Please Mate with My Mom

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Two teens get the chance to have sex with a horny MILF.
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Lewis and I have been best friends since the 3rd grade. We've gone through a lot of stuff together: we've played on the same youth baseball leagues, gone to the same parties, and gotten into tons of trouble together. He's the Murtaugh to my Riggs. If you didn't catch that last reference, it meant that I'm white and he's black. Granted, he's not my only black friend, but he's definitely my closest black friend.

One thing we definitely didn't expect to do as friends was lose our virginity to the same woman in the same weekend. Before you start jumping to wild conclusions, let me tell you what happened.

It was Labor Day weekend of 2015. Lewis and I both were both 18 and both seniors, and the world was ours. We were spending Saturday afternoon shooting hoops at the park, and were about to head back to Lewis' house, intent on finishing the day playing video games, watching Netflix, and eating junk food. I had slept over the previous night, and would be going back home on Monday. I was definitely relishing the day, loving the free time away from home, where my mom had been relentlessly hounding me to study as much as possible. College applications, SAT prep courses, and homework could wait; it was time to let loose.

Just as we exited the park, we saw a familiar face hanging out in the parking lot: Sarah Ames. The skinny girl was lounging on the hood of a beat-up 2004 Pontiac Sunfire. She was wearing blue jean pants and a white tank top. Lewis and I had been classmates with her since elementary school as well. She had long, straight brown hair, and dark, hooded eyes; she wasn't ugly, but could be described as mildly pretty.

"Hey, guys," she greeted us.

"Hey, Sarah," Lewis said.

"What you been up to?" I asked.

"I was driving by on my way home from the store; I bought some smokes and a bunch of cereal. You guys wanna swing by and go swimming?"

"Sure!" the two of us said in almost unison.

We both climbed into Sarah's car; I sat in the passenger seat, while Lewis took the back - the three of us laughed as he cracked a Rosa Parks joke. We were having a great time just driving and talking about all the fun things we were going to do for our senior year. Sarah was the chillest out of all of us, lighting up a cigarette, blasting Sublime on her car stereo, and telling some dirty jokes.

"Oh, shit, we don't have any swimming trunks," I realized.

"We could stop at my house and get some," Lewis suggested.

"It's okay," Sarah assured us, turning the corner onto her street. "Just swim in your basketball shorts; I can always throw them in the dryer after we're done."

We all nodded in agreement and resumed our conversation as we continued driving to Sarah's. Once we got to the house, Sarah led us inside, got us some towels, and then took us to the backyard, where our cool, chlorinated maiden awaited us. The heat seemed to make the pool even more alluring.

"Jump on in, if you want to," Sarah said. "I'll be right back."

Sarah went back into the house and closed the sliding glass door behind her. Without another thought, Lewis and I got rid of our shoes, socks, and shirts and jumped into the pool. The cold water shocked our bodies, but it felt great to be in the pool. A few minutes later, Sarah arrived clad in a two piece swimsuit and with three glass bottles in her hand.

"You guys like Yuengling?" Sarah asked, offering the beer to us.

"Sure!" I said, eagerly taking the bottle from her.

"Ummm...won't your dad miss those?" Lewis asked nervously.

"Relax, Lewis. I drink his beers all the time."

Lewis shrugged and joined us in popping the caps off and drinking them deep. Sarah sat down at the edge of the pool and stuck her feet in the water, using the perspiring beer bottle to mop her forehead. Lewis looked more relaxed, but I was on edge, consciously trying not to stare at Sarah. Sure, she wasn't a ten, but she was a girl in a bikini who had given us beer and was letting us chill in her pool. For a high school virgin, this girl with her flat stomach, skinny arms and legs, and good-sized breasts was looking better by the second.

"You remember the last time all three of us were here?" Sarah asked.

"I think it was back in 7th grade," I said, grateful for the distracting question. "Your dad made those awesome burgers from scratch with the chopped bits of bacon in them."

"Yeah," Lewis said. "Your mom also made that nice cake with the buttercream icing on it. She sure..."

I shot Lewis a dirty look, and he clammed up immediately. I was entirely certain that Sarah noticed. Sarah's mom got uterine cancer a few years ago, and it was a big deal in our neighborhood. Ladies brought the Ames family tons of food, tons of people mailed them greeting cards and money, and the local news even did a continuing story on her. Thankfully, everyone got the news that Mrs. Ames had made a full recovery, but we barely saw her after that. Before the illness, we saw her everywhere: she was a volunteer at our school, she went to our church, and she always made Sarah and her older sisters go caroling around our neighborhood at Christmastime.

