Playing With Fire Ch. 01


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"I can just tell by the way you two have been sitting at the bar all night, keeping to yourselves, talking quietly, looking around the room like you're not sure you should be here."

He smiled, and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "It's okay, we were all newbies at one point in time."

"Newbies," I repeated. "Yeah, I guess we are."

"My wife, Candy, is around here somewhere," he said, scanning the room with his hand over his eyes. Upon hearing her name, I couldn't help but wonder if he were using an alias, as I had originally considered.

As he looked for her, Beth rejoined me at the bar. I introduced the two of them, and couldn't help but notice the gleam in Roger's eyes as he shook Beth's hand.

Roger signaled toward the other end of the bar and waved over his wife. As Candy approached us, the first thing I noticed was how tall she was. With her high heels, she was at least as tall as me - perhaps an inch or two taller. She had long, blonde hair that was several shades lighter than natural. Her breasts appeared a little too perfect to be natural as well, and the dress she wore revealed that she was no stranger to the gym.

Rather than shaking our hands, she gave each of us a warm hug, and surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. I had one of those awkward moments where I half-kissed the air, and then doubled-back to try to kiss her cheek, missing once again. I had to admit, I was flustered.

"I just love your shoes!" Candy said to Beth in a sweet Southern accent. "Where did you get them?"

For the next hour or so, the two ladies continued to discuss shoes and clothing, while Roger and I filled each other in on our backgrounds. Like Beth and I, they had been married for over twenty years. They had two children, one of whom was still living at home. He worked in construction, while Candy was a Pilates instructor.

"So, how long have you been in the lifestyle?" I asked, trying to impress him with the lingo I had learned in my three days of research.

"Man, I hate that term: 'lifestyle'," he said. "It may be a lifestyle for some people, but not for us. It's more like a hobby. Some couples like to get together to go bowling. Some like to go hiking, camping, or riding motorcycles. We like to fuck."

With that, he gave me another hearty laugh and a slap on my shoulder.

"We've been doing this for...let's see...about two years now," he said, taking a swig of beer. "How about you? I know this is your first time here, but have you ever done anything like this before?"

I shook my head. "Nope. We're swinging virgins."

He laughed again. "Well, I envy you. You have a hell of an adventure in store for you."

"We haven't really decided anything yet," I explained. "We're just kind of sticking our toe in the water right now."

"That's smart," he said. "It isn't a decision you should make lightly. Take your time, and make sure you're on the same page at all times."

An old 80's tune began playing, and I felt myself being yanked back to the dance floor. Beth's dancing had become a little more erratic, and her nose was red - a telltale sign that the wine had its effect on her. The music was too loud for us to have a conversation, so I simply enjoyed the dance.

Roger and Candy joined us on the dance floor, and we all smiled at each other and shouted over the music. At some point during the song, Roger began dancing with Beth, and Candy moved over toward me. The switching of dance partners was so subtle, I didn't even notice until after it happened.

Candy placed one of her hands on my shoulder as we danced, and I moved one of mine to her hips. I felt uncomfortable touching another woman, especially when it was in plain sight of my wife, but when I looked over and saw Beth and Roger dancing in a similar position, I figured it was acceptable.

Candy was a skilled dancer who displayed far more rhythm than I did. I never particularly cared for dancing, but it was something that I knew Beth enjoyed. I did the best I could, shuffling my feet around more than dancing, really. I couldn't help but notice that Roger was a better dancer, and that Beth seemed to enjoy dancing with a more skilled partner. Already, I was comparing myself to her partners, and I couldn't help but second-guess the whole idea of swinging.

The song ended, and a slow song began playing. I started to walk off the dance floor, but noticed that Beth and Roger had begun dancing. I pivoted back toward Candy. She smiled and took one of my hands, placing the other on my shoulder. I held her by the waist and swayed to the beat.

It felt strange and different to be holding another woman in this way, and to be dancing so closely together. It was also strange to look straight ahead into my dance partner's eyes rather than downward. I looked to my right, and Beth was laughing at something Roger had said. When she finished laughing, she placed her head on his chest, and he held her with both arms.

This was the moment of truth. My long-time fantasy was to see my wife with another man, and now it was happening, right in front of me. I experienced the full spectrum of emotions: anxiety, jealousy, envy, and fear. Surprisingly, I also felt aroused by this situation. I couldn't explain why, but seeing her acting in such a flirtatious way stirred up emotions that I hadn't anticipated. I felt proud of her, and proud to share her company with this stranger we had just met. I felt incredibly generous to allow him this incredible gift.


