Polaroid Swingers

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A few nude pictures of the wife starts the fun.
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This story is like the rest of my stories in that I do not write them with much descriptive sex in them. I like to think that my style is more of describing the chase, than the actual catch. Having said that, this story should have enough facts for you to use your imagination to fill it in. It is just a quirk I have. It's sort of like those old time radio shows where you have to use a lot of imagination. If you must know, I worked night shift a lot and those old programs were about the only thing that kept me awake.

I was cleaning up the contents of a bunch of boxes we had laying around in the garage when I found an old tin box. Over the years I had forgotten all about this special box. That box had been shuffled around and stuffed in other boxes over the few moves we had made and completely forgotten about. In it were some pictures from 1971/72 that brought many fond memories back. God that was a long time ago.

Those pictures were taken with the first camera I ever owned. When I got my camera, the wife had a basic little camera that you loaded 110 film in, pointed at something, and snapped away then sent it off for processing. It was pretty advanced for the day but nothing like the digital things now. Polaroid made the camera that took those pictures in the box, and the model was called the Swinger. It also had film but the advantage to it was the film was developed when you took the picture and pulled the picture out of the camera.

I think Polaroid's marketing department came up with the name swinger because this was the times when free love and a lot of sexual experimentation was going on, and there was a new openness about sexual morality and stuff like that. I had even heard a few programs on the radio where they were talking about the craze involving key parties where couples put their keys in a bowl and as the guys picked out a set, he went home for the night with the woman who belonged to those keys.

There were also a few magazines out there that were trying to take business from Playboy and a few of them were even printing pictures of wives or girlfriends that guys had submitted. I know a lot of guys wanted to jump on that bandwagon and take pictures of their girlfriends or wives to prove they had sexy girl friends/wives. It was good for a few thrills and I admit I was one of the guys that wanted to show off the wife.

Sorry, I got sidetracked there, back to the camera. Like I said, I was like a lot of guys and wanted to have my wife, Sue, pose for a few risqué pictures. In addition, I always thought it would be neat to have one of those instamatic cameras so a guy wouldn't have to wait to have pictures developed. Back then, getting lewd pictures developed cost a bunch of money. That is if you could find someone to do it for you. If the law found out you had those types of picture's there was a pretty hefty fine and they took the pictures and destroyed them. An instamatic camera that developed the pictures by themselves was just what the doctor ordered.

I guess everything started by me being impulsive. I had been leaving work one day and just as I turned on the radio in the car, there was a commercial on the radio with a catchy tune advertising the Polaroid Swinger camera. I had seen the commercials on TV for the last couple of years and heard the commercials on the radio with Berry Manilow singing the jingle. The jingle was like most ad's, and had a catchy tune that a guy found himself humming at odd times. That tune was one of those ones that gets into your head and won't leave you alone. I still hear that thing every now and then and it goes.


Meet the swinger

The Polaroid swinger

Meet the swinger

The Polaroid swinger

It's more than a camera

It's almost alive

It's only 19 dollars and 95

Swing it up

Take the shot

Count it down

Zip it off.

Then it goes through the chorus again a few times.

Yeah I know, Jingles in commercials do not really have inspiring lyrics but at least most of them have a catchy tune. If you want to get the full effect, you can goggle it.

As I drove away from work I don't know why I did it, but after hearing that jingle I headed off to the camera store where my friend Fred worked and bought one. I also got a box of film that allowed a guy to take eight pictures. I was lucky, because the camera was on sale and the price I paid was so little the store might as well have been giving them away.

I found myself driving home and thought about the main reason I had bought the camera. I had always wanted to have Sue pose for me like in those magazines. Sue was adventurous back then and thought taking pictures of us would be a thrill. But like me, she worried about getting the film developed, so that was what was holding us back on that idea. With an instamatic camera, we wouldn't have that worry so we could experiment and have some fun. So with some anxiety, and a hard on caused by thinking about this, I got home and showed Sue my purchase.

