Rachel Doesn't Do 'Normal' Pt. 04


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She tried striking up a few conversations with him, but Aaron shut those down too.

"Look your brothers only here for one more night. Do we have to watch the TV? Why don't we play a game?" She suggested. Rachel saw how Brendan's eyes lit up to this suggestion.

"I'm tired babe. Let's just watch this film. I can't be bothered with any stupid games."

"What has gotten into you this evening? You're never like this?" Rachel was getting more annoyed with him by the second.

Brendan knew full well what was up with him. He'd got bored pretending he cared whether Brendan lived or breathed. This was the Aaron he knew all too well.

"I need a drink." Aaron got up and poured himself a large glass of wine. Offering one to Rachel, but noticeably not anything to Brendan.

"No thanks. Brendan do you want anything?" Rachel kindly offered. He shook his head, smiling back at her.

Rachel was privately quite relieved that Aaron had started drinking. If she could convince him to drink enough then she might get to play a "game" with his little brother tonight after all.

They ended up watching some rubbish action movie for a few hours. Every time Aaron's glass looked a bit empty, Rachel would sneak some more wine into it.

One bottle turned into two and before they knew it Aaron got up to go to the loo, but then fell back onto the sofa. "Blimey, how much have I had to drink?"

Still he insisted on staying up and watching more crap TV. Making everyone else uncomfortable by the forced silence. Eventually sometime after mid-night Aaron called it a day. "Damn it, I'm too drunk...must sleep! You coming babe?"

"Goodnight." Brendan called out, knowing Aaron wouldn't reply.

"I'll be right there!" Replied Rachel. Then in a much lower whisper, she turned to Brendan. "I don't know what his problem is, but don't fall asleep." With that she followed her boyfriend into the bedroom.

Brendan was suddenly a ball of excitement again. He bounced up and down in his seat, wringing his hands in glee. After pulling out the sofa bed, he had a quick shower and brushed his teeth. "Tonight is the night." He mouthed the words to himself in the bathroom mirror, before splashing some of his brother's aftershave onto his cheeks.

At first he stripped down to his boxers, but then he got worried that she might not like his skinny pigeon chest, so he put his t-shirt back on. He tried to lie on the sofa bed, attempting to look relaxed, but he tossed and turned non-stop, unable contain his excitement.

The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an hour.

After a while he stopped staring at her door, willing it to open. A watched pot never boils after all, he thought.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. Still nothing.

Brendan started to question whether this was all part of some elaborate joke on his behalf. Was she just playing with him? Was this his punishment for perving on her?

The truth was Rachel was struggling to get Aaron to fall asleep. He'd decided he was horny for once in a blue moon and refused to leave her alone until she eventually relented and gave him a quick handjob. Then he wanted to talk and snuggle. It was nearly an hour before she eventually heard him begin to snore loudly beside her.

Before now she'd been dreading the thought of breaking up with him tomorrow. But after his rude behaviour this evening, it was now somehow less daunting. She didn't know what was wrong with her boyfriend but she definitely didn't like this new side of him. He might not have known it, but for her, their relationship had already been over for a while already. Only the trepidation she felt about her future had kept her here this long.

Nothing was going to spoil her fun this evening though. She'd promised herself that she was going to be the one to take Brendan's virginity and it was a promise she was looking forward to keeping.

Rachel had already planned on what she was going to wear. Something Brendan had mentioned earlier had given her the idea. She flicked on the lamp on her bedside table and rummaged around in her drawers looking for it.

Brendan was about to give up and go to bed when Rachel's door eventually creaked open.

"Holy fuck! What?" He whispered excitedly. The room was quite dark, bathed only in the warm orange glow from a dim lamp in the far corner.

His jaw slowly lowered when Rachel strode into view. She was wearing her skimpy red bikini. The one from her Facebook photos.

"Sorry I was so long." She purred in her sexiest sultry voice.

Brendan's mind had all but turned to mush. He tried to speak but no words came out. His eyes were drawn to her incredible breasts. The bikini didn't support them like a bra would, so he could see their true size and shape. They jiggled about on her chest as she slowly walked towards him, moving like they would if she were naked.

