Peyton Fucking Maxwell

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I would do anything to be with the hottest girl on campus.
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Peyton Maxwell was the blond bombshell sex doll of 1000 men's fledgling fantasies.

I'd met her on the coed soccer team I'd joined my Freshman year at NC State. I was 18 and she was 19 and when I tell you she had blonde Sophie Turner vibes but with an even better body, I am not joking.

She was one of our best players too.

She exuded all the confidence and swagger of the expanding world and over the course of the season I'd gotten to know her much better, even as I watched a large number of men both on an off the field strike out in their attempts with her.

Our dynamic was always friendly but never overly flirtatious; or at least that's what I thought. I just never figured she was in my league. I'm in good shape and have a goofy but likable smile and get along with people well, but she seemed like some sort of sports car I wouldn't know how to handle. A stick I wouldn't know how to drive.

I had short, brown hair and green eyes which seemed forgettable next to her bright blue stunners and Swedish supermodel blonde curls, which might-as-well have been literal chantilly cream. She was like that naked Katy Perry album cover on the clouds. She was soft and smooth and perfect.

Her hair wasn't too long, and the way it hung at her sides gave off serious girl-next-door-that-you-want-to-study-session-fuck, sort of vibes. She typically just threw it in a simple hair-tie when we had games, and there was nothing delicate about the way she threw her perfectly sculpted body around on a pitch.

I never understood why she didn't seem all that interested in any of the men she briefly dated. Our team would often go out for drinks after games and I had seen her take men home to her dorm and I had seen her on her various Instagram stories showing off couplings that appeared more than friendly.

And yet, all of her online profiles remained single. She just seemed perfectly content to be a free, college girl. And that made her even more attractive in many ways.

We were passing a ball back and forth before our Wednesday night game one late October night. I could see the faded black X's that that had been drawn on the backs of her hands the night before, from whatever bar or club setup she had attended.

Every night was a possible drinking night when you attended college in Raleigh, North Carolina. NC State was a killer school for engineering and science and agriculture and booty shaking. The combined confluence of nearby schools and age demographics of the downtown area made for a perfect storm of nightlife activities.

"What's everyone doing after the game?" She excitedly asked our circle of teammates, as the whistle blew for us to get into position for kickoff.

Everyone deferred to previous plans or studies, a rare instance where there wasn't at least four or five of us down to have some post-footie fun.

But my night was completely free. And I certainly wasn't going to say no to Peyton fucking Maxwell.

"Yeah, I'm down to go out," I said to her as the huddle broke.

"And it's Austin to the rescue!" She said, giving me a little wink as the other team made the first pass of the game and the narrative was paused for the next ninety minutes.

A sweaty couple of hours later we were at a dive bar not that far from campus which was still unusually busy for a Wednesday night. Mostly, this bar was popular for giving two shits about fake ID's, and Peyton's was the stuff of 'Catch Me If You Can' quality.

She sauntered back from the bar in her soccer shorts, gray zip-up Nike sweatshirt, and slip-on post-game Adidas sandals, which she wore over tall soccer socks which looked like thigh-high tights the way she had them pulled up. Her pony was wild and pushed to the side. I was dressed in my charcoal Adidas sweats and a pullover. We were in extreme relaxation mode.

"Cheers to getting our asses absolutely destroyed tonight," she said jokingly, as we clinked our glasses of beer.

She'd brought over a couple of shots of tequila and a couple of lagers.

"Mmmm, that hits the spot," I said. "We really did get wrecked, didn't we?"

"Oh yes, but ya know? Sometimes ya gotta get wrecked to get better, ya know...or something?" She laughed at the silliness of the random bit of philosophy, and we said cheers to our shots and gulped down the fiery medicine.

She wiped the salt from her lips with the back of her hand and I saw the X's again.

"So where'd you go last night?" I asked.

"Oh...Tin friend's band was performing so I had to come out and support but I didn't have my ID on me so I was left in underage purgatory," she explained as we found a table in the corner.

"Ah...that sucks," I sympathized. "Live music and no booze to get the blood flowing? Not fun."

"Yeah, luckily I had my pen on me and was able to flirt the fuck out of one of the I ended up being okay in the tipsy department," she said proudly.

This girl was so effortless.

"I would've been disappointed if you hadn't," I said.

