Photographer Ch. 07


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"How does the voice know who is in which seat?" Annie asked.

"I don't know. Let's ask."

Annie pressed the communication button on the steering wheel and a voice asked, "What can I do for you Annie?" Annie asked the question and the voice responded by their weight. "The seats can weight you within one gram. Is there anything else I can do for you Annie?"

"That is all for now." Annie looked at Greg and said, "I could fall in love with the voice."

The first thing Greg did when they arrived back at the villa was to install the new software into his computer. He had just put Ms. Darling's number into the computer when it activated indicating that she was making a call. The call was to an exotic lingerie store in Florence to order the outfits for the prostitutes that were to wear while serving or servicing Mr. Blair and his two top customers. They were instructed to deliver them to each of three women by the end of the day. She gave them the three names and addresses of the prostitutes. Fifteen minutes later Annie called the store identifying herself as Ms. Darling's secretary and said there had been a change in plans and gave the store a new shipping address. The address was to Attorney Barker's office in the states. This was just too easy. Ms. Darling then called each of the prostitutes and gave them their orders and told them what they would be paid for the evening's service. As always, the payment would be wire transferred to their bank accounts following successful completion of their assignments. Greg looked up the history of the prostitutes and determined that they had each only worked for Ms. Darling once before. She was paying them double for this gig, what they had made the first time. It was amazing the detail that Ms. Darling kept in what she thought was her secure database. Photos, sexual specialties and what reports she had gotten on their services rendered. These three were certainly beautiful women who would excite any man with blood running through his veins.

Greg said, "We need to go to a bank to get some Italian currency.

Annie said, "We got currency exchanged at the airport. I haven't spent any of mine. What do need more money for?"

"We are going to go payoff the three women not to show up." Greg printed out the information on each prostitute.

"It sure is fun working with you. I never know what you are going to think of next."

On the way to the first house they rehearsed what they were going to say. They would identify themselves as investigators working on a case against Ms. Darling. Annie would be the translator if the women did not speak English. It would also allow her to tell the women things that were personal or private and the women would think that Greg did not know what was being said.

They would promise the women that as long as they co-operated, they would be kept out of the investigation. The women would be told not to show up for the gig. Annie would pay each woman double the amount that Mrs. Darling had promised for co-operating in the investigation. Nothing else would be required of them. They found each of the prostitutes and they were all happy to receive the money and each asked if they were sure they would not be arrested. They left each woman a pager number in case anything went wrong.

Annie had driven to each of the houses. They changed drivers after the last stop. When they got in the car, the seats and mirrors automatically adjusted. They gave the voice the address of a restaurant for dinner and told the voice to take control. Greg just sat back and the car moved away from the curb and progressed to the restaurant obeying all traffic lights and traffic cops. If a car cut them off, the voice just adjusted or compensated faster than a human could react.

The voice said, "Your restaurant is just around the corner. Would you like me to find a parking space?" They both confirmed they would like the voice to find a parking space. It did not seem like it would be an easy task. The voice pulled stopped the car beside a parking space that appeared to be too short and the car just slid in sideway. Greg thanked the voice for the nice ride and they went inside.

The quaint restaurant had a lot of character. It was small and they received a lot of service. The chef actually came to their table after they had ordered to see if they had any special request for the veal and lamb dishes they had ordered. Of course both meals came with pasta under a real delicate sauce. When they finished dinner, they were both ready to call it a day. It was great that the voice could actually take them home.

The alarm went off at 5:00. Greg got up and reset the alarm for 7:00 for Annie. Greg waited outside so that Caterina would not wake up Annie when she arrived and arrive she did in a yellow Masserati Convertible. Greg had his camera equipment and a bag with a swimsuit and change of clothes, not know what the day might bring. It was still dark, so Greg assumed they might be driving for a while before they arrived at the photo site.

When he got in the car, she leaned over and gave him a kiss and asked, "Are you ready for your first sunrise in Italy?"

"I sure am and I am also ready to hear you scream."

Caterina smiled and zoomed out of the driveway. Running through the gears and around the curves, they arrived at the destination in less than 10 minutes. She pulled up on the beach next to a permanent cabana. They went into the cabana and found candles lit and music playing.

Caterina turned to Greg and said, " I would love to scream before sunrise." Their lips met and their hands were exploring each other's bodies. Greg picked her up and carried her to the bed. She pulled her hooded sweatshirt over her head exposing two beautiful breasts.

"Wow, they are beautiful" Greg said as he caressed one and took the other one in his mouth. Since sunrise was less than 30 minutes away, they did not have a lot of time for foreplay. Greg pulled Caterina's slacks off exposing the pussy he had fingered on the plane. He immediately introduced her to the skill he had developed of driving women crazy with his tongue. As promised, it was not long before her body responded and she began to scream. He was glad they were in a secluded spot. He removed his slacks and heard her gasp when she saw the size of his erection and remembered how it had filled her mouth on the plane.

"Oh my!" she said. Greg didn't waste any time getting his cock into her pussy. She screamed two more times before Greg shot a load of cum deep inside her body.

