Piss Punishment

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He is convicted to public piss humiliation.
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This is a story of disgusting piss drinking, stinking unwashed bodies, and week-long forced public humiliation of a group of people running amiss of the law. You have been warned.

"We have begun our decent towards Palm International Airport. Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, that your seat is in the upright position, and that your table is securely stowed."

Palm was one of the new small Mediterranean island states, formed after the events of '25. It's economy was mainly based on tourism, with the southeastern side of the island being a permanent beach party for the young and beautiful, while a more mature and sedate customer base frequented the northwest, famous for both culture and nature. Very few tourists were willing to admit - even to themselves - that they also came due to the unique way Palm was punishing its criminals. Petty crimes, such as speeding or picking pockets, usually resulted in the perpetrator being marched naked up and down the streets for a day or two. More serious crimes were punished in longer and more humiliating ways.

The European Human Right's Court has condemned the penal code of Palm, to no avail. And when the daughter of the US ambassador was found guilty of fraud and convicted to 72 hours of non-stop public groping, a minor international crisis resulted. It was, however, difficult for the US to do much about it, in particular since the ambassador, his wife and his daughter had jointly published a video just one week prior, where they praised the Palm penal code and suggested that similar laws be passed in the US.

Some have speculated that fear of being punished in such barbaric ways would scare away tourists. It probably did, but it attracted more people than it repelled.

John did not mind admitting that he hoped to see a bunch of naked women marched down the main street. And hopefully he would witness a major public punishment. He had masturbated more than once to the internet video of the French Women's Football Team being forced to rape each other with strap-on dildos. They had partied so hard that they not only trashed their hotel, they had actually burned it down.

John was 21 years old, and going to the party side of the island for a week of drinking, partying, frolicking on the beaches, and watching naked women being humiliated. He would be careful not to run afoul of the law himself, he would be discreet when smoking his weed, and would not sell any of it, only give it to friends he expected to make during the week. He had been very careful when packing, the weed was in a well-camouflaged and completely airtight container, he was not taking any unnecessary risks!

John felt elated when he exited the plane. His red suitcase soon appeared on the carousel, and he walked through customs.

"Sir! You with the red suitcase. Please step over here." The otherwise sleepy-looking customs officer was calling him over.

"Can we see your suitcase. Do you have anything illegal in it?"

"Sure. And no, I don't."

"Do you smoke weed?"

Why is he asking that, John thought. He was getting ever so slightly worried.

"Occasionally at home. Never when traveling," he said, deciding that in the unlikely case a drug dog had smelled anything he would do better with a rational explanation. But that should not be possible, the container was really sealed.

"Let's hope that is what our dog smelled. Please open the suitcase."

John complied, and the customs officer began poking at his belonging with a weird white stick. It beeped. He pulled our a can.

"Olivia's Olives," he read aloud from the label. "Either you were smoking when you packed this, or there are no olives in the can."

John's heart sank as the customs officer produced a can opener, and opened his can of weed.

"This, young man, is enough weed to charge you not just with possession, but with intent to distribute a controlled substance. You are under arrest. Anything you say may be used against you, and you have the right to remain silent. You have the right to a lawyer, and to be presented in front of a judge within 24 hours. I suggest you come along peacefully, if you resist or attempt to escape, we will handcuff you and charge you with resisting arrest."

Four hours later John had been checked into the local jail, and was meeting with a lawyer. The lawyer explained that possession with intend to distribute was sufficiently serious that he was facing not only public sexual humiliation, but also nine to fifteen months of jail time. John cried, and explained how he only intended to hand out weed to friends, not to sell it. The lawyer would try to sell that as a mitigating circumstance, but he was not too optimistic. If he was really lucky, he would get away with a third degree sexual humiliation sentence.

And that was what happened. The next morning he was presented before a judge. His lawyer did a good job convincing the court that John had no intention of selling the weed, and since the amount was not that large, the judge accepted it. He was convicted to third degree humiliation, and all his luggage was impounded.

