Queen of the Concrete Jungle Ch. 02

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A woman with a death wish, she's a female equalizer.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/08/2019
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A woman with a Death Wish, she's a female Equalizer.

Continued from Chapter 1:

Not moving, as if an immovable object, she stood her ground as if daring them and enticing them to attack. As soon as the first, two men stepped forward, were close enough to reach out for her, and grab her against her will, she took a step forward. Then, reaching out her hands with lightning speed, and taking them by surprise, she grabbed each one by their wrist. Her hold on their wrists were as if their wrists were caught in a vise.

Then, in a burst of superhuman strength, as if they were rugs that she was shaking the dust out from, she violently pulled the men together and against one another. As if they were skiing downhill and hit a tree without wearing a helmet, knocking their heads together, they fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding. Within just a few seconds, as if she was Mike Tyson in a first-round knockout of Michael Spinks, she had easily and quickly knocked out the two men.

'Well, that wasn't much fun,' she thought. 'Over way too fast, that was too easy.'

Then, with Joe looking at her stunned, she turned her attention to him. Obviously, not knowing what to make of this petite woman defending herself and defeating two, tall, and hefty men, he looked at her in shocked surprise. Not waiting for him to run, not wanting to get her sneakers dirty in this disgusting alley, she grabbed him by his belt buckle, and with one hand, she lifted him off the ground and over her head. She turned him upside down, reached in his pocket with her other hand, and grabbed his cash before unceremoniously tossing him to the ground.

"Your wife sent me, dickwad. She cooks for you, cleans for you, and cares for your children. She's had it with you spending your paycheck on booze and whores," she said waving his wad of cash in his face. "This is your rent, bill, and food money. From now on, every payday, you go straight home from work and give your wife your money," she said giving him a swift kick in his ribs. "I'll be watching. I better not see you here again next week," she said leaning down to grab and lift him up by his testicles.

"Do you understand? Tell me that you understand," she said squeezing his testicles tighter.

Obviously meeting his match, he had never seen any man or woman with her superhuman strength able to defeat two, big men in a matter of seconds. In the way that she lifted him over her head with one arm, he never had never seen any strong man lift a grown man over his head with one arm. In the way that he feared this woman now, he had never feared any woman before.

"Okay, okay," he said cringing when she squeezed his balls as if she was squeezing lemons. "I understand and I agree to go home straight from work and give my wife my money."

Laura let go of him while he grabbed his crotch in pain.

"If your wife contacts me again, I'll hurt you. Especially after hearing your plan to strip me naked, rape me, and gangbang me, I'll really hurt you," she said. "How dare you? Who in the Hell do you think you are to strip women naked, rape them, and gangbang them," she said obviously assuming that he had done this type of violent behavior before?

A changed man, as if he had found religion and was born again, the next week and every week thereafter, Joe went straight home from work with all of his money and gave it to his wife. Embarrassed that a such a small woman could get the better of him and his two, burly friends, he stopped drinking. Instead of carousing with whores, he started eating right, working out, and spending more time with his family. He became a better husband and father.

Chapter 2:

Who is Laura Lion? Truth be told, with her home schooled, isolated from the public, and not having any childhood friends, no one knows. She seemingly she came from out of nowhere. One day, without an introduction or a warning, she just appeared as a vigilante, a champion for abused women, and performing feats of superhuman strength.

There's no doubting that Laura Lion is a superhuman woman. Yet, no one knows that she's a genetic creation of her chemist father, Dr. Lawrence Lion. Adding to her secret identity, not advertising who she is, not looking for fame or fortune, she's content to hide within a crowd of average, ordinary women who look like her instead. She's a superhero who doesn't wear a fancy costume, a cape, or boots. She's, indeed, a champion for the female underdog.

A brunette with hazel eyes and C cup breasts, Laura is a very attractive and sexy woman. At 5'4" tall, she's a mere three-inches taller than Kay Adams on Good Morning Football. Considered average height, with seemingly nothing special about her, at first glance, she's the atypical average woman.

Unlike what other woman do, she doesn't try to make herself appear taller and more formidable by wearing high heel shoes. She doesn't try to make herself appear prettier by doing her hair and wearing more makeup. She doesn't try to make herself look sexier by wearing short skirts, low-cut blouses, and tight clothes. Instead, ready for anything, she wears jeans, sweatshirts, and running shoes. Instead of wearing high heel shoes, she wears sneakers, Nike sneakers.

Even though she's had plenty of boyfriends in the past, isn't a sexual prude, or a virgin, the contrary, she has quite the sexual libido. Unmarried and unattached, presently not romantically seeing anyone, she doesn't have any children. Busy with other things, she doesn't have the time for marriage, children, and/or sexual relationships. At 28-years-old and with the state of the world today, especially with this a man's world, she's unsure if she even wants kids. Who can blame her?

