Pharma Testing

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Jared volunteers to test a new pharmaceutical.
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I, Jared Wilson, 26 years old at the start of my saga, am just a normal guy. At that time I had two years of community college, a decent though not particularly financially rewarding job, a loving wife of two and a half years, named Melony, and a suitable apartment.

Melony is a kind and wonderful woman. That she didn't have the highest libido in the world and wasn't particularly sexually experienced or adventurous were colossal understatements. However, I loved her completely and she me. She was skittish when it came to trying new things sexually which was a mild irritant to me, but nothing that would ever cause me to cheat. I hated cheaters and intended to be married to Melony "until death do us part." While I might have desired a little more sexual frequency and passion it certainly wasn't a big enough issue to cause me any angst or to develop a wandering eye.

I had a real financial problem, though.

Melony had gotten into a grim car accident several months ago. Fortunately there were no serious injuries but really significant property damage. She was determined by the police and insurance companies to have been at fault and since we only could afford basic insurance the damage that she caused was more than our coverage.

We hired Susan Lightfoot, a good attorney who worked very hard to get the case settled for us and given Susan's expertise, how contrite and genuine that Melony was, and the fact that you can't get blood out of a stone, we were able to settle the amount over and above our insurance coverage for $40,000 (plus our attorney's fees of $3,000, which were well worth it since the negotiations started out at $150,000). We agreed to a strict repayment schedule for both the damaged party and our attorney; while our attorney might have cut us some slack on timeliness, the damaged party made it clear that they would not.

Melony and I put our heads together to see what we could do to make sure that we could fulfill our financial obligations despite our modest incomes.

Melony was willing to do almost anything, but when she suggested either working as a cocktail waitress at nights after her normal job, or even stripping, given her educational background the only other things she thought she could do for significant enough money, I nixed the ideas. She seemed very happy that I did. I was looking into my own situation for part time jobs that wouldn't interfere with my normal job and wouldn't have me putting in so many hours that Melony would feel guilty, when an unusual opportunity presented itself.


One of the customers at my workplace was a pharmaceutical sales representative for PharmaBlue. She had gotten interested in that profession during college and she had the qualifications for it (which included intelligence and good looks). I noticed a flyer in her briefcase when she opened it up to get out her credit card wallet and I inquired about it.

"Oh, that," she chuckled. "My company is looking for volunteers for a study on a new drug that they are formulating. They are excited enough about its potential to be paying way over market for people who qualify and are willing to take the drug on an experimental basis."

"Uh...Miss Simpson, can I see the flyer, please?" I asked.

"Sure," she said. "I have lots of copies at my office, you can keep this one. If you sign up be sure to use my name because I get a $250 bonus for anyone I recruit that gets accepted into the program," she continued with a big smile.

The next few customers required immediate and significant attention so I didn't really get a chance to look at the flyer in detail until lunch time.

At lunch as I ate my baloney sandwich that Melony had prepared for me, an apple, and a bag of chips, I looked the flyer over. It had several things that were noticeable and intriguing. The first was that the pay, if selected, was about $12/hour more than I was making at my present job. The second was the qualifications, which included being married for one-five years, between 24 and 32 years old, willing to take a battery of tests including a lie detector, and the agreement to sign an iron clad confidentiality agreement. Even for the tests, and associated interviews, participants would be paid. The exact nature of the drug being tested was apparently vague by design.

Given the general parameters speculated about in the flyer according to a rough calculation I figured that I could make around $18,000-$24,000 in the next 18 months, which would be enough that Melony and I could meet the obligations of our repayment schedule without living like a monk and nun over the next two years.

I was very excited when I went back to work that afternoon, and apparently the excitement put me in a good mood and I was as productive as I ever had been.

Most of the night Melony and I talked about the possibility of trying to get into the PharmaBlue study; we even missed one of our favorite television shows. We looked PharmaBlue up on the Internet and found that it is a large international corporation with annual sales of almost 40 billion dollars and a reputation for innovation.

