Pushover Ch. 06


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He paused for a moment on the landing: He felt like he'd just taken a kick to the gut. And just like that I'm out of work. And in this economy! Descending back to the main floor, the whole place was already in an uproar. Several of the bartenders were gathered around a crying Daisy, while Marco was already heading his way.

"No shit. For real?" he asked once he reached Rick.

"Looks like."

"Bullshit. Fucking nonsense. Get fired for what, bringing business in? Motherfucker never liked you is all. Fuckin' hell."

Rick could only nod in agreement as he made his way over to Daisy. He could see the news traveling around the staff. Tony came jogging out of the locker room, slowing when he saw Rick pull Daisy into an easy hug.

"You alright babe?"

"Getting there."

"This is fucking bullshit!" Sarah half-shouted.

"That seems to be the consensus." Rick was more concerned with Daisy at the moment, stroking her back through her long hair.

"You should sue!"

"For what? It's employ at will. He can fire us whenever he feels like it, for whatever he feels like. Or for no reason at all."

"No way," Tony said as he reached the crowd.

"I know, right?" Sarah agreed, quickly lining up some shot glasses. Rick couldn't help it, but it felt good to see how upset everyone was. "What are you guys gonna do?"

"I've got some stuff planned," Rick said, sharing a look with Marco and Tony. Rick had shared his plans of starting his own business with them, as they each had enough experience and talent to form a great management team. Rick had been eager to get started, but he hadn't expected to find himself straight out of a job and have to scramble.

"Asshole." Daisy said as she pulled away, her hurt having turned to anger. Sarah handed her a shot and Daisy quickly slammed it back, taking another and doing the same. "Well fuck this place. Everybody! It's been great, and I love you all, but Stevie's a dickless piece of shit and I just can't work under such conditions anymore!" There was a smattering of laughter, and Rick was again amazed how Daisy could turn things around with nothing but her own brimming self-confidence. She picked up one last shot and held it in a toast: "To Stevie! The dumbest, laziest, most short-sighted cocksucker around!" She tossed the booze back and flashed her huge grin. "Rick, take me home please?"

"Sure thing babe. Bye everybody, we'll stay in touch," Rick led an already-wobbly Daisy out of the club, saying goodbye and shaking hands on their way out. Stepping out in the predawn hour, the sudden chill felt refreshing, awakening, and Rick had to shake off a shiver as he guided Daisy to her car. "I'm driving babe."

"No doubt," Daisy said as she handed her keys over, already feeling the booze working on her. She settled into the passenger seat as Rick pulled out of the parking lot and headed for her house. Rick was distracted driving as he pulled onto the main drag, and when next he looked over Daisy had her head in her hands, crying again. "Please don't be mad at me."

"Mad at... Daisy, baby," Rick pulled over and turned to her, pulling her hands away from her tear streaked face. "Why on earth would I be mad at you?"

"I just got you fired! If I hadn't dragged you along to that fucking shoot, none of this would have happened! You would never have been in the scenes! You'd still have your fucking job!"

Rick was about to respond when he realized something. She wasn't upset about losing her job. She was upset that he'd lost his job.

"My job?" Rick laughed. "Daze, if you hadn't taken me along on that shoot I'd... I wouldn't have you. Christ babe, I'd trade ten jobs for what I've got with you."

Daisy's eyes opened slowly, her dark irises shining.


"Fuck yeah really." Rick pushed a few errant strands of silky black hair back off her forehead. "Fuck Eden. Maybe it'll be the kick in the ass I need to start my own thing up. Shit, with the way Tony and Marco were acting I'd bet they'd tell Stevie to kiss their ass on their way to the door."

"You're not mad at me? Really?"

"For this? Not in the slightest." He gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Lets get you home, alright?"

Rick started the car and they were back on the road, Daisy still lightly holding his hand. They drove in silence the rest of the way, Daisy looking out the window as they drove.

"So you're going to start your company now?"

"I guess so. Don't look at it as a crisis, more as an opportunity, y'know?"

"Need a partner?"

"What do you mean?" This time Rick pulled over for his own sake.

"I mean do you need a partner, in the security business. Jeffers Security? What are you calling it?"

"I hadn't actually... Wait, I don't get it. You want to be a body guard?"

"Don't be dense. I have money and a whole lot of free time all of a sudden. We could work together. You need an office manager, right? Salespeople? I can be very persuasive."

"Daze, you can't... I can't ask you to invest your money in this."

