Rachel Doesn't Do 'Normal' Pt. 03


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As the elevator doors opened onto the ground floor, Brendan's heart leapt into his chest, when he saw Aaron entering through the front door. Stay cool, keep it together, just act innocent, he beseeched his own brain, even though he could feel his palms were becoming sweaty with nerves.

After Aaron's battery had died, he figured it would be best to leave work a bit early, just in case his moron of brother showed up before he got home. He was convinced Rachel would have forgotten too and it wasn't fair to leave her alone with the little oddball for too long. He worried what she was going to make of him. He'd always been a strange kid, with no social skills. It was like he didn't know how to be normal.

It turned out his instincts were right. "Oh it's you. How's it going? You found this place all right then?" Aaron looked at the spotty little nerd in front of him, wondering how he was even related to him.

"Oh...err...hi. I just got here. Just now." Brendan could tell by the way he'd blurted out the sentence that he sounded suspicious. Or was that just his paranoia?

"But you were just coming out of the lift, not going in?" Aaron looked at him as though he was stupid.

"Oh yeah because I forgot what floor you were on so...so I was going to wait for you down here?" Brendan's quick thinking seemed to have appeased Aaron enough. He didn't find it hard to believe that his simpleton of little brother was stupid enough to forget such a thing. The brothers stood in awkward silence, while the elevator took them up.

Rachel had just wrapped a towel around her and stepped out of the shower when she heard the door open. She sighed with relief, holy crap that was a close one! He'd got home much earlier than she'd been expecting. Then she heard another voice and suddenly remembered Aaron's little brother was staying the weekend. Oh my god, what on earth would she have done if he'd arrived only ten minutes earlier? Must be my lucky day, she thought smugly.

"Rach? We're home. Brendan's here too. Sorry about my phone dying, I forgot to remind you he was coming." Aaron called through the bedroom door.

"Hey! I'm just changing, I'll be out in a sec!" Rachel threw on some old jeans and a black vest top.

Brendan looked around the room anxiously, unsure about how he was going to react to being introduced to the girl he'd just witnessed fucking some old fat dude. He'd been nervous enough about meeting her as it was. But this was now on a whole new level of nerves.

Eventually the bedroom door opened. As soon as Brendan made eye contact with Rachel, he had to avert his gaze. God she was so beautiful, it was almost impossible to look at her.

Rachel just assumed he was shy. Brendan didn't look anything like she'd expected him to. She'd seen a few photos of him, but had assumed they must have been old ones. She knew he was 18 now, so expected him to look his age. Instead the boy in front of her looked barely 15 if she had to guess. He was a few inches shorter than even she was and very skinny. He looked sweet though, if a little shy.

"Nice to meet you at last Brendan." Rachel welcomed him warmly. She walked over and hugged him briefly. It was long enough to get the poor boys head spinning though. As soon as he'd felt those phenomenal tits of hers, crushing up against his chest, his eyes started to go hazy. He froze, stiff as a board, with his arms outstretched, unable to bring himself to hug her back.

"N...nice to m...meet you." He mumbled.

"No need to be shy mate, she doesn't bite." Aaron was enjoying seeing how uncomfortable his little brother was. He knew how staggeringly beautiful Rachel was, and loved seeing other men's reactions to her.

Brendan smirked to himself at Aaron's throw away comment, knowing full well she was a biter all right. It was weird hearing his brother call him mate though, he was never normally that nice. He usually called him runt or dipshit.

"Don't worry babe, he's just not used to being around such an attractive woman. He'll warm up to you eventually."

"Well aren't you sweet." Rachel gave her boyfriend a quick peck on the lips. Then she and Aaron settled down on the sofa while Brendan took the armchair and they flicked on the TV.

The conversation was only awkward at first. After a while Brendan found himself getting more accustomed to Rachel's presence. He still couldn't stop picturing her getting fucked every time he looked at her though.

Rachel soon cottoned on that although Aaron's little brother seemed to be having trouble looking her in the eye, there was one place on her body he seemed more than comfortable staring at. She kept having to pull up her vest top, to conceal the line of her cleavage, but when this failed miserably at deterring his attention, she made an excuse that she was a bit cold and went and grabbed a hoody from her bedroom.

