Quests of the Cohort Ch. 01


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I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable whilst I ride your cock, Brother.

Her words shimmered across her stomach, and Mikael moved forwards to kiss her quickly. As their lips pressed together, she pushed herself fully onto the desk, moving to her knees and wrapping her arms around Mikael's neck. She tugged him towards her, guiding him onto the wooden surface, and he complied willingly.

Soon, he too was kneeling on the hard tabletop, and Quintia never broke the kiss as she twisted him round. He allowed her to lead him, and lowered himself onto his back at the insistence of her hands. He felt the rugs beneath his back, giving the hard desk a much more comfortable feel, and as his Sister broke the kiss he took a moment to watch her.

She bit her lower lip as she reached out to grasp his hard cock, and he groaned as she did so, her fingers caressing his length once more. At the same time, she threw a leg over him, moving to straddle his waist. Her body looked amazing above him, and he reached out to hold her hips, the feel of her body beneath his fingertips absolutely magnificent.

It was then that she angled herself above his cock, gently lowering herself down until his head pierced her folds. Sinking yet further, he found himself once more fully inside the blue-haired beauty, and the bright flaring of her gem signalled her own pleasure as he threw his head back with a long moan.

His Sister straightened, leaving her palms resting on his stomach as she slowly started to raise and lower her hips. The movements of her snatch around his cock sent sparks of pleasure through Mikael's body, and he resisted the urge to move in time with her.

After a short while, Quintia began instead to roll her hips, her body moving in a small circle, his member angled in every direction by her velvet pussy as she shut her eyes in pleasure. A long sigh was drawn from her lungs, and the gem sparkled brightly as she enjoyed the sensation. Mikael, too, groaned again, and his fingers dropped to his Sister's creamy thighs as she used his cock for her pleasure.

He stared at her as she opened her eyes, the glimmer of lust that had sparked in her eyes now a raging inferno. Clearly, her movements were having the desired effect, and she was breathing heavily as his cock pressed against her walls with the rotations of her hips.

Mikael reached up then, unable to keep his hands from her breasts any longer, and cupped the large mounds, kneading them gently beneath his palms. Quintia's gem sparked brightly and she suddenly slumped forwards, her gentle rotations immediately replaced by a more forceful bouncing on his hard shaft. Her eyes burnt into his, their pale blue glazed by a sheen of utter desire, and Mikael had no doubt that his own face mirrored her expression.

He lay there are he rode him awhile, his hands on her breasts, enjoying the way they swung with the pendulous force of their sex. Her blue-hair was scattered messily about her face now, its usually neat composure ruined by their passionate fucking. Her gem glowed forcefully, and he could tell from her heavy breaths and the rampant bucking of her hips that she was well on her way to a second orgasm.

He, too, could feel himself growing closer, and Mikael squeezed her breasts again as a faint twitch pulsed deep within his balls. His Sister's wonderful pussy, the sight of her magnificent body, and sheer pleasure drawn from sharing such amazing sex with a beautiful woman was drawing him closer and closer to the moment of his release.

"Keep riding me like that Quintia, and I'm going to come," he grunted as another thrill ran through him. Her gem was ferocious now, and her body thumped down against his. His cock twitched once more, her pussy seeming to agree with a twitch of its own, and Mikael groaned again. His hands slid from her breasts, instead lightly grasping her waist, feeling it rise and fall with the movements of her hips.

Your cock is going to make me come, Mikael. Are you going to come too?

He nodded through gritted teeth, a familiar tightness taking hold of his balls. He was moments away, and his Sister knew it. "I am, Quintia. I'm going to come."

Then come inside me...

She rode him passionately now, her mouth open as an intense spark of pleasure burst through her. She tensed, her pussy tightening, and he knew from the look in her eyes and intensity of her jewel that she was on the crest of her climax.

Her gem seared into incredible light, casting a blue glow around the room that Mikael had to blink away from. His Sister's pussy seized hold of his cock, her body twitching as the muscles spasmed with release, and he held her tightly as her orgasm wracked her. Her eyes glazed, her mouth slightly open, and he could feel the intense contractions of her depths around his cock.