A first degree sentence meant being walked naked through busy streets for one or two days. Second degree was more creative humiliation for three or four days. Third degree meant one to three weeks of public sexual humiliation. And part of the punishment was that he would neither be informed exactly what would be done to him, nor for how long.

John was taken to a cell, where he had to spend three days until the punishment would begin - third degree humiliations were not held every day. He was dressed in a yellow rough jumpsuit, and his only entertainment were some not very good novels from the jail library. The food was bad, but not as bad as he had expected, and there was enough of it. To be honest, the canteen at his work had served worse on occasion.

On the night of the third day he was informed that the punishment would begin the next morning. He was woken up at six thirty, had a solid breakfast, and at half past seven he was led into the prison courtyard with a bunch of fellow prisoners, and told to strip. He stripped, and looked at his fellow convicts.

They were six men and eight women. Most of the men were in their twenties, but one looked like he was around sixty. Most of the women were young, too, but two looked like they were in their fifties, and one in her thirties.

They were all fitted with metal yokes around their necks and wrists, holding their arms out to the sides. Then they were placed in a long line, mostly alternating men and women, and chained together. Two chains from the ends his the yoke tied it to the yoke of the young woman in front of him, and two chains to the yoke of the middle-aged woman behind him.

"Now the first phase of your punishment will begin," a guard announced. "You will walk naked to the main square, where the main punishment will be administered. The walk will take around two hours, as we will make detours through the busiest part of town."

At exactly eight o'clock the prison gate was opened, and they were led out. A small crowd has collected outside, so they left the prison to shouts of "whore" and "pervert". In front of them walked two guards with gongs, they would strike them regularly, but at least they were not shouting "Shame!" as in Game of Thrones.

They walked along one of the main roads leading into town, the cars honking as they passed. Then they walked down streets with more pedestrian traffic, down the main shopping street, through two different malls and a market place. John felt humiliated walked naked through the crowds, but he felt he would survive. It would get worse, he knew, but for now he could take comfort in walking behind a naked woman with an unusually nice ass.

Finally they arrived at the main square, a large open square by the beach, with many restaurants and bars with outdoor serving, all with a good view to the stage in the center of the square. John shuddered when he saw the contraption on the scene, surely intended for their humiliation although the details were not obvious. There were seven strange chairs with high but narrow back rests, and very worrying with a large black dildo mounted on each chair. Higher up was something looking like strangely shaped saddles, also with dildos, and further up still some tables. All held in place by a scaffolding of adjustable metal rods.

Seven names were pulled at random, John's was one of them. He was led to chair number four, and lube was applied to the dildo before he was ordered to sit down. He did not want to, but he even less wanted to be forced down on the dildo, so he grabbed his ass cheeks with his hands, pulled them apart, and slowly lowered himself until he felt the cold tip of the dildo pressing against his anus. He had never been pegged, nor had he ever had anal with a girlfriend, but he knew he had to try to relax. Slowly, very slowly, he sat down and let the dildo enter his ass. It was not pleasant, but at least it did not hurt when he did it slowly enough, and soon he was sitting with a strange feeling in his ass. Almost as if he really needed to shit, but not quite. And he could feel the dildo press against his prostate.

Then men and women came, spread their legs and tied their shins together. His left shin was tied to the right shin of the elderly gentleman sitting next to him, he was sobbing and tears were running down his chins. John's right shin was tied to the left shin of a black girl in the chair to his right, she had a stoic but stern expression on her face. In front of him was a large empty tub.

Around them, a large audience has gathered, and as they were sitting naked with their legs spread, John felt exposed and humiliated. Then a man picked up a microphone, and spoke both to them and to the audience.

"Welcome to today's show, where these fourteen unfortunate criminals will be punished. The theme of their punishment is 'piss', and to increase the entertainment value we have arranged it as a competition.

