Rachel's New Neighbour Gets More


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He lowered himself over her so that his chest was lying along her back. His teeth lightly sank into the warm smooth flesh of her shoulder. "You are a slut aren't you? A filthy little whore who is about to get filled by my hot sticky seed." He grunted the words into her ear.

His left arm wrapped underneath her torso taking a firm grasp of one of her heavy swinging breasts. The other arm was helping prop himself up on the step below, when his hand brushed against something. It was the pocket rocket.

Grinning he twisted it into life. Rachel couldn't hear the soft humming noise over the sound of her own screams. Straightening up but keeping one hand mauling her huge tits, he moved the device into place.


Just when he could sense Rachel was about to cum he pushed the pocket rocket hard against her clit. The result was explosive to say the least.

Rachel had no idea what had just hit her, it felt like a brick wall of euphoric energy had just collapsed on top of her. She had next to no control over her body as it seemed all her muscles went into seizure. The warm tingling in her pussy had suddenly erupted, as wave upon wave upon wave of pleasure thundered through her veins, causing her to visibly shake from head to toe. "UUNNNGGGHHH AAAAHHHHHHHH!!"

Her pussy clamped down on Henry's cock like a vice. He couldn't hold on any longer and he groaned as at long last his heavy balls were emptied of their seed. He fired five thick spurts of hot sticky cum right up inside her. His jaw clenched and his face now a mask of lust. Henry's hand was crushing her breasts as he continued to pump his hard cock deep inside of her.

Feeling Henry's warm jizz plaster the walls of her cunt had made Rachel's orgasm last even longer. He was still teasing her clit with the mini vibrator, even after he'd withdrawn his slowly softening dick. She was still twitching and moaning, flexing her knees every time another ripple of orgasmic energy coursed through her.

"OH GOD! DON'T STOP! AH AH AH AAAHHHHH!! FFFUUUUUU..." Her eyes rolled back as another intense climax hit her. This one startled Henry as she began to squirt. He'd been watching as a trickle of his own cum was about to drip onto the carpet, when suddenly jet after jet of warm clear liquid covered his hand and splashed onto the hallway floor.

"Ooooo you dirty bitch!" He smiled at the mess she was making, loving the fact that he could make a gorgeous girl like Rachel cum that hard.

Unable to take anymore Rachel slumped against the stairs. She couldn't think straight let alone speak. She just watched as Henry untied her from the coat hook through glazed over eyes. All she could do was try and master her breathing which was slowly becoming less erratic.

"Damn it! Look at the time. The wife will be wondering where I am, only said I was popping to the post office."

Rachel tried to lift her hand to wave goodbye but it just slumped back uselessly by her side. Henry knew he could stare at her all day, but had to tear himself away. "I'll be round tomorrow to fix that." He pointed at the wall. "There is a nice little outfit in the parcel I bought for you, maybe you should wear it as thanks for my D.I.Y skills?" He wasn't sure if Rachel was listening, he thought she might have even drifted off to sleep, so he closed the door and returned home with a skip in his step.

It took about 10 minutes before Rachel was able to stand herself up, even then it was on shaky legs. She'd never cum that hard before, that was on a whole new level, one that she didn't think could even exist, but now she knew it was there, it was going to be hard to resist wanting to return to it again and again.

She was aware that sex had become a bit of an addiction for her. She needed it all the time and when she wasn't getting it, she would become grouchy and snappy with people. It was a bit like cigarettes in that respect. That was before today though, now she feared it was more similar to heroin, not that she'd ever tried it, but a dose of euphoria like that was a powerful thing and she knew that sooner or later she would be itching for her next fix.

It wasn't until later that day that Rachel remembered the parcel was still in the lounge. She retrieved the torn open box and rummaged through it. The first thing she pulled out confused her, it was a cheap multi-coloured feather duster. What the hell was he planning on doing with this? She thought. Tickle me to death? But the more items she dug out the clearer the picture of his intentions became. Next came a black head band with a white lace frill across the crown, then a little black satin dress with a white lace trim around the bust and the hem, which Rachel thought she'd be lucky if she were able to squeeze into. Then a plain white satin pinny with a matching lace trim. Last but not least there was a rather expensive looking set of black lingerie complete with a suspender belt and stockings.

