Rainforest Ordeal

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He is gang-fucked by the women of the tribe.
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This story is highly politically incorrect, and it does not reflect my views of indigenous people. It is a work of fiction - I hope you will enjoy it as such.


When I saw the job announced, I knew it was a chance I should try to take. There are not many postdoctoral research positions in the field of systematic botany, but lots of applicants at least at the attractive universities. This position was in the little-know South-American country of Palombia. The University of Palombia was even more obscure than the country itself, so perhaps there would be few applicants. And not many had heard of Professor Ruiz. But I had. In the last couple of years her articles had begun appearing in top-notch international journals, and were always of an outstanding quality. Her name was beginning to be mentioned at conferences. In a few years, having been working in her group would open doors to academia. Or at least I hoped it would, it was the best chance I had.

I googled her before writing the application. She was three years my senior, and had received a tenured position as associate professor only last year. Her group was still pretty small with only two graduate students, and an open position that I hoped to fill. I wrote the application and sent it. With two years since my PhD and only a single year as research assistant since then, I was perhaps not the strongest applicant. But my specialization matched the position well, and perhaps few would apply.

The job interview was with Skype. The network connection was awful, we could hardly understand each other and video was out of the question. But we managed to communicate, and at the end she offered me the job.

I was received in Palombia City airport by Prof. Ruiz herself. She looked like her profile picture on the university web-page, except for a minor detail. She was beautiful! Somehow, that had not come across at all in her profile picture.

"Nice to meet you, professor Ruiz."

"Nice to meet you too, Michael. And please call me María."

She drove me to the small apartment where I would be staying, and explained how to get to the university next morning.

The first two months were enjoyable. The research project was fascinating (at least for a botany nerd like me), and I quickly became friends with the two students. María was an inspiring boss, and I began thinking of her as a friend, too. I also developed a crush on her, but of course did not in any way act on it. Why would she be interested in a guy like me? I am not ugly or anything, just pretty ordinary. And anyway, regardless of genders, sleeping with your professor is an awful career move - for both.

An important part of my work was planning the expedition into the Palombian rainforest. We would be sailing up a tributary of the Orinocco, and hoped to collect invaluable samples of some of the lesser-known groups of plants. Analyzing our finds would then be my main task for the next couple of years. When María was not there, the two students teased me about going into the jungle with a gorgeous woman, although clearly they knew María well and did not really expect anything to happen; in reality they were quite envious about the scientific opportunities and about the pure adventure of going into essentially uninhabited and almost uncharted land.

Eventually, the big day came. We were flown by a small airplane to an airstrip deep inside the jungle. A small motorboat was waiting for us, we would be sailing it ourselves. We planned to sail upstream for a week, and then walk into the jungle, and that was essentially what happened, although technical problems delayed us by two days. Then we walked, carrying everything we would need with us. At night we slept in a tiny tent, close together in our sleeping bags. Although the tent was small, there were never any physical intimacy between us, we both knew that would be a bad idea.

But we did get to know each other quite well, lying in the tent talking in the evenings. I told her of my childhood, growing up as a bright kid in a poor family without any tradition of getting an education, and how my parents struggled to give me the opportunities they never had - I guess I never fully appreciated what they did until I had to explain it to María. And she told me about growing up as the only child to a most unlikely couple. Her father was a moderately successful businessman, her mother had literally come right out of the jungle, growing up in a tribe deep in the rainforest, until some missionary convinced her to run away, then she had been trying to adapt to an alien world while preserving something of her old culture. She had insisted that María learned her mothers language, too.

"So if we meet any natives, you can speak their language?"

"Probably not," she answered. "My mother grew up more than five hundred kilometers from here. If we meet anybody, they probably speak a completely different language, or at least a dialect that is so different that we cannot communicate."

She actually looked a bit worried as she continued, "But we will not meet anybody. I am quite sure!"

I looked at her. By then she knew me well enough to realize that I knew she was slightly worried.

