Purple Haze Ch. 03

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Will the evil Dr Henry White succeed?
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/11/2024
Created 06/15/2023
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Jim stared at out the window of the abandoned hotel. The sky was purple which matched the uniforms of the soldiers who patrolled the streets.

It was nine months to the day of the first event, and the world was under control of the madman who told everyone his name was The Doctor.

The first three events were purely sexual. The world's women went nuts during the first two, and the third affected men and women. They went crazy trying to fuck whoever was nearest them.

The fourth event was different. It took control of men and women, but the effect didn't make people want to have sex, it made people want to serve The Doctor.

Jim realized after the third event, that it didn't affect him. He didn't know why, but he knew there were others not affected. He found out by accident after a couple of weeks, when he found a computer online at a library where he hid. There were no new news stories after the event, but there were social media posts.

People who were not affected were trying to find out what happened, and how many others weren't affected, but they were caught. He wasn't sure what happened to them after they were caught, but he made sure he never posted anything.

After a few weeks, the last posts warned people not to post anything.

People still lived in their homes. Those who had jobs in certain industries still went to work. Those able-bodied who didn't work in a desired industry such as farming, food processing, utilities, or anything else needed to keep the world moving, went into The Doctor's army of drone soldiers. The rest? There were only rumors.

No one received a paycheck any longer. The banks were closed, and their vaults were cleared out with the money and any valuables taken to who knew where. Jim expected The Doctor to have all of the money centralized for himself.

He thought that was odd. Why would a man need money in a world that didn't have an economy any longer?

He didn't worry about those kinds of thoughts. He worried about not being caught and finding others unaffected like him.


The Doctor sat in the oval office and read the latest report on the round ups of the unaffected. Less and less were being found, and he smiled.

His sister, former President Jennifer Grant walked in wearing her French maid outfit, complete with thigh high stockings, high heels, and no panties.

"Your breakfast, Doctor," she said as she set the silver tray down.

He wondered how many presidents were served with that antique silver tray.

"Thank you, Jennifer. You may begin."

She crawled under the centuries old desk and began her second daily ritual of fellating him to completion as he ate his bacon and eggs.

When finished, she crawled out, stood, and walked slowly from the room. When she was alone in the hallway, she spat out her brother's thin spunk and vowed her revenge.

She was one of the unaffected by phase 3's event. She almost blew it when she realized everyone around her was affected and she tried to run to her car. She was stopped by an unaffected valet who begged her to fake it. She had seen the armored vehicles approaching with Doctor White's army of soldiers.

"Please Madam President! We need you," she begged.

Jennifer worried they had no option for escape if she wasn't right. So, she pretended. And for the last nine months, she was disgusted by what her brother made her do. Thankfully for her, she'd found the network of other unaffected people and the time to strike back was near.


Jim walked up to the deserted football stadium where the Washington NFL team used to play and fell to his knees exhausted. It took a few minutes, but there was a flurry of activity, and a group of people ran out to drag him in to safety.

There were patrols, but as they already captured most of the unaffected, they were fewer and farther between.

"Are you okay?" A man wearing casual clothes asked Jim.

"I'm starving, and I haven't had water in two days."

"Get him on an IV for dehydration. Get him some food as well."

"Jesus, son. How'd you make it out there this long?"

"I barely survived. You were my last hope. The last five groups of unaffected I heard about were either captured or moved on. I didn't believe the code that was left on the wall in Philadelphia, but I didn't have a choice."

"We're glad you made it. What's your name?"


He winced as the IV was inserted into his arm.

"That'll fix you up. We'll have a meal for you shortly. As much as you need. We're extremely well stocked here," the man said. "I'm Avery. Avery Johnson."

"Thank you for taking me in, Avery. They tried to kill me in Chicago when I found the first group of survivors in the Willis Tower."

"Yeah, it was rough in the beginning. We didn't know who we could trust. There were groups who became paranoid and did more harm than good. It pains me to think of how many unaffected lost their lives at the hands of those rogues."

"How do you know I'm not affected?" Jim asked.

Avery laughed.

