Preparing Candy

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Candy gets her wish to be in the movies.
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It's a strange thing about films. Men are quite happy watching them; women want to be in them. I think it's to do with how women love to be watched. I've discovered there are plenty of research studies that show that many women and teenage girls think of themselves in sexually objectified terms. One researcher explained that girls want to look sexy because they believe sexiness leads to popularity. Hardly surprising: TV and movies tell them this every hour of every day. Moms, it seems, play a large role in this too, but it's not as simple as moms encouraging their girls to look sexy. For instance, girls who don't consume a lot of TV and movies but who have religious mothers are much more likely to say they want to look sexy; perhaps this is a case of 'forbidden fruit'.

I've often thought this might have been the case with Candy, a girl I knew in college. She was sexy and she dressed sexily, despite having religious parents. She was certainly popular. All the girls wanted to look like her and all the boys lusted after her. I was no exception. She figured in all my masturbation fantasies. She took no notice, of course. She looked right through us all. She was saving herself for a career in film. She wanted to be in the movies more than anything.

This story starts when I was having a pleasant pull on my rope one morning in bed, thinking of Candy sucking my cock, when my mom just walked in.

'Oh' was all she had to say.

I quickly pulled the sheet up and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. 'Jesus, mom, don't you ever knock?'

But she didn't go - like any decent mom would have. Instead she just stood there, and started smiling.

'What's so funny?'

'Nothing, Billy. I was just thinking you've certainly grown.'

I felt a blush creep over my face. 'Jesus, mom.'

'There's no need to be embarrassed. I've seen it all before. From when you were a little kid to - well, I must admit I haven't seen you naked since you got all grown up - but I can see now you're definitely a man.'

This was quite a speech for my mom. Usually it was just 'pick that up' or 'wash your hands' or 'have you done your homework?'

'Anyway,' she continued, 'you mustn't mind me.'

'What do you mean, I mustn't mind you?'

'I mean, it's only natural, men playing with themselves. I know from your father they do it all the time. So you mustn't stop on my account.'

What the fuck? Did she expect me to carry on?

'I mean, it's bad for you if you stop in the middle, isn't it?'

Was it? I didn't know, except that it sure was uncomfortable. Under the sheet I still had an erection fit to bust a brick.

'You ought to deal with that hard-on. You shouldn't let it go to waste.'

'Jesus, mom.'

'Just don't get any of your come on the sheet,' she said breezily, like we were discussing the weather. 'It doesn't clean very well in the wash.'

She proceeded to march round the room, picking up dirty clothes and doing things moms do in their kids' bedrooms. She gave me another of her winks, like we were in some conspiracy together. 'Don't mind me, Billy. You just carry on.'

I wasn't about to jack myself off in front of her. No way.

Then, fuck me if she didn't sit on the bed. 'Now look, Billy, I don't want you feeling guilty about masturbating. I don't want you growing up with all sorts of hang-ups about your sexuality. Sex is a natural and beautiful thing and masturbation is part of it. I want you to feel you can do it whenever and wherever you want. No one in this house is going to object, least of all your mom.'

What was I supposed to make of all that? It was true, I did feel a bit guilty when I jacked off - what kid doesn't? - but not enough to stop me doing it. I wasn't exactly consumed with fears of damnation every time I touched my cock. Far from it. On the other hand, it didn't seem right to do it in front of my mom. There are some limits.

'Just close your eyes and think of whoever it was you were thinking of when I came in,' she suggested.

I must have gone bright red, because she laughed in my face.

'Oh dear, was it that raunchy? Well, you can tell me. I've heard it all before, all the fantasies going. You're not going to shock me.'

I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

'I bet you were thinking of some girl at college sucking your cock,' she smiled.

Shit, she must have been some kind of mind-reader. 'I might have.'

'I knew it. Men are so predictable. So let's picture this girl. I'm guessing she's blonde and has nice legs. And she wears tight tops and short skirts. I bet she has big eyes and red lips. Does she have big breasts?'


'And you've thought of rubbing your cock between them.' Mom laughed. 'Who knows, maybe one day she'll let you do it for real. Like I say, masturbation is only natural, but it's no substitute for the real thing. Have you actually fucked this girl yet?'

'Not exactly,' I admitted, blushing.

Mom knew the score. 'Have you even spoken to her?'

'Not so's she noticed.'

'Oh Billy,' mom said. 'No wonder you're always masturbating. Girls can be so cruel. Is she that difficult to talk to?'

