Perspectives Series: Martin

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The journey of a philandering voyeur.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/29/2017
Created 10/01/2011
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Author Notes:

The Perspectives Series was created as a study of how our perception of people and events is largely influenced by our point of view. As you read the distinct stories of these characters, and become more invested in their lives, your perception of them and their situations will likely change.

There are four novels in this collection, with the first volume being split into two distinct parts:

Volume One: Jess (Part One, Part Two)
Volume Two: Martin
Volume Three: Jill
Volume Four: Teresa

Together, these stories are about the intertwined journey of several ordinary people as they struggle through relationships, personal revelations, conflict, and unplanned life events. The characters are purely fictional, but familiar, nonetheless.

This was my first attempt at writing some years ago. My writing style has evolved somewhat since, as I've established a distinct style and cadence. Rather than rewriting these volumes, I've decided to just dust them off and release them as they were written. It's not my best work, but the stories are interesting enough, I think.

Categorizing these stories for Literotica has been difficult because they span everything from mild BDSM, to Exhibitionism/Voyeur; from Anal, to Erotic Couplings, and Romance. I've tried to place each story appropriately, as best I could. In addition, these volumes do not have to be read in any particular order, nor is it necessary to read all of them. They are standalone novels/novellas.

Perspectives Series: Martin is about a philandering Voyeur who starts his own business, becomes successful, meets the right woman, and finally grows up. It is not a heavy read, however. It's full of interesting situations and lots of sex. I've decided to categorize this novel under Exhibitionism/Voyeur. I could just as easily file this story under any number of other categories.

Warning: Voyeurism, group sex, swapping, M/F/F, workplace sexual harassment

As always, I hope you enjoy these tales. Feel free to comment, and/or send feedback. And, thanks for all your support!


Chapter 1

~I sure as hell can't do it by myself. I'm feeling like a dog in heat. Barred indoors from the summer street... I locked the door to my own cell and I lost the key....

God this was a great concert. I remember this shit like it happened yesterday. Simon and I were fucked up and we brought two chicks back to his place after the concert. The one chick started throwing up and passed out cold on the bathroom floor.

Simon put a Green Day CD on and cranked up the volume. I grabbed three beers out of the frig. This girl started dancing around the living room. She was completely tripping on X.

I don't remember this drive taking this long last night. How does this chick get to work on time? I guess I lost track with her head in my lap.

~I got no motivation. Where is my motivation? No time...

"Oh, I forgot. That was fuckin' HILARIOUS!"

At one point, Simon had to go to the john. He walked all the way to the master bathroom. I don't know why he bothered, I just peed in the hall bath. It's not like she was going to wake up or anything. Anyway, oh, this was hysterical...I got this chick to take off her shirt. She was hot from dancing around so much, and so I just suggested we both take off our shirts. And she did it. Simon came walking down the hall toward us. His eyes bugged out of his head!

~Bite my lip and close my eyes. Take me away to paradise. I'm so damn bored I'm going blind...

It's taking FOREVER to get home. Move to the city, sweetheart. God, I need coffee.

I glanced at the clock on the dash as I pulled in the driveway, 9:00am. I've always been an early riser. I can't help it. It doesn't matter what I did the night before, it's just a waste to stay in bed sleeping.

Simon was lying on the couch reading the newspaper when I walked in.

"Hey, what's up? Anything interesting in the paper?" I walked past him and into the kitchen toward the coffee pot.

"Hey." He didn't look up from the paper.

I dug around for the biggest mug I could find. I have bigger ones but mine are all packed away in storage. I like that, 'I have bigger ones...' That works in more ways than one. I'm so clever.

Simon closed the paper, folded it in half, and tossed it on the coffee table.

"How was the party?"


I walked into the living room with a video tape in my hand and held it up to show him.

"Who?" Simon asked.

"Jeanne. She should look familiar. She's the one I brought here last week. Remember?"

"Yeah. How did you get her to film?"

"She was dying to do it, I could tell. I mean, she didn't think anything about you watching me fuck her last week."

"What was she supposed to do? You were already fucking her in the living room when I got home. Was she supposed to stop and protest?"

I just laughed.

"And you left the party the same time I did." Simon added.

