Quarantined Cuck

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A neighbor helps a young married couple during a pandemic.
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**You may need patience with this one. It has a very slow build-up. I hope you enjoy it. Also, thank you for all the positive comments from my last story!

- until then! Ciao!

~ Lily May

"Quarantined Cuck"

Holly Davidson's piercing green eyes were glued to the Flatscreen TV. She was watching a Main-stream media network channel and the 24/7 barrage of information concerning the rare new virus that was sweeping the Nation.

Reporter: "Currently, there are 2,790 deaths from the Alpha Beta Virus. Please take the following precautions, which may be government mandated depending on what State you live in..."

From the couch in the living room of their two-bedroom duplex, Holly called out to her husband, "Jack... they are saying almost all of the toilet paper and frozen foods are disappearing from the shelves at the grocery stores...!" Jack reentered their living room from the main hallway, where he was trying to screw in a new light bulb.

"Why toilet paper?!" Jack said.

"I don't know... I guess people think that this quarantine may last longer than a couple of weeks," remarked Holly. Jack thought about that, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by the loud knocking at the door. Holly turned to look down the hallway, "Who is that? Sweetie, please make sure you don't touch them, and use the sanitizer by the door just in case, okay?"

Jack replied, "Oh, I think that's Frank Johnson from next door. I borrowed his tape measure a few days ago, but I forgot to take it back after all this Alpha Beta Virus news coming out." Jack walked down the hallway to open the front door, and greet his Duplex neighbor. "Hi there, Frank."

Frank Johnson was a very big, muscular man, who happened to also be very black. If Frank Johnson had a spirit animal, it would have been a bobcat loader. He stood well over 6ft tall, and seemed just as wide. His arms were the size of Jack's legs, and his hands looked like boxing gloves. He was always wearing beige Khaki work pants, and a button up shirt that seemed to barely contain his thick tattooed arms. Today however, Frank was wearing some loose grey sweat pants, and a tee shirt that seemed to hug his sculpted muscular frame.

Frank had been neighbors with the Davidson's for about 3 years now, and had grown accustomed to seeing each other in their driveway, or taking out the trash. Frank Johnson, and the Davidson's, had helped each other out over the years many times, with errands, and even had a few dinners and drinks together. Everyone seemed to get along, as Duplex neighbors, very well.

"How's the quarantine life, Jack?" Frank said, but before he could reply, Frank added, "I was needing to get that tape measure back for a project. I would let you keep it, but I can't seem to find my spare." Frank lied. He had 5 or 6 tape measures laying around his house and in his truck. But a few days ago, Frank had seen Holly out jogging in her yoga pants, and just needed an excuse to see her again.

Those new yoga pants, that all the hot chicks were wearing, were so popular these days. The trend was getting more revealing by the month, it seemed. The ones he saw Holly in, basically looked like a garter belt, by the way that the mesh design was cut out. He couldn't get that image of her thin tan waist, and big round bottom out of his head, ever since.

Holly Davidson's proportions were like something out of a cartoon. Her curves seemed to defy gravity. Big, beautiful, tear-drop shaped tits that sat just above a trim waist, only to flare out again into the most beautiful bubble butt he had ever seen. If Holly had a spirit animal, it would be Jessica Rabbit's better-looking brunette twin sister.

If Jack had a spirit animal, it would be a broken dildo. Jack extended his average-sized hand, and fist-bumped Frank's beefy mitt. "No problem, big guy. I was just screwing in some new light bulbs, but that tape measure is in the kitchen... follow me." Frank followed Jack down the hallway and into the living room, where Holly was sitting Indian-style, on the edge of the couch cushion leaning forward.

Frank saw her, and the way she was sitting, reminded him of the way a B-52 Bomber looked, sitting perched on an aircraft carrier, readying for launch. She was wearing a pink tank top and those same yoga pants, and intently listening to the news Anchor say, "Please remember that we have a website you can go to in order to make sure that your household is in compliance with the orders that the Federal Government is sending out...".

As Jack was walking behind the couch, Holly's attention broke free from the TV when she noticed the sound of the large man's footsteps come into the room. She recalled the very first time that she had seen Frank, she felt uneasy. His presence to her was very imposing. But now that they had met a number of times, she realized how wrong she had been, to even feel threatened in the slightest.

