Powerball Ch. 02


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That night when the girls got home I got my customary hugs and kisses, granted, the ones I got from Beth were hot and passionate. She didn't bring up the topic of my talk with Lisa and I was glad.

Saturday we spent swimming and relaxing. Lisa was doing a good job so far with the secret. Then it was time to get ready to go out. Beth hadn't yet moved her stuff into my room so she went to the guest room she had used to dress. I went upstairs and got ready. When it was time to leave the girls came out of their rooms, Beth in her little black dress and Lisa in a cute dress they had bought on their shopping trip for clothes. When I saw them I whistled.

"I am a lucky man. I get to take out the prettiest two girls in the whole state."

Both girls giggled. On the trip to the restaurant Lisa began to get fidgety, her excitement growing. Beth looked at her and I could tell she was wondering what's up.

Mel and her family were going to meet us there. As luck would have it we pulled into the parking lot at the same time. We met up outside and walked into the lobby area while I went to the hostess to tell her who we were. She immediately ushered us in. Beth was surprised to see us led into a private room and looked at me questioningly. I kissed her cheek and told her I just wanted those I love to be together tonight. She didn't say anything else, just allowed me to seat her. I had ordered appetizers in advance when I made the reservations as well as the first round of drinks and it was served shortly after we were seated. While we were enjoying the appetizers we placed our order for the entree. We talked about work and school and generally enjoyed being together.

I was seated at one end of the table and George at the other. To my right sat Beth and next to her was Mel. The little ones sat across from Beth and Mel, with Lisa in the seat closest to me. Finally the time came, we finished the main meal and I stood.

"Before we order dessert there is something I need to do if you will all bare with me." I got looks of curiosity from everyone except Lisa who knew what I was going to do and Mel who I was sure had figured it out. I put my hand into my jacket pocket and palmed the ring so Beth couldn't see what I held, then I dropped to one knee in front of her. Beth gasped when it dawned on her what was coming.

"Beth, love of my life, I kneel before you to humbly ask if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife, to spend the rest of our lives together, bound by love."

Tears were pouring from Beth's eyes and I could see her hands visibly shaking. First she just began nodding and then, "Oh yes Michael. I would love to marry you and be your wife."

"Then as a pledge of my love I would be honored if you would wear this ring," I said revealing it to her for the first time.

"Michael, it's beautiful, please put it on my finger." I placed it on her finger, it fit perfectly. I stood and drew her up for a kiss to the sound of applause from everyone at the table.

Lisa then stood and walked over and tugged on my pants legs. I looked down and she held her arms open to me so I bent and lifted her up. First she hugged me then leaned back.

"If you are going to marry my mama, does that mean you will be my daddy."

I stared at her stunned but answered quickly, "Would you like me to be your daddy?"

With missing a beat she said, "Oh yes, please."

I looked at Beth, "And how about your mother, would she like me to be your daddy."

Beth was openly bawling when I asked this, she could only vigorously nod her head.

"Well, it looks like we all agree, I would love to be your daddy sweetheart."

Lisa turned in my arms and looked at my nieces and yelled, "I've got a daddy. I've got a daddy just like you."

Beth was crying, I was crying, I looked at Mel, she was crying, even George. The three little girls were just giddy. We finally returned to out seats and dessert was brought in. Mel and Beth sat chattering about weddings, the three little ones talking about how they would be cousins. George and I just sat and smiled looking at the women in our lives.

After dinner we headed for the parking lot. George came over and offered his hand and his congratulations. Then my sister came over and hugged, she kissed my cheek and then whispered into my ear, "Take good care of her, baby brother, she deserves a good man like you. You chose the right one this time."

"I will, sis, I will."

It was late when we got home, Lisa's bedtime, so Beth and I went to tuck her in. Beth gave her a kiss and she said "Good night, mama." I then bent and kissed her and she said, "Good night, daddy."

"Good night my sweet daughter," I said swelling with pride. I stroked her hair then turned and took Beth's hand and led her upstairs.

On the way up Beth chuckled. "I didn't think I would ever hear that word come out of her mouth. You're a good man, daddy."

I squeezed her hand lovingly. "And I didn't think I would ever hear that word in reference to me. I like it, I couldn't ask for a more precious daughter. I promise you, my love to care for and protect her as best as I can."

"I know you will, my man. Now take me to bed and ravish me."

And I did that. My wife to be and I switched between making sweet love and unbridled lust filled sex. It was late, very late when we then fell asleep cuddled in each others arms. We both slept hard that night, content in our love.

