Punishment Weekend Ch. 03

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Domestic discipline of sister-in-law, wife and niece.
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/26/2013
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Chapter 03- Friday Evening

(This is a fantasy written for fun. It has humiliation and spanking as a theme, if you do not enjoy that type of story be warned. All characters are over 18)

Both my wife, Molly, and her older sister were being punished. My wife was being punished for overspending on her credit card and Barbara for teasing Molly.

I walked over to where Barbara was situated. She lay over the spanking chair, bare bottom prominently perched on display for the entire room to see. Her skirt and slip were pinned to her blouse, her stockings, spandex panty, and panties were bunched at her knees as she quietly sobbed.

I reached for her ear and stood her up. I sat down and proceeded to drape her over my lap in the same position as her sister was a few minutes ago. Her head was to my left, her long legs stretched out to my right, heels together, buttocks clenched. She was the picture of a little girl, helplessly in my control and at my mercy. She pleaded like a youngster not to be spanked. I could see she felt helpless, humiliated and the shame of being spanked like a little girl over my knee. After all I was her brother-in-law not her husband and she was 46 years old.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

Everyone wondered at what I would say. I thought it might be Barbara's daughters, so I told Karen to answer the door. 'If it is your cousins let them in otherwise, tell them to come back.'

Sure enough it was Susan, Kathleen and Annie looking for their mother. 'Hi is Mom here?' asked Kathleen.

When they got to the living room they stopped in their tracks. There was Aunt Molly standing in the corner with her red bottom, blubbering like a baby, it was obvious she had just been spanked. There was their mother over my lap about to be spanked.

'Sit down girls,' I said

'Your mother is about to get a long overdue spanking for taunting your aunt and I want you to watch,' Annie, the youngest at 18, started to protest but thought better of it.

Turning my attention back to Barbara, I said, 'Young lady, don't you feel juvenile. Across my lap in front of your daughters and nieces, with your undies pulled down and your skirt raised about to get your bare bottom soundly spanked you should feel ashamed of yourself. A 46 year old, mother of three grown up girls, and you act in the manner that requires I punish you like a child,' Barbara's face turned bright red wishing she could get this horrible humiliation over and done,

'Missy I'll teach you to tease your younger sister,' I said and my hand descended and smacked her bottom. She yelped. 'I want you to relax your cheeks and stop clenching, Missy,' I smacked her twice as she did her best to relax her bottom cheeks fearing more punishment.

'Just look at you,' I scolded. 'Are you going to tease your sister anymore when she is going to get a spanking?' I continued to land swat after swat on her fanny globes. 'N0! N0! Never! Please that's enough! I'll be so good, 'She stuttered.

'What a naughty little girl you are,' I said. My hand rose and fell with hard, stinging, crisp and noisy slaps all over her big hind end. She was now crying with big tears falling down her face smearing her mascara. Although she was kicking her legs frantically, the panty girdle and undies twisted tightly around her knees severely hampered her leg movements, and as a result, her bottom remained reasonably well positioned throughout the spanking.

'Are you going to tease your sister again about being spanked?' I asked?

'No,' she cried.

'No what?' I said. I spanked her three times on her upper thighs.

'No Sir. Please no more.' She answered.

I gave her bottom ten more hand slaps and made her count and thank me after each spank. By the time I reached ten, she was sobbing the same as her sister. 'I hope you have learned your lesson, young lady?'

'Yes Sir,' she answered, quickly hoping her punishment was over.

'Okay young lady get up,' I ordered, as I reached for her earlobe and helped her up.

'Young Lady you are going to stand in the corner,' I said.

'March and I gave her another hard spank on her already sore backside.

Tears were streaming down Barbara's face as she reluctantly turned and shuffled towards the corner. The tight panty girdle was turned inside out and pulled down to her knees with her white panties twisted around her knees. Her knees were squeezed so tightly together that she was forced to shuffle along slightly pigeon-toed toward the corner. Her bottom, like her sister's, was rosy red from the top of the cheeks to mid-thigh. Her makeup was running from the tears and her face was flushed from the humiliation of being spanked in front of the family like a child.

I then turned to Molly, who was in her shame corner wondering what was going to happen next. 'Molly, I want you to go upstairs, take a shower. Stop sniveling, Molly. You take a licking now the same as when you were six years old. Get yourself composed, and put on your discipline outfit that Beth laid out. You will be wearing it all weekend, and come down here in 30 minutes. You are going to get your hairbrush spanking before bed. Now blow your nose, and get MOVING.' I ordered.

