Pool Boy Ch. 14


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Emma's fingers were still buried in her pussy which was still randomly gaping open and shut like a fish out of water. Her eyes were closed and she had the most contented look on her face. Alexis lay down on the deck beside her and cuddled up close. Emma turned to look at her and smiled. She said, "Thank you guys. I feel much better now. I'm sure I can make it through the rest of the week with Jim. I wasn't so sure before. Thank God he never takes two weeks' vacation." We all burst out laughing. I slid off my chair and cuddled up to Emma on the other side from Alexis. We just lay there like that for several minutes.

Emma was the first to move. She was getting anxious about Jim coming home. She pulled on her thong and pants. She struggled to get her bra down over her huge tits then reached into each cup and lifted each breast to a more comfortable position and then buttoned her blouse. It didn't take as long for me to pull on my tee-shirt and shorts. I checked my watch. There was still plenty of time if they were playing eighteen holes but I didn't want to risk it. I stood up and moved to the pool where I retrieved the pole and hose and walked it to the van. I returned and pulled Alexis up into my arms for a kiss. She wrapped her legs around behind me and pulled herself tight to me. We kissed for a long time. I pulled back, kissed her on the nose and said, "I love you babe." I'll see you tomorrow night or Saturday morning really early. Be ready to go to the airport by six.

Alexis kissed me again and said, "Come Friday night if you can. I'll miss you." She dropped her legs to the deck and I moved over and pulled Emma in close and kissed her. She returned the kiss and reached down and squeezed my flaccid dick in my shorts. She pulled back from the kiss and grinned. I picked up the chemicals and waved as I pushed through the gate.

This was a non-cleaning day for Olivia but I thought of her and Sophia as I drove by her house. My cock twitched as a vision of these two beautiful women flashed through my mind.

When I got home I called Noah to ask him to cover for me for the next few days. He was worried that he didn't have enough experience to go it alone but I assured him he would do fine. All he had to cover was the two morning jobs that couldn't go unattended for four days. He was disappointed that the Olivia job was now only every other day and was especially disappointed to find out that Olivia's husband would be there at least through the weekend. I raised his spirits some when I mentioned that Monday or Tuesday would likely be a go with Olivia and Sophia. I told him where I was going and with who. He told me it sounded like Alexis and I were getting serious. I agreed and told him that we needed some alone time. I told him to call me if he had any issues he couldn't handle. He wished me well and hung up.

I called Dee to make sure she was on for tomorrow evening. She was. She mentioned that I was more than welcome to stay the night. It appealed for a few reasons: one was sleeping the night with Alexis and God only knew when or if Dee would get involved and two, was picking up Alexis to get to the airport by six meant I would have to leave home by four AM. I wasn't thrilled with that prospect but I was too excited about our trip to be bothered with those details. I told Dee I hoped I could take her up on her offer.

The next day was Friday and I planned to do my morning pool cleanings with Noah so he would know exactly what to do. He had been assisting me a couple times this summer but he was there to service the ladies so he didn't really pay any attention to the pool cleaning parts. We finished around noon and I drove the van over to Noah's house and we exchanged keys. His car was a bit of a junker, but it always got him where he needed to go. I wasn't worried about it breaking down. I thanked him for helping out and drove his car back to my house.

I had already told my parents where I was going for a few days. Mom was concerned about Las Vegas. Dad was all thumbs up. I didn't tell either of them I was going with a girl. Mom would have flipped out and Dad would have been all thumbs up. While I was telling them my plans I thought that I needed to bring Alexis over to meet them. I knew they would absolutely adore her as much as I did. I knew she would love them too. I just had to make it happen. I put it on my mental list of 'things to do'.

I grabbed some lunch and went to my room to pack. I had only been on a plane once before in my life. There was some anxiety but I was excited too. I figured Alexis had probably flown many times but I knew she was as excited as I was. I didn't have an extensive wardrobe and I certainly couldn't be called a fashion plate. One suitcase was all I needed. I knew Alexis would probably only have one suitcase too. Anything more would have raised her dad's suspicions.

