Possessing Bella Ch. 05


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They went on to talk about this evening's gathering of the Pet Master's Guild, and if she understood the etiquette she would require. She had laughed good-naturedly and explained how lucky she was to have such good friends like Tali and Dianne, to help her with the behaviour required tonight.

"You must realise that Mel had a particular liking for this facet of the lifestyle," she smiled shyly. "I think I will be fine and you will have the end of my leash to keep me safe, right?"

"Yes, I will," Stephen agreed.

They had been driving for well over an hour when Stephen pulled off the main road and down a dark laneway where the trees were slightly overgrown and shrouded the car. Turning off the headlights but leaving the accessory lights on the interior was bathed in a dull blue glow. He reached into the back for the small leather bag and realising what happening Bella shifted around to kneel on the seat, flipping up the long coat and presenting him with her ass.

Counting backwards from ten Stephen smoothed his hand over the firm globes before parting the two lengths of soft leather that ran between her legs to the O-ring that joined the strip of fur running down her back to the harness's multiple leather straps. Taking his time despite his own arousal he used the lube first on her and then on the plug. He heard her breathing change and her stifled whimpers as the tail found its place within her. The plug was not so big as to cause her great discomfort throughout the night but enough to ensure she would feel its weight and pull should she misplace her limbs or ass during the night.

"Keep your feet beneath you when you turn back around you will find it more comfortable than sitting directly on the tail," he smacked her ass to savour the sound and flipped her coat back down over her ass. He handed her the small bag and encouraged her to put on the paws and reseal it.

Stephen drew a deep breath as he restarted the car and reversed out of the laneway back onto the highway travelling back the way they had come for several minutes before turning up a side road. He followed this to their destination, a large manor house on the top of the hill. It was Bella's turn to take a deep breath as she nervously got out of the car at the end of the leash Stephen now held. She stood uncertainly and looked up at Stephen for guidance.

"Out here you walk, stay on your toes, go to your hands and knees up on the veranda," he said softly leading her toward the manor house. They walked up the four steps to the wide wrap around veranda and with a gentle tug down on the leash Stephen guided her to her hands and knees. She had barely moved again when in a blur of red and black she was suddenly on her back having her neck licked and nuzzled by a yelping Tali. She squealed and giggled as they rolled about together happily for a few moments until Mark Millar appeared clapping Stephen on the shoulder and laughing jovially.

"Heel," Mark barked and Tali got up and crawled to him winding around his legs and panting happily. Bella too got to her hands and knees cursing the coat and rubbed against Stephens legs. "Come on in I will show you were to put your coats on the way through." Mark let Tali lead the way through into the front room which appeared to be a formal lounge room. Bella remembered that this was Mark's home not a club or in this case a guild house.

"Five minutes, Tali, just to check her makeup," Mark said sternly.

She nodded and yelped softly standing and helping Bella take off her coat, before grabbing her hand and scooting across the hall to the bathroom, leaving Stephen staring after them.

"You look amazing, spin around for me?" Tali said inspecting her and her makeup. She ran her hand into the faux fur and grinned, "So soft, and fancy, let me guess you're a minx?" she had touched the rhinestone collar and leash as she spoke.

"Mink, yes" Bella laughed.

"Hunter is here, if he wants you the others will back down immediately; he is the alpha of the guild," Tali warned. "Remember you have choices, you can say no to him, he can be a bit scary, but that means you won't be trained by anyone in the guild."

"And if he doesn't want me?" Bella asked feeling a shiver run up her spine.

"Then you have the choice of anyone you want practically, though I am pretty sure it's mainly Samuel Beckett, Master's best friend, and Bitang Tuan who said he met you when you flew to Malaysia with Mel." Tali explained, "Who will put themselves forward. Okay pee quickly we only have another minute, and you're not gonna want to pee out there," she grinned.

Bella shifted her costume uncomfortable and sat quickly feeling relief for this brief moment with Tali. There was a high pitched whistle and Tali's head went up and to the door, "We gotta go; I will try and stay close okay?" She poked her head out of the door and held up two fingers as Bella readjusted her costume and Tali gave her a quick once over claiming that whoever did her body work was a genius.

