Rachel's Dare: A Walk in the Park


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"Oh no, you're not getting me that way again!" I replied, as calmly as I could manage. I looked away again and refocussed on the distant cars.

Rachel tapped my shoulder again though, and physically moved my head to follow her pointing.

"No, seriously, is that..."

For what was probably the umpteenth time this night, I closed my eyes in silent resignation. It was certainly was. It certainly was 'that'. While I couldn't immediately make out whether the jogger was male or female, it was a cast-iron certainty that we were going to cross paths.

Even Rachel seemed noticeably quiet for a moment, as we both soldiered on towards out impending rendezvous. I wondered if she'd be open to making a break for the tree line, but as I looked at her, I could see the thrill sparkling in her emerald green eyes. This was going to happen, I realised, and steeled myself for whatever was about to go down.

Of course the jogger was female. Given how my morning was going, that was no surprise. The jogger visibly broke stride as she neared us, and as realised what was up ahead. I thought for a second she might turn around and run off in the opposite direction, but perhaps Rachel's presence by my side helped sooth any fears she might have had. Instead, after a few seconds of just standing there gawking, she resumed her run towards us, steadily and remorselessly closing the gap.

Now that we knew the jogger wasn't male, Rachel was all up for making the most of this random encounter. As the jogger moved to within fifty metres of us, we could see that she was a twenty-something blonde, in rather fine shape herself. At this point, I knew there was no escape, and I tried to force a smile through the palpable embarrassment.

"Ahh... hi..." the woman said, making no secret of checking out my naked body. "Umm... what exactly are you guys doing?"

I opened my mouth to explain, but Rachel waved at me to be quiet. Humiliatingly, I was made to stand there, completely exposed to this strange woman, as Rachel recounted the story of our walk. The blonde jogger nodded every now and again to indicate she was listening, but her eyes never left my chest, stomach, and crotch. I was painfully aware of the throbbing in my penis, and it took all my willpower not to simply cover up with my hands and run. I could see light coming from over the horizon, and at this rate I'd be standing nude in the car park in full daylight.

I tried to smile a few times, in an attempt to show that I was somehow comfortable with this, but I doubt the woman even noticed the expression on my face.

Eventually, after an agonisingly protracted discussion, Rachel seemed to have relayed the full story to our new companion. Only half-jokingly, Rachel asked if she wanted to join us for the rest of our walk, but thankfully the woman politely declined. As she finally turned to resume her morning jog, she parted ways by asking if we were likely to make a habit of this. Apparently she had friends she normally went for a run with, but who hadn't turned up this morning. Thank God for that, I thought.

Rachel cheekily suggested that if she liked the show, that we might consider putting on a matinee performance. At that, I simply grabbed Rachel's hand, said a hasty farewell to our fellow park-goer, and set off determinedly for the safety of the cars.


Rachel had been quite talkative on the final leg back to the cars. After the conversation with her new friend, she'd been full of the joys of life. She explained how the risks she was now taking were finally giving her a sense of actually being alive. I looked at her a few times, and couldn't quite read her face. It seemed to be a jumbled mess of underlying nervous tension, excitement, anticipation and just sheer, unadulterated the-world's-a-wonderful-place happiness.

She must be a little worried about running into some other guy in just her sports bra and panties, I thought. Surely. Or was the totality of my defeat creating some kind of defence barrier for her to hide behind? There was at least some nervous tension in her face, I was sure of it. There had to be.

She'd fallen quiet for a few moments as we covered the final few metres to the car park. There were no other early morning joggers in sight yet. However, with dawn's first light now clearly visible over the horizon, it was a question of 'when' we ran into someone else, not 'if'.

As I half-ran into the car park, she grabbed my arm and stopped me. Looking me straight in the eyes, all of a sudden the mirth and mockery disappeared.

"Thanks." she said, simply, with a sincerity that didn't sound faked. "Thanks for all of this." she waved her hands around. "Thanks for taking a risk with me."

At that, my complete embarrassment retreated momentarily. I could even afford a certain bravado as I said "Hang on Rachel, we've still gone one more coin toss to go, and I'm feeling lucky." There was a certain absurdity to the notion of me feeling luck right now, but I couldn't believe the night would end without at least seeing this amazing woman's naked breasts.