Of course that night I used up that one box of film getting eight pictures of Sue posing seductively for me. I now had the start of my own personal porn library. After seeing the result, Sue and I decided to do more of those types of pictures. A couple of weeks later I went on the hunt for more film at the camera store.

That's when I found out why the camera was so cheap. In 1969, two years before I was hunting for more film, Polaroid quit making the cameras because of advancing technology and poor sales and that meant the film was also getting to be scarce. There were a few boxes still floating around on store shelves, but not too many.

Fred told me the film wasn't being made anymore either. He only had one box on the shelf that had been discounted, so I got that cheap. Fred, being a nice guy and a friend did me a big favour and checked around to see if he could get more for me. He found three cartons of film at his distributor. The owner of the distributorship had just written those cartons of film off his books, and he was just going to toss them out. He told me if I came and got them quick they would be beside the garbage cans out behind his warehouse.

At eight pictures a box and forty eight boxes to a carton I figured I was going to at least enjoy the camera for a while more anyway. So I rushed to pick up the three cartons of film before some garbage picker got them. The boxes were where they were supposed to be, so I went home with a smile on my face.

Over the next month, Sue and I took more than a few pictures of each other, and we found that the more pictures we took the spicier they got. The two of us also found an added bonus to having that camera. We found that whenever we took some racy pictures we both were very horny afterwards. We stored the pictures in that tin box in the back of the closet where they wouldn't be accidentally found.

Back then we had one of those above ground pools with plastic lining and thin steel sides that was sixteen feet around and three feet deep. We had twenty five by thirty foot deck, built around half of the pool that was just about always in the sun. Whenever we had company, we spent more time on that deck relaxing than we did anywhere. About all the pool was good for was soaking in on a hot day and Sue and I did that quite often. Mind you, the neighbourhood kids had a lot of fun in it most weekends.

One day we had two couples we were friends with over to soak in the pool and work on our tans. Ray and Colleen, and Jerry and Deb were the ones we had invited, and they all showed up just as the sun was getting warm. Seeing as everyone was going to work on their tans, the girls had brought their sexiest outfits for the maximum exposure to the sun.

That was because once I gave the invitations to come out the women had to compare notes, and when they heard what the others were going to wear their competitive spirit came out and they just had to go out and get new bikinis that were sexier than the others were going to wear. I think all women have a bit of jealousy when it comes to other women, and want to look better than their competition thus the rush to get something better looking and skimpier than the others had.

As it turned out, they all showed up with those new micro bikinis. Ray, Jerry and I sure did not complain about their choice of apparel, and I was glad the day was a scorcher. With the girls dressed in those almost nothing bikini's, us three guys were spending a fair bit of time adjusting our swim suits trying to hide the fact that we were getting turned on.

Everyone spent a fair bit of time basking in the sun or soaking in the pool trying to cool off. Between the water and the oiled bodies, those almost nothing outfits the girls had on look sexier than all get out. I don't know about the other guys but I was sure I was going to have a lot of wet dreams for a long time.

Sue and I supplied the food for the day and the others had brought out more refreshments than were needed, and a few other treats. With all that sun and with an ample supply of refreshments, more than a few cool ones and fruity drinks happened to get consumed. Mind you, lounging around in the sun or frolicking in the pool to cool off was thirsty work. Let's just say that after a couple of hours everyone was quite happy.

At one point as I was checking out the three girls, I decided to get out that Swinger camera and snap a few pictures. I managed to take three pictures of the girls before Ray saw what I was doing. Mind you, those cameras were noisy when you snapped a shot so I should have known I wouldn't get away with taking the pictures without being noticed. Ray had to open his big mouth and get everyone else looking at me.

"Hey look Bill has one of those personal porn cameras." He blurted out.

I was disappointed because if he wouldn't have blabbed on me I could have taken a few more candid shots of the girls.

With Ray's comment, the attention shifted to me and naturally the others wanted to know what a porn camera was. So Ray explained, "He's got a Polaroid that anyone could take any kind of picture, and the finished product was completed in just a minute. That's why all the guys want one so they can take their own porn pictures without having to have the film developed at the drugstore."