Sunday morning we did wake until after nine. We got up and showered and dressed. Downstairs we looked in Lisa's room but it was empty, she was already up. Beth went to the kitchen to start breakfast and I told her I would go check on Lisa. I could hear the sound of cartoons coming from the game room and headed that way. As soon as I reached the door Lisa saw me and came flying across the room leaping through the air into my arms.

I got a big hug, a smooch on the cheek, and a merry, "Good morning, daddy."

I kissed her cheek and said, "Good morning, my sweet daughter." That earned me another big hug. I put her down and took her hand and we walked to the kitchen. She ran to her mother and gave her a hug and kiss, too. It was hard to believe this was the same terrified little girl that I had brought home with me two months ago. After breakfast Beth asked if I would do the cleaning. I told her yes and she asked Lisa to come help her. I quickly put everything in the dishwasher and went to find out what Beth and Lisa were up to. I came out of the kitchen to see Beth with an armload of her clothes and Lisa following behind carrying what she could.

I came into the bedroom behind them to see that this must have been their third trip. So far Beth had laid everything out on the bed. I had a very large walk in closet of which my clothes only filled a quarter of. I also had a large dresser that had a lot of empty drawers. Beth turned to look at me.

"Where do I put these?" she asked.

Feeling playful I answered, "I'm not sure they're my size."

She walked over and swatted my arm and then pulled my head down for a kiss and whispered in my ear, "Smart ass."

I chuckled and pulled her to the closet and opened the door and told her that the empty space was all hers. I then pointed at the dresser's drawers and told her I only used four of them on the far left and all the rest were for her. The master bathroom was huge with plenty of space. I told her to put her stuff in there where ever she wanted, she had my permission to even move my stuff around as she saw fit. She thanked me and shooed me downstairs while she an Lisa put everything away. I floated downstairs. My daughter was helping my soon to be wife officially move into our room.

An hour and half later she was satisfied that everything was in it's proper place and came downstairs and plopped into my lap. After a big sloppy kiss, she asked, "So Mr. Johnson, just when are you going to make an honest woman of me?"

"As soon as possible, my love. I was thinking you should get with Mel and plan out what kind of wedding you want. Make it as fancy as you want. Money is no object, we have plenty," I said.

"You mean you have plenty," she said.

"Listen here, young lady, from the moment you said yes you would marry me everything I have is yours. This," I said sweeping my hand around, "is our home, not just mine. The money we have in the bank is our, money, not just my money. But, this heart, " pointing at my chest, "this belongs to you and you alone."

Beth started to cry and buried her head in my neck. "Michael I don't want you to think I'm marrying for your money. I love you so much."

"Woman, if I thought even for one second all you wanted was my money you wouldn't be sitting in my lap soaking my collar."

Beth started giggling and kissing my neck which caused a rise in a lower part of my anatomy. Beth felt it and squirmed in my lap. She looked over at Lisa who was lying on the floor watching cartoons. "Lisa honey, I'm going to take daddy upstairs and show him where I put my clothes. You stay down here and watch TV."

"Okay, mama."

Beth stood grabbing my hand and drug me up the stairs. As soon as we entered our bedroom she shut and locked the door. She spun around and yanked my pants down and grabbed my cock exclaiming, "Give me your precious cum."

She thrust her head down on my cock instantly swallowing it all the way down her throat. I could tell she was hot for my cum and I knew she took pleasure in me holding her head and pushing my cock down her throat. I was careful to never get carried away and hurt her or bruise her lips but this turned me on as much as her. I stroked in and out and she purred and then began to work her magic with her tongue. It was coming to an end quick.

"Here it comes baby." I poured in to her mouth and she greedily swallowed, all but the last shot. She sat back with her eyes closed and swirled it around in her mouth obviously savoring the taste. She swallowed and then returned and licked all around my cock making sure she left nothing behind. She stood and we shared a deep kiss.

"Wow, baby, what brought that on?" I asked.

Beth giggled, "You did. You and that beautiful big cock of yours getting all hard and poking into my ass. I just had to have it. Now, let's go downstairs before Lisa comes looking for us." I moaned in disappointment. "Later my man, when Lisa's gone to bed you can have all the pussy you can eat."

Lisa was still watching TV when we got back to the game room. Beth and I sat together on the couch, she snuggling back into me. When the commercials came on Lisa looked up at us then jumped up into my lap. She turned back to the TV and sat back against my chest. Beth looked at her daughter and smiled.