With an almost shy smile, she offered me the phone, and made her call. It was to be 'Tails'. I tapped the screen, and the coin set off on its final journey of the night.

Of course, just as day follows night, there was only one possible, conceivable result.


'Tails'. I laughed at that. 'Tails'. I laughed again, and shook my head. Looking at Rachel, I waited for the inevitable victory dance, and was mildly surprised to see something else flicker across Rachel's face. Was that a slight sense of disappointment, I wondered. It disappeared almost as quickly as it had arrived, but just for a second I got the feeling that Rachel was almost sorry to not have to take her bra off.

Nevertheless, she'd won. Any possible disappointment she might have felt in not being forced to go topless was soon compensated for by the realisation that she got to penalise me yet again.

A thousand different scenarios went through my mind. I knew what penalties I'd had in store for her, but I was coming to the realisation that she was objectively more deviant than I'd given her credit for.

"So..." she said, interrupting my thoughts, "... first your penalty, and then... a proposition." She lowered her eyes at that last part, apparently losing her nerve. Before I could question exactly what she meant though, she visibly steadied herself and walked around so that she was now behind me.

"My theme for tonight has been 'evidence'." she said. "Your naked body," she paused and gave me a playful slap on my backside, "is evidence that you've actually been working out." She let her a single finger slide up my spine, and then left a hand placed delicately on my shoulder. Leaning in, she whispered in my ear, "Congratulations on that, by the way."

She then pushed away, and I could hear her begin to walk around again.

"The little show you put on at the last coin toss was evidence that you actually know how to work out." She stopped and gave another critical look. "Albeit, only just." Resuming her stroll, she ended up directly in front of me, and gave me a warm smile. "So your final penalty tonight will also be evidence. Evidence of our walk."

She took her phone out of my unprotesting hand, and twirled it in her hand. "You know, these modern smartphones are wonderful things. So many functions!". I already knew where this was heading before she tapped a finger nail lightly against the phone's camera lens.

With a wicked smile, she raised the phone to her face. "Say 'cheese'!"


For the next five minutes I was her model. She had me pose standing up. She had me pose bending over. She had me pose lying on the front of her car. I heard the phone's camera function whirr away as she called out instructions, and part of me wondered why I was doing all this. I knew I could say 'no', but at the same time I knew I couldn't, shouldn't and wouldn't.

Twice we were interrupted.

The first interruption was by a male jogger who came by and ogled Rachel's tight ass for two full minutes. Something about my naked package obviously convinced him against coming too close though, and eventually he moved on. Rachel was too lost in photographing me to seem to worry about his attentions. I even suspected she was deliberately wiggling her ass at him while she moved into position for the next shot.

The second interruption was by a short brunette woman, who was around our age. I feared for a moment that she was coming over to complain about our indecency. We were in a quiet enough suburb that it was unlikely we'd accidentally run into the police, but we certainly didn't need someone going and calling them on our behalf. Thankfully, the early morning crew at the park seemed more inquisitive than inquisitorial.

Equally thankfully, Rachel spared me from a long re-telling of our story. Instead, after a few brief words of explanation, Rachel asked the woman if she wouldn't mind taking a picture of us together. She quickly agreed, and part of me was certainly encouraged by the admiring looks that the woman was casting in my direction. Like our previous blonde companion, her admiration hadn't quite stretched to making eye contact with me yet, and she seemed somewhat focussed on more intimate parts of my body.

In preparation for the joint photo, Rachel threw an arm around my shoulder. As the woman began to play around with Rachel's camera settings, I was shocked to feel Rachel grab my cock in her other hand.

She threw me a questioning glance. As my shock subsided, I nodded. I felt both humiliated and elated at the same time, and I could't honestly say that her touch wasn't welcome.

The woman herself seemed a little lost for words, and seemed to be having difficulties focussing the camera. Eventually though, I heard the camera whirr a few more times, and our jogger friend handed the phone back to Rachel. Rachel checked the photos, and nodded to the woman.

"Thanks." she said, "Can you do me one more favour."

The woman agreed, without even asking what the favour was.

"So..." Rachel said, directing her attention at me again. "You might just want to, you know, cover your face for this one..."

