Post-apocalyptic Pussyboy

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A man protects a boy during the end of the world.
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CONTENT WARNING: This story contains elements of reluctance/non-consent. If you don't want to read those topics, you have been warned.


When the women and girls started dying, I stayed put for a year, hunkering down at home. But once the second winter froze over the exodus had begun.

Some men had already left, haunted by the painful memories, while others simply perished. Most of us lingered though because we had nowhere else to go.

I lived in bumfuck Wyoming, the best and worst place to be during an apocalypse. At first it was perfect because there was no one around. That meant less crazies, looters and marauders, a path many men were all too eager to follow when society collapsed.

We did okay for a while, mostly because we were a handy, hardened bunch. When the power grid failed we reverted to a more primitive lifestyle and it didn't take long for us to get used to bartering and trade. But we couldn't survive the harsh climate forever. As the October chill crept through--our gas tanks near empty, our homes now dilapidated--death was imminent.

Then came the nail in the coffin: Sophia, our final "daughter" as we affectionately referred to her, passed away. We knew there was nothing left for us at home so we elected to go south.

We traveled in a caravan, about 40 RVs and campers in total. We were all adult males, as many of the young boys had died in the absence of their mothers. Also, in truth, we couldn't risk the liability.

The first few days took us through dozens of detours to stock up on any gasoline we could scrounge. Most of the country had already been thoroughly scavenged, but out here in the backwater there was still plenty untouched.

During one of those stops at an old RV park we met some rugged guys and, to my dismay, let them hitch on. I didn't like that they were unknown variables but it was hard to say no to their muscle and supplies. So we accepted the gruff stragglers into our ragtag bunch and together continued south.

When we made it to Colorado we took a rest stop in a quaint mountain town. Everything had already been ransacked but we still scraped out what we could before reconvening at our vehicles, which were parked in a huge bunch.

"I say we stay here for a few nights," said our old mayor, who even after the disaster had remained our de facto leader. He then delegated tasks, leaving me and a few guys to gather wood while he and some others hunted.

Like a lot of men in this post-apocalyptic world, I mainly stuck to myself, and now was no different as I gathered sticks. But just as I was reaching over to pick up a pretty twig, I was startled by a voice I didn't recognize behind me.

"You admiring the view, too?"

When I turned I saw it came from one of the guys who'd recently joined us.

"Oh! Uhh, hey...! Yeah..." I answered sheepishly, having nearly forgotten how to engage in small talk.

I'd always been a bit of a loner, which is actually why I think I'd handled the catastrophe so well. Aside from the obvious, my life wasn't all that different. I still just got along living.

It dawned on me when he went to shake my hand that I wasn't sure I'd ever experience something like this again--the simple pleasure of meeting a new friend. And even though he was a tough looking dude, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and put my hand in his with a soft smile.

This guy definitely wasn't someone I'd have interacted with before all this. Tall, brawny, with a scraggly beard and Roman nose that looked like it'd been broken more than a few times, he was really intimidating. In typical tough guy fashion, he wore a leather jacket, white tee and dark jeans. And as expected, when he took his coat off there were bad boy tattoos tracing his upper body.

"I'm Snake," he introduced, and I thought to myself 'he can't be serious.'

But then I noticed an inked serpent coiling up his hairy forearm and figured it was some biker nickname. Not wanting to insult this huge man, I made nothing of it while introducing myself.


We walked and talked for a while and Snake was a lot chiller than I expected; I had to remind myself that even in dire times there are still good people. He told me he was 40 and originally from Texas but didn't go into much detail.

Like most others, Snake chose to keep his previous life private. I understood why but with both my parents dead I had nothing to hide, so I told Snake everything, or what little there was. I told him I was 20, and supposed to start at University of Wyoming before all this. He sympathized that I didn't get to experience college but made no mention of his own alma mater.

I laugh to myself now when I think about how worthless most degrees are in a true crisis. This isn't a world where you can get by on a white collar education. Strength is power here, and Snake had that.

"You have a girlfriend?" he asked. "You know, before all this?"

"No..." I replied with a little shame. "I actually never had one."

"Really? So you've never....?"

"Had sex....? N-no....."

I realized I'd never said it out loud, probably because it was my deepest insecurity. I knew I was gonna die a virgin and had already come to terms with it, but I certainly didn't want to discuss that with anyone.