We did a couple rounds of drinks and shots over the next hour, and soon we were both a little intoxicated. The conversation was naturally getting spicier, which I was all about.

"So who are you seeing these days, Austin?" She asked, as she swigged a big sip from her foamy beer.

"Well...her name is Jack...eline...Off...erman," I joked in perfect timing, making the distant look with my hand in a light cock hold pantomime.

She immediately giggled and slapped the table.

"Ahh FUCK! Yes...I actually had a class with Jack...eline's sister last semester...Flicky Offerman..."

Now we were both cackling even as the music was fairly loud in the bar.

"Flicky? That's the best you could do??" I razzed her.

"Well...I had to think fast...what is the female equivalent to jacking guys have way better nicknames for sex acts. Flicking the bean? That sounds so stupid and gross," we were both laughing still.

"It's are correct about that," I agreed. "Yeeaahhh, but no...not seeing anyone right now...and not for lack of trying, just in a slump," I admitted.

"That surprises me," she said, a little more serious now. And that made my heart click up a beat.

"What about you? I feel like I constantly see you going out with guys and then very quickly...poof! Like magic, they're gone. Are you just in casual college mode right now?" I asked very pointedly, clearly showing my past observations of her dating habits.

"Ahh...well, not exactly. I'm just looking for something VERY specific and I don't think I've found it yet," she said, a little conspiratorially.

"Hmmm, well now I'm very curious," I replied. And I was.

"Oh I BET you are," she gave me a cute little smile and raised brow. "I mean, to be clear, I like being single...I LOVE having sex with whoever I want, whenever I want," she admitted, more loosened up from the booze as the night continued.

"Oh, yes, of course. Same with me. I can't interrupt the flow of women from my harem, ya dig?" I joked back.

"Oh, totally, me cock harem is in full should see my Tinder...just a bunch of dudes desperate to send me their Coors Light-fueled cock-pics photo shoots," and we were both laughing again.

"Well, cheers to that," and we clinked and drank up.

"So when was the last time you actually hooked up with someone?" She asked me now, and I swear I felt her foot bump mine below the high top table we were seated at.

"Woof. It's been four months," I told her, and she gasped.

"Oh, AUSTIN!" She literally crooned this sympathetic sound that could've almost been sexual.

I was very turned on by this girl.

"I know, I know. It's...not ideal," I blushed a little.

"What about you?" I asked her.

"I fucked a guy last weekend," she told me, and I felt her leg rub up against mine again.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, leaning in now.

"Yeah, but...he couldn't handle me..." she said.

"Oh really?" I asked. I was so damned curious what she was hiding, even as we became more and more flirtatious.

"Yeah...I was too kinky for him," she said. Her eyes looked dangerous and her lips were plump and begging to have naughty things done to them. I wondered what she would look like with cock in her mouth. She was such a damned 10 and I was simping hard.

"Too kinky?!" I asked surprised, and I laughed because I would literally do anything for this girl. What could be too kinky for Peyton ass-to-die-in-a-war-for Maxwell.

"Yeah, he didn't want to play how I wanted to play," she pouted a little.

"Well that sounds like he was a total idiot then," I continued to load the musket with gunpowder to shoot my obvious shot. Showing her that I was not that guy, even as my leg pressed between hers further.

"Yeah...he really was," she said, with a raised eyebrow. We were staring at each other now. Both of us very close on the corner high-top. Our beers already touching on the table, as their suds sweated down the glasses together.

She leaned in even closer to me now, which was also due to the loud music.

"Wanna go back to my dorm and get even more drunk with me?" She asked excitedly. I was very, very down.

"Yes, you lead I'll follow," I said, and I had no idea how true that was about to be.

"Yes sir, you will," she poked me in the ribs and I knew then that we were probably going to be fucking and I couldn't even believe how fast my heart was beating.

I was going to have sex with Peyton I-must've-rubbed-a-genie's-lamp Maxwell.

Fucking lottery winning fuckity-fuck-fuck. That's how I felt.

I had to fix my boner in my pants the second I stood up. She saw me adjust and laughed. I couldn't escape the moment and just shrugged honestly.

"It's your fault," and she slapped my ass as I walked by her.

We headed back from the bar and down the darkened neighborhood street, lit by moonlight and the occasional street light. We held hands as we walked up to her dorm room, which she was lucky enough to enjoy all to herself tonight as her roommate was away for the week visiting family back on the west coast.