Frank was very nice to her. He was always offering to help her bring the groceries in when Jack was away, or to fix a plumbing problem (Frank's previous job). He even offered to mow their side of the duplex one time when Jack tore his Achilles tendon, while playing basketball with Frank at the gym. Despite any time and energy it took, Frank always refused to accept any payment.

Now, under the current circumstances, Holly actually felt somewhat grateful to have someone so masculine and muscular living next door. She couldn't explain to herself why that was, exactly. Perhaps it had something to do with the fear and panic that was constantly being broadcasted over the media waves... what would happen if things got even crazier...? What would happen if people started becoming more unhinged and hysterical?! Yes, she thought, that would be helpful having someone like Frank around to intimidate anyone that was thinking of robbing them for their toilet paper supply! Holly giggled to herself.

"What's so funny?" said Frank, smiling as he stopped in the living room to say hello.

"Haha, it's all these people going crazy over toilet paper! Do you have enough, Frank?! Apparently, you need at least 200 roles in order to be safe!" Frank was smiling. He loved her positive energy, and attitude. He also loved the way her breasts wobbled, when she stood up. But most of all, he loved making those full lips smile, and he would do anything to see them wrapped around his behemoth cock... with those sexy green eyes looking up... "Only a matter of time," he thought.

Frank's daydream was interrupted when Jack called out from the kitchen, "Now Holly, you should really be taking this pandemic a little more seriously. Did you know that you can be a carrier of the Alpha Beta virus strain, and not actually know that you have it? It's called being 'Asymptomatic'."

Holly's eyes narrowed, as if she was in deep thought. This didn't make sense to Holly. How could someone have a Virus, yet show no signs of having it, she thought. Gorgeous as she was, she was constantly being accused by her friends at work and even her husband as being gullible. After thinking she was being put on, she put her hands on her hips, cocked an eyebrow, and cut her eyes at her husband.

Holly said, "Oh yeah? So, are you a Doctor now, Jack? I thought Doctor's had bigger wallets?" After saying this, she looked at Frank, and winked at him.

Just then, Jack closed the counter drawer in the kitchen after retrieving the measuring tape and stated, "Honey, I'm not messing with you. You know that Senator in Kentucky contracted it, and she didn't even know she had it until recently, and she wasn't showing any signs of sickness at all." Holly was looking at Frank, wondering what he was thinking about... but Frank just shrugged his shoulders, crossed his beefy arms and stared at Holly and smiled like a bear would regard a rabbit it found in the woods.

Just then, all of their attentions turned to the TV screen when a News-flash interrupted the newscast: "BREAKING NEWS... Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now going to go live to the White House press room where the White House Press Secretary, and also the newly appointed Alpha Beta Virus Chief Medical Officer have some new information for the American Public..."

White House Press Secretary: "Thank you. For the folks at home, please take note of what the newly appointed Alpha Beta Virus - Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Schlonganbobber is about to inform you. He has some imperative instructions for every individual person and family, right now listening at home. So, without further ado, Dr. Schlonganbobber, could you please..." Then a curly-haired short man, with glasses, approached the podium.

Alpha Beta Virus - Chief Medical Officer: "Thank you, Sir. Ah yes, it's good to see everyone is still here, again today." The Dr. glanced over at the Press Secretary, standing beside him, and said, "For now, at least." He then looked back the camera, and to the viewers at home, and continued, "The Alpha Beta Virus is a very serious condition, and it's getting worse! I am afraid, no... I am terrified actually, that if this Country does not remain quarantined inside their homes for at least another 3 weeks... we will see a mortality rate north of 10%! The current mortality rate is already at 2% and we are nowhere close to finding a cure or vaccine. However, there is some good news. We have been able to determine who is most susceptible to this Virus."

The doctor adjusted his wiry spectacles, and said, "As we originally suspected, it seems as though there are certain blood types, and certain genetic strains, that are not at risk. There appears to be a certain blood group phenotype that is not only immune to the Virus, but may actually contain certain characteristics that we think may provide benefits to those who have tested positive. This blood group, which seems to be superior in nature," he stated, "is the FY (a-b-) and can be found in African American blood. This is the Alpha blood group."