"The natives don't like 'white' people," she explained. "They never got anything good from us, only diseases, missionaries, and companies wanting their land."

"But are you not halfway one of them?"

She looked at me. "I wear clothes! That makes me white in their eyes."

It happened a few days later. We had settled into a pattern where we moved the camp every second day, and would spend the other days collecting samples in the surrounding rainforest. Suddenly, while we were perhaps an hour away from the camp, we both heard a strange sound. I did not notice exactly what it was, but immediately felt that there were people near us. María had heard it too.

"Take your clothes of! All of it! Now!"

I obeyed the urgency in her voice, and a moment later we both stood stark naked in the rainforest. We had just begun feeling somewhat silly, when we saw naked men approach us from all sides. There were five of them, and they were armed with long knives and blowpipes. I thought about my childhoods stories about Amazon Indians blowing poisoned darts. We both raised our hands in a gesture of surrender, and María spoke to them in a language I did not know. They replied, but even without knowing what they said, it was clear that they did not understand each other.

The men tied our hands behind our backs with strips of cloth torn from María's t-shirt. Then we walked naked and barefoot through the jungle, surrounded by armed men. I expected stepping on a thorn at any time, but it did not happen. After what felt like several hours, we arrived at a small village. The villagers, some fifty men and women, surrounded us - all of them naked. They seemed more curious than threatening, until their chief arrived. He stood before us, and his body language made it obvious that he did not wish us well.

María spoke to him. It clearly surprised him, and he answered her. This time I was sure that they could communicate, although with difficulties; perhaps he spoke her mother's dialect. Soon, I was forced to sit down on the ground, guarded by two armed men, while María followed the chief into a hut. Most of the villagers began to disperse.

At first, María sounded upset and angry, and the chief sounded stern and demanding. Clearly, they were arguing. But soon the tone of their voices changed and became more friendly, and lower. They talked for perhaps an hour, maybe they were reaching an agreement. They stopped talking, or at least their voices became too low to hear.

Then I hear María and the chief moaning. They were fucking! For a few seconds I thought he was raping her, but María sounded like she enjoyed it. A few minutes later, half the village could hear María coming. The men and women around me laughed, I guess they were not used to a woman being that loud. I certainly wasn't!

Then they emerged from the hut, hand in hand. María walked over to me, she looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Michael, my dear. Do you believe that rape is a fate worse than death?"

"No," I answered, "Why? Did he rape you?"

She smiled a faint smile. "Certainly not. It is you I am worried about. I made a deal ... I had little choice if we were to survive the day."

She sat down in front of me. The chief remained standing behind her. "They were planning to kill you, and gang-rape me, but I managed to get a better deal, although it is not very good for you. They took it as a sign of good will that we stripped before they caught us, although they still count you as an enemy." She hesitated before continuing.

"We will stay here for three days. Every day I will fuck four men of my own choice. I am OK with that, the chief promised they will be gentle. But every day you will be gang-raped by all the women of the tribe. I am not sure they are going to be particularly nice to you."

I must have looked stunned. She hesitated. "You can refuse, of course, but I am afraid they will kill you if you do."

"And you will be gang-raped. No, I do not want to die."

She spoke to the chief, who said something to his tribesmen. I was dragged upright, and we walked to a solitary small tree standing in what looked like a small glade just outside the village. The three was perhaps five inches across, and slanting somewhat. I was shown to sit down with my back against the tree, and my legs stretched out. My hands were tied behind the stem, but the tree was slanting in such a way that I was almost comfortable. Two poles were hammered into the ground in front of me, my legs were spread and tied to the poles.

When I was securely fastened, María took the hand of a handsome young lad, and led him away. The other men left, leaving me with three women. Soon, I heard María scream in ecstasy; there was clearly a nymphomaniac side of her I had never suspected.