The whistle sounded again and hugging Bella she squeaked, "Here we go!" and flinging the door open scampered across the hall to her Master's side while Bella took her place beside Stephen. She froze her eyes widening, Stephen aware of her looked down and murmured, "Problem?"

"Will they all be Master's or Sirs?" she whispered nervously.

"I will help you, little one, but I doubt you will need to worry; pets are not expected to speak here," he chuckled and they walked down the hallway and out onto the large back deck where everyone was gathered. The people looked up as the entered the space with a few walking over to greet Stephen and pat her hair. She listened carefully for names and tried to find something to connect the name to the person.

Stephen seemed in no hurry to sit down as he walked her first to the bar and then to see another friend, each time she wold crawl beside him and then sit back on her feet as he stopped to talk. She looked over Samuel Beckett carefully as he and Stephen spoke, considering him as a prospective Master. He seemed quite short in comparison to Stephen but then everyone did in some way, but she guessed he was about five ten, give or take a little. He was stocky though, and his muscles could be seen bulging behind his jeans and shirt.

"Hello Bella, I'm Sam," he had bent down to her level, extending his hand he smiled, "Shake?" It was said as it might have been to a dog, so she lifted her paw covered hand and placed it in his returning his smile. "Aren't you a cute little ball of fur," he ran his hand up the soft strip of fur between her breasts to her neck and she purred playfully at him, making him grin before standing up again to address Stephen.

"A minx was a perfect selection for her, well done Stephen," he clapped him on the shoulder. "I'll be throwing my name in the hat so to speak."

"Good," Stephen's baritone rumbled. He like Samuel and thought he would be good for Bella, he was caring but firm from what he knew, and would show her a softer side of the lifestyle then what she knew now. They sat, and an older Asian gentleman appeared beside them taking a seat beside Stephen. "Tuan," he nodded at the man.

"Stephen, good to see you," he said in a thick accent, "I have brought champagne for this gorgeous creature," he placed a decorative saucer in front of Bella and poured half a glass of champagne into it. Stephen watched as she bent her head to it and lapped tentatively the bubbles sprinkling over her skin making her wrinkle her little pink nose endearingly making him chuckles quietly as he turned back to Tuan.

"You have met before," Stephen said easily indicating Bella.

"Yes, once, before... the accident," Bella sat back up listening to his words and looking up at him, he reached out to scratch behind her fake ears, and she purred appreciatively. "Such a lovely pet, and to have been trained by Mel himself, I am keen for the opportunity to spend some time with her one on one," his smile was wide. "I imagine she is quite the little masochist."

"I wouldn't let your imagination rule your good sense here," Stephen rumbled protectively and Bella moved once again against his leg.

"Ah yes of course, the watcher you are," he nodded his accented broken English coming forward, "It is unusual is it not this training program, for a pet such as this, it is obvious that she is happy at a Master's feet, no?"

"Yes," Stephen looked down on her stroking her hair with affection.

"Then why not just advertise her availability, I am sure she would be offered a good home with ease," he practically licked his lips at the prospect of having this pretty little pet as one of his own.

"That is not my decision to make as you well know," Stephen said with ease though Bella heard the grumble in his tone and realised Stephen did not like the man. Tuan nodded and went onto other subjects as Bella sat quietly between them occasionally lapping at a saucer of champagne.

Various people came to sit with them, and they too moved around the room as she was introduced to other pets. There were about a dozen or so masters present, but only about seven pets, two of which were puppies much like Tali, exuberant and playful. Two others were feline in nature, regal and with an air of condescension, big cats Bella thought; the other was like a cross between the two, feline but with a playful exuberance like a kitten, a rabbit and what she thought might be a mouse.

Bella was being nuzzled and nipped at by the playful kitten when one of the Masters squatted down beside them looking at her intently. "I am Hunter," he said, "You have heard of me?" Bella gulped and nodded. Her nose twitched at the scent of his leather pants, and she boldly leaned slightly towards his knee breathing it in. He smiled showing perfect white teeth behind his dark lips. "You like the smell of leather, don't you?" he stated the obvious and once again she looked up and nodded.

