Poke Her Night


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"Hal's just kinky enough to go for it. He's not good at hiding his tracks and I know his computer habits; he's been to wife sharing and cuckold sites."

"Cuckold?" Diana queried.

"A cuckold is a guy who happily lets his wife have sex with other men," Glenda explained.

Jenny piped up. "Well Craig has fantasized other men forcing themselves on me. But of course, he was roll playing the part of the other man at the time. The whole idea kind of turns me on and he knows it. He's always saying that he's up for anything that makes me hot," she finished with a giggle.

"I'm not sure too sure about Dan," Diane said. "He's pretty possessive."

"I've caught him looking lustfully at me more than once. Not only that he's eyed all of us at one time or another. All we have to do is point out that he's the big winner often enough that he'll have the chance to bed one us every other week," Barb opined.

"What about Ryan," Glenda wanted to know, "do you think he'll go along?"

I was already thinking, 'All I have to do is point out it'd be his chance to even the score.' I knew he appreciated the looks of all of them.

Cautiously, I offered, "I might be able to persuade him, if I use the right ammunition."

"OK, here's the plan," Glenda started. "What we'll do is go home and tell our husbands that Barb really did sleep with the big winner. I'm sure that they'll all get off on it. Then we hit them, kind of jokingly that we're envious of her, what with Gary's rep. Then tell them we think it might just be talk and get them to call or talk with Bill and tell them that they should ask him point blank about it." Turning to Barb, she asked, "You think he'll confirm it?"

"He will after I tell him I want to do it again and tell him if we can get the guys to agree to this rule change I could." She got a grin on her face like she was thinking of something.

"What?" the group asked.

"After we could talk about it, he admitted that he was really turn on while Gary was in doing me. He woke up every time and jacked off while we were going at it. He's just itching for an excuse to turn me loose again."

"All right," Glenda said. "I know it's hokey, but let's make a pact," sticking her hand into the middle of the table. Barb picked up on it right away and put her hand on top of hers. We all finally got the idea and followed suit. "Repeat after me," she continued, "I solemnly swear..."

"I solemnly swear..." we all said in unison.

"I'll try my best..."

"I'll try my best..."

"to talk my husband into this by next Friday."

"to talk my husband into this by next Friday."

"One for all and all for one."

"One for all and all for one."

We all went into a giggling fit after that.

I went home and busied myself around the house until Ryan settled down for a cup of coffee.

"Had an interesting lunch today," I offered.

"Oh yeah? Did you get filled up with all the latest gossip?" he asked, like men do. You know, with a kind of snide superiority, as if men never gossip.

"You could say so, but I wonder... is it gossip when you're telling stories about yourself?"

"Who told stories about them self?"


"Oh, and what juicy little thing did Barb have to say about herself." Again it was that sort of tone that told me he was sure it would be no big deal and he only asked to indulge my need to pass the gossip on.

"Well, you remember how at poker night she was giving Bill a bad time about 'sleeping with the big winner' and how he had promised."


"Well, apparently, she teased him after we all left and Gary, who'd been in the bathroom while the others left took her serious, wrapped his arms around her from behind, looked a Bill and told him he'd be glad to help him keep his promise. Then he ask outright, his place or theirs."

"Yeah well, I bet old Bill nearly lost it on that one."

"Well, that's the interesting part. According to Barb, he got an obvious hard on and said he didn't want him taking her to his place. Gary then acted as if it was a done deal, told Bill that since they had twin beds in their guest room they'd be using the master bedroom and marched Barb right in there."

"What and Bill just stood there and said nothing?"

"Pretty much. Barb said she couldn't believe it, and was sure that Bill would quickly come after them telling them there was no way, but they got all the way to the bedroom. Gary asked her if she had a sexy nightie to wear, so she picked out one and went to the bathroom to change. She figured it would give Bill a chance to intervene if she just took her time. When she couldn't stall any longer, she peeked out just in time to see Bill leaving the bedroom with a change of clothes in one hand and his pajamas in the other."

"You're kidding!"


"Gary wouldn't just jump in like that. I mean even if she was willing, he'd need an excuse, like when I owed him $ 500."