When we scanned the card on her card reader I felt myself growing even more nervous. I was so horny.

Her perfectly round ass bobbing in front of me all the way up the two flights of stairs made me want to bite a finger to keep from squeaking. I was going to slide my cock between that ass tonight. Fuck.

Suddenly I realized I needed to make myself known.

I put my hand on her side on the last turn of stairs and she stopped to look back at me. I stepped onto her step and grabbed her by the neck softly...then I leaned in and kissed her very surprised face.

She tasted like vanilla and strawberries and alcohol and her breath mint.

I opened her mouth with mine and we made out against the wall of the stairs, as I purposefully pushed her back, my very hard crotch against hers through our sweats.

She moaned with me and curled a leg around mine as we traded spit.

"Mmm, took you long enough," she moaned when we finally broke.

Her hand drifted down to my sweats and traced the outline of my dick. She mewed approvingly when she felt how long and thick I was.

"That's a nice cock," she said.

And we kissed again.

When we made it to her dorm she dropped her stuff and plodded over to the fridge to grab us a couple of Modelo's.

We cracked them open as she grabbed her bong and we took a giant rip on her nearby bed. It was only a studio with an attached bathroom. One big room basically.

After some very silly small talk about nothing at all, she grabbed the beers for us and placed them on the table next to her bed.

She pushed me back and climbed on top of me like a tigress.

We renewed our sexy make-out session and my hands ran down her body, squeezing her ass and feeling every inch of her beautiful frame.

She started to kiss down my body and pulled my shirt off, then hers came off and she was only in her sports bra and shorts and socks now.

She peeled the bra off her body and her magical breasts came out with their erect nipples poking up at me like Rudolph noses all aglow. She had C's and they were ripe as apples.

She brought the bong over and we took another huge hit and then I sat up to push my face into her breasts and smell her sweat and body.

I licked and sucked on her nipples and she ground her pussy into my crotch.

"Fuck you're so fucking hot," I said to her as I devoured her.

"Yes I fucking am," she said to me, and I laughed. This girl knew how powerful her attraction was.

She pushed me back and just teased me a little by grinding her ass on me. Then I watched her kiss down my chest, running her hands through my hair. When her lips made it to my belly I felt like my cock might burst right then and there. She slowly teased my pants and boxers down, and my cock finally flopped out, big and ready.

Her lips traced circles around me, kissing my pubic hair and rubbing her nose into my inner thighs and legs.

She pulled my pants and boxers all the way off and was kissing and massaging my legs. I closed my eyes and moaned from the perfect attentions.

"Mmm, Austin...this cock is fucking perfect," she said, as her hand reached around my shaft to grab me for the first time. I felt her place her lips at my helmet and slowly kiss my tip, as she finally allowed my head to pop through her soft, creamy lips. She suckled just the top of me, slowly...sensually, as her hand traced my shaft. She wasn't even jacking me or sucking me.

She was teasing me.

I was making tiny, desperate noises. Her pace was brutal. She was so immediately in control.

When I finally felt her take my cock into her throat, she didn't stop. She just kept sinking into all seven inches were filling the back of her throat.

She gagged a little and allowed her mouth to water.

She came up and went down again. Her eyes were trained on me when I opened mine.

I watched between my legs. She had crawled up on the bed and moved me longways and then continued.

Her ass behind her arched up was like the divine shape of a woman and I was in love from the very first moment.

She was the hottest girl I'd ever been with, and she was blowing me lewdly and popping her ass like the sexiest little minx I'd ever encountered. She knew what her body did to guys and she used every angle to keep my drooling attention on the deviant nature of her act.

"Fuckkkk, Peyton, that's soooo goood," I moaned softly, watching her suck me, as she jacked my saliva-soaked cock in her perfect grip. Her other hand was playing with my balls and squeezing me in places I'd never been touched.

At one point I felt her mouth plop off and she smiled a sexy smile at me as her lips and tongue coated my balls and she placed them in her mouth while jacking me.

I was further surprised when she pushed my legs apart and upward and her lips trailed down and licked the base of my balls and then...even further down. She kissed down my ass and her tongue found my anus and she began to rim me without hesitation.

This made me moan a sound I didn't recognize and I was hit by both shock and lust at the same time

"Yeah like that?" She asked me, as she looked up at me between sucks.