Of course everyone was curious and had to check out the pictures I had snapped of the girls. They were admired and comments were made, but everyone thought it was neat being able to look at the pictures right away instead of getting the film developed.

I am sure it was all the refreshments that had been consumed because everyone got into the spirit of the moment and posed for a few more shots. Of course, Jerry being a bit of a kinky guy had to comment that the only reason I had the camera was to take pictures of Sue in the nude. Well Sue must have had a few more drinks than I thought, because she did admit to the others about having some nude pictures taken of her hidden in the house.

Of course, Ray and Jerry being males of the species were looking at Sue trying to visualize what she would look like nude wanted to see them. Seeing as Sue seemed to not care, I took them in the house to look at some of the first pictures I had taken. Those pictures were handed back and forth more than a few times as the guys drooled over them.

Jerry commented that nude shots of someone he personally knew were better than any porn magazine pictures with their airbrushed models. He added that he wished he could get some shots of Deb so he could admire her more often. Ray felt the same way about Colleen posing for him. Just to add some excitement to their lives he said.

Both of them agreed that the pictures of Sue were a turn on, and we all agreed that the three of us should try to get all the girls to pose for some more erotic pictures than what I had taken of them out by the pool.

Of course, the girls had been wondering why we were taking so long to just look at a few pictures so they came to find us. Colleen and Deb being females, and curious, had to look at the pictures too. They commented that the pictures were neat but they didn't think they could do something like that. Once us guys heard that three of us started some teasing and complementing them on how good they would look in pictures in hopes of getting the girls to pose nude like Sue had.

While all of us ate a late lunch, the main topic of conversation was those pictures. Not to pass up a chance to do something erotic us guy's continued to push the girls to pose in some nude shots like Sue had.

The girls never outright agreed, and we could see they were thinking about it, so we kept on laying on the complements and other bullshit in hopes we could persuade them.

After we cleaned up the mess from lunch, we went back to the pool area with the girls continuing to wear their micro bikinis to catch the last rays of sun. Ray obviously feeling his drinks was bragging about Colleen's big nipples and double dared her to at least pose topless. After a whole bunch of teasing and bantering back and forth, she finally agreed to pose for a few pictures and bared her D cup breasts with those big hard nipples.

I don't know if it was the excitement of the moment, or if her boobs were usually this way, but I noticed her nipples were very hard. Jerry not to be outdone, persuaded Deb to pose too, and it was no surprise that her rosebud nipples were very hard too. They capped off her firm C cup sized boobs very nicely.

That broke the ice and the guy's teased Sue to be topless with the other girls. After each of them posed for a couple of more pictures, the girls were feeling more comfortable in front of the camera. They started to pose more provocatively and soon the bottoms of their micro bikinis were taken off too. The three of us guy's continually dared them to pose more provocatively, pushing the boundaries as much as could.

The next thing that happened was Sue admitted to Deb and Colleen that she had posed for some more daring pictures than just the ones everyone had already seen. Well, those pictures just had to be brought out to be looked at too. Those pictures got Ray and Jerry's blood boiling, and their swim trunks now definitely had bulges in front of them. Mind you, mine had been that way for some time now. In those pictures of Sue, she was posing with some "props" we got from the adult store, and in a few of those pictures's Sue was even using a dildo on herself.

After Colleen and Deb saw those pictures, they commented that they were more than erotic, and could be called porn if nothing else. Colleen commented that, "The way Ray was drooling over those pictures and from the bulge in his trunks she could see he liked that kind of thing".

Ray replied, "What's not to like? I always knew Sue was hot, but seeing her nude and doing things like that is every guys wet dream."

Deb commented to Colleen, its obvious those porn pictures turned on the guys, and if they like porn pictures of Sue so much, we should have some shots done just to see how much they like us doing things like that. I bet we could get them so hot that the bedroom action would be pretty hot.