"I'm a fast mover, what can I say?"

"You know, I just stood there for your benefit."

"Oh, yeah, RIGHT! You don't like live porn?! Now that's funny."

Simon liked to pull the old,it's not right act on me, but I knew better. I've known him since we were kids. Simon changed the subject.

"So, do you start work at your new job on Monday or Tuesday?"


"Did you ever settle on an office?"

"Yeah, I'm taking the one closest to the front door. The problem is that I don't have an Admin."

"Who's going to handle the typing? Not you."

"No, I'm getting one, she hasn't been hired yet. They've been interviewing. They promise me I'll have someone in the next couple of weeks."

"Will you get a say in who they pick?"

"I made sure of that. They've got it narrowed down to a few choices."

I headed down the hall toward my bedrooms. Simon used the master bedroom, and I got the two adjacent rooms. I used one room for sleeping, and the other one for storage and editing. I ducked into the editing room with my tape in hand.

After rewinding, I began immediately reviewing the footage.

"Oh, FUCK!" I yelled out loud. "Simon, come here and look at this shit."

He walked in and took a position behind my chair. He leaned into the screen and watched for a few seconds.

"What am I looking for? Nice rhythm."

"Thank you. Wait a second....wait...THERE! Did you see that?"


"Let me back it up. See?! See how she just turned her head and looked directly at the camera?"


"I hate that shit. I told her to ignore it. I can't believe...SHIT! See that? She did it again. I tell you, I've got to set up hidden cameras."

"Wasn't this at her place?" Simon studied the screen.

"Yeah. I don't mean when I'm at other places, I mean when I move into my house."

"Oh, yeah. Well, I guess you'll have to do something like that. You've been doing this a long time, hasn't this been a problem before?"

"Yeah, but more lately. Look at how grainy that is. I need to replace this camera."

"The resolution is real low. How long have you had it?"

"Shit, I don't know. Maybe 6 years or so. It was one of my first."

Simon left and I finished copying the footage onto disk and editing it. Even though it wasn't my best work, I could still post it out on the user group. They'll like this one's tight little ass.

The first week at the new job went by fast. I got settled in my new office by around Wednesday and started focusing on business. My chair faced the door where I have a direct view of the Secretary's desk. It sat empty, which reminded me to walk down to the Office Manager's desk.


"Yes, Martin. What can I help you with? Are you getting settled OK?"

"Yeah. I'm all moved in. When can I meet the interviewees for Secretary?"

"You mean, Administrative Assistant?"

"Uh, yes. Sorry."

"We have two candidates for you to meet with. I didn't want to set anything up until you were settled. Would you like for me to set that up for Monday?"

"I'd like to set it up for tomorrow. I want to get this out of the way so I can get to work."

"Oh, uh, OK. I'll see what I can do."

"Good, I'm open tomorrow so just let me know what time. Preferably in the morning and back-to-back."

Sarah squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. She was obviously not used to working with someone as decisive as me. She's kind of cute in her own way. I think I can fix that attitude.

It obviously didn't bother her too much. She set up back-to-back meetings as requested for 9:30am and 10:30am the following day.

The first gal was OK. She was an older woman, in her early fifties. She seemed to have adequate skills. Sarah knew what she was doing as far as screening candidates for competency. Both candidates were qualified on paper. I finished the interview at 10:10am. I didn't have anything more to talk about with her, so I walked her to the door and stepped into my office.

As I sat down at my desk, I noticed a pair of heels sitting in the reception area. I must've breezed right past her. She was probably a Real Estate agent waiting for her client. We get that sometimes. I was engrossed in e-mail when I noticed that someone was still sitting there – I could see the same pair of shoes. I glanced at my watch, 10:25. I got up and walked to my doorway.

She didn't notice me right away. She had long, slender legs that disappeared under a short, tight linen skirt. Her breasts were perky underneath her silk blouse and I immediately noticed the lace outline of her bra. She had a long neck, high cheekbones and delicate features. Her straight brown hair offset her green eyes beautifully. She nervously waved her crossed leg which caused her shoe to drop off her heel every fifth swing or so.