I realized that it wasn't the first time I heard my name. I snapped out of my trance and looked at my dance partner.

"Are you okay with this?" Candy asked, with a look of concern on her face.

I tried to act as casually as possible. "Yeah, of course."

She moved in toward me and placed her head on my shoulder, blocking the view to my right. I wrapped my hands around her waist. She was so firm. I had grown used to Beth's soft physique through the years, and it gave me comfort. To me, she had the perfect body: not too thin, not too fat, not too firm, not too soft. Perfection.

The song ended, and I heaved a sigh of relief. Then another slow song began. I looked to my right, and Beth smiled and said something to Roger. She looked at me, and shouted something that I couldn't hear, so I simply nodded. Roger then took her by the hand and led her through the crowd to the rear of the dance floor, where I lost sight of them.

Candy looked at me with another expression of concern.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" she asked.

"They're just dancing," I said. "It's fine."

She raised her eyebrow at me, and I laughed and held her tightly in my arms. We enjoyed another long, slow dance, swaying together, surrounded by a swarm of couples on a packed dance floor. Several were kissing passionately while they danced, and I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were with their spouses.

When the song ended, we all returned to the bar. We spent another hour or so chatting, exchanged phone numbers, and parted company. I got a warm hug and a brief kiss on the lips from Candy, and I couldn't help but notice that Roger and Beth shared a kiss as well.

Although it was very late at night, Beth seemed as though she were running on adrenaline. As we walked to the car, she chattered away at a frantic pace, and she made me stop several times to give me a passionate kiss.

"Well?" she said, once we had finally reached our car. "What did you think?"

"It was fun," I said. "We haven't been dancing in years."

"No," she said. "I mean, what did you think of Roger and Candy?"

"Oh. They're really nice. I was kind of surprised how normal they are. In fact, everyone seemed normal."

"Nice and normal," Beth repeated. As I drove toward the highway, she reached over and rubbed my inner thigh, brushing against my crotch. "And hot, too, right? Do you think Candy is hot?"

"She is tall, blonde, and built like a fitness model," I said. "I think anyone would think she's hot."

"Yeah," Beth said, unzipping my fly, "but do you think she's hot?"

She reached in through my zipper and pulled out my cock. It instantly began growing in her hand.

"Sure," I said, trying my best to concentrate on the road. "She's very attractive." It felt awkward discussing the hotness of another woman with my wife.

Beth unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over, placing her head in my lap. In all the years we were together, she had never done anything like this before.

"Mmm..." she said as she engulfed my cock into her warm, wet mouth. She swirled her tongue around until it grew to full length, and then bobbed her head up and down my shaft, occasionally banging her head on the steering wheel. She didn't seem to care.

I struggled to keep my hands on the wheel above her head, and concentrated on staying in my lane. At that hour of the early morning, the highway was desolate. With the exception of one of two cars, we had the entire road to ourselves.

Beth buried my entire cock into the back of her throat and held it there for a long time, swirling her tongue all around it. She acted as though she wanted to make me cum as quickly as possible, and she was doing an excellent job of accomplishing that goal. I could feel the warm, tingling sensation rising within me quickly.

"You'd better stop," I moaned. "You're gonna make me cum."

Beth always finished me with her hand, and I didn't want to cover my clothing in semen - not to mention the steering wheel and dashboard. Hell, the way she was working on me, I was afraid I'd have to clean the roof of the car.

To my astonishment, my warning only seemed to increase her pace as she bobbed up and down my cock. I gave her another, more urgent, warning. This time, there was no stopping it. But she ignored that one as well.

A tremendous pressure welled at the base of my cock and shot out of the tip in spurt after spurt. Beth kept her lips sealed tightly around my cock and moaned as I coated the back of her throat. I swerved into the adjoining lane, and quickly corrected myself. She continued to suck and swallow, moaning around my cock, until I was completely spent.

When she was finished, she casually sat up and buckled herself into her seat. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and giggled uncontrollably.

"Well, that's one I can cross off the bucket list," I remarked.

"Mmm...mine, too," she said. "That was fun."

"I was hoping to save some of that for when we get home," I said.

"Oh, don't worry about that," she said. "I'll get you when we get home, too. I just couldn't wait."

True to her word, as soon as we walked into the bedroom, she stripped down to nothing and pulled me onto the bed. I worked her clit with my tongue, and she impatiently pulled me on top of her, grabbed my cock, and pulled me inside her. She elicited a loud moan as soon as I entered her, and she met each of my thrusts with her hips.