I had accomplished all that I needed to so I was free to stay the night at Dee's apartment. I was excited about even that. Sex with Alexis was always exciting. Throw Dee into the equation and it was an adventure. I didn't know if Jarrod would be there or not. They weren't living together. I knew that much. Jarrod was an old fashioned kind of guy. His morals were probably old fashioned too; maybe even puritanical. I knew this much; Dee would have loosened him up as much as could have been loosened. He had really got into the sex with Dee on that first night. He seemed to have reveled in the 'loosening'. If he is there tonight I wouldn't be surprised if a two couple orgy broke out. My cock surged in my pants at the thought.

I now had several hours to burn before I headed in to the city. I spent them talking with my mom over coffee. She expressed her concern about being in Las Vegas again but then left it alone with a simple, "Please be careful." I told her I would. She pried a little bit about girls and I told her I had a special girlfriend and I would bring her around soon to meet her. She liked that and smiled as she raised her coffee cup to her lips. She asked about work like she always did. Nothing was new and I told her so. She talked about what she and dad were doing. I always liked hearing about their lives; then I didn't have to talk about mine. I'm sure she didn't want to hear that I was regularly fucking three married women, three cops (more or less) my girlfriend and her sister. Jesus, just listing them in my head made me say, 'Fuck' to myself.

I figured I would give Alexis some time to settle in at Dee's before I showed up so I calculated that I would leave here around 8:00 PM. In fact, I called Jarrod's cell phone and he recognized my voice. I told him that Alexis would be at Dee's tonight and asked him if you could deliver a couple pepperoni pizzas around 9:30. It's kind of late but I doubted they would even think about food. Dee would still be angry about her dad and Alexis would be too excited about the trip. I told him that I expected to be there by then. He said he would see me then.

I called Alexis and told her I was ordering Pizzas to be delivered by our favorite Pizza guy at 9:30 tonight. I called her because after I was so sure they wouldn't even think of food, all of a sudden I wasn't so sure. She said that Dee had just arrived and they were loading up the car. I asked about her dad and she said that after all their worrying, he wasn't even home. She said she had to go. They wanted to get on the road before he showed up to give them grief. I said good-bye and hung up.

I packed up Noah's car and said my good-byes to mom and dad. Mom again urged me to be careful. Dad just rolled his eyes, hugged me and whispered, "Have a great time." I pulled out of the driveway as planned at 8:00 PM. The radio in Noah's car didn't work so it was a quiet ride to the city. The traffic this late was pretty light and I made good time. I pulled into Dee's building's parking garage at 9:10. I took the elevator up to Dee's floor and rang her doorbell. I heard a squeal from inside as Alexis pulled open the door and launched herself into my arms. I carried her inside and nudged the door shut with my foot. Dee came into the foyer and stretched up to kiss me on the cheek. I carried Alexis into the living room and sat down on the sofa with Alexis on my lap. Dee came in behind us and sat in the opposite chair near the floor to ceiling windows. Dee said, "Alexis. For crying out loud. You're spending four straight days with this guy. Give him some air." Alexis frowned at her sister. She kissed me again and moved out of my lap to sit beside me. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her against me. Dee just shook her head and said, "You two are too much. It's nauseating actually."

Alexis frowned again and said, "Dee. You're just jealous." I wished she hadn't said that but she did. Telling a bride-to-be that she was jealous of her sister's boyfriend was not a winning argument. I hoped that Dee would go easy on Alexis for that comment.

Dee was silent for a moment before she responded simply with, "Perhaps." I didn't expect that at all. She changed the subject when she said, "Hunter. Good call on the pizzas. Jarrod called and said he would make our delivery at 9:30 and then he was done for the day. He will be staying the night too. Alexis turned to me and a smile blossomed on her face. I could only imagine what was going through her sexually oriented mind. I knew I was good, whatever she was thinking.

Dee wanted to rant some more about what an ass-hole her father was this past week, so we talked about that until the doorbell rang. Dee burst from her chair in mid-sentence and answered the door. She came back into the living room towing Jarrod with Pizzas behind her. I got up and shook Jarrod's hand after Dee had taken the pizzas from him and taken to the kitchen. Alexis got up and launched herself into his arms and kissed him on the lips. He was a little startled but he recovered quickly and kissed her back and hugged her to him.