She was used to men of all ages staring gormlessly at her chest, but there was definitely something weird about having her boyfriend's little brother, checking her out in such a blatant manner. All she could do was shrug it off and hope the hoody would snap him out of the trance her tits had seemed to put him under.

Her insides squirmed when she sat back down. Far from being put off, Brendan's eyes continued to roam up and down her body. Did some part of her enjoy this unwanted attention? It was hard for Rachel to process her thoughts. He was expressing the same hungry look of desire which she liked so much when it adorned the faces of older guys, but it was strange when the guy who was mentally undressing her looked as young and innocent as Brendan did.

After an hour of relaxing and watching some rubbish TV, most of which Rachel had spent trying to ignore being so openly ogled in front of her oblivious boyfriend, Aaron stood up and stretched. "Right if we don't plan on a course of action for this evening, then I'm going to just curl up and go to sleep. I'm shattered."

"What did you have in mind?" Asked Rachel.

"I'm thinking we head out for a bite to eat? We've got nothing here to cook really. Then how about we just go to a pub for a few drinks after? I'm not used to Brendan being able to drink legally now. I think it's about time I bought him a pint. How's does that sound you two?"

Truthfully Rachel was exhausted, she wanted to curl up with a book and go to bed early. But Brendan had come all this way to see them, it was only fair that she made an effort to make his trip enjoyable. "Sounds good to me." She fibbed.

"Yeah...fine." Brendan shrugged. Buy him a pint? Who was this imposter? For the last 5 years Aaron hadn't even bothered to buy him a birthday present. He figured he was being nice for Rachel's benefit, not his.

Aaron took a quick shower to wake himself up a bit, before they headed out.

Brendan was finally left alone with Rachel for the first time. He desperately wanted to tell her he knew about her and Arthur, but couldn't bring himself to say anything. How could she just sit there like nothing had happened? Was cheating on his brother such an easy thing for her to do? How many times has she done it? He wondered. She hadn't even seemed fazed that Aaron had got home only minutes after Arthur had left. Did she want to be caught? Or did she just not care? This girl was a complete mystery to him. A beautiful, voluptuous, mind boggling mystery.

"So Brendan, have you got a girlfriend yet?" Rachel felt like she had to break the uncomfortable silence somehow.

Brendan blushed and shook his head rapidly. "No...not yet."

"There isn't anyone you've got your eye on..." God why did she say that? His eyes had been glued to her for the last hour. "...you know...at school?"

"Nah." Brendan felt embarrassed talking about girls, to the girl he was so obsessed over. He twiddled his thumbs and looked at the floor, feeling his face redden once again.

Rachel hoped that Brendan would loosen up a bit after a couple of pints. He was so painfully shy that she was finding it rather difficult to talk to him. She tried her hardest to ask about his interests and hobbies but was only receiving shrugs and one word answers in response. She breathed a sigh of relief when Aaron eventually got out of the shower. It gave her an excuse to leave the tension filled room and get changed for the night out.

Knowing the effect she was having on the young lad, Rachel thought it best to dress a little bit more conservatively than she normally would on a night out on the town. The only problem was, this limited her wardrobe options considerably. Most of Rachel's outfits were either very short, to show off her long sexy legs, or they were low cut enough to display her incredible breasts nicely. Sometimes they were both.

After trying on nearly half of her clothes, she eventually decided to wear what she liked. If Brendan couldn't keep his eyes to himself, then that was his problem not hers. She was still feeling in a frisky mood after her amazing fuck session earlier, so decided to wear her favourite little black dress. It was both short and it enticingly displayed her mountainous cleavage. One time it had even helped her escape a drink driving charge, when the dirty old police man had taken such a liking to her in it.

She wore a black and gold set of lacy underwear beneath it and even went so far as to wear another of set of black stockings and suspenders too. Stuff Brendan if he couldn't cope with it, she thought with a grin.

Brendan's jaw nearly hit the floor when she stepped out of her room wearing the shortest, sexiest, figure hugging dress he'd ever seen.

The boys had apparently taken a much more casual approach, opting to wear jeans and shirts, but Rachel didn't mind. She always liked to look her best when she went out. Thriving on the attention her curvy body drew from men of all ages.

