Proud To Be A Sissy Ch. 06


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Felix pulled into a parking lot and parked in the back facing the entrance as his erection throbbed in my hand. He draped a large hand on my shoulder and while looking up at him I lowered my face towards his glans as a shiny drop of precum appeared at the very tip. I traced it over my lips and then licked it off as we moaned together. I smiled mischievously at him for a moment before taking the head into my mouth. His cock felt so hard and hot against my tongue as I forced as much as I could into me. I could hear him groaning as his breath deepened and the thigh muscles under my hand began to twitch. I closed my eyes and concentrated on his lovely cock wanting to taste his seed as soon I as I could. What I couldn't fit into my mouth I caressed rapidly with a hand until he convulsed in the seat. So much semen spewed from him so fast I couldn't swallow it all and just like with his father most escaped from the tight seal of my lips around his shaft to flow over my hand.

I sighed contentedly licking up the traces of seed I missed as Felix's head fell back onto the head rest moaning deeply and gently caressed my back with his large hand.

"Wow," he said between breathes, "is that all you did?"

"We did this too." I answered placing my small hand on the back of a thickly muscled neck and placed my lips against his. I felt his strong arms wrap around me forcing me against his solid chest as he kissed me back. Then I leaned against his side as we drove home in silence I idly stroked his large cock watching the fore skin slowly move over the glans. I felt sorry that the ride had ended so soon and exposed the tip of his penis and with a giggle kissed it one last time before thanking him for the ride.

Unfortunately through the rest of the week I ended up sitting between them every day on the way home but I still had some fun teasing their cocks through their pants with casual rubs and squeezes. My daddy's cock got allot of attention on those days as soon as I'd get home I'd rush over quickly and snack on his penis until he would force me away from him complaining that I'd suck his balls right through the end if I didn't stop.

Friday came and with it my high school days of horror was finally over but I wasn't really happy about that now. I realized that I wouldn't be seeing my two champions every day now putting an end to the playful teasing we shared.

My parents made me go through with the graduation ceremony even though I was just glad I was finished with the place. After all there weren't any of my fellow students that I wanted to be around, but afterwards I was glad that I was made to go. When I walked off the stage after receiving my diploma I could see Paul, Felix, and both of their fathers standing at the back of the audience right beside my new daddy. It made me feel really good to know I had a few friends there with me after all.

The first weekend of summer started out terrible with my parents seeming intent on keeping me house bound, I barely got outside except to do yard work. I only got just a wave and a wink from my daddy in those two days and I grew very horny and hungry for some cock. I even thought about calling the boys to see if one or both could come over and maybe then my parents would let me go out for awhile but I couldn't even get near the phone.

Laying in bed Sunday night I felt excited knowing my parents would be going to work in the morning giving me a chance to go to my new daddy's house. I was playing with my little penis remember all the cocks that I had pleased in the last couple of months since turning eighteen. I could see them all in mind, wishing I had one of my friends here right now fucking my mouth. I'd tasted the bitter seed from six different men and each one's flavour was different but I loved and savoured it all grateful of the offering. Each cock was different in length and girth but every one of them felt great as their heat passed over my lips and into my throat.

I thought of how daddy's thick cock felt pushing into my bum as I rode it on his lap and dreamt hoping for a chance of feeling the difference of the other penis's I've played with and sucked on entering my anus. Beneath my covers one hand rubbed my little penis under my panties as the other stole down between my spread legs and tickled my hole gently with just finger tips. Trying to keep my breathing quiet I shivered and erupted against my tummy, licking, my fingers clean before falling asleep and like every other night since I'd discovered who and what I truly was I dreamed of the pretty things I had to wear and the beautiful cocks in my life.

I woke up early On Monday to hear the front door closing and listened for the car to drive away. I rushed down and out the back door slamming it behind me and running straight in through my new daddy's back door. Feeling desperate to become the little sissy that I was once again. Of course I hadn't noticed the curtains in my parents' bedroom being drawn open as my mother watched me entering the house next door without knocking.