"Your eyes, brother. When we saw you walking up outside, I could see your desperation and determination to make it those last few yards to the building. You're strong."

"I used to be," Jim groaned. "Believe it or not, I was planning to try to stop them if I found the right group."

Avery smiled, "It's funny that you mention that."


"Amy, what's the status of our birthing centers?" The Doctor asked as they began their meeting.

"Filling up sir. For the last thirty days or so, we've been filling up with the product of the first three phases."

"Is it a concern?"

"Not at all. We have plenty of doctors, nurses, and other personnel to handle the load."

Henry nodded, then asked, "Do we know if the signal is impacting the newborn children?"

"It doesn't seem to be at this point. While the signal caused children to go catatonic in the first three events, the fourth was designed to impact those with brain development in the toddler range and up. These babies shouldn't be impacted."

"Okay. Make sure the new mothers have good homes. Any single mothers should be matched with acceptable mates as soon as possible."

"Already on it, Sir."

"Good. What is the status on unaffected round ups?"

"Little new to report. The numbers have leveled off at approximately one thousand per week worldwide. It's almost negligible at this point."

"Excellent. After that last cell was broken up in Kentucky, we don't need any further attempts to stop the signal."

"No, Sir. One last thing to report, Doctor, and it's strange."


"There was a phenomenon detected in Washington DC which our scientists say may have been an attempt to breach the purple band."

"Really? Did we stop them?"

"No, Sir. When we reached the source, there was nothing there. The location was an old junkyard."

"Interesting, indeed, however, there is nothing that can break the signal unless it's at the source. Disrupting the sky won't do anything."

"Yes, Sir. That's what your scientists said as well. We've beefed up security at the site, and The Chief says no one can get near them."

"Good. Let's get some lunch then. Call in my sister."

Amy smiled at the thought of the former President licking her pussy.


Three weeks later, Jim was healthy and itching to do anything he could to make the world go back to normal. Avery had him set up with his own skybox where he would live until they could execute their plan to end Doctor White's takeover.

They had a small group of fifty people, but they were well-stocked, well-hidden, and well-armed. They were ready to go on the offensive as soon as they could co-ordinate their plans with the unaffected mole working in the White House.

They had to stop The Doctor at the same time they would stop the signal. It had to be a precision strike, and they would only get one shot at it.

Jennifer Grant spat the last load she would ever take of her brother's cum. She hoped that the outsiders were ready, and they'd succeed. The world needed them to--she needed them to succeed. She didn't think she could fake it another day. The signal would go out that night.

"God help us," she whispered.

"I can't believe he makes me eat that cunt's pussy," Jennifer groaned as she sat at the secure computer in the vacant office.

It was The Doctor's blind spot. When no one was ever assigned to use the office, no one thought of removing the computer. No one thought there would be an unaffected person who would be able to do so. His arrogance was his downfall.

The words typed were few.

"Tonight. Six. God be with us."


Nine months prior, Avery stood at the counter reading the slip for his next cook.

"Eggs and sausage. Easy peasy," he thought.

Before he could cook that order, the sky turned purple, and everyone's cell phone and television lit up with Doctor Henry White's face."

"People of the world, I am The Doctor. You now serve at my whim. Immediately return to your homes and wait. Within the next few days, you will be given instructions. Those instructions may be to return to work and live your life as you had before today. Some of you will no longer need to work in your current field and will be retrained to work in a more beneficial role for society. The old days are gone, and a new era of human peace and tranquility begins today. The people of the world now are under my control, and any disobedience will be dealt with harshly."

Avery watched as everyone looked to be in a daze as they stared at their screens. He felt normal, and he wondered why he seemed all right when everybody else was in a trance.

Within minutes, the diner was empty, and he made sure to shut down the kitchen.

He looked outside and saw a man running and yelling, "What are you doing? What's wrong with you people? Don't listen to that guy!"

Avery walked out in time to see the man get shot by a policeman at the corner.

"Jesus," he whispered and decided to walk home.

He needed a plan. He wasn't going to be a sheep along with the rest of the world.