'She doesn't even see me,' I admitted miserably. 'The only thing she wants is to be in the movies.'

'Does she?' said mom thoughtfully. 'Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that, won't we?' Thankfully, she put her hand on the door-handle then. 'I'll leave you to it, Billy. Have a good one.' With a smile and a wink, she was gone.

Jesus, is that any way for a mom to behave?

Briefly I wondered what mom might have meant by that remark about 'seeing what we can do about it'. Then I forgot about it and went back to mooning over Candy. I was in the usual mood of feeling frustrated and sorry for myself when mom popped her head round my door one evening a couple of weeks later.

'Your dad and I have a little surprise for you.'

'Uhuh.' I was used to their little surprises. They usually involved long boring trips to even more boring relatives.

'We've set up a web cam in the lounge downstairs and you can get it live on your computer.'

This sounded vaguely interesting. Mom and dad getting into computers. Whatever next?

'So what will I be watching? You and dad watching TV?'

'You'll see,' she smiled conspiratorially. 'But whatever happens, don't come down.'

Not expecting much, I turned on my Apple after she'd left the room. True enough, there was a link to a webcam. I clicked on it and there was the lounge in a small window. I blew it up to full screen. Dad was sitting having a drink. Mom came in, followed by some girl in a tight top and mini-dress. It was Candy. What the fuck? I thought maybe I ought to go down and take the opportunity to talk to her, but I remembered mom's warning. Besides, I was curious as to what mom and dad were doing. Were they getting her round to soften her up for me? Were they about to tell her what a fantastic catch I was?

Dad got up and shook her hand. 'Hi, Candy. You can call me Chuck.'

Candy seemed a bit shy, but smiled. Dad's good-looking and can be quite charming when he wants to be. At least, that's what other girls have said when they've met him. I don't see it.

She sat down on the sofa next to mom and he poured her a drink of wine. She took a polite sip, but I could tell she wasn't used to it.

'So you already know why we invited you here,' said mom.

Did she? I didn't.

'You want to consider me as a fashion model,' said Candy. 'You want to take some photos and see how they turn out.'

This was news to me. Mom and dad as fashion photographers? The only times their cameras came out was weddings and football games.

'That's right,' said dad, completely straight-faced. 'Amy saw you at college the other day and thought you had exactly the look we like, so we thought we'd see if you were happy to have a few snaps taken. We'll see what you're like in front of the camera then we'll take it from there. How does that sound?'

'Fine,' said the girl.

'Of course,' said mom quickly, 'you won't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. You just say the word and we'll stop.'

'OK,' said Candy, obviously unable to envisage anything involved in taking photos that she might be uncomfortable with.

'OK,' said dad, getting up. 'We'll start with a few casual snaps, just to get you used to having a camera pointed at you.'

He got a professional looking SLR from the top of a cupboard. He must have bought it - or borrowed it - specially. I'd never seen it before. He started pointing it at Candy and snapping away.

'Very good. Head to one side. Good. Now the other side. Look down a bit. Now at me. Good, good.' He went on like this for some time. Mom threw in the occasional encouraging word. 'Just relax, Candy. You're very good at this. Have you done modelling before?' etc. etc.

I could tell Candy found all this attention very flattering. She was beginning to lose her shyness, even performing a little, thrusting her tits out just a bit.

'Now let's have you standing,' said dad, all professional like. 'Get some shots of that lovely figure.'

'Oh Chuck,' laughed mom, 'you'll make the poor girl blush.'

Candy obediently stood up and dad went through the same rigmarole. 'That's good, good. Head up. Turn sideways. Other way. Good, good. One leg forward. That's right.' Etc etc.

Candy was getting quite used to posing in front of the camera. Truth to tell, she was a bit of a natural.

'Lovely skin tone,' murmured dad, as if to himself. But you could tell Candy was as pleased as anything. She could hardly keep the smile off her face.

Mom casually reached out a hand and ran her fingertips up and down the girl's calf. 'Your skin is really soft, Candy. Absolutely flawless.'

Candy looked round, surprised, but uncertain whether or not to move away from the touch.

Mom smiled innocently. 'I feel quite jealous. Do you use anything on it?'

'Just soap and water,' Candy laughed. Mom and dad joined in.

'Now we need to get you modelling some swimwear,' said dad, like it was the next professional step. 'Amy's got some costumes you can try on.'