She was louder than usual, and she begged me to fuck her harder. Then, she changed it up a bit.

"That's it, Roger! Fuck me hard! Fuck me, Roger!"

I couldn't help but envision the two of them on the dance floor, and the smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and swayed to the beat of the music. I imagined the two of them, naked together, entwined in each other's arms, his cock buried deep inside her pussy.

I fucked her harder and harder, and she spread her legs wide and screamed in ecstasy as her juices flooded our sheets once more. I couldn't hold out any longer, and unleashed my fluids inside her for the second time that night.

As we lay quietly in the afterglow, Beth quietly spoke.

"I kissed him tonight," she said.

"I know," I responded. "I saw you at the end of the night. I kissed Candy, too."

"No," she said. "I mean I really kissed him. On the dance floor. We made out like a couple of horny teenagers."

I suspected something like that had happened, but it was still a shock to hear it. I could picture it in my head: the two of them making out on the dance floor, their hands all over each other, their tongues probing each other's mouths.

"Wow," I said. "Okay."

"You're not mad are you?"

"No, it's okay. I just need a minute to process it."

"Oh, god. I knew this was a bad idea."

"No, honey, it's okay. Really. I mean, that's something we talked about. We talked about stepping outside our comfort zone, having new experiences, and exploring our fantasies. We knew what we were getting into when we went to that club tonight."

"I know," she said. She rested her head on my chest, and I inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. "I just feel like I cheated on you tonight."

"Don't be ridiculous," I said. "It's not cheating if I give you permission to do it."

"Yeah...I guess."

"So you like him, then? Roger?"

"He's handsome. Not as handsome as you, of course." She kissed my chest, and I stroked her hair. "I don't know. It was just exciting to have a new man show some interest in me. It felt like I was dating again. It was flattering, and exciting, and I guess I just got carried away."

"It's okay, honey."

"I didn't plan for it to go that far. We were only supposed to check out the club tonight."

"'s okay. Really. Don't worry about it. I'm actually kind of excited to see you so excited. When you two were talking and flirting reminded me of the looks that you used to give me when we were dating."

"I still look at you that way."

"No, you don't. I get it, though. He's someone new. I can give you lots of things, honey, but I can't ever be new again."

"I'd feel a lot better about myself if you had made out with Candy," she said.

"Why does that matter?"

"I don't know. I guess we'd be even."

"It isn't about being even. It's about having fun, and experiencing new things. Remember?"

Beth nodded, and her hair tickled my chest.

"Okay, I get it," she said.

"Good," I replied. "And I promise I'll make it even the next time I see Candy."

She gave me a playful slap. "I knew you liked her," she said. Less than a minute later, she began snoring.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wild Oats!!

Tom asked his wire if she had any wild oats she wanted to share. One night when we were feeling no pain, I asked my wife the same question. I was not expecting her answer. She told me she wanted to suck some strange cocks. I was shocked beyond belief. Carol is a good looking slim blonde with a great ass and C size boobs. When I met her, she still lived with her parents and was the typical girl next door. I knew she wasn't a virgin but we never really talked about her sex life before we met. She said that she had always loved sucking cocks and wanted some other than mine. She told me that she had blown almost every guy she had ever gone out with. Instead of being upset or angry, I found I was really turned on thinking about her sucking strange cocks. Her first new cock was the very next week at a party. She took a guy into a bedroom, stripped down to her panties, dropped to her knees and gave him a blow job. What she didn't know, however, was that I watched her from the bathroom. This guy loved her mouth and took back to the room three more times. The last two Carol was completely naked. He wanted to fuck her but she said no. I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. She has since blown 16 other guys. Sometimes with me actually there watching and three times sucking a cock in the backseat while I was driving. She never blows any of our friends and doesn't blow anyone more than a few times. I never would have guessed that I would love her sucking other guys cocks.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Checking out

Thought I would check out some swingerjoe writings that are not in my area of intrest. This looks to be a story of new swingers. My take away is that Tom gonna be sorry he opened Pandora 's box. Beth seems to moving a little too fast. He keeps saying he's ok, but I think he ain't.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Well done Joe

Unexpected perspective from newb hubby

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So far so good

Gotta read part 2 and 3..........

ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 7 years ago
Great build up

I loved this. It seemed so real to life with all the characters second guessing. Reluctance is a natural reaction. Love your writing and how you graciously accept the moralists criticism. I've written a handful of stories here but was shocked by the hateful replies. I also noted that the harshest critics are not authors. The internet is filled with self important trolls. This is a solid five.

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