Everyone else in our group had wives, girlfriends, complete love lives full of sexual experiences. I would never get to feel the touch of another human, the bond between two souls, and didn't like thinking about it.

"Awww, that's okay," Snake said sympathetically, even going so far as to place his big arm over my shoulder. "Maybe there'll be a nice girl waiting for ya down south."

"We both know that's not true...." I replied dejectedly. "And the only ones left are... Well...."

We both looked quietly to the floor as the horrific rumors of kidnappings and breeding farms haunted our imaginations.

"Hey, let's not think about that," Snake comforted with a squeeze. "But trust me, kid, you won't die a virgin. Promise."

I looked up at him with wide eyes and he gave me a confident grin. I smiled back, happy to have met a friend, and finally one filled with hope.

We strolled idly around the forest for hours shooting the shit. As a gesture of goodwill, Snake even offered to combine some of the big logs he'd already chopped with my meager stack to make it seem like I did more.

"I don't mind at all," he said with his arm still around me. "It's been nice hangin' out with you."

"Yeah, it has been," I responded, lazily letting him pull me in closer.

By the time we got back it was almost sundown and everyone was gathered at the vehicles. As promised, Snake let me split with him and together we brought an impressive haul.

"Here's our contribution," he announced after placing our bounty in the pile.

"Is that what you both brought...?" asked the mayor hesitantly, unsure of the protocol for the situation. "Together...?"

"Yes, together," Snake affirmed, then came back to where I was standing and put his arm around me.

I was a little uncomfortable because although I had asked for this, I didn't realize he meant it so literally. In a tribal society like ours, pulling your own weight is paramount. Values like self-reliance and self-preservation were all we had, but now it felt like I was part of some forced duo, and an unequal one at that!

A few guys looked over at me with cocked eyebrows and some others even snickered as I stood meekly under Snake's big arm. I wasn't sure why I stayed silent and let him lead me, but by the time I thought to react the opportunity was gone.

"Whoever got the wood, let's get you guys on fire and dinner duty."

I was never great at making fires but once again Snake saved the day.

"I'll set these up and you can cook the meat, how's that sound?"

I agreed happily because I'd never minded cooking and was actually pretty good. It seemed like an easy way to show I was worth keeping around so I always jumped at the chance.

While I grilled, Snake kept me company, often wrapping his arms around me to fix the logs. It was a little weird to be shown so much affection out of nowhere, but you have to understand how lonely I'd been. I'd barely said more than a few words in two years, so it was comforting to finally feel someone, anyone, close to me. I hadn't even been so much as hugged and admittedly it felt good when he did.

He was also much better at making friends and when it was time to eat sat us down with some guys I'd never met. Dinner was actually going pretty well until Snake paused in the middle of his story to tell me to get him more moonshine.

I was embarrassed because no one else would've taken that shit, but I guess it wasn't a huge deal. Snake had already helped me out twice and grabbing his drinks felt like an easy way to say thank you.

"Why don't you clean my plate too, boy, then meet me back here," he requested after we'd finished.

Snake was leaning back in his chair, chomping on a cigar with his fourth drink in-hand. His jacket was off and his big chest and veiny biceps were bulging beneath his white shirt.

Under the firelight I could see just how hairy his arms were, all the way up to his shoulders and back. Even thicker black fur shot out of his V-neck to meet his bearish face and four-inch beard. At this angle he looked downright scary so I did what I was told then scampered right back.

"Good boy," he commended, then traced his hand all the way up from my ankle to butt.

It was sort of weird but I figured I was just overthinking things since we were both cross faded on liquor and joints.

"Help me up now, kid, then we'll hit the hay."

Snake gave me his big paw and I did my best to lift this 230 lb man out of his chair. At a slim 150 myself my attempts were useless and he finally stood up with a chuckle.

"Alright, boy, let's be off."

After pulling me close he started leading me in an unknown direction. I stumbled along compliantly for a minute then finally spoke up.

"Wait! My bed's over there!"

"Not anymore, it's not," he replied gruffly, gripping me even tighter as he walked us towards the back of the caravan. "You're gonna be sleepin' with me from now on."

"Wait WHAT?! B-but...!"