"Oh, I don't know. Gary was without for six months then gets some. Two weeks later, he sees a change at some more... you wouldn't go two weeks between. Besides, Barb has no reason to lie about it."

"Oh God, she was pulling your leg. She was just telling you guys her fantasy."

"I don't think so. Judging by what she had to say about the things Gary did in bed, I'd say she had a real experience with Gary in the sack."

"Of course, you'd know." There was a bit of disgust in his voice.

I just smiled and said, "Of course." Then, not being able to resist the temptation to flaunt how much I enjoyed that night, I said, "She's of the same opinion as I am, ... Gary's good, very good."

"I bet it was cold in their house in the morning."

"On the contrary. As soon as Gary left, Bill was all over her and she said more than once. He even admitted that it turned him on hearing them go at it."

"Bull shit!"

"Well, I believer her. Why don't you call Bill and ask him if it's true."

"Oh sure I can just hear that conversation. 'Hi Bill, rumor has it your wife fucked Gary last Friday and you liked it. Is that true?' Like he'd admit if it was."

"Well, that's not all."

"What? There's more?"


"What? Don't tell me she fucked Gary too."

"No, but... she'd like to."

"Yeah, with everyone saying how good he is, I'll bet she would."

"She's in favor of making it a regular thing that the hostess sleeps with the big winner. What's more it seems that everyone else would like to make that a rule as well."

"All you guys sitting there all prim and proper at lunch saying, 'I'd like to fuck around with my husband's poker buddies...' yeah, sure."

"Well, nobody said it that crudely, but yeah, that's the gist of it."

"You didn't go for it did you?"

"What? I thought you'd want me to go for it. It'd give you a chance to even the score. Don't tell me you wouldn't like to ball any of your friends wives."

"Well, the way you guys want to set it up, I'd have to let them ball you as well."

"So you admit you would, but I don't see me screwing the big winner on our host night being a problem. You arranged that already with no chance of reciprocation."

He went into his gold fish imitation again.

With that, I walked away and let the subject drop. I thought it best to just let that percolate for a while. Feed him too much and he might choke. He was having a hard time swallowing what I'd given him so far. 'I wonder if he'll call Bill,' I thought.

* * *

Sunday at about noon the phone rang, I answered.


"Hi Betty, it's Hal. Is Ryan available to the phone."

"Sure, I'll get him. He's out in the garage tinkering with his pick up."

I lay the phone down and went out to the garage. "Ryan, Hal's on the phone for you," I called through the door.

"OK, I'll take it in the kitchen."

I went back into the living room instead or hanging up I told Hal, "He'll be right here," and pushed the mute button on the phone. I wanted to eaves drop.


"Hey Ryan, I just heard about something I'd like to get your opinion on."

"OK, so shoot. What is it?

"Well, it's a bit complicated to go into over the phone. I wonder if you could come over about 2:00 this afternoon, so I could lay it all out for you and get your input. I think you'll find the idea interesting."

"2:00, sure, I don't think that Betty has anything planned. Just a minute." I could hear him cover the phone with his hand. "Hey Bets, you need me around here this afternoon?"

"No," I called back.

"Done deal, I'll see you at 2:00," Ryan told Hal.

Ryan hung up and I followed suit and sat in front of the TV like I was watching.

He walked in and said, "Hal wants me to come over. Some kind of deal he wants talk to me about."

"What time?"

"He said 2:00."

"OK, call if you're going to be late for dinner."

'Hum... I wonder, do you suppose Glenda talked him into it already?'

* * *

Over dinner, curiosity got the better of me. "So what did Hal want to talk about?"

Ryan stopped eating and looked at me for the longest time. Finally he shook his head. "Apparently, Glenda was serious about sleeping with the big winner."


"Yeah, he had all the guys there. It seems Glenda went home and hit Hal with her new rule idea and he and Bill had already talked about it Saturday evening. Both of those perverts were all for it and working real hard selling us on the idea."

I think he expected me to make some kind of remark, but I just sat there looking at him, waiting for him to continue. He took a bite of food, chewed and swallowed.

"I figured that it was just the idea of them screwing the other wives, but Bill said it was more than that. It was how turned on he was when Barb was screwing Gary. Hal showed us some sites on the Internet. You wouldn't believe the number of guys out there who really share their wives or at least fantasize about it. By the time I read a few of those stories about it, I was a bit turned on, but I think it was just the porn aspect of it. They're written pretty graphic."

