Prelude to a Cruise


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When bedtime came, I suggested to Michelle that she wear the black teddy from Maurice's. I wanted sex to be the foremost thing on her mind when I was telling her about my night with Diana. Usually, when we tell each other our sexual tales, we do it while we're making love. After the fantastic orgasm I'd had the night before, I knew I could be much more graphic with her without it bothering me nearly as badly as her.

She'd made it a point to put on her nice perfume and makeup before she came to bed. She looked so incredible, I wasn't sure if I could do what I'd planned. My carefully thought out intentions and assumption went straight out the window when that gorgeous creature climbed into bed beside me.

I rolled onto my side facing her and ran my fingernails along the underside of her boob over her nightgown. This was going to be such fun! I couldn't touch her intimately, but I thought I could teasingly touch her while I told her about how good it'd been with Diana.

"Diana's a sweet girl. How long have you known her?" I asked.

"I knew her a couple months. She looked lonesome when she came into our office, so I asked her if she'd like to do lunch together. We've been friends since then."

"Did you ever notice how soft her lips are?" I closed my eyes and ran my fingertip over Michelle's lips. "Never mind. You probably don't want to know how soft her lips were and how good it felt when our tongues met."

"Did you know that last night was her first time in over a year?" I was trying to barely touch the tips of Michelle's nipples just enough so she'd feel it. "It reminded me of that night with you and Alec when he hadn't been with a woman for so long. That was a fun night. Didn't you think so? You know, it's only been about a month since you've had sex. Imagine what it was like for Diana, over a year."

Michelle was moaning. I knew she wanted me to touch her pussy. I suspected that just a slight touch in the right spot would likely maker her come. I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction, though. I did caress the outside of her hips, occasionally moving my fingers so that they would stray to that magical spot on the inside of her thigh.

"I undressed Diana. When I took her bra off I couldn't help but taste those beautiful nipples." My finger was back to teasing the areola around Michelle's nipple. "Oh God, when I sucked her nipple into my mouth I thought we were both going to die from ecstasy. You remember how good that feels, don't you?" I didn't let her answer. I just wanted her to think about it. "She sucked on mine too. You should do it more often."

"I'm curious sweetheart when you made love with Brett, did you suck his nipples?" Michelle was holding her legs tightly together and groaned in response. I think she was trying to cheat with a little pressure on her pussy to relieve some of her tension. "I bet when you see him in a week or so he'll want to suck your delicious nipples into his mouth. You have such beautiful breasts and nipples."

"Last night when you were at the Branding Iron, I bet every guy there wanted to see your nipples. Did it drive Shaun crazy that he couldn't taste them last night? I know it's driving me crazy right now. I want so badly to pull your little teddy up and suck you into my mouth!" Both her hands went to her breasts to knead them and I had to stop her. She groaned in complaint.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted. I was telling you about Diana, how good her nipples tasted when I sucked on them. She seemed to like it too with her hands in my hair pushing my mouth tighter around them. I discovered that her breasts are a little too big to suck in my mouth, but I tried." I wanted so badly to pinch Michelle's nipples then, they were so hard and engorged. I pulled a strap down so I could brush a fingertip across her nipple. I think Michelle appreciated that the way she arched her chest up to my finger.

"After we were both naked and on her bed, we kissed some more. Her bare breasts against my chest felt so good. I made it a point to tell her how beautiful she is while we explored each other's bodies with our hands. Her skin is so soft. I loved feeling her bottom, her nice smooth tummy and hips. I think she enjoyed it too." My cock had gotten rock hard from telling all of this to Michelle. I wanted to make love with her so damn bad!

"When we finally made love and I slipped inside her, she was so tight around me." I took a gamble and brushed the edge of Michelle's pussy with my fingertips. Her hips bucked up to meet my touch but all I gave her was the tiniest feel through her black, transparent panties. "When I was all the way inside her she wouldn't let me move. She just wanted to feel me inside her for the longest time. Oh God, she felt good. By then, she was so hot and when those hot, wet pussy lips enveloped around my cock it was a feeling of heaven. I Imagine that's how it'll feel to Brett too when he makes love to you. I hope it feels as good to you as it did to Diana. She didn't want to let me go."

I closed my eyes a moment remembering that exquisite moment when Diana had come with me inside her, trying to think how to relay to Michelle how good it'd been. "When she finally came, her pussy was almost like a vise, tightening and loosening. I think she screamed, but I wasn't sure because I was coming inside her at the same time. Not much else seemed to matter at that moment. The only thing I really remember is our bodies shuddering and that pussy tightening its grip on me. I came so hard inside her!"

Michelle had rolled over and was humping a pillow while she moaned. My rock hard cock was close to ejaculating all over the bed as well. Michelle might have enjoyed that. After I finished and Michelle was whimpering next to me, I told her, "Now it's your turn. Tell me about your night with Shaun."