I gulped. "Umm, why... why, exactly?" I said. Part of me knew full well what the answer was going to be.

"Because," Rachel teased, "Me and my new friend here are going to take another photo each. And to give you fair warning, these particular photos aren't going to stay in my private collection. These two photos are going be shared on the Internet. An ever-lasting memento of our walk."

My hands instinctively shot up and covered my face. With both hands covering my facial features, I had to hope that it would be enough for no-one to recognise me.

Behind my hands, I yet again heard the cameras click. It had to be said that neither Rachel nor the mystery woman seemed to limit themselves to just one photo each. They were gracious enough though to tell me when they'd finished so I could remove my hands, and they were true to their word that they wouldn't take pictures with my face showing.

With this final humiliation now enforced, the two women shared an animated conversation, and then bid each other farewell. Rachel made the woman promise in front of me that she would publish the naked photos when she got back home. She was to include the name of our city, but that was it. The expression on her face left me in no doubt that the woman had every intention of living up to that solemn duty. As she disappeared off on the rest of her run, Rachel pointed out the obvious.

"I have no idea who that woman is. I couldn't call her and get those photos back even if I wanted to." she said. She studied me for a moment. "I gave her a way to contact me with the link, so I guess we'll see if she's a woman of her word."

I knew that I no longer had any control whatsoever over those nude pictures. I was at least incredibly thankful that I had a fairly common hair cut, and no identifying tattoos to give away my identity.

I sighed. The game was over, the penalty was paid, and the sun was now peeking over the horizon.

I congratulated Rachel on her overwhelming victory, and went to extract my car keys from my own backpack when something made me pause. Rachel didn't look like she was finished. Not just yet anyway. There seemed to be something on the edge of her tongue, bursting to get out.

After a few seconds of impasse, I simply asked "What is it?"

"I... umm... I have a... proposition." Rachel said. Her voice was slightly uneven, but she got the words out anyway.

I raised an eyebrow in return, and she took this as an indication to continue.

'I have a proposition," she repeated, "one more coin toss."

I froze. What kind of penalty did she have in mind?

"One more coin toss. You win, and my sports bra comes off." her voice betrayed an edge of excitement, as if she was almost relishing that possibility. "I win, and you pay one more penalty."

"What's the penalty?" I asked, suspiciously. I was standing naked in a car park, having just had photos taken of me by a stranger, and if waited around any longer we'd have a crowd surrounding us. What could she possibly have in mind?

She smiled coyly, and walked over to me. Leaning in, she whispered in my ear exactly what she would get me to do. My face went from embarrassed red to shocked white in less than half a second. No. No, no, no, no, no. No way. Too risky, I thought instantly.

And yet.

As Rachel moved back again, she slowly and deliberately peeled up her sports bra so that it now exposed the bottom of her breasts. She stopped just as the material threatened to reveal her nipples. She bit her lip again, and like with every other time she'd pulled that stunt, my heart rate and blood pressure found new heights to scale. I was left with an insatiable desire to complete that movement.

Still, too risky, I tried to convince myself. Way too risky.

"Keen?" she asked, almost pleadingly. Dear God she was sensational. What were the odds of losing seven out of nine coin tosses? The logical part of me screamed out that this wasn't how probability worked, but my fully erect penis was commandeering my entire blood supply, and had also called dibs on my decision making process.

"Yeah... I mean... yes. Yes. One more coin toss." The voice certainly sounded like mine. The logical part of me cried out at the betrayal. My eyes only had time for Rachel's slightly exposed chest though, and I was lost in a daydream as Rachel switched back to the coin toss for what would be the defining moment of our walk.

It was my call, and I vaguely remember calling 'Heads'. As Rachel had done earlier in the evening, I didn't even look at the screen. I just watched Rachel. I watched for her reaction.

The moments dragged by, and I began to panic. I wanted to shout "no!" and back out. What the hell had I been thinking? Had I been thinking? Rachel's third penalty would make what I'd already done seem like the capital city of my comfort zone in comparison. Looking at her though, seeing the excitement etched in her perfect features, how could I not be part of this?

The coin had settled. Rachel stared at the screen, a conflict of emotions. I stared at Rachel, trying to figure out the result by her own reaction.

