Pocket Full of Innocence Ch. 02


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There they were after the most treacherous ordeal of their lives, stranded dozens of miles from civilization sleeping in the mud beside a rocky and winding river. With a sturdy chest to cry against, Rochelle's steely resolve finally gave out. The sobs and sniffles had been replaced by a full blown crying fit as all the helplessness and frustration building inside her spewed from every pore. Rochelle had been the cool and collected one during the carjacking and did her best to maintain her resolve to be strong for Gavin under the most dire of circumstances. Somehow sensing he'd found his strength, Rochelle let everything boiling inside her go.

Laying there silently, even though he was more than half Rochelle's age, Gavin found himself consoling her like a fear struck child. It was a back and forth of moral support that would swing like a pendulum several more times over the next day and a half, but at that moment, all Gavin could do was rest there, allowing Rochelle to work through everything she needed to.

Despite his attentiveness to Rochelle's needs, it didn't take long for Gavin to realize just like every other time he'd woke up since the age of 12, that he was once again sporting a woody. Doing his best the keep the jutting bulge in his underwear away from the spastic woman beside him, Gavin bit the inside of his cheek and grimaced when he felt the tips of Rochelle's heavy breasts grazing across his lower belly as she continued to cry.

Like an evil tug-of-war inside his body, the darker and more prurient part of Gavin's psyche was tempted to tilt closer to Rochelle while the more coherent and prudent part wanted to slink ever further backwards and avoid any undo embarrassment at such an awkward moment. For several minutes, the internal tug-of-war remained a push.

At some point, Rochelle's sobs gradually began to subside, and for just a moment Gavin felt an overwhelming need to cry himself. Thankfully he was able to choke back that urge as Rochelle settled back into a state of tepid sleep beside him. Looking straight up at the wisps of fog hanging directly over top of them, Gavin had no clue in that instant whether everything was real or just a crazy, vivid and utterly draining dream.

Just as he was about to shut his eyes and drift back to sleep, the sound of a far off animal growling in the forest caused his eyes, along with Rochelle's, to shoot all the way open.

"Feeding time at the zoo," Gavin mouthed as Rochelle raised her disheveled head to scan the surroundings.

The first light of day peeking over the woodline to the East, it was clear to Gavin that none of this was a dream.

"Let me check and see if my pants are dry," Gavin scuttled to make conversation, wanting to get that little detail attended to before the sun was all the way up and he was forced to trudge around the woods in his underwear.

Staggering to his feet to reach of the jeans hanging in the branches above their makeshift campsite, Gavin was quickly jolted back to reality when he felt the anchor of Rochelle's arm still cuffed to his.

"Hold on...not going anywhere without me," Rochelle sleepily cracked as she tried to stand up as well.

Side by side on the bank, it was still too dark to get a good look at the surroundings, or even each other for that matter.

"I think they're dry enough to put back on," Gavin offered even though they were still somewhat damp to the touch.

If Rochelle thought working her shorts back up with one hand after relieving herself earlier in the night was tough, it was nothing compared to the awkward ballet Gavin had in front of him trying to step into his moist jeans and work the heavy denim fabric up to his waist with a woman tethered beside him.


Only in the deepest recesses of Rochelle Stewart's mind did she know she was about to ring a bell that couldn't be un-rung.

Still half asleep and dazed from the events of the previous day, she clumsily worked her way to her feet as Gavin reached for his jeans. The fog continued to hang in the air, a white an enchanting mist that gave the forest an almost ethereal quality that made what was happening seem just a little less real.

On a conscious level, Rochelle knew Gavin was still in his underwear. She hadn't really even given it much thought with everything else going on until she'd accidentally grazed a couple of body parts against the bulge of his crotch when she was twisting to find a comfortable spot on the ground to sleep during the night. Having a son Gavin's age along with a couple of brothers growing up, Rochelle understood how the teenage male body often worked at that time of the morning.

Considering the predicament they were in and the closeness it entailed, the last thing Rochelle wanted to do was make Gavin more uncomfortable and self aware than he already was about his state of undress. Whether it was the angst-riddled reality of what they were going through, or the unspoken tenderness Gavin had shown her when she'd broken down in the middle of the night, Rochelle felt the weight of something very cool and disconcerting settle in her belly when she watched Gavin grab his pants and start putting them back on.