Rachel didn't want to waste time with small talk. She knelt on the bottom of the sofa bed and crawled towards him on fours, again feeling like a cat who was stalking its prey. Brendan realised he was shrinking back into the back rest, unsure whether it was through fear, through nerves or just in sheer disbelief.

His cock was tenting so high in his boxers it looked almost silly. His meaty rod was pulling his waistband so far away from his chest that it almost sprang free by itself.

That was when Rachel pounced. The passion and the ferocity of her kiss took Brendan's breath away. He barely had time to inhale a lung full of air before she was savaging his mouth with her own once more.

She bit and chewed on his lip, then gnawed his chin before twisting his head to the side. Brendan's head started to swoon and he suddenly felt dizzy as Rachel dragged her tongue up his neck, then started to suck on his ear lobe.

"Do you like what I'm wearing?" She breathed into his ear, before nibbling his ear lobe again.

"You know I do!" Brendan turned his head back to face her and kissed her hard. Putting into practice his earlier lessons.

"Mmmm, you're getting rather good at that." Rachel mewed.

She lowered her body down on top of his and they kissed passionately, exploring one another's mouths with their tongues. Rachel could feel his giant cock throbbing beneath her. The thought of having it slamming inside of her was enough to make her head spin. She was excited, but even though she was the experienced one out of the two of them, even she couldn't help feel a little nervous as she straddled it. It felt unnaturally huge.

Brendan started running his hands gently up and down her sides. She squirmed at the ticklish caress, grinding herself harder and harder against his python of a cock.

Rachel sat up and took hold of his hands, placing them onto her breasts. She beamed at the way Brendan's face lit up as he began to tenderly massage them.

She very slowly slid the cups of her bikini along the string to the sides. It was the first time Brendan had gotten a proper look at her naked breasts up close in the flesh. This time he was the one they were being offered to, not some old man. He gawped in open mouthed wonder at their spectacular size and shape. "They're all yours." Rachel whispered.

She wasn't expecting what happened next. Most men wanted to just squeeze and maul her tits like they weren't even attached to her. Not that she minded them being treated roughly, in fact she loved it. But Brendan apparently wasn't most men. He ran the very tips of his fingers so lightly over them, that she instantly felt goosebumps flourish over her skin. Brendan continued to tease her with his gentleness, circling around her nipples but never once touching them.

Brendan wasn't even teasing her intentionally. He was just so in awe of her. It was like being allowed to touch a priceless piece of art. Gently and delicately seemed like the most rational approach to him, when presented with a sculpture of such beauty and perfection.

Before long Rachel was writhing in pleasurable torment. Her stiff sensitive nipples were beginning to ache, longing to be touched. When at last he did lightly brush over them, her body spasmed and she moaned deeply.

Only then did Brendan begin to squeeze her soft pliant tits with slightly more force. Rachel had to stifle a scream, when he rolled her nipples between his fingers, pinching them gently.

The teasing was almost too much for her to handle. Wasn't she supposed to be the one to tease? Rachel lowered herself back down onto him, pushing her breasts up towards his face. "I want you suck on my tit's Brendan. Please Brendan suck on my big juicy tits." Brendan loved it when she called him by name. He was unable to even process the pleasure he was in. It felt like a dream. The best dream he'd ever had.

He went to latch on to one of her incredible swaying breasts, but just as he was about to inhale her soft flesh into his mouth, Rachel pulled herself back an inch. He tried again, but with the same result. It was her turn to tease him for a change and she was relishing every second of the confused lust his face was displaying.

After a failed fourth and fifth attempt. Brendan laid his head back on the pillow. "Aw I'm sorry." Rachel purred. "Here you go baby." Rachel pushed her left breast into his open mouth. He instantly clamped his lips around her already tingling nipple and grabbed her breasts firmly with both hands to keep her from backing away again.

"HUH! Oh yes! Mmmm that feels nice!" Rachel breathed the words softly, trying to remain as quiet as possible so as not to disturb Aaron.

She watched intently as Brendan suckled on her nipple like a hungry baby, before moving onto her right breast and repeating the process.

When he was finished, Rachel smothered his face between her tits until he was gasping for air.

Once she'd pulled her breasts away, she didn't let him breathe for long. Locking her lips over his she kissed him deeply for what felt like an age.