The next day I called the phone number on the flyer and talked to a very eager young woman who asked me a few preliminary questions and then said that I could schedule an interview and take the qualifying battery of tests. I asked if both Melony and I could enter the study but was told that only one of us could. The night before Melony and I had discussed the possibility that both members of a married couple couldn't be in the same study and she reluctantly agreed that I should be the participant if that was the case.


I went to the interview and testing facility the next Saturday morning. There were about 20 people there, half men, half women. The initial interview with two people was pleasant even if bizarre. One thing that they made clear was that the written test questions had to be answered under oath. If I "passed" the written test I would be called back the next Saturday for a lie detector test, and after that I would have to sign a confidentiality agreement after which I would be given some basic information about the study. I was pleased when I was given $80 in cash when I left the facility about noon.

"So how was it?" Melony asked.

"Very strange," I laughed. "I don't have any clue why they asked some of the questions they did in either the interview or written tests; it certainly didn't give me any indication of what the medicines they will test are used for."

"Who else was there?"

"About ten women and ten men; they seemed to be from a good cross-section of society although all definitely were in our age range and had wedding rings on."

"What's the next step?"

"If I pass the tests and interview I'll get a call back for next Saturday morning where I'll take a lie detector test, and if I pass that sign a confidentiality agreement and maybe get some information, although I have no idea whether or not I can share it with you."

"Did you get paid?" Melony laughingly asked, rubbing her fingers together in a "cash" manner.

"Eighty bucks!" I chuckled, holding up four $20 bills. "How about we get takeout tonight to celebrate -- we've already paid our month's installment to our accident creditors."

So we ordered pizzas and salads and after watching a movie on broadcast TV (all that we could afford) Melony surprised me. She dropped all of her clothes in the living room, put her arms around my neck, and said "You're my hero, saving me from being destitute; I need to reward you," before she passionately kissed me on the lips.

That night we made love about as passionately as we ever had. I was a little disappointed that Melony wasn't up for a second round, but that wasn't unusual and since the first round might have been in our top ten I wasn't dismayed. As I drifted off to sleep with her naked body scrunched up to mine and her head on my shoulder I thought "Even if I don't get a callback, going to the interview today was sure worth it."

I got the good news by text on my cellphone Tuesday morning at work -- I got a callback. When I told Melony that night I couldn't believe it but we had a repeat of Saturday night. I was on cloud nine as I went to work.

The visit to PharmaBlue the next Saturday morning turned out not to be just a lie detector test. I had never taken a lie detector test before, but this was sure different than the ones I saw on TV. It seemed that the questions were almost random and disjointed; most were innocuous even if unconnected, but some were bizarre. The weirdest ones, in my opinion, were "Did you ever cheat on your wife?" [No I hadn't] "Did you ever cheat on a girlfriend?" [No I hadn't] "Do you despise cheaters" [Yes I did] "Is your sex life completely fulfilling?" [Since I had to answer truthfully, after thinking a while I said No].

After the lie detector test -- which they told me immediately that I had passed -- they put me in another room, attached electrodes to my head and body much like those for the lie detector only connected up to a computer rather than a lie detector machine, and then ten different women came into the room -- similarly wired up -- over the next three hours. I met with each of them for fifteen minutes, with a five minute break between them. We each had to ask the other four standard questions -- which differed from woman to woman -- and then needed to chat for the rest of the fifteen minutes.

I was not told anything about the results of the discussions with the women. They were an eclectic bunch even though they were all around my age. Some were beautiful, some were intelligent, some were flirty, some were stiff, some had red hair, others black, brown, or blond hair, some were dressed rather provocatively, others very conservatively. I had no clue what was going on.