Dee came out of the kitchen with paper plates and beers on a tray. She returned to the kitchen as we all sat down at the dining room table. Dee brought one of the pizzas in and set it in the middle of the table. We all dug in and ate pizza until we were stuffed. Multiple beers each contributed. We talked about nothing in particular. When we were done, we moved back into the living room. Dee curled up in Jarrod's lap and kissed him on the cheek as he tried to converse with me. Alexis sat beside me holding my hand. She was listening to Jarrod and my conversation.

Alexis and I had to get up early to get to the airport so we said our good-nights. I shook Jarrod's hand and told him it was great to see him again. We kissed Dee and headed down the hall to the same room we had occupied the last time we were here. We decided to shower tonight rather than in the morning. I should have known that we would need a shower in the morning too.

After drying each other off, we slipped our naked bodies under the sheets and kissed each other. I turned out the lights and quickly drifted off to sleep knowing that Alexis and Dee had already had a conversation about the both of them teaming up on Jarrod tonight. Alexis didn't try to hide it. Our newly defined relationship demanded that we be open and truthful with each other. I knew it was inevitable and I was fine with it. After all Dee and I had had smoking hot sex several times. Nothing was said about me joining in so I decided to just let it happen however it happened. Involved or not involved, either was fine with me.

In the middle of the night or at least it seemed like that, I felt Alexis pull back the covers and slide out of bed. I knew where she was going. I fell quickly back to sleep and stayed that way until I felt the covers pull back again and a body cuddled up to me and pulled the covers up. I figured Alexis and Dee had finished their double-teaming of Jarrod, finished and now she was back to sleep. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand as her hand came to my chest and ran down over my pecks and abs to my crotch. It was not even eleven o'clock. She wrapped her fingers around my completely flaccid dick and ran her fingers over the glans. She was apparently not done for the night. I was about half awake and confused that it had only been like a half-hour since I turned out the lights. It seemed like half the night was gone.

I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head and plumped up the pillow. Alexis slid over close to me and put her head on my stomach as her hand wrapped around my rapidly growing dick. When fully engorged, her fingers couldn't reach around the circumference but she started jerking me off. I kicked the covers off to my knees to give her better access. In my half-slumber I was thinking, 'Jesus Christ, she sure gives a great handjob."

After a few minutes she lifted her head and moved it down. I forced myself to come fully awake. When I felt her struggling side to side trying to push her lips over my glans I knew it wasn't Alexis. It was Dee. She is smaller than Alexis and she always struggles a lot to handle my cock.

I was really confused now. Alexis and Dee were supposedly double- teaming Jarrod right now. She had just got her lips around my glans when I rolled her back off. My cock burst from her lips with a loud 'pop'. I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp and rolled back toward Dee. "What's going on Dee? Alexis told me you guys were going to DT Jarrod. What are you doing in here? Where is Alexis?"

Dee pushed a finger to my lips and said, "Let me explain. Jarrod and I have fantastic sex but I've never explained to him about liking lesbian sex or the fact that you and I have had sex as recently as last week. I love Jarrod and I know he loves me but I want him to be on board with this. I don't want to lose my relationship with Alexis and you."

I sat up suddenly realizing that she still had her fingers wrapped around my cock. I left it there. "So, where is Alexis? I suppose she is in bed with Jarrod and he thinks it's you." She smiled and nodded. "Jesus, Dee. How is that going to solve anything except giving you one more romp in bed with me?" Dee stopped jacking up and down on my cock and a frown formed on her face. "Dee. If what you want is for Jarrod to be onboard with your alternate life-style, you have to talk to him. Hell, he may be kinkier than you think. Now you get back in there and get Alexis out of this." She pouted her lower lip out and basically threw my cock down as she rolled over toward her side and pushed herself out to the floor.

She turned her naked body back to me and said, "I guess you're right. I have been afraid to talk to him about it and it's wrong to just spring it on him like this. I just assumed that no guy was going to withstand Alexis. She is a force of nature. I figured if he woke up and realized it was Alexis, he would definitely not push her away."

I replied, "Oh, so you just figured everything would be OK because he would feel guilty about having sex with his sister-in-law so then everything else would be fair game. Jesus, Dee. Get Alexis out of there before it's too late. It probably is already." She pouted again and hurried from the room. My cock was laying down peacefully on my left hipbone.