I tried to pull away but Snake was twice my size and kept me trapped under his arm. When we got to his secluded spot I looked futilely around the pitch black for an escape.

"Go on, boy, get in," he ordered, standing directly behind me.

I was terrified at this point and didn't want to obey but there was nowhere to run! Finally he started pushing me and I had to step in to avoid tripping.

"There we are," he announced proudly after he'd entered as well.

He then zipped up the tent and turned on a lantern, towering over me as I cowered on the floor.

"I-I don't know what you want, Sir, b-but-"

"What I want is for you to strip, and to not have to ask twice."

"What??? FUCK NO!!"


"I told you not to make me ask twice!"

With my cheek on fire I looked up and saw a different man than the one I'd been with earlier. This Snake did not play games. This Snake was brutal, merciless and got what he wanted.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I babbled weakly, hoping to not upset him further.

He was still glaring down at me and I knew what was coming if I didn't strip. Scared shitless, I started pulling off my shorts and shirt, if only to distract him long enough to run.

"Jesus," he laughed when I was fully nude. "You're like a little girl! Tiny cock too!"

I'd always been embarrassed by my slim hairless figure and little pink dick and was convinced they contributed to my virginity. I never played sports or lifted weights, preferring jogging and yoga, which gave me a lean physique that was definitely not desirable, at least to me.

"Turn around for me, girl, let me see that little pussy."

Humiliated beyond belief, I knew this was my last chance. While writhing around blinded on the floor, I tried to jump up but as expected Snake had me headlocked in seconds.

He threw me back down angrily, promising I "didn't want to know what would happen if I tried that again."

Fearing the worst, I slowly and shamefully turned my twink body for him until I was kneeling the other way.

"Now put your head down. That's it, baby, and spread your knees. Pop that little pussy out for Daddy. I wanna see what you're workin' with."

I couldn't believe I was being talked to like this--like a woman!--when just minutes ago I'd been a normal heterosexual male! Yet around this massive beast I surely didn't feel like one, at least not in the way he was. I was just a little bitch next to him, a pussy! Just like he said....

"Head down!" he barked again, then spanked my ass hard enough to leave a mark.

I instantly buried my face and arched my back, commencing the most humiliating display of my life. As I spread my knees wider, I could feel my cheeks parting, my asshole poking out and showing itself to him. I'd never felt so violated, presenting my butthole to another man, but there was nothing I could do!

"Reach back and pull your cheeks apart for me, pretty boy. Let me see that cunt."

Fearing the worst, I pulled my buns back for dear life and showed him all of my little pink button.

"Now that's a pretty pussy. Just like a little girl's. All pink and tight. Push it out for me, baby, let me see that pussy wink."

I wasn't sure what he wanted but after a hard spank I started flexing my hole like crazy, winking and pushing for him.

He seemed pleased because he whispered, "beautiful," before getting on his knees.

From there he began sniffing like a dog while caressing my buttcheeks. Fittingly, I was whimpering like a bitch, vulnerable and terrified as this man did what he pleased to me. Then, to my utter shock, I felt a wet tongue graze against my wrinkled slit!

"Unnnhh! AHH!" I moaned while he taste-tested my hole.

After a few licks he shoved his whole face between my buns then really went to town. Sucking and biting, he growled wildly while eating my ass out, something I didn't even know men did to each other! Of course I knew you could eat a pussy, but here I was having mine eaten! My.... "pussy!"

"Oh god! Oh god!"

I cried helplessly as he licked me from bottom to top. With each swipe, his scratchy beard scraped indescribable sensations across my silky smooth skin.

For some shameful reason, all his sexual treatment was very... stimulating... and I could feel my small boner sticking up between my legs. Snake gave it a squeeze and laughed, saying he knew I would love "having my pussy eaten."

"Your snatch needs a shave but we can deal with that tomorrow. Tonight I'll be fucking your pussy in its natural virgin state."

That statement scared the living shit out of me and I jumped to my knees and turned to him.

"I didn't tell you to get up, boy, but you're clearly eager for something else. Alright then, I'll give you what you want. Come 'ere. Come suck on Daddy's snake."