After the interviews with the ten women I was asked to read over and sign a two page confidentiality agreement -- which I did -- and was given a copy of it. Then they paid me $250 cash and said they'd text by Wednesday afternoon at the latest as to whether or not I made it into the study. I didn't get home until 2 p. m.

Melony's demeanor fluctuated between concerned, laughing, confused, and solemn as we discussed the day. I showed her the confidentiality agreement and she was a little annoyed that I couldn't share any information about the drug or even its general purpose (which I did not yet know) if I made the study, but figured that if there was a confidentiality agreement that probably would be the case.

When we had another Saturday night like the last one I sure hoped that I made the study since my sex life with Melony the last eight days was the best that it ever had been (although still not fulfilling), and I got indications that maybe it could improve even more in the future.


I was thrilled when I got a text Wednesday morning saying that I had made the study and I should report Saturday morning to a large satellite office of PharmBlue's which fortunately was only a couple of miles from my apartment. I immediately texted Melony -- she couldn't receive calls at work otherwise I would have called with the good news. She immediately texted back a heart emoji!

When I arrived at the PharmaBlue satellite office the next Saturday all of the test subjects were given a briefing. The details were different than what had been represented (more hinted at than represented I guess would be accurate) previously. While we would be paid at the rate we had been promised we would only get half each week and the other half would be held back. If we left the study for any reason before it was completed in 18 months the half held back would be forfeited. We could only miss three weekly sessions in the 18 months without penalty; if we missed a fourth we could be booted out of the study. There would be some weeks when PharmBlue would excuse us, however. In 18 months we could expect 68-70 weeks we would have our Saturdays completely taken up from 8:30 a. m. until about noon.

Despite the change in circumstance everyone reviewed and apparently signed the contract with all sorts of conditions, because after review of the contract I didn't see that anyone had left. There were eleven men and eleven women. I'm not the most observant guy in the world but even I could see that three of the women any hetero male would consider beautiful, five of the women had about the same attractiveness as Melony (the vast majority of heterosexual men would consider them very pleasant looking, but not beautiful), and three of the women were -- well not ugly, but definitely not someone based upon looks alone the average hetero guy would date.

Although I'm not a judge of male attractiveness, from my observation I concluded that the situation was probably the same for the males, and that I was one of the five pleasant looking, but not handsome, ones.

I recognized six of the women from the interviews I had during the vetting process; the other five I had never seen before.

The procedure was simple. Each week a man and woman would be paired up in what the organizers called an "activity room." Each would take a pill, or rub on a cream, before the session. In the room there would be materials to create a project which usually differed from week-to-week but not necessarily. The man and woman would have from 8:45 until 11:45 to complete the project. You could take as many bathroom breaks as were necessary in the "en suite" bathroom that included a sink, toilet, and fairly large shower stall. Coffee, soft drinks, trail mix, and pastries were available in the activity room. The furniture in the activity room included a table on which the project was to be completed, several chairs, and a large comfortable couch.

The first six weeks of the study seemed to be pretty innocuous. Twice I was paired with beautiful women, twice with pleasant looking ones, and twice with not particularly attractive women. The pills and/or creams I used at the start of each day didn't seem to have any effect on me so I began to wonder if they were placebos to establish some sort of a base line. In five of the six cases the woman and I completed our project by about 11:00 a. m., and after fifteen minutes of individual debriefing we went home. One time -- with one of the beautiful women who was also provocatively dressed -- we didn't finish until 11:59, and were debriefed for more than twenty minutes so we got home later than normal.

Things started to change the seventh week. From the seventh to the thirtieth week the projects -- though no more complicated than before -- seemed to take longer to complete, mostly because either the woman I was paired with was acting weird, or I was feeling peculiar. I think that it was the fifteenth week when one of the beautiful women seemed determined to seduce me right in the activity room. It was very difficult to fend her off especially when she removed her top and displayed about the nicest set of D cup boobs (I think that they were east-west, but I'm no expert on the types of titties) that you could imagine. Fortunately that particular day I was extremely motivated to get the project done and basically completed it by myself by about 11:15. I was able to do so while avoiding her advances although at one point I had to briefly suck one of her nipples before she'd give me one of the elements necessary for the project completion.