That was all he needed. The feeling of her quivering snatch and the sight of the beautiful mage climaxing in ecstasy pushed him over the edge.

"Oh fuck, I'm coming!"

With a final groan of ecstasy he thrust upwards, his seed exploding forth from his cock. The pulses rippled through his body, his skin tingling with orgasm that burst through him as his cum burst from his member, spattering against his Sister's trembling pussy.

They remained that way a moment, both utterly subsumed by the intense pleasure of their twin release, before at last Quintia slumped down fully onto Mikael's body. She shivered intermittently, the last dregs of orgasm still sparking through her, and he gulped in deep breaths as his stunning lover lay on top of him. She, too, drank down air in the aftermath of her titanic climax, before at last she lifted her hips.

Mikael groaned faintly as his cock fell free of her wonderful snatch, and his Sister smiled at him as she rolled onto her side next to him. He looked at her, enjoying her beauty even as the warm afterglow of the sex pervaded every fibre of his being, and the look in the mage's eyes spoke that she felt the same sense of satisfaction.

He leaned forwards, planting a more tender, less passionate kiss on her lips.

"Perhaps I should come to the library more often."


Mikael tugged his pants back on as he watched Quintia slowly slide the green velvet dress back up over her wonderful body. Faint regret washed over him as she did so, keen as he was on the sight of her lovely naked form, but he had to admit that the dress looked amazing, too. A faint white burst signalled the magic she used to tie the awkward knot at the back, and she turned to him with a smile as she was done.

You look upset, Mikael.

He laughed "I am only disappointed to see you clothed again, Sister. Perhaps I shall peel you out of that dress once again."

You certainly shall, Brother. I would have it no other way, but perhaps a little later?

"Of course."

It was then that a blank expression drew itself across his Sister's face, and Mikael sat more upright as his heartbeat increased. She was receiving a communication from the Gods, as they all did on occasion, and a concerned look slowly entered her eyes as the situation was made clear.

As quickly as the expression had arrived, it had gone, and she looked at Mikael with consternation.

I must go, Mikael. The Gods are in need of my services.

"What has happened?"

There is an intense magical disturbance in the wilderness of Kholta. The Gods do not know its cause, but they know its source and know it must be dealt with. Whilst it has affected no settlements yet, it is warping the forest and growing at an alarming rate.

"I received no call. Have you been given a task alone?"

The entire Cohort has not been called, but Ria'torr will accompany me. Unless you are volunteering, too?

"I would like to, if that is acceptable, Sister? Though I do not know how the Gods would react if I were to go on a quest that they had no specifically called me on."

I do not think they would mind, Mikael. Normally, we judge it best to only go as they tell us to - for all we know, more problems may arise that would remain unresolved if we had all gone to deal with a more minor task. But as you are still finding your feet in the Gods' service, I think they would value your desire for experience.

"Then, with your permission Quintia, I would accompany you."

A broad smile grew on Quintia's face at his request. You do not need my permission. I will meet you by the exit of the Sanctuary as soon as you are ready.

Minutes later, Mikael was hurrying from his room with his pack, his armour donned and his weapons by his side. He felt secure with them there, able to be drawn at a moment's notice, and as he hurried towards the Sanctuary's exit he realised he was no longer as nervous as he might once have been. Not that he was excited, as such an emotion would have suggested a triviality to his approach that he did not possess, but he was no longer wracked with fear and awe that he was working in the Gods' name. Instead, the magnitude of even a small task such as the one he was undertaking was enough to fill him with concern at the trouble being wrought, and pride that he was the Gods' chosen instrument of good. Well, not their chosen instrument in this case, but I don't think they'll mind.

As he rounded the corner to the exit, he found Ria'torr and Quintia waiting there. The speed with which his Sisters prepared themselves always staggered him - he did, after all, have his things packed beforehand - but he supposed many years in the Gods' service allowed them to do things more quickly than he had yet got used to.

The two beautiful women smiled at him as he arrived, apparently not annoyed at his slowness when compared to themselves, and Ria'torr looked him up and down.