She looked up from the pillow she was clawing at, took it in her hands and beat me all around my head and shoulders. When she assumed I was properly chastised, she buried her head in it and whimpered a little more. I guessed she was through with the story telling for the night.

The rest of the week was stressful, as Michelle was leaving the following Sunday morning. Every night was a challenge to get through because we were both so highly aroused. I told Michelle quite a bit more about my night with Diana, including the flight she took me on. I fibbed a little when I told her I expected to see a lot of Diana while she was gone.

Thursday Michelle went to dinner with Shaun one last time to say goodbye to him but came home afterward. Saturday, I suggested she wear something nice, like maybe her Christmas dress, to go out to dinner and maybe dancing or something afterward.

Michelle looked absolutely gorgeous when she was ready. Her dress is a turquoise leather, with Indian beadwork, that came to about mid-thigh. It's very form-flattering and sexy. She'd only worn it a couple times since I gave it to her as a Christmas present. The last time was the dorm dance with Jeremy. That had apparently turned into a pretty spectacular night...the last time she'd had sex. I looked at my beautiful wife and couldn't imagine how I was going to survive a month with her gone!

We went to our favorite restaurant, the Black Angus. I hoped Trisha was still working. She's the pretty waitress that I had a brief affair with last summer and fall until she went back to her husband. That time of the evening you nearly always have to sign in and wait for a table. When I did, I asked if Trisha was working. She was, so I asked if we could be seated in her section. The hostess told us it'd take a little longer, but it was worth the wait to Michelle and me. She really liked Trisha too.

They give you these little light thingies to let you know when your table's ready. We waited in the lobby for about a half hour or so until our light flashed. The hostess seated us and Trisha got a big smile on her face when she saw us and asked what we'd like to drink. She told Michelle how beautiful her dress was, so Michelle had to scoot back out of the booth and model it for her. I was beaming, proud of myself for finding and buying it.

Every time Trisha came to our table we talked a little. Michelle told her that she was going to be taking a vacation to visit friends and planned to be gone quite a while. I suggested to Trisha that after Michelle got home we'd love to have her and her husband to dinner some night. No, I didn't have any ulterior motive like seducing Trisha again. I just thought that since we'd been partially responsible for them getting back together, it would be nice to get to know them both a little more. We'd never met him. Trisha beamed and thought it sounded like a wonderful idea.

We had a wonderful dinner. Michelle had a chicken salad with blue cheese dressing (UGH!), and I had a wonderful ribeye steak. Our food was good; the atmosphere was fantastic and we had a wonderful waitress. What more can you ask for in a nice, last dinner with your wife?

I left out the part about my longing glances toward her all evening. Realizing that this would be our last dinner together for a month certainly put a damper on the evening. When we left, I had intended to take her to the Honey Bunzz exotic dance club for the rest of the evening. I knew it'd be the ultimate turn-on for her. She wouldn't be able to resist the sexy allure of getting on the stage and slowly stripping out of her clothes in front of the roomful of horny men.

In the end, I couldn't do that, though. The time for teasing had passed. That night was the real thing; the last time I'd see her for the next month, the last time we'd sleep together for a long, long time.

When we went to bed, Michelle wore the nightie that I thought she was going to wear with Shaun that night, the sexiest one she'd bought. We lay in bed, just looking at each other most of the night. I was very nearly in tears from wanting to hold her and caress her so badly, much less make love with her that last time. Emotionally, it reminded me a lot of my last night with Jacqui before she left for Montana. The big difference was that Jacqui and I had made love several times during the night.

Our last day together was horrible. I felt like crying almost constantly but tried not to show it. We slept until late morning, then I made her sourdough waffles for breakfast. It seemed like we'd barely finished eating when it was time for us to go to the airport. Her flight left Pasco at two-fifteen in the afternoon. The first leg was to Seattle, then a three-hour layover until her six-hour flight to Miami. We drove to the airport in silence, both of us lost in thoughts about the month ahead. I knew I could trust my wife, but this trip was more than either of us had ever imagined. I parked the car in the short-term parking lot and went to the trunk to retrieve her luggage. It wasn't until I'd opened the trunk that I remembered there was no luggage. Nothing at all, except the clothes she was wearing and her purse.

I'd love to say that we walked through the terminal holding hands with our fingers intertwined, but we were still bound by that damned agreement. We hadn't even held hands for the last month and weren't about to break it then, as badly as I needed the physical contact with her. Even though I had fun teasing her, the last month had been the most difficult in my life, and I knew the next one wasn't going to get any easier.

The Pasco airport is small compared to most, but the security rules are still stringent. She needed to check in early and after going through the metal detector, we couldn't be together while she waited for her flight. We stood in front of it a few minutes gazing into each other's eyes, with tears on both our faces. "I love you," I told her.

She wiped her cheek, "You too, I'll call you when I get to the hotel."