"Just lye back and relax, ok?" She whispered to him, running her tongue down his neck, before nibbling on his collar bone. "O...ok..." Brendan replied in an exhilarated stutter.

Rachel pulled his t-shirt up over his head. Then moving very slowly, she started planting a series of long sensual kisses all the way down Brendan's skinny little chest. When she got to her prize, she pulled his boxer shorts down and threw them over her shoulder.

"Oh my god it's so fucking huge." She whispered, as she watched his mammoth member twitch and flex wildly in front of her still disbelieving eyes.

Brendan being Brendan had always considered the size of his dick to be yet another unattractive aspect about him. He wasn't stupid, he knew it was big compared to most peoples, but he thought that that was a problem not a positive attribute. He'd stopped reading a blog about penis length, when the first few women were discussing how painful large cocks could be.

"You don't think it's too big then?" He asked imploringly.

Rachel shook her head slowly, still trying to take in every detail of its impressive length and girth. "How big is it?" She asked a worried looking Brendan.

"I don't know, I haven't measured it in a while." He lied. "I think it's about nine and a half inches. Is that ok though? That's not normal is it?"

"Not normal is a good thing...trust me." With that Rachel kissed his large purple tip and Brendan fell deathly silent.

He could feel tears beginning to burn in his eyes as he watched the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, lovingly kiss and lick his throbbing bell. He urged himself to get a grip. Why did he feel like crying? Get it together! He inwardly screamed. This was his time to be...a man!

Rachel wrapped her hand around the thick base of Brendan's cock. She could only just fit her fingers around it. Then she started to suck the first few inches of his meaty tool into her soft warm mouth.

Brendan knew he couldn't watch for long or he would cum even quicker than before. He laid back and stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to stop his vision from blurring as his body was subjected to the most incredibly pleasurable sensations imaginable.

Rachel took her time with him. She sucked on the first 3 or 4 inches of his dick, while gently massaging his base. Whenever she felt him twitch in her mouth, she backed off, letting him calm down, before returning to her feast.

She could see his hands were clutching the bedsheets so tight that his knuckles were turning white. "It's ok, just relax." She whispered, running her tongue up and down the length of his shaft before plunging her mouth down around his engorged beast once again.

Brendan had made it to the Promised Land. This was heaven. This was his Nirvana. After a long time, or so it felt, he finally managed to master his breathing and calm himself down. Well as calm as he was ever going to get when a busty blonde goddess had the first 6 inches of his cock lodged in her tight gripping throat, he thought.

He propped himself up on his elbows, convinced now that he could withstand watching the greatest show on earth unfold. Brendan shook his head slowly in disbelief as his eyes took in every detail of the scene. Rachel's blonde flowing locks were brushed over to the side, so he could see her stunningly beautiful face, bouncing gracefully in his lap, as his dick disappeared past her soft plump lips. He could also see her magnificent breasts swaying gently under her slender hunched over body.

"Oh my god!" He groaned rather too loudly, as Rachel started getting a bit carried away. She was worshipping his huge throbbing tool with everything she had. It was stretching her throat like no cock ever had, causing her to gag and occasionally splutter, but nothing could stop her from enjoying her task. She'd managed to fit almost 8 inches of it inside her, when she heard Brendan shout. "Ssshhh!" She pleaded, pulling her mouth free.

"Sorry." He whispered back.

Rachel moved down lower, nuzzling his taught scrotum. Brendan clamped his hand over his mouth, hissing out a scream of euphoria, when he felt her sucking his testicles into her mouth one at a time, before lapping at them with her tongue.

She'd been loving sucking on such a long hard cock, but she couldn't deny her jaw was beginning to ache slightly. She'd never had to stretch her mouth so wide for that long before. Knowing what Brendan might really like, Rachel had a plan in mind to give her mouth a rest for a bit.

She got off the sofa bed and knelt at the foot of it, whilst slipping of her bikini top and letting it fall to the floor. Rachel then ushered Brendan to slide down towards her. Once there, she bathed his cock in her saliva, before slapping it against her rippling breasts.

His face creased into an elated grin as she wrapped her large breasts around his thick shaft and began to slowly squeeze them together. "Is this what you want Brendan? Is this what you were fantasizing about doing when you were beating off over my holiday snaps?" She teased breathily.