She ran her manicured fingers along her scalp and through her hair until they came to rest at the base of her neck, holding her hair in a ponytail while she bent down and replaced her shoe. She paused to admire her shoes for a moment before sitting back in her chair and releasing her hair. She wore almost no jewelry, and her clothing was simple. There was nothing to distract your eyes from her natural beauty.

I felt the stir in my jeans. I would kill for a video camera right now.

She looked up and made eye contact with me. Then she smiled.

"Hi! Are you waiting for someone?" I asked.

"Hi! Yes, I am. I'm here to meet with Martin Sullivan."

"Well, that's an interesting coincidence. I happen to be Martin Sullivan."

"Oh!" In one swift motion she was out of her chair and walking toward me with arm extended, "I'm Teresa Lieber. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Teresa. Please come into my office and have a seat."

I had met with the first candidate in the conference room, which I had reserved for another hour, but I wanted a little more privacy for this meeting.

I shut the door and began, "Have you been waiting long?"

"No, not very."

She was lying, but it was appropriate. "What has Sarah told you about the position?"

"That I will be supporting you and one other Business Manager, Dave. I believe that's his name."

"Yes. Dave works part time, so you'd support mostly me."

Just saying the words aloud made my dick grow harder. I shifted in my seat. I tried to get the vision of her with her head in my lap out of my mind long enough to focus on what she was saying.

"She told me that you work on tight schedules and deadlines, and that requires staying after work on occasion."

"Will that be a problem for your husband?"

Teresa's eyes widened, "Oh, no! I'm not married." She stammered. "It's not a problem."

She looked down at her hands crossed on her lap. Bingo! She's attracted to me, I can tell.

"Well that's just good news for me, then."

"Huh?! Oh, uh, yeah. I mean, I took an apprenticeship at an Advertising firm, and they work late almost every night. It's no bother at all. I'm kind of a workaholic, actually."

"Really?! Me, too. I don't admit it as readily as you do, though. In fact, you might want to consider the label overachiever rather than workaholic. It just sounds better, don't you think?"

She laughed. "Yes, it does."

"What makes you want to work here, Teresa?"

"I like the small size of the firm. I feel like I can make a difference in a smaller place, really add value to the business and contribute in a meaningful way."

Her answer was rehearsed but she seemed somewhat genuine.

We covered her resume and job history. I was getting bored with the conversation; it was too impersonal.

"What do you like to do for fun, Teresa?"

"I don't know. I like to workout, listen to music, go to concerts, stuff like that. What do you like to do?"

I liked that she asked; it showed real confidence.

"Pretty much the same thing. So which is it, Beatles or Elvis?"


"Check. Green Day or Guns N' Roses?" This one was more important.

"Green Day"

"Check. Westport or Plaza?"

"That's not a fair question. What day of the week and what time of the evening?"

"Ahhhh, good question. It's not important. Speaking of days of the week, which day of the week do you like better, Wednesday or Thursday?"


"Really? Why?"

"Middle of the week, hump day." She smiled.

I looked down at my watch. It was 11:40. We had already been talking for over an hour but I wanted a little more time with her.

"Do you have plans for lunch?"

"Um, no...I don't..." She paused long enough for me to interject before she formed an objection.

"It probably isn't right for me to ask you to lunch when you're applying for employment here. I'm sorry; I shouldn't have crossed that line. I apologize. I've just been enjoying your company."

"No, I don't mind at all. I would love to go to lunch with you if you're sure it would be OK."

Got her! "You know, we can just meet at the restaurant and no one here will ever have to know."

"OK. I can do that."

"I do have one quick question before we leave...Now that you've met me, what do you think about working for me?"

Teresa sat up in her chair and shifted her weight. She swallowed hard, "I'm not sure. I don't think I know you well enough to answer that."

"Alright, then. Let's go see if we can remedy that. I want you to be sure this is right for you."

She played right into my hand. I escorted her to the door and then left shortly after. We met at J. Alexander's. It was a little awkward at first, but she settled-in when I offered her a drink.

"Would you like a glass of wine? I mean, you don't have to go to work this afternoon, right? There's no reason why you can't have a drink."

"No, I guess not. I'd love a glass wine. Thank you."

"Red or white?"


"Good answer."

We talked easily for the next hour and a half. Two glasses of wine later, Teresa was feeling at ease.