"Why not?"

"What if I go under? This isn't going to be easy. Who knows-"

"Listen," Daisy said, eerily calm despite the tears still on her cheeks. "I was pulling down a couple hundred dollars a night, cash, working the bar. For like six months now. Between that and Slambros I'm sitting on more than twenty grand."

"I thought that was for Lilly?"

"I've set money for Lilly aside. But what am I gonna do with the rest of it. Leave it in the bank? Stock market's a nightmare, real estate's in the toilet... I mean hell, with the way everything's going to hell in this fucking country it seems like investing in a security company would be a good move in any case. You seem like an okay investment."

"But, but what if-"

"Rick, I trust you. I think you'll be really good at this. And I want to help." She took his hand in hers again. "What do you say?"

Rick thought for a second, completely thrown. Closing his eyes, he thought about on a strictly business level. With more liquid assets it would be easier to get a loan, and they could get by with a smaller loan overall. And he knew he'd eventually need to hire someone for office work anyway, but he just never thought it'd be his girlfriend.

"I, I can't- I can't let you risk all that! What if-" Daisy stopped him with slim finger against his lips.

"All investment carries a certain amount of risk. I believe in you."

It was said so honestly, so simply, Rick felt himself slip a little inside. He nodded, agreeing, and Daisy gave a small smile as her finger slipped away from his mouth.

"I love you Daze," he breathed, his fingers moving to her cheek. Daisy gasped a little, her hand tightening on his.

"Don't just say it," she said, her voice tiny.

"I'm not. It's not some weird way of saying thank you. And I'm not asleep this time." This got a tiny laugh out of Daisy. "I know we haven't been together for that long but... I've never been with anyone like you. I can't help it."

"I've... I've never told a guy that. Not ever," Daisy murmured, her hand still holding his. "It's kinda... scary, y'know?"

"You don't have to-"

"But I do. I think I do. I... I love you too," it came out as a whisper, but her eyes never left his.

And then she was over the center console and in his arms. They just held each other tight, Rick's hands sliding up and down her soft back.

"You want to work with me? We'll fight."

"We've worked together the whole time we've known each other. And fighting means we get to make up." Rick laughed, but Daisy quickly silenced him with a kiss. "Let's go back to your place. You can show me your prospectus."

"God you're nasty. What about Lilly?"

"Lilly's turning sixteen in two weeks. She can take care of herself. Take your business partner home so we can herald this new arrangement properly."

"And how would that be?"

"Shrieking, tear down the walls monkey sex. "

"I think I might like this business partnership," Rick said as his hands settled against her butt.


Three months later

"You're kidding me," Stevie said, looking up at the two dour men in his office. "You're both quitting?"

"That's right," Marco said evenly, Tony simply nodding in agreement.

"Both of you?" Tony nodded again. "This minute?"

"We've had a better offer," Tony said simply.

"Wait, wait a moment," Stevie said as the two men turned to leave his office. "Could you stay on through the night? Without you two we'll kind of be in the lurch here."

"Sorry Stevie, but our new positions start immediately."

"This is very unprofessional," Stevie said as he stood, barely coming up to Tony's chest as he came around the desk. "Forget quitting without any sort of notice. Without you two I've got no managers, and a gutted security staff besides."

"We're sorry, but we really have no other option. It's not personal," Tony said, the slightest trace of a smile on his lips as he and Marcos left the office.

Stevie stood and stewed for a moment, willing himself to remain calm. Ever since firing Rick and Daisy he had found himself butting heads with the staff over almost everything, especially Tony, Marco and Sarah. He had made Marco the new head of security, but Marco seemed to resent the move more than appreciate it.

And then they both quit at the same time, leaving the club with a decapitated security team and no back up. Stevie didn't believe for a second that they had a better job offer, but doubted that they would both quit just to fuck him over, no matter how much they disliked him. Stevie wasn't sure what was going on, but he got the distinct impression that someone was messing with him, and he didn't like it.

"Alexis," he said into his intercom, "Get... Jose up here, I guess. Shit. And do we have any temp security guys we can call?"

"Temporary security? I don't think so... But there's someone here to speak with you. I think it might be related."

"Send them up," Stevie said, his interest piqued. Stevie wasn't sure whom he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't who opened his door and strutted in confidently: Daisy Shaw. Stevie was used to seeing Daisy dressed as walking sex, but today she looked smart and professional in a light suit jacket and pencil skirt, tiny black-framed glasses perched on her nose.