I was embarrassed and utterly turned on. "Yessss," I moaned back to her honestly. Her tongue felt sexy on my asshole.

She licked me softly and her tongue traced the outline of my anus before she came back up to swallow my throbbing cock.

I was strangely sad to have her tongue leave my hole. I didn't even know it was possible to feel anything from that. I'd never played with my ass before. I'd never even been with a girl who had cared in any way about my butt before.

She stood up suddenly and pulled her soccer shorts off.

Now she was only wearing a powder blue Nike thong that matched her blue and white soccer socks. It was soaking wet over her triangle and her legs and ass looked like a Viv Thomas girl in her very first film.

"Sit up and lick me, Austin," she told me, and I immediately sat up on the bed which placed my head level with her crotch.

I peeled the panties down her body and she took one of her legs and wrapped them around my back to pull me in.

Her pussy was totally shaved and she had a small tattoo just to the inside of her right thigh that I recognized as a tiny little devil grin inside of an intricate moth outline.

I kissed her tattoo and then pushed my whole face against her crotch to sniff in her essence.

She moaned at the way my breath felt on her.

"Yes, Austin. Eat my pussy, slutty boy," she said to me, and I was aching for her now. I kissed and licked her slowly. I wanted her.

My mouth was hot lava and her pussy was somehow still hotter. She was so wet. Like sloshy wet. And she tasted so good. She was fucking gorgeous. Her pussy was perfect. She had pornographic pussy. Her clit was engorged and when I flicked it with my tongue she groaned and her toned leg squeezed my head even harder against me, suffocating me in her sexual power.

I ate her like the fucking queen of the Nile. She was Aphrodite and I wanted to worship her all night long.

Peyton's creamy soft skin was so inviting. She was the pinnacle of college hotness. Perfectly shaved and moisturized and sexy, even when was covered in sweat. Maybe even more so. She was vanilla ice cream in the heat.

I lapped at her drenched opening as I brought my hand up to finger-fuck her.

She loved that.

"Oh fuck, Yessss," she moaned as I licked her clit and curled my two fingers. Licked and curled. Licked and curled.

"MmmmmImGonCummm!" She moaned after I'd been doing this for ten dedicated minutes, and my fingers worked into her firmly, even as a torrent of watery cum splashed all over my face and chest below us.

I was covered in a geyser of her juices.

She had squirted hard all over me.

"Yessss Peyton, squirt on me baby, fuckkk!" I moaned up at her.

She painted me and grabbed my hair hard in her fist while she came.

"Yesss slutty boy, lick that pussy like you need it," she commanded me.

She had such a confident sort of dominance in bed and I was so seduced by this whole thing.

I licked as good as I ever had.

When she was done drenching me she pulled me up from the bed and took me to the shower.

She turned it to super hot and while we waited for the water to heat up, she grabbed the beers from the room.

We downed them in a couple of big drinks and then we were making out hard up against the door. We were drunk and in lust.

Her hands were around my cock again, which leaked pre-cum like a blown head gasket.

She jacked me and I played with her nipples while we waited for the water to be ready.

I was softly moaning into her mouth from how good her hands felt on my dick.

"This is a gorgeous fucking penis," she whispered to me, and I smiled big at her.

She led me by the cock now into the shower, which wasn't very big. We were close.

When we were inside we stood together under the spray and began to kiss.

Then she surprised me when she sunk immediately to her knees and took me back into her mouth as the water hit her face.

She blew me longingly and I died a thousand deaths trying not to cum too fast.

But I knew I was a lost cause.

I gripped the wall and her head as I felt myself growing closer to cumming.

Then I felt her fingers drift up my leg behind me as she began to lightly trace my asshole.

Mmmm, that felt unexpectedly good.

She placed a finger right at my hole and pushed into me barely with a digit she had licked.

I came.

Right then.

Like a burst.

"FuckkkkkkkPEYYYYYTUHHHHH!" I felt bad I hadn't warned her but she just drank me down, sucking hard like a Dyson vacuum at a trade show.

She came up to me after five crazy bursts of my splooge. Her finger was still pushing against my ass and I was still cumming.

She pulled her mouth to mine and I felt myself wanting more of her finger and she gave it to when she pushed her finger inside of my ass just as I tasted the large mouth of cum that she hadn't at all swallowed.