The plan had been that Alexis would come into Dee's room when she heard them having sex. She would join them. Jarrod would be startled at first but how could he resist two gorgeous women at the same time? It was going according to Dee's plan until she chickened out and when Alexis arrived in the room, Dee wasn't there. Jarrod was saying something about "hurry up Dee". Alexis was confused about what to do when Dee crept out of the bathroom and took Alexis' hand and pulled her back into the hallway. Dee whispered, "A change of plans. You go in there and take my place. I was sucking his cock. He will quickly realize you aren't me. He'll be surprised but he'll be glad. He talks about you being 'smoking hot' all the time. I don't take offense because he's right. Hell, I'm smoking hot too." She nudged Alexis threw the bedroom door.

Alexis had major reservations about this whole plan. She was hot to 'fit Jarrod on' but this was nuts. She admitted to herself that the illicitness was totally hot though and she moved slowly into the room. Her mind was going a mile-a-minute as she traversed the bedroom to the foot of the bed. It suddenly occurred to her that she was significantly taller than Dee. How in the world did Dee think this was going to work?

When Jarrod said, "Hurry up babe," she decided, 'what the fuck' and pushed herself up on the bed and moved in between his knees with hers. In the dark gloom of the city lights penetrating through the floor to ceiling windows she could see Jarrod lying on his back stroking his cock slowly. She was trembling slightly as she wrapped her finger around his shaft and displaced his hand. It was too late to back out now. She began stroking his cock with one hand and then both. She leaned in and spit on his glans and resumed her handjob. Jarrod groaned out, "Oh fuck babe. That feels so good."

Alexis' nipples were getting harder and she could feel her pussy getting wetter. She removed one hand from Jarrod's cock and ran her fingers down over her pussy to collect her own lubrication and then moved it back to Jarrod's cock. She leaned down to spit on his cock again but Jarrod put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her down. He rolled his hips up to push his cock into her mouth. She accepted it and started giving him a throatjob. He was groaning non-stop now.

Jarrod's cock was nowhere near the size of Hunter's and she had no problem at all handling it as it slid up and down her lips as she lathed his cock with her tongue. Jarrod was grinding his hips up into Alexis' face as he held her head to him. Jarrod groaned out, "Oh babe. I'm going to cum. Oh fuck. Yea." He thrust his hips up as he pulled her head down. Alexis felt the first shot rocket right into her throat. She gagged and tried to pull back but Jarrod's muscles had locked involuntarily and he held her to him. She coughed his cum out past his cock to his stomach. He then realized what he was doing and he released her head. She pulled back and coughed again as Jarrod's next salvo of cum hit her right below the right eye, across her nose to her left cheek. She didn't even notice as she was struggling to clear her throat.

Just then Dee climbed up on the bed and put her hand on Alexis' shoulder. Jarrod had a pillow over his face apparently trying to smother his groans. He had finished his orgasm after four long bursts of cum. All were on Alexis. She had one still in her throat, two on her face and one on her chest and tits. Alexis was startled from Dee's touch. She pulled back from between Jarrod's knees and stood up on the floor. Dee followed her into the bathroom and closed the door.

Alexis was furious. "Jesus Dee. He never even knew it wasn't you. You've accomplished nothing with this ploy," she whispered.

Dee whispered back, "I know. I chickened out. I'm so afraid to lose him and I don't want to stop having sex with you and Hunter either. I don't know what to do." The night-light on the countertop revealed tears as they burst into Dee's eyes. Alexis pulled Dee to her and kissed her. She transferred Jarrod's cum to Dee's nose in the process. Neither of them noticed. Alexis separated and took Dee by the hand and opened the bathroom door. She wasn't quiet about it either. She flipped on the light switch by the door and the bedside lamp came on. Jarrod still had the pillow on his face. His cock had gone soft and lay on his tummy.

Alexis pulled Dee up on the bed beside Jarrod and pulled off the pillow. Jarrod looked up squinting from the light to find Alexis kneeling beside him. Dee was sitting beside her. As he became accustomed to the light he realized that Alexis and Dee were both naked. Looking closer he noticed that Alexis' face and tits were covered in cum. Dee had a petrified look on her face. Cum was hanging from her nose and she had tears in her eyes. In spite of this incongruous site Jarrod's cock jumped up off his body as he realized that two gorgeous naked women were sitting there beside him. Alexis said, "Jarrod. Do you see this cum on my face and tits?" He nodded and glanced at Dee. He was obviously confused.