Queen Kiera


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"Now kiss Darcy's foot, too, and apologize to her for not having any chardonnay here the other night. Poor girl had to drink beer."

I complied. "I'm sorry, Darcy, that I didn't have chardonnay for you the other night."

"Well," she said. "It sounds like it won't happen again."

"Good boy," said Kiera. "OK, Darcy, let's get back to the guys."

I followed them out, to get started picking up butts. I thought Kiera would introduce me to the three guys outside, but when she didn't, I introduced myself: "How ya doin'? I'm Dave." As soon as Kiera heard me speak, she said, "Davey, get your chores done before you start socializing. The guys will meet you soon enough."

"Uhhh. OK."

So I began searching for discarded cigarette butts in the yard and on the patio. The guys all chuckled and commented on how pussywhipped Kiera had me. How absurd this is, I thought. Thirty-eight years old, stooping over to pick up cigarette butts, still in my work clothes, and being bossed by my bikini-clad 24-year-old cousin in front of all her 20-something friends. At my own house! They all followed Kiera's lead in that since she was ignoring me while I did my first "chore", they figured I wasn't worth including in the party.

When I was done, I made a general call: "Does anyone need anything?"

Right away Kiera said, "No, Davey, that's not what I told you to do. You don't just call out 'Does anyone need anything?', you go to each person and say, 'Can I get you anything?'"

All her friends laughed, but I was mortified. I did as I was told. The first guy said, "Sure, I'll take another beer." When I started to ask the next guy, Kiera said, "Nooo, no! Davey! Ugh! First you go get Ryan's beer, THEN you come out and ask someone else."

"Oh. Um, OK. I'm sorry."

"Aww, poor Davey, haha," Darcy responded. "He'll learn."

"He better," said Kiera.

When I got to Darcy, and asked, "Can I get you anything?" she said, "Yes, Davey. Another glass of wine would be LOVEly." She stretched her arm out to hand me her wine glass, from a reclined position on a chaise lounge. She looked so sexy, the boner already forming in my pants became a prominent tent in my work slacks. Kiera spotted it right away. She almost fell over from bolting out of her chair so fast.

"Ohhhh, my god Davey!!" she blurted as she grabbed a towel, flung it around my waist and grabbed me by the ear. She hustled me into the kitchen as I heard the others snicker behind us. I heard Darcy softly say, "Oh my gahhhhd, haha."

Kiera slammed the kitchen door shut and said, "Oh my god, what the fuck! Your fucking boner is like totally on display to everyone. Jeeeezus! What the fuck is wrong with you, getting a huge boner right in front of my friend like that?"

"I ... I ... um, I'm sorry, I ..."

"Oh my god Davey, you've either gotta control yourself or we gotta do something about that. I'll use fuckin' duct tape if I have to to tape that thing down. That's disgusting anyway, Darcy's like 21, she could be your daughter for god's sake."

"Well, I mean ... I'm not THAT old. I ..."

"Fuckin' horndog. Gahhhhhd. That's disgusting. Ugh. You better not get a boner in front of me like that, when it's just you and me here. You're not gonna like be ... lusting after your fucking cousin are you?"

"I'm sorry, Kiera. I'm not ... it isn't ... I ... it's ... you're both very ... attractive, OK? I'm ... I'm sorry, I just ... I don't ... get much action, Kiera, and ..."

"So you're saying your boner is from me and Darcy both?"

"Well ... I ... I, uh ... it's just from ... from being ..."

"From being a fucking horndog, that's what. All right. Come with me."

She led me by the ear up the stairs into (what would now clearly be, whether I liked it or not) her bedroom. After searching around for a moment, she found a short silk nightgown she wore around the house. (Little did she know I had already gotten a boner several times from her padding around barefoot in THAT.) She pulled the sash out of it, and said, "Drop your pants to your knees, Davey."


"Get your fucking pants to your knees, do it or I'll do it for you."

When I complied, she handed me the sash and said, "Tie one end to the end of your dick." I looked at her incredulously until she said, "Do it!"

After I tied it, she said, "Now pull it back between your legs. Pull it under so the other end is back here." She walked around behind me as I fed the sash through. She took the other end and pulled just snugly enough that my dick went back between my legs. Unfortunately, as soon as she did, my dick started to grow.

"Oh, my god! Davey, fuck! Ugh. Stop it, you're getting hard. Oh my fucking god. This is making you hard? You are fucking sick."

I was the sick one? What did SHE intend to do with this sash?