"Guys, it's okay to talk about my mom, she's not dead or anything," Sarah assured us.

"Well, how's she been?" I asked.

"Good. She's not as social as she used to be, but she's been keeping busy."

"That's good to hear."

"Matter of fact, she's upstairs right now. Do you guys want to go in and say hi to her?"

Lewis and I looked at each other and shrugged. All three of us got out of the pool, dried off, and headed inside. Lewis and I followed Sarah upstairs, where she took us into a bedroom without knocking. We saw Mrs. Ames sleeping peacefully in the bed, which worried us two.

"Sarah, your mom is asleep! We should go!" Lewis whispered.

"It's fine, believe me. She's ready to wake up," Sarah assured us. "Mom, wake up!"

We felt a pang of guilt as Mrs. Ames stirred in the bed and sat up, looking at us dreamily with her tousled blonde hair, wearing a faded purple Northwestern University shirt. It seemed that as soon as she noticed that Lewis and I were in the bed room, her eyes went huge. I don't know how Lewis felt, but I was fearful that we weren't supposed to be here right now.

"Uh...Hi, Mrs. Ames," I stammered nervously. "How are you?"

She responded by quickly exiting the bed and running towards us. Lewis immediately bolted for the door, while I wasn't so lucky; in my haste, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor. Mrs. Ames pounced on top of me and ripped both my shorts and underwear down to my ankles, making it extremely difficult for me to regain my footing. I was then roughly flipped onto my back, and I saw Mrs. Ames' head swoop down towards my crotch. All the while, Sarah was watching calmly as she leaned against the wall.

I was flaccid from terror, but that didn't stop Mrs. Ames from sucking my limp cock into her mouth. In confusion, I looked up at Sarah, who smiled at me, and I was convinced that she had fully intended for this to happen. I wanted to ask what was wrong with her mother. Was she mentally ill? Was she on some kind of medication?

Before I could say anything to Sarah, Mrs. Ames looked up at me and said, "Richard, I don't mean to be rude, but are you going to get hard?"

"Excuse me?"

"Maybe this will help."

She sat up and hefted her shirt over her head, showing off her breasts to me. Both of her breasts were perky and as big as cantaloupes, with small areolas and hard nipples. She was so thin that I could make out her ribcage, and she had a taut stomach. Still seated, she removed her panties and threw them clean across the bedroom. This was now my first time seeing a naked woman in person.

"Here, feel," she said, grabbing my hand and putting it to her bare breast.

I felt her hard nipple poking me in the palm. I reflexively started squeezing her breast, which caused her to moan as her eyes fluttered. That's when I got hard.

I grabbed her free hand and brought it over to my now-responsive genitals. Mrs. Ames grunted as she started doing what I usually do for myself. Once she started jerking me off, I started squeezing her other breast and teasing her nipples.

Still holding my dick - and me holding her breasts - she brought the two of us to our feet. She then took off my shirt and started rubbing her hands all over my chest and stomach. I was content to drink in the sight of her naked body. I was totally speechless; my brain was more concerned with sex to be able to say anything. It was like sitting in a movie that you've wanted to see so badly, and you're trying to remember every cool part.

"You're so handsome, Richard," Mrs. Ames breathed.

"Thank you, Mrs...MMPH"

I was silenced when the older woman put her lips to mine. My mind went into overdrive when I felt her tongue slide past my lips and into my mouth. Her breath was kind of funky, but I didn't care. I let go of her boobs and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her shapely ass. My dick was throbbing as it rubbed anxiously against Mrs. Ames' thigh.

Just as I was about to reach for her pussy, she threw me onto the bed. I crawled backwards as she approached the bed and jumped onto it. I was scared and aroused by the hungry look in those blue eyes of hers. I stopped moving once my back hit the headboard of the bed. I did not resist in the slightest when she crawled on top of me, steadied my hard cock with her hand, and lowered herself upon it.

Once I was inside her, she grabbed the top of the headboard and began riding me furiously. All I could do was moan; I was still too shocked that all this was happening. I was inside of a woman who had given me Halloween candy since I was a small child, who had chaperoned field trips when I was in middle school, and had on one occasion made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no crusts. The same woman was relieving me of my virginity, and I loved every second of it. I didn't care that Annette Ames was using me to get off, I was having sex!