She had stayed quietly in her bedroom that morning giving in to her suspicions that something not right was amiss. She had noticed that the boy seemed different in a few ways. He stood and sat up straighter than he ever had before and he seemed to smile more and at times have a faraway look in his eye that was never there before.

"Why's he in such a hurry to get over there as soon he thought we'd be gone to work?" She asked herself out loud.

She decided it was time to do some snooping and headed to her son's room to start. She found nothing between the mattress and box spring or anything at all in the closet. She checked the laundry hamper and thought something was strange until it dawned on her that she saw no dirty underwear amongst a week's worth of clothing. She started on the dresser next and one by one she emptied them before sorting through each item.

Coming to the very last drawer that seemed over stuffed with socks and the clean, white cotton briefs she always bought for her son, she reached down to the bottom of the drawer to lift them out she realized her fingers had touched satin. Her hands jerked back as if burned while her thoughts became a rage. Pulling the drawer completely out of the dresser to dump the contents on her son's unmade bed.

"The bastard," she screamed to no one, "what has that perverted degenerate done to my son?"

Anger seethed through her like fire as she gazed down at the drawer's contents spread before her, several different bright colors seemed to leap up at her. Picking up each one at a time knowing that none of them were hers. They were all too small and she'd never waste money on anything that looked this trashy. Gathering all of them up, she went her kitchen and dropped them on the table. Getting a cup and filling it with coffee she sat sipping while staring at the offending garments.

She had thoughts of killing the sick son of bitch that had corrupted her baby. She had always tried to protect him from evil people as much as she could, he was always so small and frail and the first time she let him out of her sight his innocence was snatched by a lecherous filthy old man. Some of her anger was directed to her own fool of a husband with his insane idea of letting her son work for the scum, he'd pay for this too she smiled to herself.

So many thoughts of what she should do cropped up in her mind, going to the back door and out into her yard she looked at the offending neighbour's house. The place didn't look as shabby as it did just a few months ago she thought idly while slowly walking towards the porch next door. Sneaking quietly up to the door she peaked carefully through into the kitchen. The inside was unlit and empty, slowly opening the screen finding the door ajar she slowly pushed it open and to listen.

The house was silent except for the old man's snores and looking beside the door she saw the shirt and shorts her son wore this morning hanging beside her. Her anger flared anew and she thought of reaching for a knife to cut off the pervert's balls with when she heard something else. Someone was humming softly in a feminine voice, a voice that sounded content and happy. Tip toeing through the kitchen she peered down the hall to see a light shining out of the last door at the end. The voice grew slightly louder as she moved to the half closed door.

With the stealth of a vengeful mother she cautiously peaked past the frame and she saw what appeared to be a young girl. The girl wore pink snickers over white ankle socks trimmed in pink. Slim toned legs of youth raised to tight white shorts so skimpy the bottom of her ass cheeks were in plain view. She saw a shiny white bra strap disappear under a tight pink t-shirt that fell to her mid torso. Then the girl turned slightly to look at her reflection and the profile was clear, the little lithe girl was her eigthtenn year old son.

Feeling shocked and repulsed she quietly made her way back to the kitchen feeling nauseated and almost in tears wondering how she was going to save her son. Hearing footsteps in the hall she made for the door until a door hinge squeaked behind her. Going back to the hall she noticed one other door had been opened and once again she moved to look within. Just enough light filtered into the darkened room from the hall to see someone moving at the foot of the bed. Watching as her son dressed in girl's clothes reach out to pull the sheet of a large mound of flesh sprawled across the bed. She watched as he crawled on hands and knees onto the bed to kneel near the figure and reach down an arm towards where the fat belly inclined downward. Screaming in silent horror she could clearly see as her son lifted the degenerate's organ away from his body and clearly heard him happily giggle as he leaned forward until it reached his lips.

She ran from the house in total disgust of the scene trying to keep control of the bile that rose in her throat. At the back door she grabbed the clothing hanging there as she went through it into the morning sun. Making it to her own porch before she was suddenly violently ill, retching beside the steps until she thought she'd faint before crawling to the door. Pulling herself up she made it to the table and falling into a chair began to weep for all that she thought she had lost.