"And how are you Keely," he stroked the playful kittens hair then stroked Bella's neck eliciting a purr and a big smile from the other pet. "This one looks precious doesn't she?" he asked the kitten indicating Bella. Keely grinned and nodded. He smiled again and turned his dark eyes on Bella. "Are you truly serious about wanting to learn about this lifestyle?" he asked tilting his head at her holding her gaze with his own. Bella caught her lip between her teeth and nodded not blinking or showing anything, but her willingness to learn more.

"You are quite a tiny pet, but perhaps," he said as he petted the fur strip that ran up and down her front. "Did you choose this pet persona or did another choose it for you?" he asked and watched as Bella tilted her eyes up to Stephen and leaned in rubbing at his leg in appreciation of looking after her with a smile. "Loyalty and obedience are good traits for a pet to have," he nodded. "Yet he does not train you himself," Hunter mused.

"I am not a pet Master," Stephen said easily coming down to their level, "This is the process agreed upon."

"You have agreed to this precious pet?" Hunter lifted her chin to look deeply into her eyes as she nodded her assent, a slight surprise showed in her eyes as he used the same words to describe her that Mel often had. "So it shall be then," he leaned forward and dropped a fluttering kiss on her upturned nose, "I will let our host know of my intention." He stood with Stephen and clasped his hand. "You of course will be welcome in my home at any time of your choosing during her training."

"I will be eager to see your island home should you win the night," Stephen said easily.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Hunter chuckled and strode away towards Mark, who was standing at the bar, to inform him the contest was over, Bella watched from her position as Hunter and Mark engaged in an animated conversation, Mark looking occasionally at Stephen and then back at Hunter.

Stephen went to sit again and pulled her to his lap where she curled contentedly still watching the bar. He lowered his head and murmured in her ear, "A much better prospect than Tuan, and possibly a stronger more demanding Master than Sam, would you like a few minutes to talk to Tali? I could arrange it."

Bella turned purring loudly and making a show of nuzzling his neck whispered, "Oh yes, please, Sir Stephen."

It took some time, but Mark eventually interrupted a conversation Stephen was having with a small group of pet masters and asked to see him in his den. Taking Bella with him, he followed Mark into the house and to a side room away from the noise of the gathering. Tali pounced on Bella and hugged her as soon as they entered the room, giggling and dragging her off to an adjoining room that happened to be an ensuite. Grateful beyond belief, Bella, rearranged her costume and sat down as Tali began a bubbling excited conversation about how jealous the girls were and how impressed the Masters were and what did she think of this, and that.

Bella laughed as she struggled to get a word in. She realised now why Tali spoke so much and so fast, as a pet they rarely spoke instead just making noise. "Slow down, slow down," Bella said as stood up and flushed the toilet, pulling her costume back into place carefully. She had little time and really didn't want to discuss this in front of the whole group of friends tomorrow.

"As I see it I have a choice of two maybe," Bella began, and Tali tilted her head questioningly. "Sam and Hunter," She explained.

"Tuan said..." Tali began but stopped as Bella shook her head.

"He seems a little... I dunno..." she shook her head.

"Yeah creepy," Tali nodded.

"Sam seems lovely and Hunter... well he is..." she chewed her lip trying to think of the right word, "Not intense but... not lovely either, maybe I dunno."

"He's a bit like... well it's just that he demands the best and expects the best form everyone around him. He is also the first to offer assistance if anyone needs it. He has the respect and loyalty of the whole guild, if he has declared his interest in you; no one would challenge him, not even Tuan the self-proclaimed beast master." She giggled. Bella chewed her lips thoughtfully. "Sam is a good man though and you would have a wonderful time with him I am sure," Tali grinned, "Plus I would get to see you all the time!"

"So you think Samuel?" Bella asked.

"Well that would work well for me but if I was in your shoes I would go for the dark chocolate Master. Doesn't his skin just make you wanna lick him all over to taste him! And you know what they say about black men," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, "Come on don't tell me you haven't checked out that package he keeps hidden behind all that leather."

Bella laughed and hugged Tali, "You are absolutely zero help to me, you know that?"