Brendan nodded vigorously, his voice having left him once again. He watched in amazement as his slick, saliva covered dick, glided easily between her two phenomenal mountains of flesh.

When she started to bounce her tits more vigorously, he felt his cock start to twinge and he knew that he couldn't handle much more. The human body wasn't designed to cope with these levels of pleasure, he thought madly, while gripping the duvet cover tightly by his sides.

Rachel craned her neck and flicked the tip of his pre-cum leaking cock with her tongue, as it burst up through her tightly squashed tits.

Brendan propped himself up on his elbows again, to get a better view. He started to thrust his hips upwards into her rippling breasts, with more and more urgency as he felt his balls begin to churn.

"Ooohhh yeah fuck my big tits Brendan. Fuck them like that. Oh yeah that feels good!" Rachel cooed.

She could see his face contort into a snarl as he started to grunt and moan like crazy. "Oh god! UNGH! UUUUHHHHHHHHHH!" Rachel had no time to tell him to be quiet, as right then a blast of cum shot past her nose and flew high into the air. She didn't even see where it landed and wouldn't have been surprised if it was stuck to the ceiling. Then another powerful jet struck her chin, dribbling down into her cleavage where it was met by a series of further squirts, which covered her now glistening tits like glue.

Brendan slumped back onto the bed, throwing his hands over his face, trying to wipe away his tears before Rachel saw them. He'd cum so hard he was now seeing stars. Apparently though there was more pleasure to endure if that was even possible. Rachel had sucked his exhausted cock back into her mouth and was hungrily sucking the life right out of him.

He lay there for a while catching his breath, while Rachel nipped into the bathroom to wash the cum off her neck and chest. She normally liked to gather it up with her fingers and swallow it, but there was just so much of the stuff. It was drying hard against her skin, faster than she could consume it.

Her body was on fire now, she was so horny it was maddening. All of her pent up tensions from earlier that day and her anger with Aaron's earlier rudeness, were bubbling around in her belly, turning her insides into a cauldron of passion. Her pussy was so wet already, she thought she might orgasm if he even breathed on her throbbing sex.

Brendan watched her walk back into the room. He could tell that her demeanour had changed instantly. It was like she'd become a different person. She pulled the string of her bikini bottoms loose, before bunching up the garment in her hand and throwing it forcefully to the floor. Her eyes never left his, they were burning into his soul with a fire that brought new life into his deflated cock.

She grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. Wrapping her leg around him, she kissed him with furious aggression. "Grab my tits! That's it! Yeah! Pinch my nipples! UNGH! Harder! Ah fuck! Now slap them! Yeah that's it slap my big titties!" She barked the orders at him through gritted teeth. My god she was like a woman possessed, he thought.

Rachel pushed Brendan down onto the bed and straddled his face. If she could have stopped to think about what she was doing, she might have felt sorry for him. He was an innocent virgin after all. But she couldn't think straight, not in that moment. Her mind was being overrun by her primal urges and she was powerless to stop them.

She ground her pussy down into his face, rocking her hips hard and fast. Brendan was stunned but far from overwhelmed. He didn't really know what to do, but he started licking and sucking on her dripping wet sex, trying to do his best to pleasure her as much as she had just done for him.

Whatever he was doing, he was doing something right. Rachel was growling and moaning like she had been with Arthur and Kadir.

Brendan grabbed a firm hold of her thrusting ass and spanked her cheeks repeatedly, remembering how much she'd liked it when Arthur was fucking her.

"AH! Yes! Eat my pussy! Oh you naughty boy!" Rachel groaned, while pinching and pulling on her stiff aching nipples.

Rachel had obviously now noticed his rapidly swelling cock, as she threw herself down onto her chest and started to instantly devour it. Her hums of pleasure felt phenomenal as she choked herself on his cock with frenzied enthusiasm.

How long they went at it neither of them knew. All Brendan could do was urge himself not to cum, but she was sucking his cock so hard, so fast and so expertly, that he knew he couldn't hold out forever. He lapped at her grinding cunt the best he could, but knew he needed to do more.

Suddenly he remembered another tip bit from old Arthur's locker. Maybe she would like it if he tried it too?