It took a few days, but Avery hooked up with others who were unaffected and raided the gun store. Then they raided a hospital and collected everything they could think of that they would need. One of Avery's unaffected companions was a nurse.

Eventually, he found that the football stadium was deserted and had a bounty of food stores and space to hide.

His group had grown to several dozen and he took in anyone who needed refuge. There were close calls and they had to kill some of The Doctor's patrols, but they remained in the shadows.


Jennifer carried her brother's tray of steak au poivre, asparagus, and potatoes au gratin to the oval office. It would be the last meal he ate whether she survived or not. She only hoped that the others were successful, and the nightmare would end for all.

"Ah! Jennifer. Thank you, for bringing me my dinner."

"Your desires are mine, Doctor," she lied.

"Yes, they are now aren't they? You know this is all your fault?"

He nodded as she set the tray before him.

"You may begin," he said and took a mouthful of potato.

"Yes, you started all this by not allowing me to have a family any longer. We were siblings. We were family. Yet you chose your political ambitions over our family. Your husband could've made the hacking thing go away, and no one would've known."

Tears fell from her eyes. She regretted keeping him away, and she wished she would have used some of her or her husband's friends to rid her brother of that albatross hanging over his head. It was far too late at that point.

Just as he wondered why she wasn't sucking his four-inch dick, she unzipped his slacks, pulled out his flaccid penis, and bit it with all of her might.

He screamed, pushed the chair back, and when he did, she jumped up, grabbed the steak knife and slammed it into his neck.

As his blood shot out, she ran to the elevator to the bunker and was glad they didn't remove her biometric access.


Avery saw the helicopter as they approached the source of the signal. They were a mile away, and he knew it would take all of the luck they could find to even get in, let alone stop the signal.

"Evan, launch the drone," Avery called out, and the man who flew drones as a hobby before the event launched his drone and flew it towards the approaching helicopter.

They watched as the drone flew closer, then turned and flew head on into the chopper's direction. The pilot may or may not have noticed before the drone appeared in the darkness in front of him.

Avery was sure he saw the helicopter try to turn before the drone exploded as it neared the rotors. He prayed for the pilot and anyone else on board. It wasn't their fault they were affected, but they couldn't be stopped. They had to save billions.

The explosion caused the helicopter to go down and it exploded in a ball of flame which could be seen for a mile.

As they approached the gates to the site of the source, they saw the group of soldiers blocking the gate.

"Jim," Avery shouted. "You're up."

He then pressed the gas pedal to the floor.

Jim's USA hat flew off when stood through the top of the retired bulletproof SUV, that Avery found out drove President Bush around when he was President, and fired countless bullets into the army of guards at the gate. The modified AR with bump stock worked as well as they hoped.

When they returned fire, Jim was hit in the shoulder, and he fell down into the vehicle. Evan stood and took his place spraying the guards with round after round as they fired at the vehicle to attempt to stop it.

The SUV rammed through the converted police cruisers used as a roadblock, causing Evan to fall inside. Avery struggled to keep the vehicle straight, and then it crashed through the gate of the compound.

"Let's do it!" Came over the radio, and the five vehicles behind Avery's split up and began to draw away the consolidated army of guards.

"Is it working?" Jim asked as he bled on the seat.

"Yes. They seem to be confused as to who to follow."

Jim smiled as he picked up his gun and slid another high capacity magazine in place.

"You all right, kid?" Evan asked when the vehicle came to a stop.

"Good enough. Let's get this done."

The last modified SUV swerved in front of Avery's vehicle and screeched to a stop.

"Now!" Avery shouted and Evan began firing out the back window and Jim fired from the top of the car providing cover for the others who placed their vehicle within feet of the ideal position.

The door flew open and three people jumped in.

"Go, go, go!" the nurse shouted, and Avery sped away in the barely operating vehicle.

"Hit it now!" Avery yelled, and the young college woman whose virginity was taken during the first event screamed, "Fuck you!" as she pushed the button on the remote.