It felt like she had been on my lap for an eternity, but I could feel the end drawing near. I'd beaten my meat enough times to know when I was ready to cum. Mrs. Ames must have definitely noticed because she grabbed my face and forced me to look her in the eyes.

"That's right, cum, Richard. Don't bother trying to hold it in. CUM!"

I made a noise reminiscent of Chewbacca as I shot my load inside of her. Mrs. Ames clutched me to her chest as I came, her hard nipples smashing themselves against my face. Her heaving, sweaty bosom seemed to carry my head with it as it rose and fell. The air was ripe with the smell of chlorine and unwashed flesh. My dick was slowly deflating within Mrs. Ames, but I still wanted her.

With a sigh, she climbed off of me and headed to the bathroom. I heard a shower running, and a few seconds later, I heard the faint sound of cheerful singing. I was sitting alone in the bed, my dick dripping its leftovers onto the sheets.

"Need a ride home?"

I had totally forgotten that Sarah was in the room. She had been watching the entire thing. I hastily got off the bed, got dressed, and gave her a nod.

As we pulled out of her driveway, I suddenly remembered Lewis, who had bolted right before the good part. I couldn't wait to get to his house and tell him what happened. Sarah lit up a cigarette and started driving down the road.

"Soooo," I began. "What the hell just happened?"

"You had sex with my mom. Thanks."

I looked at her incredulously and said, "Thanks?"

"Yeah, see, after my mom's cancer, the doctors performed a subtotal hysterectomy on her to reduce the risk of it coming back."


"Yeah, they yanked out her uterus and both ovaries, look it up. Anyways, the doctors told us that it would result in a significantly lowered sex drive...but, the exact opposite happened. A few months later, she could barely finish a day of work because she kept going to the bathroom to get herself off. After she quit, she started begging my dad for sex three times a day. Three months later, she tried to force herself on the mailman."

"I bet your dad loved that."

"He actually didn't mind. You see, at first he started enjoyed the fact that he had a wife who was 'round-the-clock horny. Three months later, he started to get tired of it; at some point, I think he was ready to cut his own dick off and throw it in the trash."

"So he's the one that told you to bring me over to fuck your mom?"

"No, that was my idea."

I looked at her in astonishment. "It was?!?"

"Yeah, I kind of came up with the idea on the fly. I was driving home and saw you guys playing basketball. You and Lewis are nice guys, so I knew you'd treat my mom right. Sucks that Lewis bolted, though."

Lewis. I still hadn't figured out if I was going to tell him the truth of what happened. I knew he'd probably feel guilty about leaving me behind. I didn't really have any more time to think more on the matter, as Sarah and I finally pulled up to Lewis' house. I was about to exit the car, but Sarah locked the doors.

"I just want you to know that you're welcome to come back tomorrow."

"Um, okay," I said.

"I'm serious," Sarah said, unlocking the doors. "Try to bring Lewis, if you can."

"Yeah, sure."

After we exchanged phone numbers, Sarah unlocked the doors, and I exited her car and walked to the front door. I waited until her car was gone before ringing the doorbell. It was about 5 minutes before the door opened to reveal my best friend with a nervous expression on his face. After seeing how worried he was, I didn't have the heart to pretend that I was angry about him leaving. Lewis' eyes shifted around, probably looking for police, Sarah, Mrs. Ames, or all three.

"Hey...You okay?" He asked me.

"Bro, have I got a story for you. Your parents home?"

"No, they stopped at the supermarket."

"Your room. Now."

We quickly ran upstairs to Lewis' bedroom, where I excitedly recounted the details of my tryst with Mrs. Ames. Understandably, he was very skeptical of the whole thing. He still asked me the details of how losing my virginity felt like, how Mrs. Ames looked like naked, and what we did.

"So, after you ran out, what did you think she did to me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sorry for that," Lewis said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I thought she chewed you out for being in her bedroom without permission...and maybe called the cops, I dunno."

"It's okay, man. I actually..." My sentence was interrupted by my phone going off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and my eyes widened at the screen. I quickly unlocked my phone and handed it to Lewis. Lewis adopted the same shock as he swiped through the photos. Apparently, Sarah had taken vivid photos of me in bed with her mother.

Lewis clutched the phone like a starving man clutching a roasted chicken. Part of me was amused at his reaction, looking at the pictures multiple times with wide eyes. I also felt vindicated from him finally believing my story.