The times when I felt peculiar I was almost as bad as the women who had weird days; my mind seemed to be awash with endorphins and my cock was hard most of the session. I did avoid making a complete fool of myself, however, up to the thirty third week (my thirtieth session) when things went off the rails.

My thirtieth session I was paired with Janice. Janice was one of the pleasant but not beautiful women although she had a sparkling personality that some would consider pushed her to the sexy side of merely pleasant. I had been paired with her twice before, once when she was acting squirrely, once when I was. Both times, however, we completed our project by about 11:15.

After I took both a pill, and rubbed on some cream, at the start of the thirtieth session I could tell that something was different. I could see it in Janice's eyes too. It wasn't even 9:30 when I "inadvertently" stuck my hand under Janice's skirt as she was placing an object on the project table, and touched her panties.

After she placed the object she turned to me and with a look hard to decipher said "What the fuck do you think that you're doing Jared."

My response just came out -- I swear that I didn't think before talking. "Trying to see if you're commando today because you smell like pussy, that's what."

Janice looked down at my crotch and saw my tented pants. "Did your little pea brain get all worked up thinking about my pussy so that you got a hard-on, you fucking pervert."

"I didn't notice you slapping my hand away when I touched your moist panties, so I wonder if that makes you a pervert too," I snickered.

Suddenly her lips were pressed into mine. The next ten minutes or so -- best that I could recall even though the passage of time didn't seem to be registering with me at that point -- were a blur. I finally became cognizant again when I found myself bare-assed on top of naked Janice who was lying on the couch. One of my hands was on one of her tits, the other seemed to be penetrating her cooch, and my mouth was doing a vacuum-cleaner imitation on her other tit. Her thighs were wrapped around my torso and she was digging her fingers into my back.

Apparently what caused me to gain complete awareness was Janice screaming "Fuck me you pathetic dickless bastard!" For a split second the thought passed through my muddled brain "How does she expect me to fuck her if she thinks I'm dickless?" but it was only a split second.

I then very consciously shoved my rock hard cock up her channel as she let out a baritone groan and I temporarily saw stars the penetration was so intense. Then I started pistoning in-and-out like my life depended on it while Janice alternated between moaning, screaming, and gasping. When I came it was with twice the explosive force of any ejaculation I had ever had before. Janice shrieked, her pussy clamped on my cock like it was trying to strangle it, and then she went completely limp.

I finished reciprocating in Janice's cunt until ever last drop of seminal fluid had been expelled from my cock. Then I went into sort of a twilight state until I felt Janice moving under me and groaning.

Janice and I separated but were nose-to-nose next to each other on the couch. "Wow -- that was quite a fuck Jared. Why did you fuck me?"

"You begged me to you horny bitch," I snickered. "God, I don't think that my cock and balls will ever be the same."

We traded expressions of satisfaction, contentment, and pleasure for the next few minutes, interspersed with occasional sarcastic comments or cutting barbs. Eventually Janice got a funny look on her face and then smiled. "I do believe I feel your depleted cock coming back to life," she chuckled.

I felt it too, but before I could answer she had shinnied down so that her mouth was at the level of my crotch and soon she was sucking my cock like a starving baby on its mother's teat. When I could feel that I was again rock hard she pushed me so that now I was on my back, mounted me like my cock was meant to be in her pussy, and then started bucking.

As Janice was riding me cowgirl I consciously noticed for the first time that she had an extremely credible pair of flopping ta-tas. I latched onto them as she rode me like she wanted to rip my dick off. When I felt myself starting to cum I let go of her tits and with finesse and maneuverability that I didn't know that I had stuck a finger from one hand into her asshole and flicked her clit several times with a finger from my other hand.