"Good afternoon Mr. D'Angelo," she said crisply as she handed over her business card. Stevie looked at it with narrowed eyes: Daisy was apparently the chief of accounts of Duke Security Solutions. "I understand you were looking for some help with your security situation here?"

"I suppose I do. Do I have you to thank for that?"

"Mr. Santos and Mr. Anderson had been in negotiations with us for some time," Daisy said evenly as she sat, crossing her slim legs. "As far as the timing is concerned, it was unfortunate. But we hope that we'll be able to provide you with a continuity of service at a competitive price."

"We? You and Rick cook this up?"

"Mr. Jeffers is my business partner, yes. But given that our termination wasn't personal, we hope that you'll look over our proposal with an open mind."

"Oh?" Stevie asked as she handed him a manila envelope. "So you poach my best managers and then try to sell them back to me? Listen, I've been doing this too long to have you waltz in here and-"

"Stevie," Daisy cut him off, her voice a little hard, "do you realize how much money you were wasting on security?"

Stevie paused. She was definitely speaking his language.

"You're current configuration, you have four men inside and three outside, every night. You can probably stand to trim that down to three and two, except maybe on your major events and big time parties. Your shift system is also rather inefficient, with more people working when they're not needed. Further, by outsourcing the whole mess to us you get to save on overhead and headaches. If you'll look at our proposal, you'll see that our rates are quite competitive."

Stevie frowned, but opened the envelope and started looking over her proposal. Stevie almost had to laugh: She and Rick had used their knowledge of the club to point out how badly he was managing his security operation, showing how he could cut costs almost across the board. Stevie had to shake his head: Maybe he'd jumped the gun when he'd shitcanned them.

"You mentioned continuity of service?" Stevie asked, flipping through the proposal.

"We could have our team in place before start of business tonight," Daisy said, knowing she'd be coming home with another account in her teeth. And a little revenge just for fun.


"Well? How'd it go?" Rick asked when Daisy returned to the office. Which was also his living room.

"He whined and bitched and complained, but once I took five percent off our offer he came around. Call Tony and tell him he's the new head of Eden's account."

"On it," Rick said, already dialing. As he waited for Tony to pick up, Daisy headed towards the bedroom to change. "Tony? It's a go. You all set?"

Tony laughed. "I'm at a diner down the street with Maria. I figured if I was going to be running back to take charge it didn't make sense to go too far."

"Good thinking. So congratulations, you're now the account executive of Eden."

"Account executive? The fuck is that?"

"Corporate-ese for HNIC."

"Gotcha. So your old job? That shit'll be easy," Tony said with a laugh.

"Yeah, fuck you too."

"I'll keep you posted. Betcha Stevie pitches a fit."

"Stay strong man. Talk to you later."

"Peace out," Tony said as he hung up.

Rick was already updating the ledger. Slambros was still their biggest account, but Sally had turned out to be an even better asset than he had thought. Many of Slambros' performers also worked as feature dancers in the Miami area. Sally was more than happy to pass Rick's information on to them, and most of the girls had decided to bring their own security guard with them to cover them from door to door. Which as far as Rick was concerned meant more steady, easy work.

Between Eden, Slambros and it's related work, and a few other accounts that he and Daisy had managed to scrounge up, Duke Securities was just barely in the black, which wasn't a bad way to start. The pressure was on though: Now they also had a larger workforce to deal with if they were going to absorb Eden's security staff as contractors, but Rick had to shake his head in amazement: He did not expect that this early.

"Hey Daze, we done good!"

"Oh yeah?"

"How do you feel about actually making a profit?"

"It'll be a bit of a change, but I think I can get used to it!" she called from the bedroom. There was a knock on the front door, causing Rick to look up in confusion. It was a little past seven and Rick wasn't expecting anyone.

"Can you get that please?" Rick said, in the middle of punching receipt totals into Excel.

"Yeah, sure," Daisy said after laughing aloud for a moment. Rick looked up at that and gawped as Daisy emerged from the back wearing her shiny Mary Janes, black knee socks, and nothing else. Daisy didn't spare him a glance as she went straight to the front door.

"Daze, what the-"

"Good evening Mr. Stevens," the young redhead said, her fingers toying with the edge of her schoolgirl skirt as she entered the apartment. Her lips were glossy and pink, her tongue just teasing her bottom lip. It took Rick a long second to realize he recognized her: Faye, the girl who costarred in Daisy's second video. She was a naughty shoplifter caught by Officer Daisy, and spent most of the video devouring her pussy and ass before Daisy returned the favor with a strap-on. All of this flashed through Rick's mind in a split second, his jaw dropping open in surprise.