"You couldn't get your own pants re-snapped with one hand..how in the world is he going to pull his back up?" a voice laced with dread echoed in Rochelle's head.

Almost on cue Rochelle felt Gavin's body begin listing to the left as he tried to stick his left leg in first.

"God....ahhhh..ahhh," Gavin stammered as he fell sideways, regaining his balance just before taking Rochelle down to the ground with him.

"...Gavin...let me help," Rochelle said with sheepish and almost apologetic softness a second or two later, knowing there was going to be no way he could do the task without the aid of her free hand.

Like two people who'd shown up for their first waltz lessons, Rochelle and Gavin struggled mightily trying to find the right position with their hands cuffed together. The only way to pull it off without totally tangling each other up was for Rochelle to kneel down at Gavin's feet, her left hand tethered to his right as he cautiously leaned backwards against a tree.

The unavoidable fact for Gavin was that he felt just like a helpless child standing there with Rochelle at his feet, holding his jeans open for him to step into. Rochelle too felt a very similar vibe, but it was something that had to be done, and the quicker done the better.

With his right foot in, Rochelle pulled Gavin's pants up to his knee before opening them far enough to enable him to stick his left foot in. Feeling Gavin shimey his hips and knees to try and help with her efforts, Rochelle couldn't bring herself to look up as they continued their awkward and hushed dance by the river.

Gavin's jeans were still a tad too wet to try and put on and that created a good deal of friction between the denim and the boy's skin as she tried inching them up his thighs.

To any random person watching from afar, the silent interplay between Rochelle on her knees and Gavin standing pensively above would have been met with a certain level of allure along with a hint of amusement, her trying to work his jeans up with her free hand while Gavin simultaneously wiggled his hips to get the pants up to his waist. At some point the wet fabric just wouldn't stretch anymore without a fight, and fight was something Rochelle had very little left of inside her.

Leaning backwards on her knees to catch her breath and collect herself for another attempt, Rochelle made the unforgivable mistake of looking up. Even though the morning sunrise hadn't yet put a dent into the darkness on the forest floor, she could still clearly see the contrast between the blue denim of Gavin's jeans and the paleness of his white underwear as she teetered in front of him.

The closer she looked, the more the bulge lining the front of Gavin's crotch just above where his jeans now rested came into view. While he wasn't fully erect by any means, it was clear Gavin's cock wasn't soft either.

All that jostling combined with the fact that a beautiful woman was perched on her knees at his feet made it next to impossible for Gavin's body not to betray him in such a vulnerable spot. Even in such close quarters, Gavin had hoped Rochelle would be able to ignore the visible matter of his arousal, and for a good while she'd nonchalantly done just that. The simple fact remained however that if he was going to get his pants back on, this was going to be an obstacle that would need to be overcome.

With the silence now deafening between them, Gavin's first instinct was to try and turn away and finish pulling his pants up all by himself. Before he could twist away and try however, something happened that his brain couldn't readily process. For several seconds, Gavin went as lifeless as the tree he was leaning against.

Why she'd reached up and placed her fingers on the bulging protrusion inside Gavin's underwear would be something Rochelle would have to ask herself for years to come. Perhaps she could have rationalized things as simply grabbing it to shove back inside Gavin's jeans as she made another attempt to help him pull his pants up. The fact that she blankly left her hand resting on the warmth of his growing erection as she knelt there told otherwise. She could feel the boy tense under her most tender of grips as she and Gavin internally careened headlong down a path neither was quite prepared for.

Even though she and Gavin seemed to be overcome by a temporary paralysis, the throbbing and twitching cylinder between Rochelle's fingers shamefully continued to expand until it felt like a small and curious snake beneath the white cotton fabric. What Rochelle did next defied everything she thought she was capable of.

Gavin nearly passed out when he felt the cool, early morning air caress his manhood the instant Rochelle folded the waistband of his underwear down and allowed his dick to swing free. His eyes the size of fried eggs as he stared down at the top of the married woman's head, Gavin felt his legs turning to oatmeal as he pressed his back hard against the tree. Even the tree seemed to turn to oatmeal a few seconds later when Rochelle took his smooth, steely cock into her hand just before placing the spongy, reddish head of it into her mouth.