I don't know why, but I had to just open my mouth then. I pushed things and told the girls that Sue was a lot more adventurous than they were, and they wouldn't dare to be that adventurous. Well that got the competitive juices going again and started Deb off on a tangent. She declared that her body was sexier than Sue's, and she could pose for racier pictures than Sue did, or for that matter anything Colleen could come up with too.

Well the gauntlet had been dropped and the other girls had to challenge Deb on that point. Needless to say, the six of us were all soon naked and posing in all sorts of poses. It started out with posing with our own spouse doing a little touching. That progressed to being with others spouses where we continued the touching and groping. Then it escalated to simulated two of one sex, with one or the other, and visa versa.

Needless to say that all this imitation sexual playing around was turning on the six of us. The three of us guy's had our flagpoles standing at full attention and the girls were playing with all the guys' cocks.

Everyone had completely dropped their inhibitions at that point, so things escalated into shots that are more explicit where the pictures were almost porn and quite racy to say the least. Ray and Sue had posed for one picture that was very hot. I was doing the same pose with Colleen where she was bent over and my hard cock was posed for entry in her pussy. I was rubbing her pussy up and down between those dripping folds with my cock head, and it was all I could do to not jam myself into her.

When it was Deb and Ray's turn, they got in the same position and the picture had been taken. Ray was doing the same as I had done, and was rubbing his cock up and down on Deb's pussy. Jerry shocked everyone when he blurted out, "I want some pictures of her being fucked by someone besides me! Deb's as ready as she's ever going to be, so Ray go for it and shove it in."

Without hesitation Ray thrust his cock right in as far as he could. You talk about something that ignited everyone else. Jerry was watching Ray fucking his girlfriend Deb, so he reached over and grabbed my wife Sue, and lickity split the two of them were on the couch fucking like there was no tomorrow. Sue was on top bouncing on Jerry's cock in the cowgirl position and seemed like she was enjoying it. I almost came when I saw that. That left me and Ray's girlfriend Colleen. I was taking pictures of the others when I was interrupted by her and it sure didn't take long to get some action going between the two of us.

Let me tell you with all the preheating we had done before, the six of us were on a thin line and none of us lasted too long before we came. A short rest period was called for, where we talked about what had happened, and we decided to get a lot more pictures of hard porn between us to add to the excitement.

So the next five hours were spent in every position and circumstance we could think of.

That evening all us guys had sex with all the girls and at one point we were taking pictures of everyone in every kind of threesome we could come up with. The highlight of the night was when I suggested we have some pictures of the girls with all their holes plugged. I insisted that Sue be the final girl. When that picture was taken with me in her ass, Jerry in her mouth, and Ray in her pussy, we didn't stop until Sue was exhausted and we all filled her full of our cum.

By then there was not any more blood left to pump into our cocks so everyone hit the sack.

The next day was a lot of fun too. Not too many pictures were taken, but there was a lot more erotic action that took up our time. At the end of the weekend we were all worn out but decided to meet regularly for some more hot fun.

Jerry was on the road a fair bit and found some more film over in the next city so we had lots of film that gave us many memories to hold onto.


The six of us spent a fair number of weekends reliving that first time. Ray even found some guy that could copy those pictures and all the guy was going to charge us for it was he wanted a copy for his own collection. We agreed to that, and had the copies made so everyone had their own porn collection. Sue's and my collection stayed in that tin box and after a few moves was forgotten about until I rediscovered it that day.

I was glad I found it.


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AnnalovesitAnnalovesit10 months ago

Just found this, brings back all the memories.

I sent a few topless pics to some mags, and we're published.

Polaroid came next, and like you and your friends, we shared.

Then came VHS , sex heaven, our own films.


Bossman86Bossman86over 11 years ago
They old days!

Enjoyed it alot.... reminded me of times with my ex wife and friends!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Really really good

Very good build up!

JoeBeans275JoeBeans275over 11 years ago
memories or should I say Mammories?

Great story about the good ol' days.

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