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A male-herm dragon gets bred and lays eggs...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Dusty sighed, the dragon wearing only a pair of jogging shorts that came down loosely around his thighs out for his run in the park. Near the lake, the air felt crisp and light with the edge of spring oncoming, though the dragon was keen indeed to say goodbye to the colder, wetter months of winter. Although his fur was mostly thinner, allowing the smooth definition of his muscled body to truly come into its own, a thicker fluff of fur over the top of his head, running down the back of his neck between his black horns.

His chest rose and fell shortly and sharply as he drew in all the breath he could, recovering himself, though it was still the start of his running season, not being the kind of dragon who particularly enjoyed running in the colder months of the year. The rake and bite of frosty air in his lungs was not something Dusty eagerly sought out, after all...

No, it was better to come to the park when the flowers were blooming, the buds just starting to unfurl for spring, sweetness in the air and a bubble of laughter too. The park was only moderately busy that day, being a day in the middle of the week, though Dusty preferred going when things were quieter, so he could make the most of the space to run.

The dragon settled on a bench to rest, his legs stretched out before him. And yet there was something different there, something that had his tail twitching and his head turning before Dusty even realised something was drawing him away.


He hummed lightly, turning his head, though the only thing nearby that didn't look like it belonged there was a towel. That it was red was of no interest to him but the scent rising from it caught his attention. Dusty picked it up curiously as he turned it over in his hands, an eyebrow raising as he realised he recognised the striped pattern on one side of it.

What's Drackonthanri doing out here today? And so much of his scent all over this thing?

It was a weird thought to have, even for him, the dragon's lips twitching up faintly. It smelled like Drackonthanri, yes, but like him when he had come out of the showers: his natural scent layered thickly into it, untainted by anything else at all, like scale deodorant. Dusty licked his lips unconsciously, though was more curious than anything else.

He sniffed harder, filtering through the scents in the air to find the trail of the one he was interested in. It led him back behind the bench and into the bushes, thickening into trees for a small, forested area. They had all been planted there, of course, to give a more natural look to the park, though it was quiet, the deciduous trees waving their leaves around him as he brushed his hand absently against the bark of a silver birch tree.

He paused, picking up a pair of underwear from the ground, with a black band at the waistband, though he recognised them too: Drackonthanri's. The dragon often wore them to the gym, and other pairs in a similar cut and style, though Dusty had never seen them soaked through as they were. It didn't smell like urine, not at all, not something sweeter, something that had him parting his lips and curling the upper one faintly and briefly, and he dropped the underwear on top of another soaked pair of pants, which looked like Drackonthanri had been wearing them to jog through the park too.

But that scent... Oh, it was something more than debauchery, most certainly so, Dusty's lips breaking into a wide smile. For he was sure his friend, a male-presenting hermaphrodite, was in heat, that overly sweet scent cloying and tangling, wafting pleasantly into his head.

What a shame he came into heat all the way out here...

And then he caught sight of a white and grey body, a massive wing flung wide while the other curled up lightly against a tree trunk, where Drackonthanri didn't quite have the room to enjoy himself that he wanted to. The dragon, a bit taller than Dusty with the wings Dusty could not boast, moaned as he lay on his back, his tail plunging into his pussy as his juices squirted around it. The bulk of his scales were white but there were layered, protective scales over the tops of his thighs, the fronts of his shins, tops of his feet -- and the upper sides of his arms and shoulders too. A grey "X" marked his chest with a yellow diamond, the dragon's scales dark above his eyes to frame them like brows and forming the appearance of hair. The black of his wings, on the rear side, was mostly hidden from view at that moment, though the dark grey stretched down his long, twisting tail with slicing, hooked markings, which seemed to beg the eye to follow them to where they ended, midway down his tail.

Oh, wow...

Even though they'd had some dalliances before, friends with benefits on occasion but nothing more, Dusty had never seen Drackonthanri as wet as he was then, masturbating furiously between the trees and bushes with his tail plunging into his own cunt with a lewd, slopping sound. His arousal even seemed to be trickling from his pussy over the puckered ring of his tail hole, his double pair of balls splattered with some too.