I waited for him to tell me more, but he clamed up went back to eating. Well, at least the idea was out there even if there was no decision.

* * *

Poker night rolled around and we went to Hal and Glenda's. I was a little shocked to see Glenda in a short pleated skirt that only went halfway to her knees, a low cut tank top that stopped a couple of inches short of her skirt and her hottest CFM heels.

As soon as I could, got her aside and asked, "What's up with the outfit? You look like a cross between five dollar hooker and bar slut."

"Just want to keep the guys mindful of what they're playing for."

"The rule is on?"

"Yeah, didn't Ryan tell you?"

"No, he told me that Bill and Hal called a meeting and they talked about it and what a turn on it was, but he didn't say it was a go."

"Well it is my dear and I'm going to sleep with the winner tonight and Hal has promised it won't be him."

"Well, you certainly look like you're hot to trot," I smirked.

"I am, I am. I hope Gary's the winner tonight, but I tell you after reading those stories from the sites that Hal visits on the Internet, I'm ready to bed any of theses guys and I have been for a few months. If the opportunity hadn't presented itself, I think Hal would have suggested we go out and find someone soon. When I told him about Barb and Gary, all he did was say, 'Damn, that's hot,' and when I told him that I was jealous of her, he told me that I didn't need to be, that he was sure that Gary would do me if I wanted."

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, he even offered to call Gary and arrange it. When I told him about this idea, he thought it was an even better idea. That's when he called Bill and he came over that evening to compare notes, then there was that Sunday meeting of all the guys. It took a little bit of doing, but they all finally agreed."

When the guys sat down to play cards, Glenda brought in the beers and snacks. I watched her from the door to the family room. After serving them all, she turned and announced to one an all, "Don't forget guys, the hostess, that's me, is going to sleep with the winner. If Barb can do it, so can I."

All the guys except Gary and Ryan all just grinned. Ryan looked disgusted and Gary looked surprised. Gary looked around the table. When he got to Hal, Hal just grinned and said, "New rule. I didn't think you'd mind, seeing as how you took care of Barb so well last time. Nice surprise, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess," he replied looking Glenda up and down.

Glenda winked at him and swished her tush past me grinning like the cat that ate the canary. I noticed that every eye in the kitchen followed her swinging tail.

Once the movie had started, she glanced toward the kitchen. "You think that'll get them going?" she asked me.

"If it doesn't we'd better take their pulse, they may be dead."

The girls all laughed at that. About every fifteen minutes, Glenda found an excuse to go into the kitchen and make her presence known. She bent over both facing the group from different sides of the table as well as a way from the table to let them all get a good view. I had made sure to sit where I could see what she was doing. I know from what I'd seen earlier that when she bent over, her bra-less boobs were completely on display and I could see from my vantage point in the family room, from the back, her short skirt displayed her flimsy black satin panties. I'm here to tell you that they left nothing to the imagination. Every time Glenda went into the kitchen the game came to a complete stop. I could hear some of the comments as well. Who ever won that night was indeed going to screw her brains out they were all steamed up from her show. I wondered if even Gary would be in control for the first round or would he just throw her on the bed and have his way with her.

Because of Glenda's frequent trips into the kitchen, there weren't as many hands played and I'm sure some of the guys had a hard time keeping their mind on the game, but Gary was the winner. Glenda wasted no time getting him to the bedroom. I think if she had her way, they'd be going at it before we all got out of the house. However, she told us later that Gary exercised his prerogative to drive her insane before doing her, just like he had with Barb and I.

On the way home, Ryan went on and on about how Glenda had acted the slut all night long and how disgraceful it was. I let him rant for a while and then lit into him.

"OK, I've had just about enough. You have some explaining to do. How come I didn't hear about the guys agreeing to the new rule until tonight. It seems that all the other girls knew you guys had agreed to it."