As they were both resting from the frantic lovemaking, he asked, "So where do you want your picture taken?"

"There is a great rock formation very close. She got up, put on a pair of slacks and a top that covered her tits, but not much else. She had a bag with other possibilities including a string bikini. As they exited the cabana, the sky was just starting to gain the morning color. They selected a spot with a peninsula that jutted out providing a small amount of water to the East. Greg positioned Caterina against a rock with the sun coming up providing a profile sun lit shot. Their timing was perfect as the sun rose 3 minutes after he positioned her for the shot. As the sun was rising, he talked her through changing position, and her hair. His camera was flying at 23 pictures a second. He told her to remove her top and cover her tits with her hair. As she moved, the nipples peeped out through her hair.

Caterina changed into a bikini and he took pictures of her posing against the rock formations, on a blanket and running through the surf. Then they began a series of nude shots outside and inside the cabana.

Once the photo shoot was over, Greg started to undress and said, "You shouldn't be the only one not wearing any clothes." There was no rush now, so they spent an hour in foreplay before she mounted him and rode the bucking bronco. As she was riding the monster, he did his part to hold her on with both hands full of two of her outstanding features.

They got dressed and spent the rest of the morning with Caterina giving Greg a tour of many of the fascinating places that most tourists never see. They played the role of typical tourists with him taking her picture, her taking his picture and perfect strangers taking the picture of them together.

They sat at an outdoor café for lunch and he told her about his vision of producing movies and special effects. She told him about life as a child in Italy and that she is married to a wonderful man. "We have a very open marriage," she said. She said her husband worked in the travel industry. She then suggested that he and Annie join them at their home for dinner.

Greg called Annie on her cell phone to check on her plans for the evening. She said that would be great and that she was looking forward to meeting Caterina's husband.

Greg asked, "Where are you? It sounds very noisy."

"I am 5,000 feet up. I will see you I come back to earth." Greg could not imagine what she was talking about.

After Greg had left, Annie had slept another 2 hours. Just as she was waking up, the doorbell rang. She panicked, hoping it was not Andino already. She put on a robe and went to answer the door.

"Good morning Miss Annie, I am here to cook your breakfast. My name is Giuseppe and I will be available to prepare special meals for you while you are here. I know what Andino likes and I am sure you will like it also."

Annie thanked him and went to take her shower and get ready to greet Andino. She carefully picked out what she would wear. The bra that Antonio fitted her for really displayed her breasts to the utmost. They had amazing lift and the fabric was soft enough to accentuate her nipples. She wondered how much her matching underwear costs. Nothing in Saks had a price tag and the bills went directly to Mrs. Blair. That underwear probably cost more than most of her suits or dresses. But it sure did feel and look good. Since she had no idea where Andino was planning to take her today, she decided to wear a casual dress and the new Italian cork wedge shoes she found in a little shop on the way from the airport.

She was coming down the stairs as Andino rang the doorbell. This was the first time she had seen him out of his pilot's uniform and he was very handsome in casual clothes.

After they greeted each other, he said, "It appears Giuseppe is here. I can always tell his cooking by the aroma. His dishes are unique in all of Tuscany. And you my I might say are absolutely beautiful in that dress. I am looking forward to showing you the Italy I love today.

Giuseppe came from the kitchen to greet Andino. They greeted with the tradition kissing both of each other cheeks. "I have made your favorite pepperoni soufflé. Turning to Annie, he said, "I hope you like pepperoni."

"Yes, that is what I always have on my pizza, but I never had it for breakfast."

Andino said, "You will love it." When they walked into the dining room, the table was loaded with fruits, breads and choice of juices. After they were seated, Giuseppe brought them each a cup of cappuccino.

As Annie, sipped the cappuccino, she said, "They don't make it like this in the college dorms."

With great pride, Giuseppe brought his steaming hot soufflé to the table. After confirming they had everything they needed, Giuseppe excused himself, to give them privacy during their meal.

"Giuseppe could turn me into a breakfast person," Annie said. "I am usually running late in the morning and either skip breakfast or grab a donut on the way to class."

"In Italy, the day does not begin until one has had breakfast!" Andino replied.

"My mother always said 'Breakfast is the most important meal,' but somehow I always seem to busy."

"And what else did your mother tell you/"

"She told me to never miss the opportunity to spend a day in Italy with a gorgeous man!" They both laughed and enjoyed their meal.

Following breakfast, Andino drove them to a small airport. "The only way to see Italy is from the air." He escorted her to a Cessna Skyhawk that was warmed up and waiting. The mechanic confirmed the plane had been checked for the entire preflight checklist and was ready to go. Once they were situated, Andino taxied to the end of the runway and did the entire run-up checklist and called the tower for clearance to takeoff.

Annie had never been in a single engine plane, so she was both a little nervous and excited at the same time.

Once they were in the air, Andino said "Isn't this nicer than those big planes?"

"I can see everything so clearly, I wish I had brought a camera."