"Pull those pants up," she said. "Let's see if we can tie this to a belt loop or something. Something to keep that thing pulled down so it won't pop up and fucking horrify all my guests, hahaha." I pulled up my pants and she tied the other end of the sash to the back belt loop of my pants. That left about half the length of the sash left over, so she tucked that part down into my underwear in the back. Feeling her hand down my pants briefly made me start to get hard again, but the sash pulled against my dick trying to rise. I winced.

"Ow," I said. "Oooh. It hurts when I start to get hard."

"Good! That's perfect. That'll teach you a lesson: Not to get disgusting hard-ons around me and my friends."

I left my shirt untucked to cover up the piece of sash sticking out in back, and went back downstairs with Kiera. I resumed all my required chores.

Two days later, on Sunday, Kiera informed me that it was becoming a burden to her and her friends that she didn't have a car. She didn't like riding the bus and it was getting to be a pain having her friends come to pick her up when she went out. "So ... for now, your car will do, but within a month I need my own car. You bought Karen one, you can buy me one, too. Until then you're gonna take the bus to work, and I'm gonna use the car."

"But ... the bus takes almost an hour each way." My commute by car was only 30 minutes. This was going to mean an extra hour a day. Well, more than that, actually, because the wait for the bus might be 10 or 15 minutes on each end.

"I don't care how long it takes. I need a car. So I guess tomorrow you'll be getting up a little earlier so you can catch the bus on time."

I whined a little more in objection, and since I was already complaining, I expressed concern that she was costing me a lot of money and I didn't have an unlimited supply. She countered that she'd only hit me up for a few hundred in spending money so far, which was pretty good, didn't I think? Plus, she said, I was saving money on the phone I got her since I put her on my plan -- her idea, and I should thank her. I should also thank her that she'd never once asked to use my car until now, AND even though she really needed a car NOW, she was willing to wait as long as a month.

"I'm doing everything I can to be reasonable, Davey, and all you do is bitch. By the way, are you wearing that sash like I told you?"

"Um ... yes."

"Good boy. I do NOT wanna see you a pitching a tent, and since you can't fucking control yourself, I want you to wear that thing all the time."

"You mean ... when I'm here?"

"No, I mean ALL the time. 24/7. Any time, anywhere."

"But ... you mean, even to work?"

"Duh. Does 24/7 include work? Hahaha. Dumbass."

"Well, but ... I ... can't because it ... it sticks out the back. I'd have my shirt tucked in at work."

"Hm. That's true. Oh! I know! Come upstairs."

We went upstairs and she led me to my closet, where she found all my neckties. "OK," she said, "let's find the shittiest tie here, one that looks hideous anyway ... well ... most of them do, haha. OK, how 'bout this one. Let's try a tie instead."

"How will that ... be any different?"

"Well, I have an idea. Drop your pants."

This time she did all the work of trying to fashion some kind of "dick restraint" from a necktie, in a way that none of it would be exposed. I couldn't help but get hard from her man-handling me, so she at least feigned disgust and even slapped my dick a few times. It kind of hurt, but it did nothing to remove my arousal. After experimenting with a couple of unsuccessful ideas, she hit upon an effective design. The fat end of the tie was tied tight around my dick. She pulled the tie back between my legs, yanking it very tight, until I said, "Ow." That just made her chuckle. Then she brought the tie up between my butt cheeks, pulling it right up along my spine. The skinny end she looped around my waist, and then she tied the necktie to itself in the back. She formed a knot right against my tailbone. About two inches were left over, and she tucked that into my butt crack.

She stepped back to admire her handiwork and then busted out laughing. "Oh my god, it looks like a G-string from back here. Hahahahaha!!! Walk around a little, Davey. Hahahaha!!! Oh god. That's hilarious. I can't wait to show this to Darcy."

Once her amusement abated, she said, "OK, Davey, pull your pants up and let's see if that knot is visible in the back." She determined that it couldn't be seen at all from any angle, and we even tried different kinds of pants and shorts to be sure. There was no way to spot it even if you knew it was there.

"Perfect!" she said, clapping her hands a little. "Now ... like I said, that thing stays on 24/7. Then me and Darcy and whoever else is here don't have to worry about my disgusting pervert cousin getting boners around us."

"So ... even to bed? I mean even when ..."

"Yes, dumbass, 24/7, how many times do I have to say it? It NEVER comes off."

"OK, I'm sorry. But ... what about in the shower?"

"Ohhh. Hm. Well, OK, you can take it off to shower but then you put it back on. You dry yourself, then put it right back on before you do anything else."