The girl looked a bit doubtful, but mom was already standing and holding out her hand. Obediently Candy allowed herself to be led out of the room. Dad immediately took a long slug of wine and flicked through the images on the camera. I could tell he was quite impressed - probably more with Candy than with his photographic expertise.

An age later, mom came back, leading a shy Candy dressed in a two piece bathing suit. As bikinis go, it was pretty modest. Dad immediately went into professional mode and started snapping away, telling her to move this way and that, smile, don't smile, look at me, look away, etc etc., until she was quite taken up with the whole business and had pretty well forgotten she was half naked.

'Let's try one of the other costumes,' suggested mom after a while. 'Are you happy with that, Candy?'

'Sure,' smiled Candy. 'I like this. It's fun.'

Dad took another slug of wine, looked even more appreciatively at the pics of Candy's body, and ten minutes later mom and Candy were back. This time Candy had on a much raunchier bikini. Her ass wasn't covered at all, the bottom piece being no more than a triangle covering her pussy, and her tits were bursting out of the two little triangles covering her nipples.

'That's excellent,' said dad. 'I've just been reviewing the photos so far. Would you like to have a look at them?'

He held out the camera and Candy and mom stood either side of him and looked at the photos as he flicked through them.

I could tell Candy wasn't used to seeing pictures of herself and blushed a lot, but mom and dad were full of professional praise. 'Oh you look very good in that one; that's excellent; good shadows; lovely figure.' Etc etc. Soon she was looking at them just as avidly as they were. And she'd certainly forgotten how much of her ass was on show and how much her tits were bursting out of her top.

'Anyway,' said dad, 'let's continue.'

This time he gradually got Candy to adopt more overtly sexy poses, even asking mom to help put the girl in position. 'Push out your chest more. That's good. More. Opens your legs slightly. That's good. Hands on hips. Amy, help her there, would you?' And so on and so on.

Soon, she was quite used to mom pawing her practically all over and dad getting her into any position. He even had her bending over with her legs apart, looking back at the camera with a sexy expression. Given that she was wearing nothing but a thong, it was a position that left little to the imagination. I was beginning to get a hard-on.

'Phew,' he said eventually. 'Let's take a rest. This is hard work.'

The three of them sat on the sofa, Candy between mom and dad.

'I'm hot,' he added. 'You don't mind if I take this off, do you?' He asked it in such a way that Candy couldn't have said no, even if she'd wanted to. Which she didn't as soon as she saw dad's naked muscly chest.

'I think I'll join you,' chimed in mom, taking her top off. She revealed a skimpy black lace bra. 'I wish I could go bra-less like you,' she smiled at Candy. 'You have such lovely firm breasts. Doesn't she, Chuck?'

'Sure,' said dad. 'The camera doesn't lie.' Which is just about the dumbest thing my dad has ever come out with, which is saying something. But Candy seemed to lap it up. She blushed and muttered something about mom saying the nicest things.

'I've got an idea,' said dad, all of a sudden, like he'd just thought of it. 'Let's do some two-up photos. We can see how you are with another person. Amy can change into a swimsuit and I'll take some shots of the two of you together. How's that?'

Mom clapped her hands like a little girl. 'Oh, that sounds fun. How about it, Candy?'

'Sure,' said the girl uncertainly. Maybe she was a bit put out by the fact she wouldn't be the sole centre of attention, I don't know. Or maybe she was a bit unsure about mom being semi-naked too.

Mom disappeared for a few minutes, while dad flicked through the pics with Candy looking over his shoulder. He kept making flattering comments and pretty soon she was joining in, saying things like how she didn't like that pose but liked that one, thought her legs looked good in that one, but not that one, etc etc. Mom came back and did a little pose in front of them. She looked pretty sexy, I must say. She had on a bikini like Candy's, not much more than three little triangles held up with string.

'Perfect,' said dad.

'Not as good as Candy's figure,' said mom, 'but it'll be good enough for the sample photos.'

'Oh, no,' put in Candy, knowing she could afford to be generous. 'You look lovely. You have a great figure.'

'Well, thank you, Candy,' said mom, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Candy blushed prettily, but didn't complain.

'That's good,' said dad, the camera poised. 'Do that again.'

'What, this?' said mom, and kissed Candy again, this time holding it while dad took some snaps.

Candy smiled uncertainly.