"Prisoners: Seven of you have been placed in chairs with a tub in front of each of you. Once a signal is given, you may begin pissing into the tubs. A timer will be started, it is set for a random interval between four and ten hours. You will not know how long it is set for until half an hour before it expires, where you will be informed for the final sprint.

"To piss you will need water, that is where your partners come in. Each of you will be given a partner of the opposite sex, except one of the ladies who will get another lady as partner, sorry about that. The partners will have unlimited access to watermelon and beer, but they will have to pass the water on to you.

"When the timer runs out, the couple who has delivered the most piss will win. The price is to proceed to the last phase of the punishment, the rest come back here for another round tomorrow. So I recommend winning as early as possible, not only does is shorten this most unpleasant part of your punishment, it will also shorten the last phase. The third phase will take one more day than the second, so if you win today the third phase will take two days, if you win tomorrow it will take three, etc. The four unfortunate people left for the sixth day will both proceed to the third phase, but the winning couple will only get seven days of phase three, while the losers will get nine. Imagine that, six days of phase two humiliation and nine days of phase three. I do not recommend losing!"

Then the last seven prisoners were assigned as their partners. The old guy next to John got a thirty-some year old woman, the black girl next to him a young guy. John's partner was a woman in her early twenties. The dildo on the seat in front of him was lubricated, and then she was told to slowly sit down on it. It held her fast so she could not move on the seat. Then she was told to spread her legs and put them over John's shoulders. A few screws in the contraption were loosened, and her seat was moved forward until her shaven pussy was pressed against John's lower face. Then the screws were tightened again.

The long narrow back of his seat prevented John from moving his face away, and her thighs prevented him from moving it sideways. The dildo in her ass prevented her from moving in the seat, so they had no choice but to sit there with his nose and mouth pressed against her smooth slit. He looked up, and between her naked breasts he could see her blushing face.

A horn blasted, and a voice announced, "You may begin pissing, eating and drinking."

John did not have much in his bladder, but he might as well get it out and start filling that damned tub. He did not want to spend more days than necessary like this! He began pissing into the tub, and could hear the people next to him doing the same. Above him, he heard the girl open a can of beer and quaff it.

Then she spoke for the first time, "I have some pee in my bladder. Should I pass it on to you now, or dilute it with beer first. It may be quite nasty, but we need to get as much liquid into you as possible if we are to win this."

"I'll better take it in small servings. Let's do it. But slowly, so I can swallow it."

John opens his mouth so it covers most of her pussy. Moments later, his mouth is filled with warm and bitter pee. He gags, but manages to swallow the first mouthful. Then she fills up his mouth again. And again. Just when John feels that he cannot take more without vomiting, the flow stops.

"Was is bad?"

"Yes, awful. But I'll live. What's your name, by the way. I am John."


"Hi Melissa. I hope you don't get insulted if I don't say 'Nice to meet you'"

Melissa laughs. Then she opens another beer.

She is on her third beer when she places her hand in John's hair. "I have something for you now."

John sealed his lips around her pussy, and she pissed into his mouth. It was less foul this time, more diluted. But John still gagged. He managed to drink it all. Five minutes after, she was ready to piss again. Just a mouthful, but it all counted. John let go of his own bladder, and deposited a cupful or two in the tub.

John lost track of time. Again and again, Melissa would fill his mouth with pee, he would drink it, and piss in the tub. She stirred.

"Eh John, are you still there?" Her voice was slurred now, she was clearly drunk. "This must be a new sad record. I have never had a mouth on my pussy for this long without coming! Do something about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Make me come."

John was in doubt. Did he really want to do this? But why not... He began licking her folds with his tongue, and to suck her rather large clit. She began panting. He could feel his own erection rising. She twisted a bit in her seat, but the dildo in her ass held her fixed. Then she came. She squirted into his mouth, and he swallowed it. He could feel that he was coming himself, without even having touched his own dick. He wondered at the taste of her cum, he had always believed that girl-cum was just piss, but the taste was clearly different, and much better.