Of course, the dragon looked as Dusty recalled, though the two cocks with flatter heads and medial rings always took his breath away. He let out a soft whistle as the dragon's hand stroked those two cocks, pressing them together, but they were set apart from equine-style shafts by the light, pliable "spines" running down the length of them. Dusty shivered. Oh, he knew intimately just how that felt, having those cocks plunged into him. Once, both at the same time!

Drackonthanri grunted, eyes fluttering open, one hand grasping his tail, though he looked to be trying to work it deeper as he hitched a leg up, lying on his back. He stroked his cocks together, panting heavily as his white horns ground back into the earth, though his forked tongue flickered out lustfully the moment his vision cleared, landing on Dusty.

Oh, he didn't mind being come across out there was he let out a growl that was a little needier than he had intended it to come out, though didn't matter. He licked his lips, a smile tugging at the corners, and yanked his tail out wetly, slashing it in the air towards Dusty. It was a mean little trick, but the quick movement splattered his arousal off the scales of his tail, sending the droplets flying to Dusty's snout.


The surprise in Dusty's eyes would have been comical if he had not been as worked up as he was, the dragon stepping back as he licked off his muzzle automatically. Drackonthanri growled, parting his lips, panting heavily through an open mouth.

"Mmm... I think you came here...just in time..." He panted, struggling to force the words out even as his chest trembled.

Dusty blinked, his tongue retracting into his mouth automatically, the dragon's slick taste clinging to his tongue as if it didn't even want to slip down his throat. He took a deep, shuddering breath, Drackonthanri's scent so potent, and shifted his weight from hip to hip, languishing in the moment, the insidious taste flowing to the back of his mouth.

"Mmmm... Maybe I did," he said slowly, jaws parting in a draconic grin. "I didn't think I'd see you out here though... You should have just called me."

Drackonthanri shrugged, rolling his shoulders back as he growled.

"Hm, I don't control when I'm in heat, dragon..."

Dusty smirked and shook his head, the dragon's balls hanging down -- but not low enough to cover the sensual pull of his pussy from view, where it may have otherwise been tucked away behind them. His shaft swelled, filling his underwear and shorts readily, though Dusty had already made his decision as to what to do. He caught Drackonthanri's eyes dropping to his obvious, heady bulge and the dragon before him grinned widely, spreading his legs lewdly wide.

Even though he didn't need to, Drackonthanri tucked his fingers around his four balls, hefting them up and out of the way so there was nothing at all to hide his pussy and clit from view, his folds parted and dripping with his arousal. Even his folds looked to be swelling with the raw force of his need and Dusty stiffened, cock throbbing through his clothes.

"Come ease it then, Dusty," he growled throatily, as if he was trying to purr -- though Drackonthanri rarely purred. "I'll make it worth your while, as always..."

It was all in good fun for them and Dusty wasn't about to turn down such an offer as he shoved down his pants, his cock springing up readily, drooling pre-cum. He had always been a bit on the over productive side, his cock varying in shade with a black tip that melded into blue as the length moved towards the base. That blue was the same shade as the inside of his maw, though the best feature of his cock, the one he got the most compliments on, was the thick bugle at the base -- just like a knot.

Before Drackonthanri's eyes, Dusty pumped his cock with a languid grin, though Drackonthanri could see Dusty's need was as great as his was. He was such a show-off, when the need took him, though that could have been a side-effect of Dusty being affected by Drackonthanri's heat too, it had to be said.

"It would be a pleasure," Dusty rumbled softly, smearing pre-cum over the head of his cock with his thumb, though it would not get the chance to dry there. "And, next time, I'm more than willing to help you out..."

His heart surged as he leaned over Drackonthanri, grabbing his legs and holding them apart, though it was not as if Drackonthanri was about to close them anyway. No, his need was too great and he rocked up almost helplessly as Dusty ground the head of his cock over the swollen folds of his pussy.

"Unff... Don't be a tease!"

He snapped -- but Dusty took the next thrust to sink home, grinding deep into him with the first real stroke of his cock. Drackonthanri moaned, head rocking back, the pointed tips of his horns cutting into the ground, though there would be more evidence of their fucking than that when all was said and done.