Rachel had never been bought lingerie before and she had to admit that it was gorgeous. The bra had a tiny white silk bow between the cups and where the cups met the straps. There was also one above the crotch on the panties. The suspender belt had a bow on either hip as well as at the end of each strap. She ran her hand over the smooth silk and lace material, feeling a warm glow building inside as she imagined how sexy she would look in this outfit.

Henry was on cloud nine for the rest of the day. He kept pinching himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Life was better than a dream at the moment anyway. For a 60 year old man with few outwardly redeeming features, to be having sex on tap with a stunning 21 year old busty blonde, was nothing short of incomprehensible for the old timer.

His mood improved even further when an old friend called him that evening saying he was back in town for the night and would he like to catch up over a few beers. He asked his wife if she wanted to come but she declined, favouring an evening in with her soap operas over drinking in a busy bar.

He arrived at the Rose and Crown pub later that evening and spotted his old friend Jim, who had a pint ready and waiting for him.

"JIM! How's it going me old mucker?" They shook hands and settled themselves on a table in the corner.

Even though they hadn't seen each other in nearly 10 years, they were soon laughing and joking like the school kids they once were. Jim was looking a lot older now though, his once thick and wiry mane of black hair, had now thinned significantly and turned almost completely grey.

"How long are you down for then Jimmy?"

"Just a couple of nights, got a few jobs in the area."

"You're still in the plumbing trade then mate?"

"I do the odd bit here and there, but I'm getting ready to retire to be honest, the backs not what it used to be. How about you?"

"Fully retired mate. Living the high life. Just moved house actually, I've taken over my mum's place after she passed."

"I'm sorry to hear that pal. Not the house you grew up in is it?"

"No not that house. Do you remember that house then?"

"Remember it? That's where I lost my virginity, how could I forget it!"

"Ha ha! Oh that brings back memories. Who was the lucky lady again?"

"Wendy Brewster." Jim looked a bit shifty after saying the name.

"Oh yeah! She was the...eeerrr..."

"Big girl..." Jim finished Henry's sentence, they caught each other's eye and both started to laugh hysterically.

The next hour passed as they recounted all of their old girlfriends, and all the scrapes they got into in their youth. The beer kept flowing and after about their fourth pint, Henry was feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"How's your missus then Jim?" He regretted the question as soon as he'd asked it, noticing how Jim recoiled slightly. He'd forgot they were divorced. It had happened just before the last time they'd seen each other. If he remembered correctly she'd left him for a younger guy from her work. "Sorry old boy, I just remembered." He wrapped himself on the knuckles.

"Hey don't worry about it." A sadness had crept into Jim's features now though.

Henry tried to make amends for his slip by asking if he was dating at all. Jim just shook his head, clearly a sign he wanted to move away from the subject.

The truth was that Jim hadn't been with a single woman since his divorce. Judy had been his whole world for 30 years, he couldn't face the dating game again, not at his age.

Henry moved the subject onto cars and then onto football as they sank a couple more pints.

"What's up with you then Henry? You've been grinning like the cat who's got the cream all night. You're normally the moody bastard out of the two of us!" Jim joked.

"Have I?" It was probably true though. Every time he thought about Rachel a smile would spread across his lips, and he thought about her a lot.

"Something you're not telling me old boy? Have you won the lottery?"

"Better than that Jimmy lad." Henry wasn't planning on telling Jim anything about Rachel. But after seeing how sad he looked after he'd mentioned his wife, an idea occurred to him, one that could be mutually beneficial for the pair of them.

He went on to tell the story of how he'd first seen Rachel getting changed in her bedroom. Jim's jaw got slowly lower and lower, as he proceeded to tell him in quite graphic detail about all the times they'd had sex since then.

"BULLSHIT!" He finally said when Henry had finished talking.

"I'm telling you the truth! Honest I am." He certainly looked smug enough for it to be true, but there was no way on earth it could be.

"You're lying! Why would any 21 year old look at you twice? Especially one as sexy as you're describing...or should I say exaggerating."

"Beats me old chap."

"Yeah that's because it's a load of rubbish!" Jim was looking at his old friend with a mixture of incredulity and concern for his mental health.

