Phoenix Rising


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Tomorrow, I would ask him to switch sides so he could hold me.


During breakfast, I talked to him about our sleeping arrangements. That if I was going to be in my bed, I wanted to be on the left side so I could feel him next to me. It was where he positioned me, anyway, during our sessions. He agreed after some long consideration. But there was the stipulation that during the day, I should return to the recliner. He didn't want me rolling onto my left hip by accident. At night, he would wedge me in with pillows and blankets for protection on that side. I thanked him with a kiss, and then we moved back to the bedroom to start therapy.

Afterwards, Will got me situated in an upright position. He was reaching across me to swing my legs over the side of the bed when I stroked my right hand down his hip. He froze in his bent position, leaving his groin in proximity to my face. Purely by accident, mind you, but it was an opportunity I didn't think I should pass up. I realized that in my current condition, there was only one way to thank him for taking care of me: to take care of him.

His body trembled when I stroked him again, and he adjusted to grip the headboard over my head, his left hand still supporting him next to my right thigh. He was wearing his usual jeans, but I knew from personal experience that he could still feel the sensations of my fingers through the material. His hips swayed forward and then back. It was slight at first and then more pronounced.

When I tilted my head back, his gaze was cloudy. I started to pull my hand away, and his eyes closed, his lips pressing together tightly. At his soft groan, I touched him again but on the front of his hip this time. His jaw relaxed, and his tongue slipped out, licking his lips.

Slowly, I used my good hand to stroke him all over below the belt...except in the one area he was probably screaming in his head for me touch.

He was practically humping my face by the time that I moved to undo his belt. His hiss of an inhale had me smiling. Especially when he didn't let it out until I had lowered his zipper. That had taken considerable time, working with only one hand...and it had been shaking from arousal on my side.

My eyes lifted to his face again, I waited until he looked down at me before lightly caressing his bulge through his jeans. He whimpered at that. Pushed into my hand. I was the one to lick my lips this time.

I slid my hand inside the waist of his pants, feeling the elastic of his underwear. My fingers spread out over his cloth-covered hip while trying to move the heavier material away with the back of my hand. I whimpered, realizing this was not working the way I had hoped. "Help me, Will."

Five seconds later, he was standing nude over me, both layers of pants and underwear down at his ankles. His hands were back in their original positions. His body shook harder when I wrapped my fingers around his growing cock and lifted it.

"I'll be gentle," I whispered at his widening eyes. And I was.

Kissing him lightly all over and teasing with the tip of my tongue, I coaxed him to harden further. I stroked at the same time, varying the pressure. A rub of his rigid length or the soft head against my cheek. My tongue lapping from base to tip and then in reverse. All of it combined to achieve my goal.

His breaths were much heavier by the time I looked up at him again and opened my mouth. He groaned and dipped his hips as my lips surrounded his crown. The further down I moved, the deeper and louder his moans became.

I wish I had both hands free so I could cup and fondle his balls, but I made do with my one hand and my mouth.

"Meg..." he panted. He faltered over me, and then his left hand held the back of my head. Stroked my hair. His eyelids fought between closing and staying open, and his jaw clenched. "I can't...I'm trying, but I don't think I can..."

I hummed around his cock in my mouth, acknowledging what he was trying to tell me. That made him press his hips further toward my face. I was surprised he'd lasted this long after what had happened two nights ago. The position of his hand and my mouth ensuring I wouldn't lose him, I slid my hand over his groin and around his hip to his ass where I squeezed gently.

Three squeezes later, his hand in my hair fisted tighter and his cock throbbed between my lips, his breaths sounding like choking. Another squeeze and then he was gasping my name among various unintelligible sounds. I just stroked his skin with my fingers and thumb while he came on my tongue.

When he was done, he released his hold. I let him fall out of my mouth then leaned my forehead against his hip, clutching him to me. After several deep breaths, I blinked up at him. "How'd I do?"

His mouth moved several times, but nothing came out. He did lift his hand—albeit shakily—and smoothed my hair back from my sweaty face.