"I was never good at making decisions on my own that why I have such an intelligent Master," she giggled. There was a whistle and Tali pouted, "Time to go I guess," she flung open the door and bounded out stopping in her tracks and lowering to her hands and knees quickly as she almost ran into Hunter. She rubbed against his leg before returning to Mark's side for a scratch behind the ears.

Bella went to her hands and knees nervously after shutting the door and followed Tali's lead, rubbing against the leather clad legs of Hunter before returning to Stephen, who also bent down to pet her hair before picking her up to stand on her feet beside him. "The rules of this house don't apply for the moment, Hunter would like to hear you speak," Stephen said softly.

"Yes, Sir Stephen," she answered equally softly and turned to Hunter, who stood watching her. He waved her closer to him, and she walked softly, padding across the carpet to him.

"The training is something you have asked for and your guardians have allowed?" he asked.

"Yes Sir," she replied.

"I am a Master; you may address me as such," he gave her a hard look.

"Yes Master Hunter," she replied automatically to the rebuff.

"Good, I know them both by reputation at least and they are good men as is Stephen," he nodded in the big man's direction. "Were you given a choice in the pet persona you wear tonight?"

"No, Master Hunter it was provided for me by Sir Stephen and a friend of mine who did the makeup for me," she explained confused as to his question.

"Good, then you will not mind if it is changed should you come to train with me then," his face softened with a smile as he looked down on her. "I would like to discuss your expectations and limitations, would you talk with me alone for a few moments.

"I would obey Sir Stephen's wishes where that is concerned, but I would not mind if he chose to allow it," she said diplomatically accepting but still giving Stephen the authority to say no if he wanted.

"Well said," he looked up at Stephen, "It is best so that a proper training schedule could be put in place with the proper Master do you not think?" His tone was very formal as he spoke.

"I will allow it," Stephen said equally as formally, "But should another interested party ask the same their request will also be granted if she is equally willing."

"That is fair," Hunter said and looked down at Bella again and picking up her leash. "She will be returned to you shortly." He tugged at the leash and turned walking from this room back to the front room of the house. "Retrieve the bag with your make up," he said abruptly allowing her slack on the leash to locate and pick it up, handing to him. He then walked with her to another part of the large house and through a heavy door. It appeared, at first glance, to be an older style library. The walls lined with shelves and cabinets.

He took a seat in one of the overstuffed chairs and pulled her before him still standing. "You did not like being called precious pet earlier, explain," Hunter said as he inspected her.

"My Master used to call me that, it just took me by surprise; I had not heard the expression since... he passed," she swallowed hard.

"You were his pet?" he asked genuinely interested.

"Much of the time yes, Master," she smiled, "He did not costume me aside of the tail, collar and leash though," she explained further.

"Costumes are just that, a pet will feel her place regardless of what she wears," he nodded. "Display," he said abruptly and she automatically widened her stance and pulled her arms up behind her neck. "Limits?" he asked as his hands explored her body cupping her breasts and fingers trailing over the leather straps of her body harness down to her cunt. Her breathing quickened as she spoke.

"And you know these are limits how?" he asked his eyes searching hers. She went on to tell him about her time with Sire and that he would be the second Master she was to spend time with if they found themselves compatible.

"I knew your master, respected him, had business dealings with him, even saw him in action at the club more than once," he popped the clasp of her body harness releasing the two straps that ran between her legs replacing them with his hand. His fingers probed her sliding in and out of her wet slit teasing her clit and making her whimper softly as he spoke. "You are such a small pet to take the amount of abuse I saw his dish out to others, or did he treat you as the precious pet the name suggests and treat you as a delicate flower."

Bella gasped as one of his thick fingers pushed up into her, her mind struggling with the question. "My Master was a known sadist," she panted, "Why would he deny that side of himself to one that he owned?" she asked in turn before pulling her lip into her mouth to stifle her whimpers as they got louder. In the growing silence, she explained further, "I never saw him with another, so I do not have your advantage of being able to compare."

Hunter was enjoying listening to the sounds of the small pet before him almost as much as he was enjoying her easily heated state. He added a second finger to her cunt pressing his thumb against her clit. "He passed on his love of leather though didn't he," Hunter smiled at the way she chewed on her lip as she nodded.