"There is a gyro camera mounted to the bottom of the plane. The control is right in front of you. Take all the pictures you want."

"Can we get a picture of our villa?" Andino turned the plane and flew past the villa so that she could see it and recognizes it from the air and then flew a downwind and base leg pattern as though he was setting up for a landing. This positioned the villa straight ahead of them. Annie was able to center it in her monitor and take 6 pictures as they approached it and flew over it. They repeated the procedure for the Blair's villa.

They gained altitude to get a better overview of a larger area. It was absolutely beautiful to see how the countryside blended. Annie's cell phone rang. It was Greg with the invitation to have dinner with Caterina and her husband.

As they were flying over and around Rome, the monitor for the camera went dark and a beeper sounded. Andino explained that the airspace over the Vatican was restricted airspace.

After three hours of crisscrossing back and forth across Italy, Andino landed at a small airport right along the Tyrrhenian Sea. A man was there to meet him with a jeep. They drove to a secluded beach. Andino took a blanket and picnic basket to the water's edge. After he spread out the blanket, they had a light lunch, watched the birds and listened to the sound of nature. From where they were located, you could not see any signs of man made objects except the jeep.

"How about a swim?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"You are in Italy. We do not require bathing suits here." Andino walked over to the jeeps, removed all his clothes, placing them on the seat of the jeep and ran headlong into the surf.

Annie just sat there for a moment and then figured "When in Italy, do as the Italians do." She followed Andino's lead and joined him.

He watched with great interest as the beautiful nude body came running across the beach. He started to go over to her, but she avoided him and swam away. He tried to swim after her, but she was the better swimmer and turned it into a game. When he would get close, she would splash water in his face and then swim away. Annie was the fastest swimmer on the college swim team. She got too close on one pass and he grabbed her foot as she tried to swim away.

The came together and their lips met with their nude bodies against each other. He picked her up and carried her to the blanket. Their hands explored each other's bodies until they both knew it was time to join bodies. As he rose above her, she guided his cock into her body. It wasn't long before both of their bodies erupted with orgasms simultaneously. He rolled off of her and they were both panting, trying to get their breath. They took another swim and dried off with towels that were conveniently in the jeep and got dressed.

As they were driving back to the plane, Annie said, "That was wonderful!"

"The picnic, the swim or the sex?"


Andino asked Anna if she would like to fly the plane. She looked at him in amazement. He said, "I have my pilot trainer's license, so if you would like to learn to fly, this could be your first lesson.

"I would love to learn to fly."

When they got back to the plane, Andino showed her everything a pilot has to do for the preflight checklist. She sat in the pilot's seat and he explained all the instruments, dials yoke, pedals, etc. Then he showed her how to start the engine and taxi to the end of the runway. She held the breaks and ran up the engine for the final checklist. Next, they moved on to the runway and she assumed he would take over. However, he told to just increase the power and as they started to move he told her to steer with her feet, like she had done when they taxied to the end of the runway. He told her to gently pull back on the yoke when the speed got to 100 kilometers.

Suddenly she realized they were off the ground and climbing into the air. She was sure that he must be controlling it somehow, but when she looked at him, he had both hands in his lap and both feet flat on the floor.

"I am flying an airplane," she said, almost in a whisper.

"Yes you are and you are doing it very well. When you get to 1900 on the altimeter, push ahead slightly on the yoke." She watched the dial that was rapidly increasing until it reached 1900 feet. When she pushed ahead slightly, the rate of climb slowed.

He told her to level off at 2000. It went slightly past and as she pushed forward it went slightly below 2000. He didn't say anything, but let her work with it until she was staying level. Then he explained how to turn and how to fly straight and level.

"Now, I want you to make a very slight turn to the left and climb to 2500 and level off." She couldn't believe, she could really do it, but she did. "Great, you are going to be a good student to teach."

At the end of 45 minutes, he said, "Now all we have to do is find the airport and land" She suddenly realized that she had been concentrating so hard on flying the plane, she had no idea where they were.

"At some point, you will learn to find it with the instruments, but for now we need to find landmarks. We are South of the airport, so we can fly along the coast. Look for a huge water tower that is painted red, white and green."

"I see the water tower"

Andino called the control tower to get permission to land. The control tower operator gave the co-ordinates to fly crosswind, downwind, base leg and runway. Andino told her she would fly that pattern dozens of times during her lessons.

He took over so she could watch the dials and how he adjusted the power. It was a perfect landing. They taxied to the hanger, where the mechanic took the plane and they drove back to Greg and Annie's Villa. He gave her the memory card from the plane's camera for Greg to see how well his sister can take pictures..

As he walked her to the door, he kissed her and said he hoped he would see her soon.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Keep focus

Good series but get back to the blackmailing husband

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
You should add...

...a Sci-Fi/Fantasy tag. The Lamborghini is a nice car, but it still can't drive itself... or move sideways. Overall I like the series and I usually don't care for incest stories. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
why greg pay the hookers

how can he catch mr.blair,if the hooker aren't in action.

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