"You look great babe. Shall we go?" Aaron gave her a peck on the lips. Rachel smirked when she saw Brendan's hands moving to cover his crotch. "I'm ready. Let's hit the town!"

A few hours later, after enjoying a nice meal and a few drinks at a steak house, they found themselves in a busy pub in the city centre.

Rachel and Brendan went off to try and find a table, whilst Aaron pulled the short straw of having to queue at the insanely busy bar to buy the drinks.

They were just about to give up and suggest going to another pub, when a booth in the far corner was vacated and they rushed to fill the seats.

Rachel couldn't help but smile inwardly when a few older gents at the table opposite raised their eyebrows in appreciation as she sat down.

Luckily for her, Brendan had started to come out of his shell more too. They'd had a few drinks over dinner and sure enough her hunch that he'd loosen up once a few pints were in him, turned out to be true. Even though he still couldn't stop himself from checking her out, at least now he could say more than a few words to her. The conversation was still a bit awkward, but it was an improvement on earlier.

"So do you come here often?" Asked Brendan, as he shuffled into the booth opposite her.

"That's a bit of a worn out chat up line isn't it?" Rachel replied with a teasing giggle.

"What? No...I wasn't...I just meant, do you and Aaron normally come here?" He spluttered with embarrassment, not picking up on Rachel's joking tone.

"I know what you meant, I was just kidding." She said with a wink, which caused Brendan to blush profusely. "No we don't really go out that often, but when we do it's normally to quieter places. This is the first time we've been out since he took me for a nice meal for my birthday a few weeks ago. It's nice to have a change now and then. Do you go out clubbing much at home?" Rachel thought she already knew the answer to this but asked it anyway.

"Um...sometimes." Brendan lied. What was he going to say? No I never go out because I don't have any friends? She didn't need to know that.

"I bet you've got some moves on the dancefloor." Rachel moved her shoulders to beat of the loud music.

"Well I don't know about moves...but...well I guess I do."

"Ah don't be so modest. I'm sure you're probably a better dancer than your brother at any rate. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, if you didn't already know, but your brother has absolutely no rhythm. It's embarrassing."

Brendan laughed at this. It was nice to hear that his so called "perfect" brother was bad at something.

The conversation moved onto music while they waited for Aaron's return. Rachel was doing most of the talking. She chatted away about the bands she liked and some of the gigs she'd been to, while Brendan listened intently and chipped in now and again when his knowledge base overlapped hers. He didn't know much about music. Comics, fantasy novels and computer games, he could talk about for hours, but music, not so much. It didn't matter though, he was just so thrilled to be talking so casually to such an attractive woman. Rarely did anyone take the time to get to know him these days. It felt nice.

He couldn't help noticing the number of male eyes around the room that were focused on Rachel. Yet somehow he was the one lucky enough to get her undivided attention. Something which had never happened before.

His mind was still so torn though. On the one side he wanted to tell her he knew her secret. He wasn't stupid, it was the only way he'd ever be able to manipulate her into doing anything remotely sexual with him. However he was enjoying her being so nice to him in this moment. He knew that if he tried to blackmail her in any way, then she'd hate him forever for it. She was the one person in the world who he didn't want to be hated by.

Why had he had to find out all this stuff? He'd been so excited about just meeting Rachel. Never in his wildest dreams would he have ever thought anything more between them could ever happen. But now that he'd been given this crazy opportunity to potentially make something happen, how could he ignore it?

It wasn't right though. He wasn't the blackmailing sort. She seemed so nice as well.

There was also the small matter of his brothers love to consider. Not that Aaron had ever displayed any. That wasn't the point though. If he tried to coerce his girlfriend into doing something against her wishes, then he would permanently destroy whatever bond currently existed between them.

Brendan knew that he wouldn't know what to do if she said yes to any of his demands anyway. He had zero experience when it came to women. He'd never even kissed a girl in his life. Yet he spent every waking hour being torn apart by his hormonal urges. It was torture, being so horny all the time, whilst being so invisible sexually to the entire female population it seemed.

His eyes were once again drawn down into the deep valley of Rachel's impressive cleavage, where they remained for a good while, as Rachel chatted away.