"Are you coming, Mikael?" she asked, an inquisitive note in her voice but no hint of malice.

He nodded at the elf. "I am."

Mikael has asked to join us for the experience. I hope you do not mind, Sister?

Ria'torr giggled at Quintia's words, a smile beaming from her lovely face. "Of course I do not mind! I am impressed that you would volunteer to put yourself in danger when you are not required to do so. But knowing the goodness in your heart, Mikael, I am not surprised."

Shall we leave?

"I think we shall, Sister."

With that, Ria'torr turned and jumped into the pool of water that covered the entrance to the Sanctuary, striding through it as if it were not there. Mikael swiftly followed.


The wilderness around them was thick and heavy as Mikael and his two Sisters pressed deeper into the forest. Low grey clouds hung on the horizon and spoke of heavy rain, and the sun could cast merely a pale luminescence upon the world. That it then had to filter through the dense foliage of the forest meant that it was nearly dark to Mikael's eyes.

Not that the lack of light particularly bothered him. He had been in thicker forests before, and even navigated many times by night, and he was comfortable enough amongst the trees. Indeed, in a normal situation he might actually have been happy to enjoy such natural seclusion, but their growing proximity to the magical disturbance had him on edge. Even the Gods did not know what the problem was, only that it was dangerous, and he needed to keep his wits about him in case he were called into action at any moment.

His Sisters clearly felt the same way. Quintia's eyes constantly scanned the foliage around them for signs of attack, and he could feel the prickly emanations of her sorcery flickering about her body. She was not actively channelling, but she was not relaxing, either. Ria'torr darted nimbly ahead, more at home in the forest than anyone, and her bow was never far from her hand. He knew the elf could notch and fire an arrow before most people could even reach for their sword, but even so she was prepared for imminent action.

Mikael continued to walk, but it was only as Quintia paused that he noticed that Ria'torr, too, was stationary. Then he felt the thumping in his head, too faint to pick up on normally, but in the stillness of the forest he could feel it. A rhythmic pulse, like a heartbeat, yet somehow more potent. It seemed to flicker before his eyes in a shower of rainbow sparks, yet was faint enough that he almost did not notice it.

Loose magic. Quintia's words glittered briefly in the low light, before fading as if they had never existed.

"It's getting stronger," Mikael said. "I can feel it. It's as if it's... getting closer."

"It is!" he heard Ria'torr cry, and in the next instant they were beset by foes. Shrouded, glowing figures swept into view from among the trees, reaching long, taloned hands towards the members of the Cohort.

A blast of searing white from Quintia's gem was coupled with a bolt of fire that streaked from her hands, vaporising the first two figures that came close to her. She spun, already casting again, her blue hair billowing in a gale that Mikael could not feel.

Ria'torr, too, had leapt into action. Already she had loosed a number of arrows that Mikael could see embedded in the trees about them, and each time one of her missiles cut through one of the ghostly figures, the shrouded being would vanish without a trace.

His swords were in his hands now, and he knew that although he had taken less than a second to draw them, he still lagged behind the defensive efficiency of his Sisters. He was surrounded by the creatures, and a faint crackling seemed to tingle on his skin. Tiny arcs of arcane power seemed to flicker across their outlines, and as one swept towards him he struck out with his left hand.

His blade cut through the being, and in an instant the ghostly figure had vanished, the smell of burning left lingering in the air the only evidence that it had ever been present. Swiping out with his right hand he destroyed another figure, and soon he was flowing freely, his swords flashing outwards in the dull light to destroy each ghostly figure as it approached.

They attacked haphazardly, suddenly veering away or switching target, rushing en masse and with no attempt to flank. It was if these figures were mindless, hungry, seeking only to grasp Mikael and his Sisters with no attempt at tactics or restraint. He cut through them easily, as did his companions, until the last handful flickered and disappeared under an arc of lightning released from Quintia's hands.

Mikael stood a moment, surveying the scene, making sure not a single foe remained before lowering his swords. He stared at his Sisters, seeing similar consternation in their eyes, and finally spoke.

"What the fuck were those?"