Shedding my ugly boy stuff and hanging them by the door I could feel my excitement mounting, it had seemed an eternity since I had dressed in my pretty clothes. I could hear daddy snoring as he slept and I peeked into his bedroom to see him sprawled across his bed. I had a tremendous urge to go in right then and suck his cock, it had been three whole days almost without a penis to play with and the sissy slut in me was dying to be let loose.

Another part of that same sissy wanted to be dressed for the part and I forced myself to my room to get ready hoping that daddy would sleep long enough for me to surprise him. Opening my makeup case I drew a thin line of black liner over my lids and brushed pink shadow over them. A touch of mascara to draw out my lashes and a slight coat of pink blush. I finished off my face with a heavy layer of my favourite gloss.

I opened the drawer where my shorts were neatly folded and found the tiny white hot pants I'd wanted to wear for today. Then I selected a white satin thong and matching bra, it felt so good feeling the satin bra wrap around my skinny chest and rubbing myself while wishing I had real breasts to play with as my nipples tingled. Pulling the thong over my hips the cloth snuggled between my ass cheeks touching my anus and making my little penis throb with pleasure as the smooth shiny satin encased it. I wore white ankle socks with pink trim and my favourite pink sneakers and finally I finished dressing with a short cropped pink t-shirt with a deep v-neck.

I studied myself in the mirror and loved how I looked, turning to the side and seeing my bum peaking out below my shorts. I could already feel daddy's hands caressing the exposed flesh of my bum and shaking with excitement I walked to his room to give him a special wake up.

I felt so elated to hear him still softly snoring when I crept to the foot of his bed. Daddy was laid out on his back with arms and legs spread across his bed. Gently I pulled the sheet off his body until his soft sleeping penis was exposed and crawled up on the bed between his spread legs. Watching daddy's face closely I reached forth and grasped his cock, it was warm and soft to my touch as I leaned down to kiss the very tip feeling the usual tremor of lust run through me every time my lips made first contact with a cock.

Still watching daddy's face I slid my lips over the glans as my tongue swirled around the soft flesh for a few moments before taking the shaft deeply into my mouth. Daddy sighed in his sleep as I gently started to suck keeping his whole cock inside my mouth and feeling it begin to wake up. I was so excited my little penis throbbed in my panties as I slowly started to bob up and down on his stiffening organ. Feeling a cock grow to hardness in my mouth was almost as thrilling to me as having its semen shooting over my tongue.

Daddy was now fully erect and his penis felt much hotter as it slid over my tongue and I could feel his pulse beating through his hard flesh as my lips reached the base. Daddy groaned and a smile slowly spread across his face as his eyes opened looking down into mine.

"Ah, good morning sissy," he moaned softly, "what a lovely way to start the day."

I smiled around his shaft and moaned in delight as his cock slid back into my throat once more. Reaching down he patted my head as I felt him stretching his body becoming fully awake. I began to speed my movements up and down on his hard shaft increasing the pressure of my sucking on his hot cock head. I was hungry for my breakfast of daddy's seed and now that he was awake I wasted no time to get it. Moments later his hips jerked up off of the bed and filled my mouth with his first eruption straight down my throat. Rising up along his throbbing shaft until I held just his glans between my lips and bathed it with my tongue as my daddy's semen filled my mouth. I swallowed once and he filled my mouth again before his body relaxed back onto the bed.

Daddy reached down and pulled me up by the armpits and draped me against his side so that my head lay upon his chest. I felt his left hand glide down along my spine to my shorts and his palm circled over the tight fabric covering my bum as I felt finger tips brush along the cuffs tickling my naked fleshy cheeks. Shivering I moaned in pleasure and rubbed my little penis against daddy's side I felt very hot and excited being so close to my own orgasm.