The doctor's head lowered, and he said, "On the contrary, it does appear that another blood group phenotype is very highly susceptible to the Virus, and if you have this blood phenotype... I am sorry to say, you drew the short end of the stick - so to speak. You have what we described as Beta blood. And this would be the B blood type. White Caucasian males that have this blood type are highly susceptible and should consider self-quarantine even from their own families, if possible."

"Now," the doctor exclaimed, as with a glimmer of hope, "White Caucasian females are high risk also, but most seem to be 'asymptomatic' as far as we can tell. Meaning, that they can have the virus, but not appear to have any symptoms." The doctor's eyebrows raised, and he said, "These are very odd circumstances indeed."

Holly had her hands on her hips, when the Dr. announced this. Without turning around, to look back at Jack, who had a "See, I told ya so" look on his face, she raised her hand and flipped him off, with the most elegant French manicured middle finger. Jack rolled his eyes. Frank chuckled.

Dr. Schlonganbobber kept on, "The important thing for people to do is to follow the Federal Guidelines that have been uploaded to my website, Schlonganbobber.gov to make sure that you are in complete compliance with procedures that will keep you safe. If you are watching this from home, and do not have internet, we will caption the guidelines at the bottom of your TV screen. Please write them down. If you need to leave your house for food, or essential items, please be respectful of your neighbor's space. We are practicing Socialism... excuse me, Social Distancing."

"Most importantly," as the doctor's hands gripped the podium, "if you are not an African American, and you begin to show any symptoms at all... High temperature, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath... then for the sake of your Country, you MUST quarantine yourself, even away from your family for at least 14 days. Think of your family. Think of the love of your life. Think of someone other than yourself, for once. And together, we can flatten the curve. Thank you."

At this same moment, through his peripheral vision, Frank was taken some different kind of curves - and that was Holly Davidson. What a specimen. If she got sick, he would offer to fuck the Virus right out of her... a thought which made him wonder if...

"Here ya go, Frank." Jack was reaching out, to hand Frank the measuring tape. "Sounds like us white folks really drew the short end of the stick." Then Holly countered, "Correction, sounds like you white guys have the short stick. I am asymptomatic, as I was just telling the both of you," as she cocked an eyebrow, and tilted her head and made a gesture with her hands to convey she was free and clear of anything.

Jack pleaded to her, "Honey, please, you are not sick... so please don't go around telling people that you are asymptomatic! Okay?" Holly just rolled her eyes. Jack could sound like such a pansy sometimes, she thought. Then she began to think about what Dr. Schlonganbobber had said about Alpha blood. If that were true, then it meant that Frank probably had nothing to worry about.

As these thoughts crossed her mind, she turned to look back at Frank. He was standing next to Jack and she couldn't help but notice how small Jack looked, in comparison. Frank had his arms crossed and from this angle, he looked like he could be a piece of furniture... like a throne or something... she imagined that black throne of swords from that hit show everyone was watching. She imagined sitting on that throne, with all of her Royal Knights and servants looking up to her, as she plotted who she was going to conquer next.

Then, she looked over at Jack, who was staring aimlessly at the TV. Poor guy, she thought. Dr. Schlonganbobber just informed the entire World that most white guys had blood that was highly susceptible, and this Virus could kill them. She couldn't help but think, if that were to happen, then who would take care of her? She looked back at Frank, who looked like he was admiring her new shirt. She was glad she bought it, now. Then, a thought occurred to her.

Holly started play coughing, and saying, "Oh no, I've think I've got it. 'Cough'em! It was those damn hand dryers, at the Nail Salon. I may have to Quarantine myself!" Jack didn't think this was funny, and just stared up at the ceiling, shaking his head, with his hands outstretched begging for assistance. Holly put her wrist on her forehead, fell back on the couch, with her 34 DDD melons almost spilling out of her tank top, and added, "What ever will I do.... All by myself, with no one to take care of me. If only, I had the Alpha blood..."