Rachel could tell that Brendan was staring at her tits longingly again, for probably the hundredth time that evening. Now that she'd had a few drinks in her, she wasn't feeling so self-conscious about it any longer. So what if he stared? He was clearly just a frustrated little virgin. He couldn't help it, she supposed. Besides he was sweet, in a strange kind of way.

Aaron was taking forever to get served. During a lull in their conversation, Rachel scanned the room looking for him. Like always about a dozen heads all turned away from her the moment she looked around. Men were so predictable. Not that she minded being the centre of attention. It made her feel good, knowing how lusted after she was.

Like Brendan, her mind was conflicted too. She didn't feel guilty about what she'd done earlier, but she knew it wasn't fair to keep treating Aaron like this. He was a nice guy who didn't deserve it. The truth was, she'd been feeling unhappy in the relationship for a long time now. It was like she was just going through the motions because it was the normal thing to do, rather than because she was truly invested in it. It'd been the longest relationship she'd ever had by far. Her parents and friends were all really happy for her, but deep down she knew she wasn't. Now that her job was surely over, what was keeping her here still? She didn't want to break Aaron's heart, but maybe by keeping on with her pretence, she was going to cause him even more pain in the long run.

There was something even more immediately troubling which she knew she'd have to get through first, before she could tackle the bigger issues in her life anyway. Rather than being truly satiated by a good hard fucking, which she thought most people were. Rachel knew that her body craved more and more in the hours and days which followed such an act.

Right now she could feel every nerve ending in her body was alive, prickling with sexually charged energy. If she struggled through, ignoring it, she knew she would come down eventually, like a drug addict who goes cold turkey. But the urge to keep herself charged up was an almost impossibly hard one to ignore.

Even Brendan's ill-disguised attention was beginning to make her nipples harden and her pussy throb. It wasn't as though she viewed him as a potential sexual partner, far from it. But the way he stared at her body, reminded her so much of the hungry look sex starved old men would give her. It kind of made sense though, because he'd been eternally starved of sex his whole life, she doubted he'd ever even touched a woman.

Stop it Rachel, she internally cursed herself, as she momentarily considered what his face would look like if she offered him a feel of her tits. Poor thing, his mind would probably explode.

Rachel noted that the two older men on the table opposite were being less subtle than the rest of the busy bar were, when it came to undressing her with their eyes. They were huddled together whispering and laughing to one another, while they both ogled her unashamedly. They seemed to be building up the courage to come over, but neither of them wanted to make the first move.

Feeling rather naughty, Rachel turned to them and flashed them one of her heart melting smiles. Then she began to play with her long blonde hair, curling it around her finger teasingly.

They'd obviously decided that Brendan, quite rightly wasn't her date. How they figured that that would mean that either of them would have a chance with her, Rachel couldn't comprehend. They were about forty and both rather unattractive. But it was fun to tease guys like them, especially in the mood she was in.

They stood up and had only taken a few steps towards Rachel's table when Aaron barged past them with a tray full of drinks. Rachel kissed him hard on the lips and watched out of the corner of her eye as the guys slumped back down in their chairs, looking rather put out.

"The bar was insanely busy, so I decided to buy all our evenings drinks in one go, hope that's ok." The tray he was carrying had 6 pints of beer on it, 3 vodka and cokes and what looked like over a dozen shots.

"Blimey how much did that lot cost?" Rachel asked. Brendan wasn't sure he could even drink that much alcohol in one sitting. He'd never really been properly drunk before.

"Don't ask...but we might be short on this month's rent I'm afraid." They laughed and set about making a dent in the drinks.

A few hours later and the tray was almost empty. Rachel had drunk her vodka and cokes and had a few shots, she was feeling tipsy, but in a good way. Brendan had managed two of the pints and two shots, his head was spinning a bit, so he had decided to slow it down. Aaron was the one who seemed on a mission to get through them all, he'd paid for them after all. Well technically his mother had with her bribe of £100.

After sinking four of the pints and about eight of the shots he suggested they make a move home. "We shhh...we should go back now I think babe." Rachel could hear the slur in his voice and new he'd pass out if they stayed any longer.