"What the hell difference does it make? You've already had your turn with Gary."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well Dan was the real hold out. He admitted like all of us that given the right circumstances, he wouldn't mind laying any of you gals, but he wasn't so sure about us doing Diane. So Bill hit him with how 'poor Gary' wasn't getting any and this was just something we, as his friends, could do to keep him from hooking up and catching social diseases. That led to another discussion about Gary and his sexual needs and without any real vote or even a consensus Hal declared that for the first round, we'd all make sure that Gary was the winner, that way all you gals could have your turn with the fabled lover of Henderson Heights. What's more Gary would get used to getting some from you girls and maybe that would keep him from hooking up and introducing STD's into the group."

"You mean Gary really didn't win? It was a set up?"

"It's hard to say, he had some good hands. I know that over all I couldn't have beat him out for winnings, but I don't know what was in the hands that the other guys folded. Could be he would have won on his own. All I do know for sure was that some of the guys did some awfully stupid bluffing and Gary seemed somehow to know that he should hang after the first couple of times when he folded and could have won the hand."

'Well, well, wait until the girls hear this. They'll all be glad.'

* * *

So it went. Jenny was next to have the Gary experience, followed by Diane. They each put on a show after the kind pioneered by Glenda. Of course each Saturday we got together to hear the praises of Gary that master cocks man. Of course they all dreamed of their next time with Gary. But I reminded them that I had found out that the first round was a set up and that Gary's winning streak would end when he's bedded all of us. After that, it'd be every man for himself.

"Well, that's true," Glenda said, "but there's always the chance Gary could win. And even if he doesn't we'll still get some strange."

"Not to mention," Barb put in, "that if we all put on the sex pot show even those of us who aren't hosting are getting laid more enthusiastically then ever before. That in itself makes this a good deal."

"I'm not so sure about the strange," I countered, "there's always the chance that your own husband could win."

"Not likely," Barb said, "Bill tells me that the guys all agreed that winning when you're hosting would anticlimactic. What's the big deal in winning a night with your own wife?"

Another thing Ryan didn't tell me. 'Oh well, suits me fine. Once every three months, I'm guaranteed a little strange and maybe it'll be Gary.'

* * *

The week before we hosted, Ryan was acting strange. He kind of went around mumbling to himself. And at times I'd catch him looking at me. Finally as I was dressing for the evening. Ryan looked at me and said, "Holy crap. You gals are all trying to out slut each other. Where the hell did that outfit come from?"

"This old thing? I bought it. And before you get all bent out of shape. I found it at the Goodwill. I paid all of $ 4.75 for it."

"Yeah, well it looks like something a cocktail waitress would wear in a sleazy strip joint."

"You think Gary will bother to take it off, or will he just do me with it on?"

"You already had your turn with Gary. Maybe the other guys will try to make him win, but I'm going out of my way to see he doesn't."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I don't know, but I sure don't want you to have an unfair second round with Gary."

"You're jealous, aren't you. Just because Gary's bigger than you are and is talented enough to make me scream, you don't want him to be the one. Well, maybe you should come in and watch. You might learn something."

"You been talking to Hal? He says next time it's Gary, he's going to do just that. He want's to see just what it is that Gary does, whatever it is that make you guys so vocal."

"Hal really said that? Glenda's right. Hal is kinky."

Once everyone arrived, I went into my slut act and served the guys their beer and set out the nuts and other snacks. What the other girls didn't tell me was how touchy the guys had become. I felt like I was a cocktail waitress in a sleazy strip joint. It was as if the table was populated by octopi. By the time we all took a break, I'd been groped so thoroughly I was sure that if I were check the mirror, I'd find hand prints all over my butt. After the break, I came to expect it and would simply stand between pair of the guys until I felt each of their hands on my butt. Bill, the pervert even managed to cop a feel of my boob.

After the break, one of the girls pointed out that by rights it should be Gary's turn to host next time and he didn't have a hostess. Glenda said, "Look girls, lets all have lunch tomorrow and work out something." I could tell by the look on her face, she had some kind of kinky plan.

Spending so much time in the kitchen, I was able to estimate who was the big winner. It looked like Ryan was right. Gary didn't have a runaway shot at being the big winner both Ryan and Craig were giving him a run for his money. I really couldn't tell which of them would end up on top. Oh my that's a pun... on top... get it? On top... of me. OK, so it's not that funny. At the end of the game, Ryan wasn't in a particularly good mood, so I figured that he wasn't the big winner, so the next question became just who was.