Ramu, His Amma and a Blackmailer

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A blackmailer brings Ramu and his amma closer to each other.
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Another mother-son incest story. All situations are made up and are fictional. Lots of scenes of taboo and incestuous sex between mother and son. Please do not read further if you are offended by such stories. Trying to come up with situations where a mother and her son would have sex. Comments and suggestions for other situations are welcome.


Ramu cursed the traffic as he rushed back from home on his two wheeler. Even in this small town, the roads had become congested with cars and other vehicles. His anxiety increased as he weaved through the crowded road. He wanted to reach home soon and hear what his amma had to say about his appa's condition and her meeting with the doctor.

His appa had started complaining about pain in his stomach starting about two years earlier. When it became obvious that it was not a simple stomach ache or problem, they started getting concerned. They consulted with various doctors and did the necessary tests. For two years they did what the local doctors and specialists told them to do. It was draining, physically, mentally and financially. The situation at home was very tense and stressful, with the lone earning member in bed, and the two children not yet out of school and college. But somehow they managed to pull through as a family, with no one to rely on or to ask for help. Ramu finished college and got a job in IT in a local multi-national company as a support specialist, and Rani got admitted to the nursing college with a scholarship and was away in the hostel. When all seemed lost and people started saying that his appa's days were numbered, they finally were directed to a specialist, Dr. GRS, in a town a short distance away, who gave them some hope.

Dr. GRS had finally made the diagnosis that the issue was with appa's digestive system, and a growth had formed in his intestine that had to be removed or something like that. It sounded easy, but was a lot more complex. A surgery was required to remove the offending growth and then a prolonged postoperative treatment was needed. All this was expensive but Ramu and his family had made arrangements and could handle this financial burden.

Dr. GRS was a great surgeon. People made the trek from all parts of the country to his hospital for treatment. The waitlist was long but since appa's condition was very critical, Ramu's family hoped they could get to the front of the list. That was what his amma went to discuss with the doctor that day. Ramu could not go as he was new at the job and was in an important training. His appa could not go as he was bed-ridden and tired most days. His younger sister, Rani, was still in college.

Reaching home, Ramu saw the expression on his amma's face and knew something was not right.

"Amma," he asked. "What happened? What did the doctor say? Will we get the appointment? Did we fix the room and date for the operation? Tell me, amma."

"Wait, Ramu. First eat, then I will tell...." Vidya said. But Ramu knew she was avoiding something.

"No, amma! This is important. Tell me what Dr. GRS said!"

"Aiyoh, Ramu!" His amma said in a hushed voice. "Keep your voice down. Don't want appa to get disturbed. Ramu..," She hesitated. "I...I..I think we should go to some other doctor.."

"What!" Ramu exclaimed. "Why, amma, why? We had all this planned. We are even ready to sell that ancestral property to take care of the expenses. There is no other doctor. The next one is in the Big City and you know we cannot take him there. We have no one there and the expenses will be twice what we have in hand. I cannot leave work, Rani cannot leave college. Why, amma? Tell me, what is the problem?"

"Oh! Aiyoh! Ramu," His amma sat down on the divan. "That doctor..he..he..is not a good man...."

"What? Good man? What do you mean? He is the best surgeon in this part of the country for this kind of treatment!"

"Maybe so, Ramu," Amma replied. "He may be a good doctor but he is..is...not..morally..good. He..he." she stammered.

"What, amma, what? What did he say? Did he want more money than we agreed...?"

"No, no," Amma said. "It is not the money. He.. he..,aiyoh! How can I say it?"

"It's okay, amma," Ramu went and sat next to her and held her hand. "Tell me..tell me what he said."

So Vidya told her son what Dr. GRS had said.

Ramu was shocked beyond belief. He was stunned into silence at what he heard.

"See, Ramu. I told you. So what do you want me to do? Should I agree.."

"NO! Amma, no!" Ramu shot back. "Don't even think..I can't believe you and I are talking about this. Okay, Okay. let me think.."

After some time he nodded to his amma. "Yes, we definitely have to change the doctor. Let's make plans to go to the Big City. It will be expensive. But it is appa's life we are talking about here. We can take some loans..and.."