"Faye, right? What are you do-" he asked, standing.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stevens," Daisy said, smiling the cutest shy smile, "I know I was supposed to keep it a secret, but Faye's my best friend and... I couldn't help it! Please don't be mad," this last was said as she reached him, her slim arms slipping around his right arm.

"Yes, please don't be mad Mr. Stevens," Faye said as she slowly slid to his side, taking his other arm in hers.

"Daisy, what's, what're you..." Rick mumbled, his eyes moving between his nude girlfriend on right and the slutty schoolgirl porn starlet on his left. He turned back to Daisy and gave her a serious look, silently begging her to drop the Mr. Stevens act.

"Well I was talking to Faye," Daisy explained as they guided Rick back toward the bedroom, "and I was telling her about how disappointed you were with your first threesome."

"I felt so bad for you two!" Faye said as they entered the bedroom and deposited him in his comfy chair. "I was thinking about it, and then I remembered how Daisy told me about how she attacked you after our scene together? Daisy's and mine, that is."

"For real?" Rick asked, to Daisy. He knew she had kept in touch with Faye, but she didn't realize that included intimate details of their sex life.

"What? We talk," Daisy said, rolling her eyes slightly at him as she moved close to Faye. "Remember how I told you that after shooting with Faye I was so horny I came over and jumped you?"

"Told me? I was there when you did it."

"Well she told me, anyway," Faye explained, taking off her flat shoes with her toes. "I really feel the same way sometimes: girl-girl is like two hours of foreplay."

Daisy began unbuttoning Faye's blouse, revealing that the young redhead wasn't wearing a bra. He breasts were fleshy handfuls, almost pointy, with broad puffy pink nipples. Faye's hands unfastened her short skirt and let it flutter down her thighs, revealing red cotton panties hugging her big ass tightly.

"So Faye called me the other day and told me she was shooting an all-girl orgy scene today." Daisy's fingers were toying with Faye's fantastic nipples, her thumbs just barely tracing over the puffy peaks.

"No shit."

"No Country for Men 3, actually," Faye corrected as Daisy slipped to her knees before her. Rick watched, rapt, as Daisy slid the tight red fabric off Faye's butt. Her round cheeks jiggled slightly as she shifted so Daisy could pull her panties off her. Daisy reached back and gripped the heavy ass in her hands.

"She asked if she could stop by after the shoot. She knew she would be all wound up, and thought we might be able to help her. Think we can?" Daisy asked as she bit her friend's hip lightly, jiggling her big butt for Rick's enjoyment.

"I, uh, sure?" His eyes were glued to Daisy on her knees before Faye's pale form.

"Goody. Lay back on the bed babe." Daisy said, smacking Faye's pale ass for emphasis as she went around to the other side. Rick's mouth hung open as he watched Faye climb onto the bed and lay on her back, her thighs up and inviting. Daisy climbed on the other side, easily mounting her in an easy 69.

"Holy fuck," he grunted, watching Faye's hands light easily onto Daisy's plump butt. They were almost perfect opposites: Daisy with her perfect dark skin, Faye pale, smattered with freckles. He couldn't quite see what they were doing from his angle, but both girls were soon humming happily to themselves, with light licking noises making it clear that neither was being idle. Rick's cock had been an iron bar since Faye appeared in his apartment, and he could feel himself throbbing as he watched the two girls working each other up to orgasm. Daisy's head rose in a sudden cry of pleasure, hissing as Faye did something particularly nice to her. She glanced over and Rick and saw him sitting there dumbly, his hands on the arm rests.

"Well what are you waiting for baby?" she challenged, her eyebrow arched.

Rick was up and tearing his clothes off a second later. He was about to jump into the fray when he paused, trying to decide just what to do. He circled around till he was standing at the side of the bed, Daisy's up thrust butt before him. Faye was looking up at him from between her legs, her blue eyes dancing as her tongue stayed busy. Rick quickly grabbed Daisy's hips hard, holding her still has he slid his cock along the back of her thigh to her waiting pussy. Just as she tensed, thinking he was going to thrust into her, Rick bent over her. Holding her ass open he began lapping quickly at her ass, trying to match Faye's speed at her clit.