Then she rolled over, and looked up at Frank with those green eyes. She lifted herself up on her elbows, not breaking eye contact with Frank, and said, "Oh... if only, I were Black." Frank wished she said, "Blacked."

Frank just chuckled and said, "Be careful what you wish for, dear." They all laughed, and Frank said, "Holly, do you still have some of that homemade tea you made the last time I was here? I haven't been able to get it off of my mind."

"You bet I do, big guy... would you like a pint glass, or a tumbler, or my pink Yeti mug?" Holly said, as she sprung up from the couch, and padded over to the refrigerator. Both men watched her walk past the windows on the far side of the room. The light from the sun cascaded across her nipples that were protruding through her light pink tank top, as if they were being pulled towards the fridge.

Jack gulped, and suddenly wished Frank wasn't there. "Big gulp, please. No ice," Frank insisted. Holly opened up the cupboard and grabbed the handle of the big cup that said "Can you handle it?" emblazoned across the 32 oz nurse tumbler. As she opened the fridge, she reached in to grab the pitcher of tea, which caused the designer yoga pants she was wearing to flare out around that perfect backside.

Both men were beginning to feel their pants stir, when she said, "Jack, I thought I told you to grab some kale while you were at the grocery store? You know how I use it for my shakes." She turned around as she was pouring the large pitcher full of tea into the big mug. Cold air was escaping from the open fridge, which caused the impression of her nipples to look even more prominent now.

Both men barely heard what she had asked, when she raised her eyebrows and cast those sea green eyes right at Jack with a quizzical look... "Well...? Do I need to go and get some, or do you want to act like you give a fuck about what I asked you to do?!"

"Sorry darling... Kale... that's right, I forgot to tell you, they only had the kind that you said you didn't like. And I was going to stop at the other store on the way home, but then my Mom called, and I guess... I guess I forgot."

Holly looked at Frank, as if to say, "Can you believe this dumbass?" as she handed him the big gulp. Frank took the mug in his beefy hand and said, "I was needing to head into town anyway and grab some supplies for next week. Just tell me what store to stop in and I can go grab..." when Holly interrupted, "Frank, that is very kind of you to offer, but my husband has something that he was about to tell me."

Holly cast her gaze onto Jack Davidson. It was a look that Jack knew all too well, but it was one that she usually gave him in private. It was a look that said, "If you ever want to touch these glorious tits again, you better start showing some respect for who wears the pants in this household, and fix your mistake immediately, and you better act like you enjoy it."

The blood left Jack's face, and then it left his small dick, and then it left his spine, and caused his heart to begin pounding out of his chest as if is soul was being crushed. He struggled to breath the next few words he was about to say, as they began seeping out of his mouth, "Holly, I am so sorry. Please forgive me for being such an idiot. I will never let this happen again. Let me make this up to you... I will head to the store right now, and get the best kale that they have in stock. Please don't worry, I won't be long!" Jack then turned and began heading towards the front door and grabbed his keys and wallet and almost ran out the door to his car.

While this was happening, Frank was trying to process what he had just witnessed in the last few seconds. As he watched Jack leave and the front door shut, he felt his dick extend down his pant leg another couple of inches. The thought of Holly being the dominant one in this relationship, had not crossed his mind. Until now. And as he turned back to look at Holly, she was looking directly at him as if to say, "That's how you keep them in line."

She then turned back around and grabbed another glass from the cupboard and poured herself some tea, and then put the pitcher back in the fridge. When she turned back around, she said "Cheers, Big Frank" and they clanked cups and looked at each other as they took a sip. This was no rabbit Frank was looking at. This was a full-grown tiger.

"So, what do you have going on today, Frank." She smiled at him and turned side-ways and motioned for him to follow her out to the deck, through her back door. He watched her hips sway back and forth as she led the way, like nothing had just happened, and all was right in the World. As far as Frank was concerned, all was right in the World.

Frank took a swig of the chilled tea. The World was perfect. Those globes were perfect. He found himself wishing that Jack would never come back, and he felt he had the strength to lift a million pounds right now. "I was thinking about washing my truck. And then going for a run. Get a good pump in, and then use this tape measure for a project I'm working on in my bedroom. Thanks for the tea, by the way," he said.