So mother and son discussed options and then went to sleep.

Ramu tossed and turned in his bed all night. By morning, he had another plan in his head. He was afraid that his amma may not agree, because what he was going to suggest was not exactly legal. But it was worth a shot.

Next morning Ramu told his amma his plan. To his great surprise, his amma agreed, but only after she asked a lot of questions and was satisfied with his answers.


Vidya went to meet Dr. GRS that afternoon.

He greeted her warmly in his consultation room, And then he sent his nurse away and took Vidya to another very small, private room at the back. She followed him nervously.

She was aware of his eyes as they roamed all over her body. She felt violated in his presence. He sneered at her, enjoying her embarrassment.

"So," he started. "Do you agree with what I said then? Did you tell anybody? No, no. How could you have? Okay. You do this, and I will put your husband on the top of the list for treatment. Okay?"

Vidya stuttered and stammered, "What, what should I.. do you want me to..do?"

"Ha ha," Dr. GRS laughed softly. "Just let me do what a man does to a woman. You know all that. You are married..."

But Vidya wanted him to say it. Their plan depended on that.

She repeated, trying not to arouse his suspicion. "You mean, you want me to.."

He was suddenly irritated. "What do you think, woman? Do you think I want you to cook for me? Eh? Wash my clothes. I want you to spread your legs for me. I want you to take me inside you. Inside all your holes. Is that clear enough?!"

"Aiyoh..Why..why me? I..I..am just a simple..housewife..I..I. am..."

Dr. GRS said in a lewd manner, "That's what I like and want. Simple women, housewives, small town married, mature women. I have always wanted that. I don't care for modern women, with their thin, wasted bodies and dresses and perfumes and manners. My wife was like you, a simple pretty village girl. But now look at her. All skin and bones and no fat, doing everything in the name of being healthy, taking medicines and injections, going to the gym and building muscles..no hair on her body except on her head...ha! Who wants that..not me! It is not you that I want. Who do you think you are? Mona Lisa? Cleopatra?.. Ha ha.. It is what you represent. I find women like you more desirable. Tell me, is your husband the only man who has fucked you ..."

Vidya was stunned at the crudeness of his language. She looked up sharply, and he once again laughed. "Yes, yes.. I know...I know..I will show you what you all are missing. One session with me and you will....haha.."

"Aiyoh.. What if people find out.."

"No one will. I promise you that. This is not the first time I have had women do this for me..."

"Only..only..once..please..I am not that kind of woman. I am doing this out of desperation..our lives depend on my husband"

"Hah!" Dr. GRS said. "Let's start with one time..I have had women come back for more..who knows.." His eyes burned into her, undressing her as he spoke. "You seem to be a nice, healthy woman. Not too much fat or bulges. In fact, I think you are more fit than any other woman I have had recently."

Vidya felt his eyes on her breasts and belly and thighs and she tried to adjust her dress as much as she could. This just drew another snicker from the man ogling her blatantly from three meters away. "Hmmm, not bad. I would like to see what it is you are hiding. I am sure you have hair in all the right places, yes? All black and curly and bushy. What kind of panties are you wearing? I can't wait to see! Tell me, has your husband seen you naked? Have you seen him fully naked?" He laughed at her reaction. "I don't think so. Sometimes I am the first person they are naked in front of. And the first fully naked man they have seen. It makes them do wondrous things! You'll see.My god, it's going to be so good."

Vidya was disgusted. She wanted to run away from that room as soon as she could. She was doing this only because of Ramu's diabolical plan. Her skin cringed in the presence of this dirty old man.

He continued, "Okay, I will tell you where and when you should come. I will give you all the details..."


Ramu made his move the next day. He visited Dr. GRS unannounced and without an appointment.

"Ha Ramu," Dr. GRS said, "I met you amma yesterday and gave her all the details. Everything should be fine. I think we can accommodate your appa by the end of this month. All will be good."

Ramu said, "Okay sir. But is this what you discussed with my amma yesterday?" He extended a smartphone. A video was cued to play. He started the video and handed the phone to the doctor.