Then she erupted. "Nooooooo!!" she cried, half-laughing, half-cringing. She bent down on her knees again, and jumped around as she shook her head at the result. "No way! So close! So damn close!"

She turned and sheepishly grinned at me. "Well," she said, "I suppose fair is fair. You've put on a show for me. Perhaps it's only right I finish it off."

She held my gaze, and the outside world temporarily disappeared. Taking her sports bra in her now visibly shaking hands, she slowly teased the material back even further. As my eyes widened, two perfect nipples finally felt the light breeze that had characterised the early morning weather. They were small, but looked extremely firm. Two light-pink diamond-cutters peeked out at me, and I couldn't have been any harder if a team of Swedish cheerleaders had spontaneously appeared for a group make-out session directly in front of me.

"Okay," I said, in the ultimate display of under-statement, "... continue."

She smiled back at me, pleased by my obvious physical response.

She kept peeling the sports bra up and away, and soon she was pulling the garment over her head, her arms temporarily restrained and her head obscured. With her breasts completely exposed, I would have given anything to have my phone immediately to hand, but sadly it was still buried in my backpack.

Her strip complete, Rachel looked shyly at me, and then broke out into a sexy, light giggle. Tossing the bra at me, she then struck a pose, hands high in the air. We shared another laugh, and then just stood there, taking each other in. I was fully naked, she was only topless. Yet despite everything that had happened, and the loss of control I'd felt, somehow I thought I was coming out as the winner.

"Hey, nice tits!" someone called out. Rachel let out a shriek, and threw a protective arm across her chest, a wild grin on her face. Another man out for a walk had stumbled on to us, and was staring gobsmacked at Rachel's exhibitionism.

Ignoring my own state, I reached over and took hold of Rachel's arm. Gently, I moved her arm down from her breasts and left it harmlessly by her side. I proceeded to then turn her around so she faced the man directly.

"Yes." I wholeheartedly agreed. "Yes, they most certainly are." Rachel lost it at that point, and fell into my arms laughing. The man, aroused and confused, just looked on at us dumbly.

"Come on." I said, "Time we left."

She nodded, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

We quickly extracted our keys from our bags. I threw Rachel her clothes, and she returned the favour. Quickly covering ourselves, we then hopped into our respective cars and shared one last look. Rachel ran a hand through her red hair, and then gave me a thumbs-up. I returned the gesture.

Without needing to say another word, I turned the engine on and drove home.


It was the end of the work day. I'd somehow managed to survive a full eight hours in the office while still being in a daze. Questions had been answered, small talk had been exchanged, and the usual array of emails had been sent, and yet I could remember none of it. I only had memories of Rachel.

Still, as the office cleared out for another night, I extracted myself from my seat and fumbled for my phone. It was then that I noticed I had two new txt messages waiting for me. My curiosity roused, I tapped the screen to show the messages in full. I instantly recognised the sender. Rachel.

The first message was a single link to an image sharing site. Not for the first time today, I flushed a bright red colour.

The second message was just two words long.

"lunch tomorrow?"


Author: Thanks for reading everyone. As I said at the start, comments and PMs are appreciated. - EC.

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DeanaBardDeanaBardabout 3 years ago

Exhibitionism with dashes of embarrassment and humiliation thrown in! Count me in.

Jessy69Jessy69over 4 years ago
Génial !!

Vraiment super comme histoire ... Quelque chose de vrai au départ ?

J'aimerais vraiment vivre ce scénario ... Toute l'histoire douce, tranquille, naturelle ...

Et pour finir, cette inconnue qui prend des photos et les publie, sans que le héros puisse faire quoi que ce soit, c'est vraiment ce que je voudrais qu'il m'arrive ... Je voudrais tellement connaitre une femme comme Rachel ...

Encore plein d'histoires comme celle-ci, s'il vous plait ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Enjoyed a lot

I jerked so many times to this story. And I wish that I am the guy and Rachel uses a strap on infront of that brunette girl.

Auld_HenryAuld_Henryalmost 8 years ago
Soooo natural

"lunch tomorrow? dress optional "

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I would have got more horny if the bra was off early n panties go out at end :-P

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