At first look, and on the surface, she fits the profile and the mold of many other, ordinary women. Yet, Laura is not an ordinary woman. A tornado in a bottle, she's the furthest from an ordinary woman as a woman can be. Someone very rare and special, with not of this world abilities, she's a real, live female crusader and a champion for the underdog and to women in need. Hard to believe but she's a superhuman woman with superhuman strength and a bad attitude when it comes to violently abusive men towards innocent and helpless women.

What makes men underestimate her is that she's so small, petite actually. Most women, especially one her short height, wouldn't be caught dead without their high heel shoes. Yet, Laura is more comfortable in her running shoes. Most women wouldn't allow anyone to see them without their makeup and before putting on their face. Yet, other than lipstick and eyeliner, a natural, American beauty, she wears very little makeup. Honestly, she looks good without all of that makeup.

Where most women are into shoes, hair, manicures, massages, makeup, and clothes, Laura isn't. She doesn't have time for makeup, doesn't fuss with her hair, has never had a manicure or a massage, and doesn't waste her time and money on shopping for clothes. She wears mostly jeans and sweatshirts and has more sneakers than she has shoes. The last thing she'd want slowing her down from running and chasing after bad guys is to break a heel while running in her high heel shoes and her short, tight skirts.

# # #

More bad news for criminals, deadly news actually, after her parents were murdered in a burglary in their home, what started her on this saving innocent women crusade from abusive men rampage, she wanted revenge. Fortunately for her and unfortunately for the murderers, she didn't have to look very hard or very far to find the two men responsible for her mother's rape and her parents' deaths and to seek her revenge. Unbelievable enough, hiding in plain sight, they lived across the street from her parents' home.

With them able to monitor their comings and goings, their plan was to rob her parents' house when they were at work and weren't at home. Yet, with her mother and father coming down with the flu, her parents called in sick and took the day off. Adding to the illusion that they weren't home; Laura drove their car to the pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions. Surely, with the top secret and highly sensitive job that that her father does for the government, short sighted on their part, he should have had round the clock protection.

Yet, these two criminals had nothing to do with her father's work. They probably didn't even know what he did for work and where he worked. They were just common, everyday thieves who got caught up in a double homicide. Bad for them, victimizing the wrong people, they didn't know that their daughter was a superhero and would avenge their deaths by beating them to death with her deadly hands and feet.

Not seeing their car parked in the driveway, obviously, the men assumed her parents had already left for work. With the coast clear and their house safe to rob, as soon as they jimmy opened the front door, Laura's father, Larry Lion, heard them and confronted them with a baseball bat. When he raised the bat in self-defense, with a quick flick of a razor, just like that, not wanting to leave him as a witness to testify against them, they slashed his throat. Gushing blood in the way of a broken water pipe, they left him bleeding to death by the front door.

Not wasting time to snoop around, they quickly rushed upstairs to search for valuables and cash in the master bedroom. Instead, not expecting her to be home, they found Laura's mother still in bed and sleeping in her bedroom. Hard to resist their violent temptations, a good-looking, fifty-something-year-old woman, an older version of Laura, by definition with her slim waist, large breasts, shapely ass, and pretty face. her mother Mary was considered a MILF. If it wasn't bad enough that they murdered her parents but before they did, they raped her mother, too.

With her husband already dead and her daughter not home to protect her, the men wasted no time in stripping her mother, Mary, naked and having their wicked sexual way with her helpless, naked body. After they forced her to suck them, and forced her to suck them, again not leaving her alive to testify against them, they stabbed her to death. At least they spared her from seeing her husband dead.

With Laura gone for a while, doing some food shopping after picking up her parents' prescriptions, the murderers had time to wipe the place clean of their fingerprints and their DNA evidence. Other than two, dead bodies, there was nothing left to link them to the heinous crime. Had the police taken the time to collect it and preserve it, there was their DNA evidence in the form of semen in her mother's mouth and vagina. Instead, even though the front door was jimmied open, they mistakenly assumed that it was a murder suicide.

# # #

Once the government heard that Larry Lion had been murdered, they showed up with a big force of government investigators. They were all there, the FBI, Homeland Security, the NSA, the DIA, and the CIA. Only, they were more interested in his desktop computer, laptop computer, their cell phones, his files, the contents of his desk drawers, his ring of keys, and his file cabinets filled with research papers. With murder a city matter, they left the bodies to the coroner and solving the crime of robbery and murder to the police.

Unbeknownst to her parents and to all of the federal law and security enforcement agencies, Laura had wired her parents' home with tiny, motion activated, and non-invasive security cameras. Glad that she had, she feared that someone would take their revenge on her parents for the things that she had done and had yet to do to criminals. Surprisingly, a quick view of the footage, showed that the murderers weren't after her. They were just looking to rob the place.

They were just thieves. Stupidly enough and conveniently enough, they lived across the street from her parents' house. Forestalling another needless investigation that could lead to her secret identity being exposed, she removed the cameras to keep them from being discovered and recovered by the government. Now, ready to seek her own form of revenge by handling retribution matters herself, she didn't notify the police. With them only getting in the way with their laws and investigation procedures, she didn't need the police to take care of her business.