Drackonthanri grunted, bearing his tail down into the ground so he could use that leverage to rock his hips up, even if he had little freedom of movement in such a position. Dusty bent his legs a little, so he could get in closer, driving in crudely and roughly to the dragon's pussy. He tightened around Dusty without even thinking about it, even though the drake was more than thick enough, his jaws hanging open in a lustful snarl as he gave himself over to his heat.

"Oh, fuck, yessss..."

His tongue slapped the outside of his muzzle in a long, wet hiss as Dusty crammed his cock into him, driving deep, finding a pace and rhythm that suited them both. Some may have called that pace punishing, yet it was just right for Drackonthanri, his pussy twitching and spasming around the dragon's cock. Sometimes, though muscular contractions felt, to him, as if he was having an orgasm, yet he was not, not yet. Sure, he'd had maybe six climaxes back there in the bushes already, but he needed more, that hot thrust of a cock ramming into him, stretching out his slick, aching folds over and over again.

There was nothing like being fucked as Dusty leaned back a little and he took the chance to bring up his sweaty hind paw, clasping Dusty's muzzle with it as he folded his toes around. His scales allowed sweat to seep from between them and, well, he knew Dusty's kinks, more than willing to play into what Dusty liked too, so they both got more than enough of what they liked.

Dusty groaned, his tongue flicking out instinctively against Drackonthanri's foot, running up the sole and tickling between the toes, though Drackonthanri didn't have all that much of a tight grip on him. It was just enough to get his stomach churning pleasantly, his loins tightening, though Dusty didn't want to cum yet, no. He needed more, so much more, of Drackonthanri's wet heat clinging to the full length of his dick, the dragon almost reluctant to pull back at all, though the combination of sensations with Drackonthanri in heat was simply exquisite.

The wet slide of his cock driving deep.

How Drackonthanri's pussy hugged him, folds spreading, while he drew back.

The tickle of cool air brushing his cock, a greater amount of the shaft exposed for the briefest of moments.

The press of that foot on his muzzle, rendering him dizzy with pleasure.

But it was the dragon's scent winding around him and slipping deep into his nostrils, mingling with that wet, musky sheen of sweat, that got to him the most. Dusty huffed and puffed, dragging in one needy lungful of air after the other, leaning forward, lashing his tongue fervently over Drackonthanri's hind paw, curling around to get the arch of his foot too.

It was something to focus on, even if he was already swimming in lust already. Yet he could not have anticipated what Drackonthanri had in mind. The drake dug in suddenly, hefting his lower body up as he wrenched his free leg, the leg that didn't currently have its foot on Dusty's snout, free. It took a lot of effort, muscles bunching, but Drackonthanri managed to get it around Dusty's waist, dragging him down, stopping him from pulling back barely at all as he rubbed his sweaty sole teasingly over the other dragon's muzzle.

And Drackonthanri put his plan into motion.

That part didn't involve Dusty, not as Drackonthanri rested his hand on his belly, pulling on his magic. It was harder to call on when he was deep in need, but his prior climaxes had, at the very least, helped him concentrate again just a little. Preparing a spell that would increase the rate of egg development and conception, he held it in the back of his mind, ready to cast at the penultimate moment. The rush of magic flowing through his body, after all, was particularly alluring. And he'd wondered for a while if using magic while in heat would increase the power of his orgasms even then. It was all in a manner of experimentation!

He growled, tail snaking around to Dusty's backside and probing up under his tail. When Dusty raised his tail obligingly for him, he wiggled the tip of his tail into Dusty's backside, penetrating him anally and using the slender, rounded tip of his tail to stretch him open. It was a gentle stretch for Dusty, in comparison to Drackonthanri's bouncing twin cocks, though the dragon had so much to take care of all at once he barely even could focus on any one thing at a time.

"Mmm... Cum for me..."

Drackonthanri growled, though Dusty was not about to give over his more dominant position so easily -- even if the dragons switched roles between each other rather frequently. For them, it was all about pleasure when they got together, Dusty's expression breaking into a toothy smile behind Drackonthanri's hind paw.

"Mmmm... Soon..."