We couldn't even embrace. Michelle turned and got in the short line for the security check. I watched her go through the metal detector without incident, she turned back toward me and we threw air-kisses at each other, then she was gone to the gate waiting area.

The trip back home from the airport was the longest twelve-mile trip I've ever been on. The house was cold and lonely when I got home. I sat on the couch at least a good hour staring at the television before I realized it wasn't turned on. When I found the remote and actually did turn it on, I have no idea what might have been on. It didn't really matter, it was just noise in a lonely house. I had no idea how I was going to cope with this for a month, especially when I knew my wife would be spending that month in the arms of another man.

She called me during her layover in Seattle. I don't think I've ever heard such a sweet voice. I have no recollection what we talked about, it didn't really matter. It was just her voice that I needed to hear. We were on the phone for probably forty-five minutes until she said her phone was going dead, and she was going to find something to eat.

I wandered around the house and finally drove myself to McDonald's for something to eat that evening. She wasn't scheduled to get to the hotel until around three in the morning. I turned the TV on in the bedroom and climbed into bed, hoping to doze a little. No such luck, I was sleepy but couldn't sleep as the clock ticked the hours slowly away. I kept my phone in my hand, hoping she'd get an opportunity to call, even though I knew she couldn't from the plane.

It was three-fifteen in the morning when Michelle finally called again. She said she was at the hotel check-in counter. She hadn't had to find a taxi. Brett had a car waiting for her and escorted her to the hotel, which she said was near the airport. I lied to her, telling her I was fine and had been sleeping before she called. She said she slept a little on the plane. I suspected she probably wasn't telling the truth either.

We talked a few minutes until she said she had to check in. We both knew this was going to be our last conversation, so both our tears were flowing pretty freely when we said goodbye and hung up. After disconnecting with her and lying there about another minute thinking I wouldn't hear from her for another month, I realized I couldn't do it. I couldn't let her go with him, the money be damned, all of it! We could reimburse Brett for his flight expenses, but I needed her to come home!

It instantly hit me that it was entirely possible I'd never see my wife again. I'd tried to convince myself how much I trusted her. I did, but this was too much. The fear hit me like a ton of bricks, finally knocking some sense into me. It couldn't have been more than two minutes after we talked that I called her back to tell her to come home tomorrow. Her phone went straight to voice-mail, "Hi this is Michelle, I'll call you back." I remembered that she had to give her phone up at the hotel and apparently had already done so!

Panic hit me broadside! I knew I couldn't do it, couldn't let her go through with it. I scrambled to my desk computer and looked up the phone number for the Hyatt in Miami. There was only one. My fingers were shaking, in full panic mode. It took me three tries to finally get the number right. A very friendly female voice answered, "Hyatt Place, Miami, may I help you?"

Undoubtedly my panic came through clearly in my voice, "You have a woman checking in right now, Michelle Fields, I need to talk to her, please!"

"I'm sorry sir, there's no one here by that name."

My hands were shaking, my voice breaking, tears running down my face, "Then I don't know what name she might be using, maybe Amber, but please, I have to talk to her!"

"Sir, there's nothing I can do to help you." The friendly voice had changed considerably. She was still being polite, but firm. "Sir, all I can do is tell you that yes, she's here. She's already checked in, but we have specific instructions that she's not to receive any calls." With that, she hung up. I looked at my phone in disbelief. I was too late! I'd just been told there wasn't any way I could contact her. My wife was gone! My panic turned into full sobbing, there wasn't a damned thing I could do. I felt utter hopelessness like I'd never had before. For a long time, I had a hard time catching my breath knowing I was totally helpless.

If you're lost in the woods and panicked from the fear, at least you can run, try and find your way out. There wasn't a thing I could do, nowhere to run or hide from my emotions. The sudden realization that this fear was to be my life for the next month was almost too unbearable to comprehend.

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dirtyharry6971dirtyharry6971about 1 year ago

Well well well. You push your wife into the arms of another man twice and in between she fucks who she wants sets you up with other women to soothe her own guilt and neglect of you, prostitutes herself, goes and fucks college boy and then spends time with her boyfriend and you know she lied to you and fucked him. So now you’re afraid you’ve lost her, Fuck Cuck what was your first clue Cockle Holmes.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

Bobby’s shortest cuck story.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

30 days he can have his boyfriend over for some fun.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

Everyone is blaming him and he certainly deserves it. However, so does she. There are actually wives out there who would not cheat, would not suggest a cruise with their lover, would punch him if he would tolerate her cheating, and are basically good wives. They want commitment and they provide it with an expectation that he does, too. These two aren't worthy of marriage. He may have come to his senses first, but she doesn't deserve a husband. There is only one outcome for this pair and it comes sooner or later. Bring it on sooner and be done with it.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Fucked up story, he was a stupid cuck who got what he deserved, what a smuck!!!!!!

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