'Barbara, you are going to spend the next 30 minutes in the corner. I want to hear what Molly has to say about the bills, and if you were involved. Stand at attention, hands at your side, don't move and don't touch your sore red bottom,' I commanded.

'Karen and Beth, my college- aged daughters, go to the kitchen and finish preparing dinner. I will be looking at your grades shortly.' They looked at each other and hurried to the kitchen not wanting to get on my bad side.

'Now you three' I looked directly at Susan, Kathleen and Annie. Your mother told me that you girls have been breaking curfew, back talking, not following orders, and being generally naughty.' I used the word naughty, as if they were children. 'Is that right, girls?'

Susan the oldest at 24 decided to speak up. 'I am not going to be treated like a child. I am earning my own living and can come home whatever time I want. Here I am 24, and I am told I have to be home by 11:00. THAT'S RIDICULOUS!' she shouted.

'My friends don't have a curfew. Besides you can't tell me what to do, you're not my father,' Kathleen and Annie couldn't believe their sister had spoken so rudely.

'So you don't need a curfew and you are all grown up, right Young Lady?' I said as I slowly walked over to Susan, with a stern look on my face. Susan immediately knew she had made a huge mistake and started backing away saying: 'I'm sorry Uncle Tom, I really am. P-Please don't spank me I'll be g-good.'

'You don't sound very grown up to me,' I said as I took her ear and gave her a swat through the pretty sun dress she was wearing. 'Ouch,' she cried. I then marched her over to one of the two chairs still in the middle of the living room, swatting her firm bottom all the way. 'Ouch, Ouch I'll be good,' she pleaded.

I positioned her to my right side as I sat down 'Now Missy, lift your dress to your waist,' She quickly did as she was told revealing her pantyhose and her pretty grown up lace trimmed pink panties.

'Do you still think you are a grown-up? Did you not see what happened to your mother, just 5 minutes ago? Don't you remember what happened the last time you broke curfew and you got a bare-bottomed spanking? Obviously it did not sink in,' I said.

SMACK! SMACK!! I swatted her on her pantyhose covered bottom, making her jump up and down

'Kathleen bring me your aunt's hairbrush, this little lady is going to get the first hairbrush spanking tonight. Also, get a new package of your aunt's little girl cartoon cotton panties. Susan is going to be wearing them tonight and all weekend,' I said.

I slowly slid Susan's pantyhose down her hips, over her cute buttocks, down her long legs, until they puddled at her ankles. I then said 'Step out of them you will not need them this weekend.'

I pulled her not too gently over my lap, as I was very upset with her, and smacked her 5 times on her pink laced trimmed panties. I took both my thumbs inserted them in her panty waistband and pulled them down inside out over her backside, down her legs, over her black heels and dropped them on the floor right in front of her. I pulled her dress up as high as it would go, so that she was naked from the top of her shoulder blades to her ankles.

Susan was 5:4, about 115 pounds, with medium length strawberry blond hair and a very nice well-developed figure. She taught third grade at the local elementary school and was well-liked. Being over her Uncle's knee was not what she had in mind for tonight. Just then Kathleen came back with both the hairbrush and the package of little girl panties Susan would be showing off around the house this weekend.

I took the hairbrush from Kathleen and told her to open the package and take one out for her sister to wear. Kathleen choose Cinderella cartoon panties for her big sister of 24 to wear. 'Good choice' I said. Now let's teach Miss Smarty pants a lesson.'

Gently smacking Susan's trembling bare buttocks several times with the hairbrush, I said. 'Well now, Susan. It seems that you think you are to grownup for a curfew. As long as you live with your Mother you are not too old for a curfew or a spanking. I'll warn you ahead of time that I am going to spank you very soundly.' I scolded as I rested the hairbrush on her posterior.

'You are going to be crying and bawling like a baby before I am through with you. Your Mother has asked me to discipline you. I am just carrying out her wishes. Isn't that correct Barbara?' She was still standing in the corner sobbing, with her red bottom on display.

'Yes Sir,' she answered.

'That also goes for your sisters,' I looked at both Kathleen and Annie.

'Susan,' I continued 'Keep your hands away from your bare bottom. Before I am through you will be promising to do anything just to keep me from tanning your bare bottom another time. I am not happy with your attitude or your sisters, so hold still and try to act your age'

I took the hairbrush and applied it to the fullest part of Susan's backside. I took my time an aimed for her right buttock. A third swing landed on her left cheek.