"That good, huh?" I giggled and pressed my lips to his hot skin. "Was that your first blow job?"

Will blinked down at me, shaking his head slightly.

"As good as the younger girls?" At his second shake, I ventured hopefully, "Better?"

His tongue darted out and licked his lips before he nodded.

I grinned wickedly. "Just wait until I have two hands."

The groan that came from him was definitely part whimper. Both hands in my hair, he drew his face to mine. For several long seconds, he just stared into my eyes. And then he kissed me softly.

I took his response that he liked my way of saying thanks.


A month later, I was almost fully recovered according to my doctor. The cast on my arm had been removed, and the X-ray on my hip had shown the fracture healed. But I needed to continue to be careful and keep up with my physical therapy for at least two more months, including now for my left wrist. Neither I nor my therapist would have a problem with that.

Will and I had sat down with Mack and Helena two weeks after our first intimate night together. I'd wanted to see if the feelings between us would remain or die away. They had actually become stronger. I'd been so nervous waiting for them to arrive. Will had seemed oddly at ease. To my surprise, they hadn't been surprised at all that we'd hooked up. They'd wondered if it would happen naturally if given the right circumstances. And they had been right. We'd received their full blessing and an abundance of well wishes for our future.

Trina, on the other hand, was still on the fence about me dating someone over thirty years younger. I think it was more of an issue that I had someone again and wouldn't want her around as much. But I assured her that I still needed my friend and as my business partner. There were lots of houses to flip in town. And I had it on good authority that there was an old tire store downtown that needed to be gutted and turned into office space with a gym for rehab in the near future. The new owner apparently only wanted two specific women in town to do the job.

Will got an apartment, but it was mostly for show and storage. He spent most of his nights with me. We remained intimate together, but I'd wanted to hold off on having sex until the doctor had cleared me. I didn't want to damage my hip.

I hadn't paid attention to the calendar when I'd made my appointment for my checkup. I don't think Will had either. It happened to be the thirteenth. The day before Valentine's. And my doctor had given me the all-clear. It was going to be my surprise for Will the following night.

When Will asked me if I wanted to go somewhere to celebrate, I told him Daddy Mack's. He laughed and asked if I was serious. No one went to a bar on V-Day. I assured him I was and we did. That Mack would be expecting nothing less than to see us the next night.

Sure enough, Mack had a table reserved for us when we arrived. He'd even found an old candle in a red glass for our centerpiece. We were in the middle of our pizza when Mack said he had to talk to Will about something really important that couldn't wait. We exchanged confused glances, and then the two of them disappeared into the storage room for five minutes. Will came back shaking his head but wearing a wide grin. He just said, "Later," when I asked him to explain.


Back at my house, we kissed nonstop from the front door to my bedroom. It might have had something to do with the fact that I'd let it slip on the ride home that we could have sex tonight. But only if he wanted to. No pressure.

He stopped at my bed and glanced around. "Do you think we should have some set the...ambiance? Candles? Music? Lingerie? I didn't think about this beforehand. I'm sorry. I've never thought much of this holiday."

"I don't need anything but you, Will." I kissed him softly, loving having both arms around his neck.

"Yeah, but it's Valentine's Day. How about candles, at least? You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I nodded, blushing. "Yes, that would be nice. I have some in the linen closet. There should be a butane lighter as well. Is there anything you need?"

His chuckle was warm and made me smile brighter. "Nope. Not even lingerie."

"Good, because you'd look a little silly in my red teddy."

"Wait, you have that?" He looked me up and down when I nodded coyly. "I changed my mind. I want to see you in it."

I tapped his nose with my fingertip. "You get the candles, I'll get the teddy. Meet you back here in five."

In the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror, fretting over how my body looked. I'd picked up the two-piece outfit yesterday after the visit to the doctor, but I'd had second thoughts about it. Will had already seen me completely naked. Maybe he didn't go for lingerie like older men. So I'd not brought it up. Now, though, there was no turning back. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair again then shut off the light and opened the door. Only to grip the doorframe and moan.