The doctor stared at the video with an amused expression on his face at first. Then his eyes grew wide and his face turned all red as he realized what he was looking at. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat and he stammered. "What, why, you bloody son of a bitch.. What is this..how..when.."

"This is what you told my amma yesterday, you sick man. This is you talking, asking my amma to sleep with you. In return for treating my father, you asshole of a person!"

"Get out! What do you think you can do? I will crush you like a cockroach! Take that and get out! You can't prove anything!" Saying that, he threw the phone against the opposite wall, breaking it into pieces. "Get out, and don't come back. Your father is not welcome here! I will not treat him. He will die, you motherfucker! Are you trying to scare me, blackmail me? You'll see what I can do!"

Ramu was calm. He said, "You think that is the only copy I have. I have made many many more. I can easily upload this to the internet in seconds and people will see what kind of man you are. Should I do that? OK I will!" Ramu got up to go.

Dr. GRS hissed, "Sit down, you sisterfucker! What do you want? Eh, tell me. You want money? I have money. You can take your father to another doctor and see what can be done. Is that enough? I will pay for everything. Hospital, room, operation, travel, nurses - everything. Is that what you want, you bastard turd?"

Ramu sat down. And for the next ten minutes he calmly detailed all that he expected the Dr. GRS to do.

He finished by adding, "And doctor, make sure my appa's operation is successful. Because, if anything were to happen to him, the video gets posted on the Internet. And if anything should happen to me or others in my family anytime in the next ten years, the video gets posted on the Internet. You need to be careful, very careful from now on. Do you understand that, you sick fucker!"

Dr. GRS replied with gritted teeth, "Yes, you motherfucker. You have me by the balls now. So you win. We will see what happens in the future. Hmm..You are that, aren't you?"

Now it was Ramu's turn to ask, "What? What am I? What are you saying?"

"You are really a blackmailing motherfucker! Have you fucked her yet?" Dr. GRS hissed.

"Who?" Ramu asked, but he was almost sure of what the other man was insinuating.

"Your mother, you stinking pig shit! Have you fucked your mother yet? Have you tasted her pussy juices? Has she sucked your cock? How did you convince her to join you in this scheme? She is one cunning piece of cunt, I tell you. And your sister, are you a sister fucker as well? I am sure both of them have well oiled holes for you to fu.."

Ramu took two steps towards the doctor and was about to fell him with his fist, but better sense prevailed at the very last second. He pulled his hand back and simply said, "Hey man, you better not mess up the operation. And if anything happens to me or my amma or my sister in any way, you will be done for. All that you have built here, your empire, your family, your future, your legacy - all will go down the drain with one click of a switch. Keep that in mind! And Keep your tiny, old, shriveled dick and balls in your pants."


Ramu could not believe how a man of Dr. GRS stature could behave in such a manner. He was a very dirty man with a very dirty mind. Ramu was glad that his own blackmailing plan was going to work. At last, there will be some peace and quiet at home. Some amount of stress and panic and tension would definitely be reduced knowing that appa would be getting the required treatment.

But something that Dr. GRS had said bothered him. How could that man insinuate that there was a sexual relationship between him and amma? And also with Rani? Only a sick mind could conjure or imagine such a thing.

Ramu, though, felt some amount of guilt. He had not thought about his amma and Rani in those lines. Recently. But he recalled now that he definitely had some dirty thoughts about the women in his house while in his teens. Which boy or man did not. But that was a long, long, very long time ago, when he used to imagine and fantasize about any or all women and girls.

But the recollection of his thoughts came rushing back to him, as if the doctor's words had opened the floodgates.