Then he remembered the audience and the cameras placed around the site, transmitting directly to the internet. The whole world had just seen him ejaculate after eating out a girl who has repeatedly pissed in his mouth. He pressed his face into her crotch, and cried.

John completely lost track of how many times she had pissed in his mouth, but before the day was over he had made her come twice more. He had not come himself again, and did not want to touch himself in these circumstances.

"There are now thirty minutes left of the competition. Today, the total time is five hours and thirty-four minutes." The amplified voice rang over the main square and the surrounding beaches. Above him, John could hear Melissa desperately munching water melon. Some of the juice ran down her chins and dripped onto her naked breasts, before running down her belly. Only a few drops reached her pussy and Johns mouth.

During the last half hour, she pissed five more times, and John six times, daring not to leave anything in his bladder when the time would run out.

Then the horn blared.

"The competition is over, and your piss has been weighted. The winners are couple number six, Peter and Mariah."

Once again, John buried his face in Melissa's crotch and cried. But he did not have long, then they were helped down from this awful contraption. John's ass was sore, and it was a relief feeling the dildo being pulled out as he rose from the seat.

They all had to stand before the contraption. Melissa was so drunk that she had problems standing, she put her arm over John's shoulder and he held the naked girl tight with his right arm.

A large pickup-truck with a metal framework arrived. The winners were placed on the back, their ankles tied to the sides and their arms to the metal framework above them, so they both stood spread-eagled and exposed, facing forward, with the woman in front of the man. Then the pickup left.

"Losers, please use the toilets, it's your only chance to shit before tomorrow evening. And you may wash your hands, but only your hands. Once you are done shitting, you will be taken to the Aquarium, where you will spend the night."

After they had all used the toilets, they were marched down to the beach, walking two and two. John had to support Melissa, she could hardly walk after so many beers. Soon they saw the 'aquarium': six large glass cages on the beach, each one meter wide, one and a half meter high, and three meters long. In each cage there was a mattress covered by a white sheet.

The cages were placed with fifteen meters between them, and inquisitive viewers were already in position everywhere. Two couples were placed in two of the aquariums, and then John and Melissa in the third.

"You will be given dinner in an hour, and breakfast just before you are taken to another day of the pissing competition. Until then, you will be fully visible for all who want to look at you. And there is a single rule you must obey: you must have full sexual intercourse at least once before breakfast. Fail to do so, and you both will be given a one-hour supplementary ass-fucking with a machine dildo tomorrow."

The guards closed their aquarium. They say side by side on the mattress. The air was stuffy and quite hot, but at least the sun was not shining. A small pipe was pumping fresh air into the aquarium, not as much as they would like, but enough that they would not suffocate.

Melissa let herself fall backwards onto the mattress.

"Why don't you f... fuck me... fuck me before I get sober. That ass-fucking sounded bad."

She got into position on the bed, and spread her legs. To his surprise, John found that he actually wanted to fuck her, in spite of the spectators outside the glass. He had been drinking her vile piss, and licking her until they both came. In spite of that, or perhaps because of that, he was already getting hard.

He moved in between her legs, placed the tip of his dick at her shaved twat, and slowly entered her. She was very wet, and smiled as he entered her. She was also way too drunk to do much herself, she was basically lying like a starfish while John fucked her until he came inside her. Outside the cage, the audience applauded.

They laid together for a short while, then a guard came with two dinner trays, and opened the glassy end of the aquarium. Melissa struggled to sit up, and they both took their trays.

"Can I wash my hands before I eat?" John asked.

"I need to pee," Melissa said.

The guard did not answer, he just closed the aquarium. Each dinner was a large and well-made hamburger with fries, much more tasty than what John had got during the few days in jail.

After dinner they both peed on the floor at the foot-end of the mattress, there was just barely space for that, and then they had nothing to do but to lie down on the mattress. John spooned Melissa, and soon she was fast asleep and snoring. It was still early, and John laid awake for at least an hour, feeling the warmth from the woman's skin. Eventually, sleep overcame him.