After the coroner took her parents bodies to the morgue and after the police left, she paid her neighbors a not so friendly visit. Before they could pawn her mother's jewelry, Laura was already inside their house. With her superior strength, she didn't have to jimmy open the front door. She just pushed it off of the hinges. Even though their front door falling to the floor made a loud crashing noise, she didn't give them time to react. She was already up the stairs to confront them in an upstairs bedroom with all of her parents' loot on their bed.

Not needing a weapon other than her deadly feet and hands, she took her time in slowly beating them both to death. Breaking their noses, their eye sockets, their jaws, their arms, their legs, and breaking a few ribs, she made sure that they died a slow and painful death. Wanting them to suffer, she only wished she had the time to torture them longer for what they did to her parents.

# # #

Once she satisfied her own personal vendetta, after mourning her parents' deaths, seeking retribution and ready to give back and help other women in need, she offered her services for hire to women wanting to avenge their wrongs. In the way of Charles Bronson's fictional character, Paul Kersey, in Death Wish, she became a modern-day vigilante. Revenge for sale, she sold her unique services to those who could afford her and, along the way, even did some pro bono work for those in need but who are unable to pay for her combative talents.

Much like Superman did but with her unable to fly, unfortunately, not impervious to bullets either, bullets don't bounce off of her. Yet, just in case, when she's out taking her toll on criminals, she wore a bulletproof vest, a lightweight aluminum collar, and, in the way of Wonder Woman, aluminum bands on her wrists. The added metal protection looks more like jewelry than protection.

With the vest protecting her vital organs, the metal collar and metal wrist bands protect her from having her throat and/or wrists slashed. When not wearing a skirt, to protect her femoral arteries, she wore metal bands around her shapely thighs. To protect her vulnerable bones and joints, she wore elbow pads and knee pads. She also wore SAP, tactical gloves.

Legal in most states, SAP gloves are weighted, leather gloves with steel shot in the knuckles used by the police. Each glove weighs one-two pounds and have the knockout effectiveness of brass knuckles but without leaving cuts, just bruises. As another self-defense weapon, she also carried a kubaton, a 5" piece of metal with a pointed end on her keychain. Better than holding a car key between your fingers, it's surprising the damage that a little metal bar can do when in the hands of someone how knows how to use it.

Yet, as a superwoman, a superhero, and a superhuman, she has her limitations. What she does is what she's good at doing. A sucker for the underdog, she's the true champion for helplessly defeated women. A savvy combatant skilled in martial arts, because of her small stature men underestimate her strength and power. Unless they've already seen her in combative action, with her so petite and seemingly helpless herself, they'd never see her coming and are surprised when they're on the ground and begging for mercy.

The role she's chosen to play, she hunts men, bad men for a living, for revenge, for justice, and for the American way. In the way that Denzel Washington played the Equalizer without carrying a gun, think of Laura Lion as a female equalizer. With mostly women who are the victims, she's someone who women hire to not only level the playing field but also who hire for revenge. Think of her as a Marvel Comics, Jessica Jones clone without the leather jacket but with the same, bad and angry attitude. Trust me, you don't want to get on the bad side of Laura Lion.

# # #

Indeed, Laura Lion is a fighter. Indeed, she's a phenomenal woman. It's true that she hunts bad men, criminals, and men who use, abuse, and hurt women. Only, instead of turning them over to the police for arrest, to the district attorney for prosecution, and to the judge for trial and hopefully conviction, she's the judge, the jury, and the executioner. If your thing is crime, if your thing is abusing women, you don't want Laura Lion after you.

Tired of watching criminals walk free on a technicality of law, taking it upon herself to do the right thing, she has her own way of dealing with criminals. She has her own way of deterring crime. She has her own way of making sure that criminals don't repeat their crime against innocent women again. She's quick to take the challenge on their behalf and to fight the good fight.

All throughout history, from the Crusades, to the War of the Roses, to revolutions, civil wars, and world wars, no matter which country, tired of being used and abused, people always are ready to fight the good fight. From kings and queens, to knights in shining armor, to peasants with pitchforks, when enough is enough, we're all ready to do battle. Ready to make the ultimate sacrifice, the American way, we're all ready to die for the cause.

We all have a bit of Laura Lion within us. Yet, with us living in civil societies with laws, just because your sister is raped, and your mother is murdered is no reason for you to take the law in your own hands to seek your revenge. Chances are, even if you avenge your sister and/or your mother, with the laws against you, you'll go to jail. Besides, that's Laura's job. Leave the vengeance to her.

To be continued...

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Studly88Studly88over 4 years ago

Loved your story.. I am voting for it. Keep up the good work..

grayge37grayge37over 4 years ago

Well we now know who or what Laura is. This chapter paints a clear picture of our heroine. Now on to the "action". Your readers are expecting lots of encounters that Laura experiences (maybe some with sex involved). Onward to the next chapter, please. And by the way 5 stars voted for your outstanding writing,

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