How much had his sister Rani changed in just one summer? She had gone from a gawky girl to a very pretty, doe-eyed beauty over the holidays. She had filled out and Ramu had overheard amma telling Rani to cover herself properly, to protect herself from the lewd glances of man and boys now that she was almost a grown woman. Her thighs were big and hard against her clothes, her breasts were prominent and the size of small melons. Amma had even suggested that Rani's breasts would grow to be bigger than her own. This obviously led to Ramu ogling Rani's and his amma's tits and imagining all sorts of things he could do with them. He started looking for the outline of their bulges in their dresses, looking for bra straps and fantasizing about the shape and size of their boobs. He became adept at knowing when they were wearing bras and when they were not. Their nipples poked out of the thin material of their blouses when unencumbered by a bra. This then extended to their other under garments and he discovered how Rani and amma hid their panties, washing them in private and hanging them to dry where no one would notice. But Ramu now recalled how he had found that out and the times he went and rummaged through their dirty clothes to touch, feel and smell their undergarments. His amma always wore the standard full back black cotton ones, while Rani had all sorts of fashionable, colored, modern ones. For some reason, he was more aroused thinking about his amma but not so much about Rani. He felt ashamed at doing such things to his younger sister. He imagined appa and amma having sex. He went as far as positioning himself at the door to their bedroom to hear the noises, but he was not successful. His amma was a simple woman, but had a nice figure. Her thighs were prominent and her behind was tight against her sari.

But Ramu's character and behavior and thoughts and outlook on life changed as he started college. He had matured and started focusing on studies and his future. He just moved on, attributing his dirty thoughts about his amma and Rani to just a phase in his adolescent life and did not give it much thought any longer. Then his appa's illness hit them hard, and Ramu had no time for anything else.

But fuck, fuck fuck! The images and recollection of himself all those many years ago - ogling his amma as she went about her work at home, looking at her backside and exposed midriff, the valley between her tits, the suppleness of the tops of her breasts, him touching and smelling her panties - all these sent blood rushing to his groin and in an instant he felt an erection forming in his pants.

What the fuck? I am going home to tell amma about how our plan has worked, about how our troubles may soon be over. But I am having thoughts about her panties and her tits and her body! I have a boner in my pants as hard as stone. Shit!

Fortunately, Ramu ran into a few friends and together they sat down at a roadside tea stall to have tea. Ramu was quite settled when he reached home. But the sight of his amma sent his pulse racing. It was obvious that she was anxiously waiting for Ramu, to hear the result of his encounter with Dr. GRS. Her hair was disheveled, her face reflected her nervousness, she was sweating slightly. She did not pay much attention to her appearance, but Ramu could see that her pallu was loosely placed on her chest, her blouse covered tits were exposed and he could sense the valley of her cleavage.

"Aiyoh, Ramu! You are back! Come, come, tell me what happened. Dod everything go according to our plan?"

"Yes, yes,Amma...."

"Wait," His amma said, "Let's have dinner and then you can tell me everything!"

They shared the happy news with his appa over dinner, not telling anything about the blackmailing, of course. Then they medicated appa and had him sleeping peacefully in the bedroom.

A little while later, Vidya went and sat on the sofa. She put her head back on the headrest and let out a sigh of relief.

She was unaware of Ramu looking at her. He gulped as he noticed her pose. The pallu of her saree had become crumpled and thin and passed between her breasts, which were clearly outlined. She raised her hand and crossed her arm across her eyes. His eye went to the thick line of sweat on the armpit of her raised arm. Ramu realized his amma was not wearing a bra, but her tits were still firm and raised. The dark areolas of her breasts could be seen through the material of her blouse. Her chest rose and fell with her labored breathing. Her fleshy hips and tummy were exposed and glistened with sweat. Ramu felt an erection forming. Thoughts about his amma from earlier in the day made his cock quickly become engorged with blood.

Suddenly she opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to notice that Ramu was looking at her. She sat up and adjusted her saree. Ramu was startled, but was too shocked to move. Vidya patted the space next to her, indicating Ramu to sit next to her. "Come, son. Tell me everything!"

Ramu gulped and quickly went and sat down next to her. He did not want his amma to notice the bulge in his shorts. But Ramu saw that her face flushed slightly and was sure she had noticed the thickness on the front of his shorts in the few seconds it took him to come and sit. As they sat, their thighs almost touched each other's.

"Amma, the Dr. was shocked. He is scared out of his wits. That bastard deserved it. He agreed to everything I asked. Appa will get an air-conditioned room tomorrow, ..." And he went ahead and gave her all the details.

"Ah. Ramu! Are you sure?" Vidya asked. "Do you think the doctor will do all this?"