Dad got them both to pose together without touching, then mom started putting her arm round Candy's waist, pulling them more together. 'That's good,' said dad, 'you look like a couple of friends on the beach. Candy, put your arm on Amy's shoulder. Yes, just like that. Good, good.'

Pretty soon he had them more or less embracing each other, almost naked tits touching.

'That's very good. I reckon you two girls could sell anything.'

He let them rest a bit and showed them some of the pics.

Mom grinned. 'We look like a bit more than friends in some of these, don't you think, Candy?'

'Gosh,' said the girl, blushing. 'I don't know.'

Dad looked thoughtful. 'That's given me an idea. But I don't know if we should. Candy may feel it's going a bit far.'

'What, darling?' asked mom, all innocent.

'No, forget I said anything,' said dad.

'What do you want me to do?' said Candy, all professionalism. She was a model now, after all.

'Well,' said dad slowly. 'You know how some ads these days hint at girls being more than just friends. Maybe we could try you both doing that. It would make you so much more of a saleable commodity, Candy.' That's right, I thought, appeal to her mercenary side. 'But only if you're comfortable with it.'

The girl looked at him matter-of-factly. 'If I'm going to make money at this,' she said, 'I guess I'll have to know what's expected of me. What do you want me to do?'

'OK then, if you're sure you're comfortable,' said dad. 'Let's just try a few with Amy and you kissing. Nothing raunchy, of course, just little friendly kisses.'

'Have you ever kissed a woman before?' asked mom.

'Only my mom,' muttered the blushing girl. 'No one... you know...'

'It's just like kissing a boy,' laughed mom. 'Only softer. Like this...'

She took Candy's face in her hands and gave her a kiss on the lips. Not a long one, but long enough for Candy to get the picture.

'That's good,' said dad, snapping away. 'Just like that.'

Candy stood rigid while mom kissed her again.

'Just relax,' murmured mom. 'I'm not going to hurt you.'

I could see Candy trying hard to relax her shoulders. Eventually her body did seem to become less tense.

'That's better,' said dad from behind the camera. 'Move closer together if you feel like it.'

Mom put her arm round the girl and pulled her gently towards her. Their tits pressed together through the thin triangles of cotton. 'Now you kiss me back,' she murmured.

Candy gave her a tentative kiss on the lips. 'Like that?'

Mom laughed. 'You can be a bit rougher than that. I won't break.'

Candy gave her a firmer kiss. Soon they were in a genuine clinch and kissing great long kisses. All the time dad was snapping away and muttering encouragement. Eventually mom broke away. 'Phew, you're a really lovely kisser, Candy. Are you sure you've never kissed a girl before?'

'Honestly,' blushed Candy.

'I've got some really hot photos,' said dad. 'You've got a definite flair for this. You look like you really enjoy kissing Amy.'

'Oh no. Do I honestly?'

'It just shows what a professional you are,' said dad with a straight face.

Mom laughed. 'Well, I certainly enjoyed it. And I don't feel very professional.'

'Let me get some more,' said dad. 'If you don't mind, Candy. I'd like to get some close-ups.'

'Sure,' said Candy, 'I don't mind.'

He got mom and Candy into a nice clinch and they fell into a long passionate kiss.

'Oh yes, that's really hot,' said dad, moving in closer. 'Just let me move these straps out of the way.' He reached out to mom's bikini straps and slipped them over her shoulders and down her arms. He put a hand on one of Candy's straps. 'Is it OK, Candy?'

Candy could hardly say no, seeing as how mom was quite happy to lose hers.


Dad slipped the straps down her arms. The triangles of cotton were now only being held up by the pressure of their bodies together. I think Candy must have been aware of this, because she seemed to press harder against mom, all the while keeping up their kissing.

'That's better,' said dad, 'now there's nothing spoiling the line of your shoulders. Good, good. Keep kissing. That's very good...'

Mom eventually broke off. 'I have to get my breath,' she grinned. 'You sure are a good kisser, Candy. Do you like kissing me?'

'It's kinda nice,' the girl said, blushing and resting her head on mom's shoulder.

'Your lips are lovely and soft,' said mom. I thought, keep up the flattery, mom, keep up the flattery. 'Very sexy.'

Candy evidently couldn't think of anything to say to that, so kept quiet. Mom moved away from her, with the result that her bikini top fell down, revealing her tits for all to see.

'Whoops,' she laughed, making only a half-hearted attempt to cover them. Candy was transfixed by the sight of mom's naked nipples and let out a little 'oh!'