"If you don't believe me I can prove it to you."


Henry leant in and whispered his plan of action for the following day. When he had finished Jim took a large swig of his beer. "You better not be messing with me. That would be a cruel joke."

"Trust me old boy."

The following day Rachel awoke to find a hand written letter on the mat by the front door. It read:

Today at 4 o'clock. Wear the outfit I bought you. Henry x

She smiled as she folded the letter away and put it in her pocket.

Later that day Rachel was admiring herself in her full length mirror again. The French maids costume was incredibly sexy. It was so short that her stocking tops and suspender straps were on show, along with a good inch of her smooth bronzed thighs, below the hem. It was also so tight that a good portion of her cleavage was clearly displayed, threatening to overflow out of the top of it.

She pulled her straightened blonde hair back into a ponytail and slipped on the lacy headband. Rachel opted for a bright red lipstick. As naturally stunning as she was, she didn't really need to wear makeup, but the red contrasted nicely with the black and white of the outfit.

The doorbell rang just before four and she grabbed the feather duster and went to answer it. A feeling of tingling anticipation already beginning to spread through her entire body. She'd been craving this all day long.

"Shouldn't I be coming to your house to clean? Wouldn't that make more sense in this particular role play?" She said while opening the door.

Henry darted past her and into the house. "Let's pretend this is my house. Oh god look at you!" His hands immediately began to fondle her huge breasts through the satin dress.

"Hey! Don't get too excited! Remember what happened to the last guy?" She joked, secretly loving the sensation of having her heaving breasts groped by his rough hands.

Henry had to get straight down to business. "Look, I've got a favour to ask you..."

"Hhhmmm sounds ominous." She said narrowing her beautiful blue eyes.

"Would you be up for trying out what we had planned yesterday again?"

Rachel looked disappointed. She was really looking forward to having Henry's cock back inside her again. "...If I'm honest, I really don't want to fuck the postman, he's creepy."

"No no no! I didn't mean with him. I meant with a stranger."

"Which stranger?"

"I've ordered a plumber, he'll be here any minute. If you're not up for it then I'll send him away. You just have to say."

"A plumber? But nothing is broken?"

"I'll see to that." He opened the cupboard under the sink and rooted around for a few minutes loosening a few pipes. "So what do you say?"

He looked like an eager puppy and Rachel was finding it hard to think of an excuse. "Eeerrrr...uuummm...ok." She said resignedly. "But if this guy also cums in his pants then you are going to have to make it up to me big time!"

"DEAL!" Henry was practically jumping for joy.

The doorbell rang again. This time it was more nerves than excitement. "How on earth am I going to explain my outfit?" She said in a harsh whisper. "Just wear it with confidence. Ignore the stares he's bound to give you, treat it like it was a normal day and it's your job to clean the house."

"Fine, what choice do I have? Shouldn't you be hiding somewhere?" She snapped.

"Nah I've got these." He put on a pair of dark glasses.


"I'm blind, so make sure you play along." Henry waddled back into the kitchen, pretending like he couldn't see where he was going,

The doorbell rang again, this time for much longer. Outside Jim was beginning to suspect that this was all a massive wind up. A big joke on his behalf, so he nearly collapsed when the door opened and he saw Rachel for the first time.

She was by far the sexiest creature he'd ever laid eyes on. A million times hotter than any of the girls he'd tried to picture from Henry's descriptions. His gaze immediately came to rest on her massive tits. He'd never seen a rack that big on any girl with a small frame like hers before. He was momentarily stuck dumb by what he was seeing, as his eyes roamed down over her French maid's outfit with her stockings and suspenders exposed. He wanted to slap himself around the face to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"You must be the plumber? Hi, I'm Rachel, I'm the cleaner. I'll take you through to meet Mr Tanner." She stepped to one side gesturing him inside.

"Sure...er...hi...yep...um...ok..." Jim's brain had turned to mush. Was this really happening? Could this girl really be the sex crazed nympho Henry was talking about? He had to look again behind him as he walked through to the kitchen to double check she wasn't a hallucination. "Christ almighty." He muttered under his breath.

"Mr Tanner the plumber's here."

"Great! About time, the sink has been playing up all morning." Henry stood and held his hand out at a right angle to Jim, milking his pretend blindness for all it was worth.