Soon the women of the tribe arrived, the youngest barely out of the teenage years, the oldest probably grandmothers. The children we had seen when arriving were fortunately not there, except for a small baby that was busy sucking her mother's breast. The women began discussing something, probably how to rape me. Then a middle-aged woman walked over to me, placed her feet on each side of my hips, grabbed my hair, and pressed her cunt onto my face. I began eating her out. Soon my mouth filled with her juices. I felt incredibly humiliated, but somehow my cock began to rise. I tried to satisfy her the best I could with my mouth, and eventually I heard her moan and come.

Her place was immediately taken by a younger, quite beautiful woman. She pointed at my erection and said something, the other women laughed. Then she took the same position with her hands in my hair, and my mouth in her crotch. She tasted more salty and a bit fishy. Again my mouth filled with juices as I sucked her, and gradually the taste improved. To my surprise, I was beginning to enjoy it, although I had never felt so humiliated. My cock was stiff, and beginning to ache.

The next woman was the mother, she handed her now sleeping baby to an older woman, and knelt before me, placing her nipple in front of my mouth. I took the hint and began sucking, my mouth filled with warm milk. The surrounding women roared in laughter. When I had emptied both her breasts, she stood up and pressed her bush against my face. She began rubbing it all over my face, smearing pussy juice everywhere. Again the women laughed. Then she stood still, and let me eat her out. When she came, I felt my own orgasm building, although no-one had touched my cock yet. As she moved away, I squirted all over the ground and my left leg. Again, a roar of laughter erupted.

One by one, more than thirty women forced me to eat them out. After a while, it was all a haze, as one cunt replaced the next. Only a few stood out. One was so pregnant that it was difficult to get my tongue into her cunt. One of the grandmothers was very dry, and although she did not appear to enjoy it particularly she stayed a long time.

And a few, alas, had their period. I had never tasted period blood before, and discovered that I did not like it. One woman in particular must have started bleeding that same day, a heavy flow filled my mouth and drops ran down my body.

Eventually, the sun was setting. I do not know how many cunts I had licked, it felt like fifty at least, I strongly suspected some of the women had gone back in the line after their turn. But at sunset they left. María came with some food for me. I was grateful, of course, but also ashamed that she saw me like this. Eventually she left, she would spend the night with a handsome young lad - I would spend it tied to a tree, but at least I would be alone.

Next morning I woke up stiff, and with an awful taste in my mouth. María came with some food and water. Soon, she left to find the first guy of the day. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Then two women arrived, one of them quite young, they looked like mother and daughter. The mother carried a small wooden bowl with a brown mash in it - not very much, perhaps a few spoonfuls. She began feeding it to me. It tasted awful, but I did not fight it; I had been humiliated enough and did not feel like being force-fed. She explained something to her daughter, and they both pointed at my cock several times. Perhaps they had given me an aphrodisiac of some sort.

It turned out it was an aphrodisiac, after an hour the erection began. And soon the women of the village gathered again. Again they took turns raping me. One by one, they would sit in my lap, impaling themselves on my stiff cock. Some would put a nipple in my mouth while riding me. Somehow, I felt even more humiliated than before, but my cock had a mind of its own. I came in the first woman, she was old but she sure knew how to move. When I had filled her cunt, she stood up and forced it to my mouth. I had no choice but to eat my own cum. The next woman sat in my lap as soon as the previous had left. Almost all of them would make me lick their cunt at the end, some just a lick or two, but most wanted to be eaten out seriously.

I was coming in every second or third cunt, but less and less each time. The brown stuff I had eaten kept my cock stiff, but soon it became red and sore. After a while I was screaming in pain as they fucked me, but my cock remained stiff. The day passed in a haze of cunts, tits and ejaculations from a sore cock. Finally, the women had had enough and went away as the sun was setting. María came with my food. She looked worried, she had heard my screams all afternoon. When we had eaten, my erection had begun to subside, and I prepared for another uncomfortable night tied to a tree. María left to fuck a guy twice her age, but very well hung. She still enjoyed herself. They had also given her some of the brown stuff.