That night I got in bed after setting my alarm for 45 minutes earlier than my usual time, since now I would no longer be allowed to use my own car to get to work and would have to catch the bus instead. I lay in bed thinking about the complete control Kiera was wielding over my house and life. I thought about Darcy smirking at me, and having to kiss her and Kiera's feet in the kitchen. I thought about their guy friends laughing over how my young, sexy cousin made a little bitch out of her older divorced loser cousin. I kept getting aroused but then the necktie restraint would pull against my erection. Then I thought about how pathetic it was that I wasn't even allowed to get a boner because my younger, bossy cousin had said so. The humiliation would make me start to get hard again! Auugh. It was a vicious circle.

Then, from the living room I heard, "Daaaavey!" Kiera was calling for me, and as I emerged from my room and started downstairs, every step seemed to tighten the tie around my half-hard dick. Ow. Ow. Ow.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I just realized something. You want to take that tie off for the shower so you can get in there and beat off thinking about Darcy. Or ... maybe even about me, too. Ew! That ain't happenin'."

Actually I hadn't thought of that, but if I was supposedly required to wear this infernal thing 24/7, then when WAS I going to jack off?

"So before you shower in the morning, you take another tie into the bathroom with you. Shower with that one on, and when you're done, take the wet one off and hang it in the bathroom and put the dry one on right away. Do that every day. Alternate them. I'm not havin' you in there fucking jackin' off thinkin' about my friends. Or me, ya perv."

"Um ... well ... OK ... but ... well ... so what happens when ... um ... when CAN I ... um ..."

"What, Davey!? What? Spit it out."

"Do I ... get to, um ... masturbate ... any time?"

"No. That's the point. No jacking off, Davey."

"You mean ... ever?"

"Ever. Or never. I mean no! Or, no, I mean yes! Hahaha. I mean no jacking off, ever, that's what I mean, Davey."

I sniveled and pleaded with my eyes, but ... there didn't seem to be any wiggle room here. My cousin, somehow the de facto new owner of my house (and car), and the complete ruler of my life -- how in the hell did this HAPPEN? -- was telling me I was NOT ALLOWED ... EVER! to ... to masturbate myself! It was forbidden! I was NOT ALLOWED to play with my own dick ... or even really get a boner because my junk had to be tied up all the time, just because ... well ... what WAS the reason??

"Davey, come on, you're too old to be thinking about sex. ESPECIALLY with hot young 21-year-olds like Darcy. I mean, puhleeze. You obviously suck at it anyway and that's why your wife screwed around on you. And I am NOT having you fantasizin' about my friends and sitting there pulling your little pud." At this point, she mimicked furious dick-jerking with one hand. "Oh, god ... the very thought turns my stomach. So no, Davey ... no jerking off. Sex is a thing of the past for you. Your job now is not to be thinking about sex with women, it's about working hard to make our lives better. It's about doing my laundry and keeping my house clean, getting me a car, making sure I have everything I need, paying off my student loans ... oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Mom's gonna have that bill sent here from now on. She can't afford to make those payments. It's about all that, Davey. Oh, and being on your best behavior around my girlfriends and helping them out if needed .... It's about ... being my good little pussywhipped servant."

At that moment it hit me that Kiera didn't move to Trentstown to get a job in nursing.

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ChevonnChevonnover 9 years ago
Good job

Great story, great plot line. I like the idea that he slides so gradually into his slavery that he didn't even realize that: 1. It was happening until he was his cousin's slave. 3. How she slowly, baby step by baby step, lead him down his predestined path & 3. This is the kind of life he has always wanted, although he didn't and still doesn't realize that, and DESERVES because he really is a wimp not even worthy being called a, "Man", at least not one I would ever date.

studmuffin911studmuffin911over 12 years ago

dam i wish i had someone like this but in south africa you dont

predgrrlpredgrrlover 12 years ago

Nice story. :) I feel like there maybe was a little too much backstory before things "got going" but I liked it! And some of the commenters aren't getting the whole male submissive thing... But I have to say, if I knew I guy like that I'd be a little nicer to him than Kiera is. ;) But not too much!

rnjudybugrnjudybugover 12 years ago
is this for real

please grow some and show her who is the boss. even the playing field at least. seriously who wants to be treated that way?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a stupid story

Dumbest idea for a story I ever heard of. I would have kicked her so hard that she would never be able to sit again. She would be so wipped that she would ask for permission to breathe.

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