I tried backing up but was already at the edge of the tent. As Snake skulked towards me, he removed his shirt to reveal a powerful torso. His pecs and abs were muscled with a healthy layer of chub and it was all covered in a thick black pelt. This was in direct contrast to my thin, hairless frame, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Look at you. Look at how pretty you are. All skinny and smooth, you're just like a girl."

"No... B-but..."

"Shhh, baby, don't fight it. I've been turning out little bitches like you since this whole thing started. Soon as I saw you I knew you were next, sweet as you are. So let's not make this any harder than it has to be, okay?"

I was frozen in terror as Snake pulled his jeans off and set me face to face with his enormous anaconda. It was long, brown and fully erect, surrounded by a dense black bush that put my trimmed lawn to shame. Gripping my overgrown mane, he pushed my cheek against his warm flesh and rubbed it all over face.

I was humiliated to have another man's penis sliding and slapping against me, a universally feminine act. I never even thought I'd do anything sexual but DEFINITELY never imagined this! That I'd be the one on my knees. The girl.....

"Open your mouth, sweetheart, I gotta teach you how to suck my dick. Now that you're my bitch boy you're gonna have to learn how to please me."

It wasn't hard to put together what he was describing..... With no females left, he planned on making me his "girl", his cocksucker, and ultimately *gulp* f-fucking my "pussy"...

"No.... Please! PLEASE!" I begged, but Snake just slapped me with his dick.

"Shut up, bitch! You do what I say from now on. ALWAYS! Got it? And I don't wanna hear no more back talk! So open up that pretty mouth and stick yer tongue out. I'm gonna teach you how to throat this dick."

Snake had one huge hand wrapped around my skull while the other squeezed my cheeks.

"Open up," he threatened, then pushed his fat tip towards my mouth.

Unable to close it, I was forced to accept his phallus. It felt absolutely bizarre when it entered, this fleshy foreign object, this thick, hard penis penetrating me.

"Aaaahhh!! Mmmaaahhh!!"

"That's it, open wide. Daddy's gotta big dick and you gotta swallow it all."

He wasn't lying, his dick was fucking huge and it was really hard to take. I kept comparing it to my own as I choked and felt so inadequate, so weak and pathetic on my knees. He'd utterly dominated me in a matter of minutes and I never even tried to fight back!

"Deeper, baby, that's it."

It was hard to accommodate but he didn't let up as his slimy tip traveled past my uvula. I gagged and slapped his thighs but he wouldn't let go.

"...8, 9, 10," he counted, then finally let me breathe.

I gasped for air and looked up at him with teary eyes and a sore throat, desperate for more gentle treatment. Of course he didn't oblige and sent me right back down. He continued to coach ruthlessly, constantly rebuking me for putting my hands up while he bruised my larynx. He said I needed to let my body go, that it wasn't mine anymore, that he owned me now.

"You're a natural," he laughed after choke-fucking me for the 50th time.

I winced at him with the defeated eyes of a brutalized porn star. My throat was raw from his rough treatment and face soaked in snot, tears and spit.

"Awww, baby, don't pretend you don't like this too. See?"

When I looked down I was flooded with the most profound shame imaginable. My cock was more erect than I'd ever seen it, and had been bobbing excitedly throughout the entire face fuck. In fact, I noticed that the deeper he went, the rougher he pummeled my gullet, the harder I got!

"Look at that little dick stick up. Bet you wish I was that small, huh? Would be a lot easier to take, ha! You couldn't even choke someone with yours, could you?"

When I didn't respond, Snake tilted my chin up.

"I asked you a question, boy, and when I ask my bitch a question I expect an answer. Now, could you choke someone with your dick or is it too small?"

"No... I couldn't..."


"C-cuz it's too small...."

"And you've never gotten a blowjob, right? Never had your dick sucked?"


"And you're never gonna?"


"That's right, your little dick's never gettin' wet."

I started sniffling but he told me it was okay.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, you just weren't born for that. No, you were born a cocksucker. My cocksucker...."

I was beyond humiliated at this point. He'd eviscerated my entire existence and I all could reply with was a disassociated, "yes......."

"Yes, what?"

"Y-yes I'm your cocksucker....."

"Yes you are, my pretty little bitch boy. You're my cocksucker, now and forever. So let's get back to it, shall we."

The next 10 minutes of throat training were as brutal as the first and by the time he let me off I was a slimy, coughing mess.