Daddy's right hand now drifted down my stomach and over the front of my shorts and rubbed firmly with small circles a few times before pushing under the fabric rubbing my little penis through my thong. I felt the fingers of his other hand slide into the cleft of my ass and finding my hole he rubbed it in the same manner as he did in on my penis. Still grasping daddy's flaccid penis I squeezed it hard with my small hand, my body jerking against his side as I came on his fingers.

With a final shudder I gasped into his chest gently trembling in post orgasmic bliss feeling his thick hair tickling my nose daddy offered the fingers he'd just used to please me with by touching my lips. I tasted my own bitter seed so different in flavour from his and I sucked each one clean with a moan of satisfaction. I was content to lie there all day and be Daddy's little sissy slut.

"Thank you daddy," I sighed against him, "that felt so good"

"And thank you sissy," He laughed softly, "I could get use to being woken up by you like that every day."

"Me too," I replied with a silly little giggle, "It was the best breakfast I've ever had."

"I'm going to burst if I lay here much longer." He grunted rising from the bed.

Suddenly a brisk slap resounded through the room when daddy's hand contacted my ass, he sat up rolling me onto my back in surprise. On an impulse I jumped up and followed him into the bathroom and sidled up against him wrapping an arm around his thick waist. I reached down grasping his penis and aimed it at the bowl."

"What are you on about you cock hungry slut?" he chuckled, "I'm not so old nor is it so heavy that I can't do it myself."

"Just being nice and helpful to my daddy," I replied coyly and giggled, "And I just can't help myself."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and sighed as the flow urine erupted from the tip of his glans. I could feel it racing down the shaft through my fingers as I watched it splashing into the bowl for several minutes. I could feel myself become excited again as the flow slowly dwindle to just a few drops. I giggled shaking it and squeezed the last drops away and looking up at daddy I smiled at him impishly before bending down to kiss the very tip tasting his saltiness on my lips.

"You're being a really dirty little sissy slut today," daddy chuckled and asked, "What's gotten into you?"

"Making up for the last few days I guess," I giggled hugging him tightly, "and I missed you daddy."

"I missed my little sissy too." He replied patting my back, "But I need a shower and I know you need to change your soiled panties you dirty little girl."

"I think I'm going to wash them and some others too."

"Good idea," he stated chuckling, "it'll give you something to do and give me chance to rest up from your breakfast. Just make sure I'm finished in here before you start or I'll have to spank you."

"Okay daddy," I giggled feeling my cheeks blush and said, "I've got a few pairs next door that need washing too so I think I'll go get them first."

As daddy turned to adjust the flow of water I went out to the back door and never even noticing that my boy clothes were no longer hanging by the door as I passed through it and made my way home. Smiling happily to myself without a care in the world I skipped across the yards and onto the porch reaching for the handle.

She lifted her head from the cradle of her forearms lying on top of the table. Noticing some of her son's panties were stained from her tears. She cried herself out awhile ago but still was unsure what to do. She was angry at her son's deceit and even angrier at that lecherous bastard of a pervert Clark and right now she even hated her husband for allowing him the chance to corrupt her boy.

Once again she went over her options it seemed for the hundredth time, Should she call her wimpy husband and berate him into standing up for her son was a useless idea she thought. Narrowing it done now to two possible venues the first was to sit and wait, knowing her son would be home eventually. The last was to go over and confront the bastard at his front door making sure the whole neighbourhood could hear her scream out his perverted tendencies. Even though she wasn't sure if she'd be able to control her temper and not scratch out his lecherous eyes on first sight of the degenerate. She no longer cared what the neighbours would think about her family, the one thing she defiantly decided was to move away from here.

Suddenly something caught her eye in yard through the door, her son still dressed in his pink t-shirt and skimpy little white shorts came up onto the porch. The decision now made for her she stood and folded her arms across her chest so she could look down imposingly at her frail little boy when he'd come through the door.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great story

I've really looked forward to this chapter. I eagerly await the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
sick fuck help us all out and leave the gene pool!

Jesus you evenm look like a fucked up queer! Oh wait you are!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
great story

i for one can't wait to read more.thank you for taking the time to write these wonderful chapters,

your friend,lovablecd

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