'Oh, th-that HURTS!' she yelled.

I then made a second pass over the same area. 'Keep your heels together and on the ground or I will start on your thighs.' I ordered.

'Now, young lady what do you have to say about your curfew?' I questioned? I landed a seventh and eighth on her lower cheeks, right where she sits.

'EEEEeeeekkkk'! Oh!! OH!! PLeeeeaasee stopppp! It HHuuuurrtsss!!! I'll be a g-g-good girl!! I w-ll l-listen! 11:00 is f-fine' she stammered.

'Young Lady, I am going to give you two more and I want you to count them and thank me' I aimed the first one on the top of the right thigh.

'Thank y-ouuu s-sirrr,' and the second on the top of the left thigh with the same reaction.

I laid down the hairbrush and allowed Susan to stagger to her feet, her dress fell down in front and back, but she was bare underneath. I was not surprised, that all Susan could do was reach under her dress in the back, and hop up and down clutching her burning behind bawling like a little child. I allowed her to so, because I wanted to demonstrate to her sisters that even their big sister can act like a child.

'All right Susan, take your hands away from your bottom. No more rubbing, do you hear me young lady? A good spanking is meant to sting and meant to sting badly, and I don't want you rubbing away the sting right away,' I said.

'Now Kathleen give Susan the Cinderella undies, she is going to wear them the rest of the night to remind her she not to grown up to be spanked,' I said.

'Susan put them on right now,' Kathleen handed them to Susan and she gingerly pulled them on under her dress.

Now bunch your dress at your waist, young lady and show everyone what you will be wearing this weekend' I ordered. Susan blushed a deep red and still blubbering like an eight year old, lifted her dress up to her waist front and back. There she stood in the middle of the room, tears running down her cheeks, in total humiliation with her dress bunched at her waist in her cute little Cinderella pink underpants.

There was one problem, the undies were too large for her, as they belonged to Molly, and were sliding down her hips. The red imprint of the hairbrush was seen as the panties slid down her backside. She tried to grab them with one hand and hold her dress with the other. Her sisters started giggling, as they saw her predicament. One look from me they stopped the giggling immediately. I motioned Susan to come over to me and lay across my lap, I gave her another swat for good measure and she started crying again.

I then told Annie to get me two safety pins, which she handed to me. I pulled up Susan's little girl undies good and tight, so that the bottom cheeks of her backside were on display. I took the first pin and rolled the sides of the garment together and pinned it and did the same with the other side. She looked like she had training pants on, with the safety pins holding her undies up.

I then gave her another swat on her displayed cheeks and told her to go stand in the corner. She hurried off my lap to the corner as instructed her dress still up around her waist, pinned Cinderella panties on display, with her nose right against the wall in shame and humiliation. I don't think she felt very grown up.

At that moment Molly slowly came down the stairs dressed in her punishment uniform. She appeared very contrite and embarrassed. She had showered and her face was freshly scrubbed of all makeup. She was wearing a navy blue plaid school girl skirt, which ended 3 inches above her knee, a white blouse, white ankle socks and saddle shoes, and in her hair were two pink ribbons. The contrast of a 40 year old dressing as a school girl was startling.

'Come over here, Molly,' I said, pointing to where I wanted her to stand, which was to my right side of the spanking chair. 'Lift your skirt I want to see what you have underneath.' She obeyed immediately, not wanting to be spanked again.

In to view came her white little girl Snow White cotton panties. I told her to turn around and I tucked the back of her skirt into the back waistband of the skirt; I then took the waistband of her panties and pulled them up nice and tight. She winced as I did so, as her bottom was still very sore.

'Now Young Lady, come over my lap, I want to discuss your naughty behavior tonight,' I ordered.

'Yes Sir,' she quickly obeyed and draped herself over my lap once more.

''Please don't s-spank me a-ag-gain, I'm s-still s-sore from be-fore,' she sobbed.

'Be quiet Missy,' I swatted her once on each cheek, where her cheeks were showing.

I said. 'Susan come over here and hand me the hairbrush you just got spanked with and don't let your dress down.' Susan walked over to me still red faced and handed it to me. She was very humiliated about having to wear little girl undies that were pinned because they were too big for her. I then sent her back to her corner with a swat on her panty covered rump.