Rochelle's mind was way too blitzed at that moment to give any serious thought as to if she'd ever harbored any deep seeded attraction to Gavin in the past. Perhaps what was happening was just a result of the tenderness he'd shown her during the night juxtaposed with the heroic act he'd made to save their lives only hours before.

Perhaps it was the sickening taste of Ernesto that remained on Rochelle's palate, and this was the only way to erase that presence and pay Gavin back in some sort of primal and unspoken equity for his good deed. Perhaps the dark want to do something along those lines had always been there for Rochelle, and it took something this drastic for her to even contemplate giving in to those unnatural urges. Or maybe it was something as simple and pragmatic as a purely functional attempt to deflate the teenager's erection the fastest and most efficient way she could, in essence removing the obstruction so she could help him pull his wet pants all the way back up.

Whatever the reason, this wasn't the time for Rochelle to gauge the potential fallout. Survival was a very shortsighted thing.

The physical process of giving Gavin fellatio was the same she'd used on her Husband for the previous 20 years, not to mention Ernesto just a few hours earlier. It was simply a matter of inserting the phallus into her mouth, rolling her tongue around it, squeezing her cheeks together, swallowing the accumulating saliva then repeating the process as many times as necessary until the desired result was met.

As for the mental aspects, the blowjob she'd provided Ernesto had obviously been done under duress and fraught with its own unique dynamics that Rochelle would have to deal with in its own time and place. Swirling her mouth around Gavin's bulging penis had seemingly unearthed something totally untapped and taboo inside Rochelle as well. Resting there on the ground at his feet, she could feel Gavin's knees buckle against her chest as his cock inflated inside her mouth. The sense of power she suddenly felt couldn't be measured.

Even though she'd never given it much of a rational thought before that very second, Rochelle found herself somewhat taken aback and surprised by how much effort she was having to put into ingesting Gavin's manhood. For what it was worth, it was bigger than her Husband's and nearly the same size as Ernesto's from the night before, and even though that tidbit shouldn't have meant anything, Rochelle couldn't help but feel a burning ember crackling inside her belly as she stretched her lips apart as far as she could around the 18 year old's swollen penis.

Steadying her knees in the dirt as she grabbed the base of Gavin's cock with her free hand, Rochelle found herself grabbing Gavin's right hand with her cuffed left and holding it tight as she pressed her mouth all the way down on his jutting shaft. An older man with a lifetime's worth of sexual self control wouldn't have been able to hold out very long under the circumstances, much less a relatively inexperienced 18 year old kid like Gavin.

Within a minute he was shooting his cum down Rochelle's throat. His entire face scrunched and wincing as a sliver of daylight worked over the horizon, Gavin could feel the suction of the married woman's lips pressed against his thick pubic curls as she ingested wad after wad of his tangy and thick ejaculate.

Rochelle could immediately feel the strain on her lips and cheeks from having such a substantial piece of flesh firing like a fire hose down her throat, but any discomfort was tempered for the moment by the tingling wave of satisfaction she felt tasting Gavin's frothy lust washing down her gullet. Spending another minute or so pumping the base of Gavin's phallus as she gently thumbed at his heaving and hairy balls, Rochelle made sure every last drop semen was drained until Gavin literally crumpled against the tree behind him.

Allowing Gavin's spent and spasming penis to slide from her lips, the curtain Rochelle had apparently pulled in her soul to allow herself the freedom to do what she had was suddenly pulled back. Working Gavin's jeans all the way up once the 'impediment' had been removed, she pinched the button closed then silently stood up.

"Sun's coming up...got to decide what our next move is," Rochelle said with cool, almost aloof purpose.

".....Yeah....," was all the 18 year old could weakly manage as he watched Rochelle stare off into the distance..........


Part 3 is on the way

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
It's quite simple...

...She just had a 'protein milkshake' as her breakfast. The real question is, "What will she give him in return?"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Superb Story

Looking forward to the next chapter. Well written and paced.

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