"Beings of magic," Ria'torr replied, squinting as she stared through the trees.


The elf nodded at him. "Indeed. I have seen such things before; they are constructs of magic that arise when so much raw power is loose that it begins to leech sentience from the world around it."

I have read of such things, but never seen it. Magic is not an entity with thoughts and free-will; it is lifeblood. But that blood can reflect the sentience of those around it if enough of it is present.

"So those things weren't real?"

"They were real, Mikael," Ria'torr replied. "Just not truly alive. They were automatons, acting only on reflected sentience from the world around us." She waved her hands at the trees. "And the world around us is very much alive."

"Then I guess we press on, and discover the source of this disturbance. If it is causing these... things to appear, it truly cannot be allowed to continue."

"Your dedication is truly a boon to the Cohort," Ria'torr smiled sweetly, before turning and disappearing once again between the trees.


It was not long before they were again set upon by the magical wraiths, although this time Mikael felt he was better-prepared to face them. The group had been cut down within moments, and it was as Mikael was re-sheathing his swords that he first heard the whisper.

He glanced up at his Sisters, and found them looking at each other in concern. He paused, listening for it to come again, and his eyes narrowed as it did.

"You are encroaching on Delisstro's domain, mortals... stay away or face his wrath."

It faded then, the eerie silence of the forest all that was left, and Ria'torr slunk back towards the group to discuss this latest development.

"Delisstro... is that a name you recognise, Sisters?"

Both Ria'torr and Quintia shook their heads, and Ria'torr bit her lower lip as she glanced around. "I think we can assume that he is the cause of all this, though."

And as such accept that this is no accident - someone is deliberately manipulating this loose magic, and perhaps even caused it.

Mikael grimaced at that thought - rogue magic had seemed less dangerous to him than an actual foe to defeat, and his hands tightened on the grips of his blades as he considered that. "Shall we continue?"

His Sisters nodded their agreement as they set off once more. Around them, the trees began to grow stunted, and the pulsing flicker in Mikael's mind grew stronger. It seemed that they were nearing the source of this disruption, and he did not like it.

It was then that he noticed the crystals bursting through the bark of the trees, pulsating with what seemed a life of their own. Each plant seemed ruptured in some way, its leaves and skin burst and pocked with the delicate formations of what seemed to be physical rock, but Mikael knew was not.

Crystallised magic! He knew it by sight, and was in awe. He had seen it a few times in his life, usually contained in glass jars by powerful wizards that he had been hired to protect. In that form, magic could be used to supplement existing spells, and it was prohibitively expensive for all but the richest of men and women to buy.

"Shall we collect some of this?" he said to Quintia, gesturing to the crystals.

We do not need it, Mikael. Our access to magic is not restrained by our mortality - we are warriors of the Gods. Unless, of course, you intend to sell it?

Her eyebrow had arched in an amused fashion, and even in the dangerous situation that they found themselves he still heard Ria'torr giggle from somewhere ahead.

"Not at all, Sister, I was just unsure of its usefulness."

I am teasing you, Mikael. We do not require it, and when we are done here it shall evaporate back into the ether.

More moments passed in silence as they neared the epicentre of the arcane disturbance. It became clear to Mikael that the world around them was growing more and more affected by the raw sorcery that coursed through the very essence of the forest here. He had heard no animals for almost an hour now, and the trees were bent and ruptured with the magical energies that crystallised on their boughs.

It was then that they came upon the clearing, and Mikael had to blink back tears as a bright light initially seared his eyes. A great gash was torn into the ground, and a long white line that sparkled with the myriad colours of the rainbow seemed to beam upwards into the darkening sky. Stars of flickering purple and orange fire burst and evaporated in its fantastical phosphorescence, and had it not been so innately dangerous it would have been staggeringly beautiful.

"I think we've found it," he muttered.

He jumped as a voice boomed out from all around them, seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once.

"You have found NOTHING. This is my domain, and you trespass upon it. Interlopers - leave now or die!"

Mikael scanned his surroundings. He could see no sign of the voice's origin, but he suspected this was Delisstro. It seemed likely that the owner of that name had seized this font of power for himself.