly to other guys. The men she trained generally wanted their sessions at times when there weren't a lot of other guys around in the gym, which was rarely the case.

So Zach's request to do training sessions at his home gym didn't come as a surprise. Lydia knew about the dynamics some guys struggled with: They just didn't want to have other men seeing them taking workout direction from a woman.

It was so silly! The benefits of working with a good personal trainer were the same, whether the trainer was a man or a woman.

Still, Lydia had seen this enough. Once, she had even overheard a group of guys teasing one of their friends about "being trained by a girl." She didn't attribute any ulterior motives to Zach's request.

"Sure. If you have a good training area, I'm happy to do our training there. It's not, like, a long way out of town or anything, though, right? And you live in a safe area if I have to park a little ways from your place?"

The second question was code, of course. It sent the message that she was alert to things, that she understood the circumstances of being alone with him in his place. Most important, the question let Zach know she would be careful, be safe in her arrangements to be there.

You just never knew . . .

Lydia was happy with his response. It showed he understood the code. That's a good sign, she thought.

"I'm only ten minutes from the gym," he said. "Well, fifteen minutes, depending on traffic." He smiled genuinely as he nodded in his understanding of the code. "And I live in a gated community with a guard on site 24 hours. There's a panic medallion every visitor gets upon entering the property — not that anyone's ever had to use it, but it does help make visitors feel safe. It clips on your shirt, you put in your bag. Whatever. If you ever need to use it, hit the button, and the guard is immediately alerted, and he heads to the townhome you list for him when you drive up. Nobody's ever needed it, at least for all the time I've been there. Just give it back to the guard when you leave."

"Then we're set," Lydia said, smiling.

He must make a decent salary to live in a place like that, Lydia mused. The kind of security he just described must surely add some money on top of the lease.

So their initial meeting had gone great. From her first impression, she liked Zach. Even if his male ego was so sensitive that he didn't want other guys at the gym to know he was training with a woman, that was forgivable as long as he wasn't a macho jerk. Everything about him, though, reassured Lydia and her reliable jerk-radar that he was a stand-up guy and not some pervert. And it sure seemed like he was going to be a good client; he was dedicated enough to have done several months' work on his own, and now he was taking things up a notch by tending to all the details. He would undoubtedly follow her directions well, not slack off, keep track of things in his workout and diet journals.

Yeah. This could be a really good client who wouldn't skip workouts and who was clearly very serious about making progress.

And Zach was cute, too. Those blue eyes!


"Okay," Lydia said, lowering her cell phone after taking the series of pictures of Zach in only his workout shorts. "That's good as a baseline. We'll keep track of your progress against these pictures as you start dropping bodyfat and adding muscle."