Still, I was worried that Sarah actually had proof of my liaison. She was a good person, but with smart phone and cloud hacking rampant these days, what was to stop someone else from seeing the pictures? At last, Lewis handed my phone back to me, and I replied to Sarah by saying, "Thanks for the memories "

"You lucky bastard," Lewis said, regarding me with awe, reverence and envy. "I can't believe I missed that."

"Sarah said that I could come back, and that I should bring you for the next time."

Lewis perked up immediately. "Really?!?"

I nodded with a smile. At his urging, I sent a text message to Sarah to ask if we could come over tomorrow. When she replied with a "see you at noon", Lewis almost looked as though he had just won the lottery.

We spent the rest of the night talking about me losing my V card, and what we would be doing tomorrow. Even after Lewis' parents came home, it was hard to suppress our glee; they simply attributed our good moods to Senioritis. Lewis could barely sleep that night, and neither could I, being excited for him as well.

Sunday morning found us at church at 9:15 AM. Our plan was to go to the early service so that our parents wouldn't rag on us for missing church, then leave early to go the Ames' house. It was funny that we were leaving church to go do something extremely sinful afterwards.

We got a friend of ours to give us a ride to a street corner a few blocks from our destination. It was hard to walk casually to the Ames house, our hearts were beating out of our chests, and we didn't know if it was from walking or from mere anticipation. I shot a quick text message to Sarah, letting her know that we would be at her house in a few minutes.

I had to grab Lewis by the arm to keep him from sprinting up the Ames' driveway, but once we were at the front door, he knocked on the door. He shot me an excited look as we heard someone approaching the door. To our mutual surprise and delight, it wasn't Sarah who answered the door, but her mother.

"Hey, Mrs. Ames," Lewis breathed.

Mrs. Ames was breathing heavily and she roughly ushered us into the house. After peeking outside and looking around for anyone who might be watching, she quickly closed and locked the door. She turned around and stared at Lewis, who was pitching a tent. She took off her shirt, walked up to him and began kissing him. While his arms wrapped themselves around her, she busied herself with undoing his belt and taking off his pants and underwear.

Once Lewis' dick was out, Mrs. Ames immediately dropped to her knees and took it into her mouth. My best friend's eyes rolled as the older woman noisily sucked his shaft. He held onto her blonde head as it bobbed back and forth.

I noticed Sarah coming down the stairs, wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. "Looks like you guys got the party started without me."

"Hey, Sarah," I said.

"Mom, you know the rules. Let's move this upstairs."

Mrs. Ames did not respond, instead continuing to fellate my best friend. Lewis was making the funniest faces as fucked her face. I was mesmerized by the two of them enjoying each other in the foyer.


The three of us snapped to attention. Mrs. Ames reluctantly got to her feet, and helped Lewis out of the rest of his clothes. Once he was fully nude, she grabbed him by the hand and followed Sarah upstairs.

As I followed the trio, I thought about what I had just seen. Granted, I'd seen Lewis naked plenty of times growing up, but I'd never heard him make the noises he'd just made a few minutes ago. When I entered the bedroom, Sarah was sitting on the windowsill, watching as Lewis sat on the edge of the bed while Mrs. Ames was on her knees with her head in his lap.

" gonna run away from me again Lewis Hobbs?" Mrs. Ames asked.

"Noooooo," Lewis moaned.

"Good. I didn't realize how big you were. You've got a nice size, honey."


I began removing my clothes as well, watching as Sarah took out her phone and silently started snapping pictures. I kept my boxers on and tried to stay out of sight, not wanting to be stark naked and photobombing. Part of me wanted to protest her taking pictures, but I didn't want to ruin Lewis' good time.

Mrs. Ames lifted her head off of Lewis' crotch and gave his thighs a few noisy kisses. "God, you are some handsome boys." She stood up and removed her panties. "Get into bed, sweetie." She looked back at me and said, "Richard, don't be shy, dear."

"Yes, ma'am."

Lewis laid himself on the bed, flat on his back. Mrs. Ames quickly climbed on top of him, and once I heard both of them moaning, I knew he had entered her. Sarah's mother began bucking on top of him immediately.

"Get in the bed and stand in front of her, Richard," Sarah instructed.

I immediately obeyed, climbing into the bed and standing over Lewis' face. Mrs. Ames opened her mouth wide and took me inside. I cried out as I felt the wet, vacuumed-sealed heaven of her blowjob. While I grabbed her head, Lewis reached up and grabbed her tits. My burning ears only heard Mrs. Ames' deep-throating, Lewis' moaning, and Sarah's chuckling as she watched the three of us copulating.