He thrust hard, grinding in deep, though Drackonthanri's tail curling up under his tail and pulling over his prostate as it thrust was devious enough to make his head spin. But Dusty had to keep thrusting, letting out a randy snarl, grinding his cock in as deep as he could, even with the knot and all. It was softer and smaller then, even if defined, ready to inflate at the point of orgasm, but it would be a lot more difficult to sink the full, heady bulge of his knot into a partner if he waited until then.

That could be fun...but maybe not that time. Even as his knot tingled and a deep ache rang through Dusty, panting heavily against Drackonthanri's sweaty foot, his tongue curling sensually around a toe and dragging back, just to get a little more of that tantalising sheen of sweat into his maw. It should never have been as intoxicating as it was, the crisp scent of fresh sweat lingering in his nasal passage as Dusty sucked in greedy breath after breath, leaning into how that hind paw flexed and pulled over his muzzle. He was close, yes, but he wanted the high to be worth it -- not just the kind of high that he stumbled over the edge into, forgetting what he was even there for.

He thrust hard, his hips bouncing off the dragon's thighs and buttocks with every stroke, watching as a reverberation rolled through Drackonthanri. The dragon was hot, his wings spread out and the trees sheltering them from view, though it briefly occurred to Dusty that it was not as if they were being all that quiet there. The drake's grip around Dusty, his leg on Dusty's waist, tightened, feeling the pull every time Dusty tried to pull back for yet another thrust.

They moaned and grunted and hissed as it pleased them, the dragon rocking back just a little to get his backside at a better angle for Drackonthanri's tail to massage his prostate. Inside Drackonthanri, his cock twitched and juddered, leaking pre-cum even then, though it was surely just as potent as the semen to follow. He heaved and panted, chest juddering as he strained to contain himself, but Dusty was just a dragon and didn't have that urge to hold back all that prominent, not anymore.

That tail inside his ass, however... It was too good to be passed up, his tongue lashing the outside of his muzzle in a wet slap again, dragging back against Drackonthanri's foot. He wanted more of it, though he was too breathless to give voice to them, at least right then. That was okay, however, his back arching slightly to put more shape into the lower part of it. It was just too sensual, sending rippling shivers of sensation through his body, skin prickling and tingling, his mind trying to make sense of just how damn good it all felt.

And combining that with his cock plunging into Drackonthanri's cunt was simply exquisite, what he needed, what he ached for. Dusty's tongue flicked in and out as he struggled to keep it within his maw -- though whoever said he had to keep displays of lust to himself? With Drackonthanri, he could let it all hang out, his cock throbbing deliciously within the dragon's tight snatch.


He groaned long and low, tongue dangling from his maw, as he thrust, bearing in that knot as it finally pumped up, swelling and locking them together. The dragon's eyes rolled back in his head as he lay there, snarling out a cry that could have been threatening -- if Dusty had not known Drackonthanri as well as he did. He chuffed a laugh, pleased that he could get Drackonthanri to such a point of need as that, though it was not all that often he got to see the beauty of Drackonthanri coming undone, right there before him.

Drackonthanri groaned, one paw resting on his belly, the other stroking his two cocks, pumping them up and down. Oh, it would not be long to seeding, though the drake's head spun with delight, droplets of pre-cum splattering from his cocks as he pawed off lustfully.

Dusty's orgasm may have been near, yet so was Drackonthanri's. The dragon tried to hump his hips up even as Dusty groaned into his foot, the dragon drawing his legs up and wrapping them insistently around Dusty's waist. His ankles crossed over Dusty's back and he dragged his friend down against him, wanting nothing more than every drop of Dusty's seed to pump right up where it belonged, despite the risk of fucking bareback during his heat. That was exactly what Drackonthanri was counting on, after all.

"Mmmph... Yes..." Drackonthanri snarled, stiffening as his wings trembled. "Mmm... So, fucking...close!"

He couldn't hold back as orgasm tore through him, bellowing a roar that curled its way up from his belly, where he was holding the spell ready to go. Yet Drackonthanri could only ride it out as Dusty cursed under his breath and thrust more erratically, pulled to climax too by the force of Drackonthanri's pussy clenching and rippling around him, milking him for his load.