"I think my daughter likes her daddy," Beth said.

"No, mama, I love my daddy," replied Lisa giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad, baby, because I love daddy too," Beth said.

Life was good again. No, better than good. I had never been so content in my life. I had a beautiful wife to be and a precious daughter.

That night when we went to bed Beth eagerly allowed me to bury my face between her legs and I ate her to two orgasms. Then she insisted I face fuck her again so she could swallow my cum. We then lay side by side in bed, I couldn't help ask where she learned to suck cock like that. She sat up with a look of fear in her face.

"Michael, please believe, I have never done that before," she pleaded. "I've only been with two other men and...."

"Beth, it's okay, I know some of what you went through. You don't have to bring up bad memories," I interrupted.

'No, Michael. You are going to be my husband. I will never have secrets from you. You see I met Lisa's father when I was young. We were both inexperienced. We only had sex three times before I found out I was pregnant and it wasn't very good. When I told him I was pregnant he took off and I have never seen him again. I concentrated on taking care of Lisa and there was never anyone else until I met Gary. He seemed nice at first, and even though I was reluctant to go to bed with him, he was patient and waited. The first time we had sex, and it was sex, not making love like with you, was just before my mother died. After my mother had passed he talked me into moving in with him. He began to change. When he was sober enough to have sex he would just use me and roll over and go to sleep. He never went down on me. No one has but you. He did make me take his cock in my mouth a few times but I didn't like it and I would never let him cum in my mouth.

"And then you came into my life, my dear man. At first I was afraid of you but you never did or said anything that was out of line. Right after I got here your sister told me some things about you, about how we had both been betrayed by someone. I started looking at you different and my feelings about you began to change. That afternoon, the first time we went swimming together, I knew you were looking at my pussy when I got out of the pool and I was embarrassed. But, when I looked down in the water I saw your cock hard pushing out the front of your suit and for the first time in my life, I wanted a cock in my mouth, your cock. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it and have you come in my mouth.

"I have always been shy about letting anyone see my body, even Gary. But, the first time I flashed you my panties, I knew I wanted you to see all of me. I wanted to show you everything. I don't understand it all myself but you create this need in me. Our first night together when I told you to take me and make me your woman, it was because of that need. I have never felt this before but I want to be your woman. Most of all I want you to love me and let me love you in return."

I reached up and pulled her into my arms, "Well, my woman, I do love you. And I will try my best to fulfill your desires."

Our wedding was small. Beth didn't want anything fancy. We were married in the gazebo in the back yard. Mel was Beth's maid of honor and George was my best man. Lisa and my nieces were the flower girls. The only other people to attend were a few of the ladies that Beth worked with and their families. And of course Jim Henley and his wife.

I took my bride to Hawaii for a two week long honeymoon. The first week was just for Beth and me. The second week I paid to have my sister and her family bring Lisa and join us. Trust me, I needed the break that having the family around provided. My loving wife was just that, very loving.

Beth continued to work for my sister. She loved to be around all the children. She did take one year off following the birth of my daughter. Yep, I have two daughters to love and cherish now. Next week we will be attending the graduation ceremony for Lisa and Jeanie. They have both grown into fine young ladies. And the money. Well, I still give much of it to good causes and as for the rest I have to force Beth to use it for things she needs. She never had much before and is content with what she has.

I never did hear from Jenny again. Maybe she found what she was looking for. As for me, the scars she left on my heart are no longer there. They have been healed by the love of a good woman.

I came to the Hill Country in search of a new life and the one I found far exceeds my anything I could imagine.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A must read story


MountainMan1336MountainMan13363 months ago

I have read and re-read this story many times and every time I give it 5 stars. It is always nice to take some time and dream about what you could and would do with that much money. I am curious what LonesomeBoy60 meant when he said "the marine bit was over the top." I am a former Marine and I feel there was not enough said about the Marine Corps. As for telling that drunk to leave before he found out what a pissed off Marine would do to him, I say things like that all the time. At 68 years old I am still a Marine at heart, I went through boot camp at Parris Island way back in 1973. And the discipline, pride and bearing is still with me today.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr544 months ago

Good story and an easy read. Well written. Tired of people criticizing spelling mistakes. Get over it. We can correct the mistakes on our own

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy604 months ago

I have a sneaking suspicion that this story was written by a female, the marine bit was over the top. It was a okay story.

6King6King4 months ago


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