Will was lying completely naked on top of the bed in the dark. A dozen candles that did not belong to me were situated around the room, flickering away. The scent of patchouli and sandalwood filled the air, and my body did a little wave from the intoxicating blend.

He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on one elbow. "Surpri— Whoa!"

I glanced down and told myself not to feel self-conscious. I could tell by the way he licked his lips that he liked what he saw. How he move up onto his knees, and his cock rose with him.

"Come here," he said huskily, his hand out to me. "You're beautiful, Meg."

The desire to run to him flitted through my brain. But I took my time, enjoying the sight of him as he sunk down to sit on his heels. I even tried to sway my hips a little.

His chest heaved. His eyes sparkled. And the way his other hand automatically stroked his cock for a second made me smile.

Soon enough, I was kneeling on the bed before him with my right hand in his left, my left trembling at my side. We had been quite intimate over the weeks. Just before he had gone down on me for the first time, I'd been both in heaven and hell at the thought of what we were doing. What would my husband have thought if he'd known I'd been cavorting with a...child. But those thoughts had dissipated the moment Will kissed me between my legs and nudged at my clit with his tongue. My husband was gone. And the person before me was definitely not a child. Then or now.

Will lightly ran his lips over my knuckles, his eyes on mine the whole time. His other hand caressed me under my chin, tilting it up before his lips brushed mine. Another sweep drew a moan from my throat. The next sweep was with more pressure. While he kissed me, he placed my hand on his chest.

My thumb slid back and forth over his nipple. Though I knew he wasn't as sensitive as I was there, I knew he enjoyed it. He mirrored my pose by cupping my breast in his palm and stroking my nipple. His other hand cupped the back of my neck and held me just inches from him when I whimpered and arched away at his touch.

"You have no idea how many times I laid awake in my dorm room dreaming that this moment would become reality." His breath was hot as it whispered over my cheek and his eyes searched mine. "I still can't believe it's happening."

I moved my hand from his chest to place it over his hand still holding my breast. "Believe, Will."

He helped me lie down and then lie beside me. We kissed, softly at first while his hand roamed over the top of my teddy. But it became more sensual when he slid his hand under the sheer fabric and caressed my skin. Making me squirm and arch. To grip his arms as he leaned over me.

I felt as though in a dream myself when he removed my panties and kissed my belly button then my hips. My mound. And then I was moaning while his tongue then his fingers delved into my damp heat, circling my clit until I was calling his name. But even then, he did not cease.

Will moved over me while I was still cooing and trembling. His weight...his heat...his gentle touch as he parted my thighs. It felt so good. And then bliss infiltrated my mind—my very being—as he slid into me.

It was both awkward and incredibly amazing at the same time. As though it was my first time all over again. It took a minute for me to find my voice. But once I did, I patiently talked him through this new way of pleasing me. When to speed up and slow down. Where to touch me with his fingers...his mouth.

Through it all, I learned more about him, too. How he would dig in deeper when I stroked the back of his hips. That the sound of me whispering his name in his ear made him growl. And most importantly, he said he didn't care that my body was showing signs of my age when I brought up my flaws. He just wanted to worship me, regardless.

He couldn't seem to decide if he liked caressing my breasts or hips better, shifting between the two, driving my level of desire up even higher. Especially when he nuzzled my neck at the same time. And then I added in the mix of offering him my thigh when I pressed my knees to his hips. Oh, what glorious sensations were running through me all at once.

At some point, he pushed the material of the teddy up and out of the way, his mouth descending on my breast as though it were manna from Heaven. My nipples ached for his touch. For the way he laved them with his tongue and brought them between his lips to suck on them.

Once we found our rhythm, he had no problem taking charge. Reminding me that he was very much a man despite his younger age. In fact, his virility was something I looked forward to experiencing much more often.

The ripples spreading out from where we were connected grew stronger the longer he made love to me. When I came for the second time tonight, he froze, apparently shocked by the feeling of my inner muscles gripping and releasing his cock.