Their vehicle was pushed forward by the strength of the blast. Jim's injured shoulder was thrust into the seat before him, and the young woman was thrown onto his lap.

It took several moments, but eventually, they were on their way out of the compound, and Jim said, "Hi, can I buy you a cup of coffee or something?"

They laughed and she asked, "Is it over?"

"I hope so."


The elevator door opened, and Jennifer threw herself in. Henry's guards rushed into the room and ran towards her. She thanked God when the doors closed just in time.

The guards found Dr. Henry White's lifeless body on the floor behind his desk. The lead man stood over the body and spat on it.

"What do we do now?" one of the guards asked their team leader.

"Piss on him if you want. I'm going to try to find my sister and mother."

He turned and walked out of the room. The remaining guards looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"I've got family out there too," one said. The others all agreed and left the body where it lay.

Jennifer made it to the bunker and tuned the communications system to the frequency the strike team would use.

She listened as Avery shouted commands and the vehicles stormed the compound.

"Jesus Christ, it sounds like they're winning," said out loud to what she thought was an empty room.

"Of course they are," a voice said calmly from behind her.

"Amy?" Jennifer gasped.

"Your messages weren't as secret as you thought, Madam President. I followed everything and set it up so he believed it was heavily guarded, when in reality, I pulled many guards away. It was just a skeleton crew there when your team struck."


Amy sat and pulled up the cameras at the signal's compound. Jennifer watched as the SUV blew up and took out the signal.

"My sister got pregnant after the third event."

A tear fell from her eye as she watched a series of explosions destroy the compound completely.

Amy continued, "I sent my family along with some of the top people's families to a bunker in South Dakota. They were supposed to be safe. They were supposed to be given the earpieces we wore so the signals didn't affect us. Your brother lied. I didn't find out until months later that they were never picked up. My father,"

She broke down into sobs, and Jennifer pulled her into a hug.

"My father got my baby sister pregnant. She wasn't affected in the fourth event and killed herself after finding out."

"Oh, my God!" Jennifer gasped.

"That office having an online secure computer, and nobody being assigned to it was no mistake. I could tell you weren't under our control. He didn't notice, but you hesitated too long to go down on me the first time he ordered it."

"I worried about that for weeks," Jennifer said with a long sigh.

Amy nodded.

"Your husband is safe. He and many others are being kept in that bunker. With The Doctor dead, I'll make sure the system is completely destroyed and no one uses its technology again. You know? It's a shame. Your brother was fucking brilliant."

Jennifer hugged her and they walked back to the elevator to begin to rebuild their new world.


Three months later, Jim walked up to his parents' front door and smiled when it flew open. He'd been kept in Washington for treatment, and then for them to run many tests on him to try to figure out why he and the others weren't affected.

"Jimmy!" his mother yelled and ran to him.

She almost knocked him down, she hit him hard.

"Are you all right, Mom? Has dad made it home?"

She sniffled and said, "He didn't make it, Jimmy. He wasn't affected and he tried to stop one of that evil bastard's guards from raping me."

"Oh, God!"

They cried in each other's arms and Jimmy wished he'd stayed with them to protect them.

"I wasn't affected either, Mom. No one knows why some were and others weren't. Even some people affected by the first three events weren't affected by the total control event. It's crazy."

"Oh, Jimmy!" she cried and hugged him harder.

They went into the house and watched as President Jennifer Grant was giving a speech about staying off of the old system of wealth. She went on to say that the basic idea of a society without money and greed would be good for the world.

Jimmy shook his head and walked into the kitchen. His mom followed and said, You know, Jim, I think we need to talk about something."

"Yeah, Mom? What's that?"

"I found some interesting videos downloaded to your computer. You made me lick your,"

"Mom, let's just forget those, okay?"

She looked at him and said, "Beth and I were talking, and she's interested in maybe recreating them."

He turned around and his mouth dropped when he saw she had dropped her skirt and stood naked before him.

He took a deep breath and said, "Well, who am I to disobey my mother?"

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getthephenomgetthephenom3 months ago

Although the story took much darker turn than i expected, it was super hot. 5 ⭐

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