I then turned my attention to Molly, still over my knee, her tushy sticking perfectly positioned. Her nose nearly touching the floor, her arms stretched over her head touching the floor for balance, and her legs were straight with her heels of her saddle shoes touching together. She looked about 8 years old in her jumper, white ankle socks, cartoon panties, and saddle shoes.

'Now Miss lets discuss your behavior tonight and see what we can do to correct it,' I said as I lightly patted her pantied hinny with the business side of the hairbrush. I looked around the living room and saw Molly's 46 year old sister in one corner, skirt up, panties and girdle at half-mast still sniffling.

In the other corner was Molly's 24 year old niece with her dress bunched up and what looked like training pants on. My daughters were in the kitchen preparing dinner and my two nieces were still on the couch watching everything.

'Okay, Young Lady I am going to ask you some questions, and I expect some answers. Do you understand, missy.' I said as I lowered her Cinderella panties to her knees. Her bottom was now bare and I could see the redness from her previous hand spanking.

Molly moaned and managed to whimper, 'Yes Sir. II u-understand. Oh, please, don't s-spank me h-hard!' I raised the hairbrush and brought it down on her quivering right buttock

'Now Missy only answer my questions with a "'Yes or No Sir answer." Is that clear?'

Molly answered 'Yes, Sir,' not wanting another swat with the hairbrush.

'Did you overspend your allowance this month?' I asked resting the hairbrush on her bare cheeks.

'Yes, sir but B-Bar' Once again the hairbrush came down this time on her left buttock. 'Yes or no answers' I again cautioned.

'I will be questioning Barbara very shortly, so I would only concentrate on worrying about your own predicament.' I said firmly.

'Did you lose your temper?' I asked? 'Did you keep talking after I told you? Not to speak?' 'Were you rude in front of the family?' 'Were you disobedient, when you went over your allowance?' Molly kept answering 'Yes Sir' to all my questions.

'Now Missy here is what is going to happen.' I said and I applied the hairbrush to Molly's left buttock, right where the buttock meets her left thigh.

'First you are grounded for the weekend; next you will wear your punishment uniform the entire weekend. It will be pinned in the back so your punishment panties can be seen by everyone. You will have no supper tonight and you are going to be sent to bed early the entire weekend.' I said.

'While we are eating supper you can sit on the kitchen stool in the corner with your panties down and your bare fanny on the hard wooden seat. You can start your lines while you are waiting and by the way it is now 1000.' I continued.

'For your rude language, you are going to get your mouth washed out with soap tomorrow morning. Tonight while you are sitting on the punishment stool I am going to put a bar of soap in your mouth. And last but not least, you are going to get your cheeks tanned before you go to bed, but it won't be the last time this weekend. I also want you to carry your hairbrush with you everywhere you go this weekend. Do you understand me?' I again whacked her with the hairbrush this time on her right buttock near the thigh.

'Y-yesss S-irrrr OOOOwwww Oooouuuccch!' she cried.

'Good, now get yourself into the kitchen and do as you are told,' Molly nodded her head miserably, staggered to her feet and made her way to the kitchen rubbing her bottom, tears trickling down her cheeks, her panties still at her knees making it difficult to walk. Her skirt was still tucked in the back. She definitely did not look or act 40.

I then turned my attention to Barbara. 'Come here, Barbara,' She turned towards me and began to shuffle pigeon-toed, her panties and panty-girdle till twisted about her knees, over to where Molly had just stood. I lowered her over my lap and began questioning her.

'Did you encourage, Molly, to overspend her allowance?'

'No Sir,' she answered. 'I don't think that is correct.'

'That's not what, Molly said,' I said with another smack of the hairbrush.

'Yes, yes I e-en-cou-raged h-h-er,' She cried and stuttered.

My hand fell with hard, stinging, crisp and noisy slaps all over her backside.

'Awww!! Awwww! Awwww!' she sobbed.

I continued to spank here thoroughly up one side down the other, from the top of her buttock to the upper thigh. She blubbered like a six year old not a 46 year old mother of Three.

'You also are grounded for the weekend, you will wear a blouse and you will also continue to wear your panty-girdle and nylons this weekend. If you act up I will 'pin you' again. No supper tonight and you are going to be sent to bed early the entire weekend. Next while we are eating supper you can sit on the kitchen stool in the corner with your panties and panty-girdle down and your bare bottom on the hard wooden seat. Do you understand me?' I again whacked her with my hand this time on her right buttock near the thigh.