Next morning I woke up stiff again, but at least my cock did not hurt. Then the two women with the brown goo arrived. This time I resisted, but they managed to force most of it in me. Four more women arrived, and to my surprise I was untied from the tree. Sadly, it did not last long. They forced me to lie spread-eagled on the ground, my legs and arms tied to four poles. It did not take long before my erection returned, and the women gathered to rape me for the third time. This time they took me two at a time, one impaling herself on my cock, and one sitting on my face. I could taste her juices flowing into my mouth as she came. She took her time, remaining sitting on my face while her friend continued to ride my cock. Suddenly, my mouth filled with her pee, I gagged but had to swallow it if I did not want to drown. Then they swapped places. A now very wet cunt enveloped my cock, and a dripping twat forced itself into my face. I had hardly begun licking it when she too began peeing in my mouth. Finally, they had both had enough, and two new women took their places.

They all pissed. Most did it in my mouth, some on my face, a few on my belly. The very pregnant woman pissed while she was riding my cock. Suddenly the beautiful young woman I had enjoyed as one of the first two days earlier was standing over me. I could see her period had begun, red blood was flowing down her left leg. She called another woman over, who had been bleeding heavily the day before, and together they began fucking me. Just as I had got the worst taste of blood out of my mouth the pee arrived. At that moment I felt my cock explode in her friend. Then they swapped places, and a cunt filled with blood and cum descended on my face. This one pissed before I started licking, but stayed for quite a while before she was satisfied.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of piss, cunts, and a throbbing violet-red cock. Then finally the women left, and María came. She untied me and helped me up. I was covered in piss and mud, but nevertheless she hugged me without flinching, and helped supporting me as we walked into the jungle. I did not want to spend one more night in the village, and no-one tried to stop us. After perhaps ten minutes the stiffness in my legs was getting better, and I could walk without her aid. Then I saw that she, too, was limping a bit.

"I see you are sore, too. I guess twelve men in three days takes its toll."

She smiled at me. "There were only sixteen men in the village altogether, the rest were out on a hunt somewhere. So I thought it would be a pity leaving four of them out..."

She hesitated a bit. "I really am quite sore, and it is getting dark. Let us find a place to sleep."

We made a bed of fallen leaves under a big tree, and laid down together. It felt natural to hug her, and we fell asleep in each others arms. Next morning, we woke long after dawn. María looked at me tenderly.

"It is strange. You have fucked every women who was in that village, except me. And I have fucked all the men except you." Her voice trailed off, and we laid together for a while. Then I kissed her. Her hand went to my cock, and miraculously it began getting stiff. Perhaps there was still some of that brown aphrodisiac left in my body. María gently climbed on top of me, and lowered herself onto my now stiff manhood. I had not expected to be able to ever enjoy sex again, but as she gently fucked me I found to my surprise that it was wonderful, and that I wanted to spend the day fucking her. But soon I came, pain returned to my cock, and we had to break off.

We had only a vague idea where we were, but María claimed she knew what direction we should to walk to get back to the river and our boat. We both knew that it was at best a qualified guess, but we had nothing better to go by. It was slow going, we had only the little food we could gather in the forest, no clothes and no equipment. And we did not know if we would ever make it out of the rainforest alive. Somehow, the danger made us live the moment, and we had sex several times every day. I am sure if the villagers wanted to find us, they could follow the sounds of María's orgasms!

Miraculously, we eventually hit the river, and followed it downstream to the boat. Then it was simply a matter of sailing downstream, and soon we made it to the airstrip. The plane and its pilot were waiting for us. He was quite surprised to see us climbing out of the boat - naked, dirty, obviously starved and with neither equipment nor botanical samples. But we were alive.

Later that day we landed in the capital. The pilot had radioed ahead, and somebody from the university had brought spare clothes to the airport. In ill-fitting clothes, we took a taxi to María's apartment. I guess I was supposed to continue to my own after getting some food, but somehow I ended up staying for the night. Now, four month later, I am still in María's apartment, and the wedding is planned for next month. The expedition may have been a total failure from scientific point of view, but who am I to complain...