Jim had to adjust his stance in order to shake his hand. "I'll get right to it then H...Mr Tanner." He very nearly said Henry but remembered what his friend had told him the night before, he had to pretend like they were strangers. He hadn't mentioned anything about pretending to be blind though, maybe this was a last minute decision. It very nearly threw Jim however, as he wanted to laugh at ridiculousness of the situation. He also wanted to plant a fat kiss on his lips as well, so thankful was he that Henry had set this all up for him.

Rachel was studying Jim intently. Her nerves about what she was about to do had dissipated somewhat, replaced by the urge to tease this innocent plumber, whilst also putting on a show for her 'blind' co-conspirator. He wasn't bad looking for his age either. She guessed he was about the same age as Henry, maybe a few years younger, but he had a slightly thicker head of hair and a much trimmer waistline. He was also a few inches taller and his broad shoulders were filling out his blue overalls nicely. Let's hope he compares equally as favourably in the department that counts, she thought to herself, stealing a quick glance down at his crotch.

Jim was still struggling to comprehend how Henry had managed to get a girl like Rachel into bed. He couldn't help looking her up and down every chance he could. Something which didn't go unnoticed by her. Was he going to get lucky with her too? Or was he here just so the pair of them could tease him and wind him up, then send him on his way. The thought of getting his hands on her was enough to send his head spinning, and his cock begin to swell. Just be cool, he thought to himself, even though outwardly, cool was the last thing he was feeling. Sweat was beginning to freckle his forehead and clam up his hands.

"Excellent. Rachel will show you where the leak is." Henry sat back down at the table. This was going better than expected. She had no idea he'd staged this whole thing. When Rachel bent to open the cupboard door under the kitchen sink, he flashed a thumbs up to Jim, who replied by a shake of the head. He was clearly still in the stage of stunned disbelief. But soon he would realise the opportunity that was being offered to him here, and he knew his old friend was bound to take it.

"This is where the waters been coming from." She straightened up, inwardly smiling as the plumbers head quickly snapped upwards. He'd obviously been staring at her ass. Rachel intentionally squeezed past him even though there was more than enough room to avoid him, brushing her breasts against his chest as she moved out of the way. Jim gulped loudly, the sensation of her soft tits pressing into his body was almost too much to handle. Keep it together old man, he inwardly beseeched.

"Th...thanks. I'll g...get right on it." He mumbled. Jim laid on his back and slid under the sink, unclipping his tool belt and reaching for a wrench. He could only see Rachel's legs now as she appeared to be walking around the kitchen dusting some of the surfaces. But even this was so much of a distraction that it wasn't until a few minutes later, he realised he was trying to tighten the pipe with a spanner not a wrench.

"There are quite a few dirty dishes in the sink Mr Tanner. Shall I wash them up for you?" Asked Rachel.

"That would be very kind of you my dear. Make sure you put the plug in, we wouldn't want our plumber friend here to get soaking wet now would we." Henry was rubbing his hard cock through his trousers, concealed from view under the kitchen table.

Jim thought he needed a cold shower as all of a sudden Rachel was standing astride his torso, her stocking covered legs now only a foot away from his head. He too was beginning to form a tent in his overalls, and due to his positioning there was no way to hide it.

Rachel began to hum a little tune as she set about washing up. Knowing full well the thoughts that must be racing through the plumber's mind.

She wasn't wrong. Unable to resist a better look, Jim shifted his body until his head was now almost completely out of the cupboard. His jaw fell open at what he was seeing. With her legs either side of him he had the perfect view under her dress. He stared in awe, saliva pooling in his mouth, at the sight of the small triangle of black satin that stretched across her young pussy. He had to shuffle back into the cupboard quickly, for fear that he would blow his load already if he looked any longer. His cock was already achingly hard, straining against his blue overalls.

After a few minutes Rachel looked down and immediately clocked the plumber's erection, it looked a very decent size, enough to make her knees tremble with anticipation. She looked over at Henry, who was smiling broadly, nodding his encouragement. Adjusting her stance so that one leg was now planted between his legs, she delicately brushed her foot against the bulge, a soft groan came from inside the cupboard beneath her.