"When will I know if I've got the job?"

"Hold on, there. You have one question you still have to answer."

"What is that? I've told you almost everything about me, and you already have my phone number on my resume."

"You're right. Not that I would call you unless you told me it was OK to do so...?"

She nodded.

"The question is: how do you think you'll like working for me?"

"I think it will be fine. Good, actually. I would like it very much."

"Well, that's good. I don't actually make the final decision for hiring. That comes from our Office Manager. I would like to recommend you, but I have a problem."

"What's the problem?"

"I really want to see you outside work. I think it would be frowned upon for us to date if you were working for our company."


"So you see my dilemma?"

"Yes. But, no one would have to know. Just like this lunch. It could stay our secret."

"Do you think you could do that?"

"Keep a secret?"


"Sure, I can do that."

"Are you free for dinner?"


"Yeah, tonight."

"I, I have no plans. Sure."

"It's a date then. Is the address on your resume current?"


"OK. I guess that settles it. I no longer have any dilemmas about recommending you for the position. I'll see that Sarah calls you tomorrow."

"Really? Thank you, Martin. You aren't going to regret this."

I'm sure I'm not.

I walked her to her car. Her cheeks were flushed from the wine. I placed my hand on her neck and ran my thumb along her jaw line, and then I drew her face to mine. We stood there kissing for a few seconds. I didn't want to go back to work. My semi turned to a raging hard-on when she started circling my tongue with hers. She drew my tongue into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it and sucked gently. When she pulled away, I noticed how dilated her eyes were.

"We better save this for tonight." She whispered.

"Yes, I need to get back to work." I managed to choke out.

"Alright. I'll see you at 8, then?"

"Let's make it 7." I couldn't wait until 8 to fuck that beauty.

She giggled. "OK. Seven it is."

She sunk down into her car and drove away. The blood started to redirect to my brain after she left the parking lot.

This is going to be the easiest hiring decision I've ever made.

Chapter 2

I ran to the house right after work. Simon wasn't home yet. I sorted through my list of favorite videos and chose an older one. Marsha was her name, I think. She had long dark hair. Most of the video was shot from behind where I'm pounding her doggy style. I remember now that I thought she was going to let me fuck her in the ass, but she changed her mind. It was a disappointment, but I still managed to keep it up.

If I sat back away from the screen I could imagine Marsha was Teresa. How fucking awesome is it going to be, to see that beauty writhing beneath me? I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, then slid them partway down my thighs, along with my underwear. My eyes closed briefly as my fingers wrapped around the shaft of my cock. I could picture her long legs as she sat in the waiting room, and the way her tits jiggled when she laughed at lunch. I opened my eyes and all I could see was Teresa on her hands and knees. I came quickly. Fuck, yes. The world is a safer place.

I thought about it all the way to Teresa's apartment. The closer I got, the harder I grew in anticipation.

She answered the door with her coat on and quickly stepped outside. When we reached the car, she shed her coat, tossed it to the back, and settled into her seat. She was wearing a tight skirt with a tight knit sweater. Her nipples pressed against the material. It was clear she wasn't wearing a bra. She wore pumps (my favorite.) When I saw her, I changed my plan. I decided that I wanted to take her out to the busiest place I could think of. The thought of how she was going to look on my arm was even more appealing than the thought of fucking her in her apartment.

We went to Kona Grill and drank wine in the busy bar area before asking for a table. Teresa knew she was being stared at, and she loved it. Her hard nipples were noticed by every man in the bar and most of the women. She would arch her back as she brushed her hair behind her shoulders. Almost as if she was posing for a camera, she would lean her body into mine and run her hand down my chest, hooking her thumb in the top of my jeans. She was completely attentive, listening to every word I said. I don't think she even made eye contact with another individual in the bar. I ran my fingers up and down her sides and held onto her waist. She didn't have an ounce of fat on her. Just to see how she would react, I slid my hand up to her breast and ran my thumb over her hard nipple. She groaned and arched her back, and then leaned forward and kissed me. A guy standing behind her shook his head and laughed out loud. It was the kind of respectful gesture one would expect from the blatant fact that I was going to get laid by this stunning babe.