"Will..." I gasped. "Don't stop! Please! Oh, God!"

Whatever had come over him, he snapped out of it a second later when I clawed at his back. And then he was moving inside me again. Bringing me more pleasure. Prolonging my release.

We'd already discussed that I couldn't have kids. That when the time was right for us to take this next step, I wanted all of him. To not hold back. Tonight, he did not disappoint.

Maybe it was my second orgasm. Maybe he'd finally believed that his dream no longer had to remain just in his head. All I know is, he ramped up the passion. Kissed me with reckless abandon.

He cried out my name, his face buried in my neck, when he found release. His gasps and grunts filled my head. And his hips continued to thrust against mine for a short time before he collapsed on my chest, absently kissing whatever he could reach.

I just stroked my fingers through his hair and held him to me. Pressing my lips to his sweaty forehead.


We were still lying in each other's arms almost an hour later, the sweet smell of sex and candles lingering in the air. Neither of us had said anything, at least not in words. Our fingers and lips had said spoken volumes in the silence. Expressed affection. Appreciation. And ultimately, acceptance for what we had between us.

But now, I propped myself up on my right elbow and stared down into Will's eyes. "What did Mack have to tell you tonight that was so important?"

He put his left arm behind his head and smiled up at me. "That if I ever find myself needing to apologize or make up with you, I should never give you flowers. Ever. No matter what. He wouldn't explain but said it was something I needed to always remember. I told him I was damn lucky I hadn't already given you flowers, but I wouldn't let something like that come between us. That it probably would have been a good idea to have mentioned it when we first told him we were dating."

"Cut him some slack." I grinned up at him. "He is an old guy, remember? They get forgetful."

Will chuckled. "Well, Mack about had a heart attack when I admitted that I had a bag of red rose petals in my trunk. I was going to scatter them all over the bed and make love to you tonight on top of them—in whatever capacity we were able to. I had to calm him down and promise to not let you see them."

I threw my head back and laughed. "He did look a little pale when you guys came back out."

Will rolled me onto my back and casually stroked his hand from my cheek downward. By the time he'd reached my breast, my inhales had become sharper. At my hip, he said huskily, "There was something else."

I held my breath, my hands twitching at my sides.

"I told Mack I'd be honored to be there for you...take care of you. Because after all you've been through, you deserve to rise and soar again. I'd like to be the one to help you, if you'll let me."

I couldn't speak—not only from his touch, but also from his words.

His lips brushed mine. "It's not a proposal, Meg. Not yet. But it is a promise. Okay?"

Amid the arousal building inside, a sense of peace settled over me while we stared into each other's eyes. I managed to nod slightly.

I took his low moan while his mouth descended on mine and his arms slid sensually around my body as a good sign that he was happy with my answer. And so was I.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Yes! Very satisfying! I loved the glimpse into these dear people's lives. Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A well written story. But I think it is totally based on a false premise.

Given Meg's negative frame of mind I cannot see her yielding to pressure from the hospital and her friends about having to remain in hospital or being forced to take Will with her against her wishes.

I know that you can easily discharge your own self from hospital providing you sign a waiver of responsibility. In other words your health will be your own responsibility, not the hospitals. Unless your absence from medical care is considered to be immediately life threatening.

Maybe different states/countries have different rules, but I know I signed myself out of hospital after a car accident just so so I could attend my mates drunken 21st party. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Childish huh.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicalmost 5 years ago
Very nice!

This story took me outside my usual genre, but it still has all the elements that make a great romance. Five stars all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well written, but...

It is a well-written, imaginative piece of erotica, but as someone who has worked in the medical field for many years, I had real trouble getting aroused, reading about a young man so willing to violate the ethics of his profession. Should anyone— say, one of Meg’s jealous competitors— report their relationship to the State Board, he would lose his license to practice in a heartbeat.

If he doesn’t care about the ethics of his profession, will his personal ethics be any better?

SoazoldmanSoazoldmanover 5 years ago
Nice story

Very good background. Women in their 50s are very passionate sexually. Great writing.

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